ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I could never have the baby sleep in our bed as our 3 dogs sleep there and I would always worry they would snap and attack!
We had Lottie in our room for the first 6 months and then moved her into her room and her cot.

She slept through the night from a very young age and wasn't fussed when she moved to her room... it was harder for me to adjust! :rofl: Being so used to having her right there that I could hear her breathing or respond quickly if I needed to.

Baby will be in with us for 6 months or until it establishes a good sleeping pattern like Lottie and then the pair will be in the same room. Recipe for disaster (well it sounds it now) but I shared with my brother when we were little and friends and family of mine have their little ones sharing so i know it's possible to achieve! :thumbup:

EDIT: by in our room I mean in a moses basket, then a crib. We didn't do co-sleeping as I got no sleep!
obviously ours is going to be in our room, but in it's own bassinet. We got the bassinet free so there wasn't the cost to worry about there at all!!! There's no way I'd have bought one new; sheesh they're expensive for only a few months of use! But yeah, in our room for my own peace of mind really, and it'll probably be in it's cot (in the nursery) during the day so it is used to sleeping there, just means it's 'on hand' if it's right beside me at night! Once it's older it'll move into the cot full time, and the nursery is right beside our room so it should be fine. :)

5 days to go until I'm due... Ugh. This waiting *will* drive me nutty I'm sure!

I'm generally fairly good at night, I'm getting up 2-3 times to the toilet, but can usually get back to sleep again pretty easily. Having said that the past two nights I've been unable to sleep for 2-3 hours from about 3am onwards though... lol! But my HIPS are getting sore now! I can't sleep on my tummy (obviously) but nor can I sleep on my back (I get squashed by the bulk!) which means one side or the other. And the weight of my tummy pulling against my loose ligaments means that the hip I'm laying on gets soooooooo achey I have to roll over to the other hip.... until that one gets sore too. By morning I'm flipping sides every hour, and I can tell ya that simply rolling over takes a few mins anyway with the bump in the way!!!

I'm not complaining, really. I'm uncomfy at night, and I DO want to have this baby right about now, but at the same time, I'm fully aware of making the most of my last days being pregnant, cos I do so love it...!
We will be co-sleeping but not in the same bed - taking one of the sides off the crib and strapping it to our bed so the baby has it's own space but is still sort of sharing the bed. Transition should be easier too if baby is already in the crib environment - put the 4th side back on initially and then move it into the other room. We're quite happy to keep baby in with us for the first 6-9 months.

I'll have my hammock too and I think I might use that for naps but I'm not sure yet.

And Sarah, DH did take his course last weekend (regular traffic not air - air traffic is a 3-4 year thing) and did well and is even more interested than ever in persuing, but still waiting for work.
ok so I have yet to get it edged at all, but I had to model it anyway; this is my wrap:
it doesn't fit well cos my baby bump is so big it makes the top loose, and the soft toy I'm using in it has to sit over my bump and it's not very well proportions for it... LOL! But anyway, it's a perfect length with a baby bump in the way so should be fine once it's gone and with a baby strapped in instead! :)
I love it! It's so pretty!
I couldn't let Ella out of our room until 9 months! I was too scared....she actually went to her room just fine. Kian sleeps next to my bed in a bassinet right now. My bed is only a queen so don't even know how we would all fit!

Ndh, how will you get out of bed w the crib there? Also what is a hammock? I mean, iknow of them for adults, outside in between trees or whatever, but what does one do with one fir a baby?

Sarah do you have a king? That's a lotta dog in your bed!

Mummy will Lottie be out of a crib when they are sharing?

Flying that's a neat sling!

I just got home from a surprise baby shower! Lol. It was planned before kian came early, so they went on with it. Was a good time. But thought I would he home tonight to clean before a photographer came to our house tomorrow, and our house is a mess and I need sleep bad.....so I'm aggravated about that. Perhaps since oh was in on this baby shower business he should have hinted for us to clean last night while we were home......kinda makes me mad. So, I'm off to clean now!
great wrap flying!
Glad you mentioned the sore hips cos that's one of my main reasons for waking and i kind of thought it was only me getting sore hips and couldn't work out exactly what was causing the pain, but it's exactly how you described it. So really glad to know i'm not the only one :thumbup:
and turning is a slow and painful process cos it feels like the left half of my pubic bone is pulling away from everything else (which i'm sure is due to loose ligaments).

ny - yay for a surprise shower but sorry you now have to clean afterwards.
yeah, my hips have been loose since early on; they used to just clunk and click something terrible when rolling over in bed (and yes, feel like it's all just falling apart!) and take a bit to get moving comfortably when getting OUT of bed, but they weren't really all that sore. They are getting sore now though, that's for sure. I haven't had them checked out at all as I'm really just assuming that it's due to all the ligaments being loose down there as well as the fact I must stand differently and so forth with the bump... I know it's not due to carrying extra weight, cos I'm lighter now than I was before I got pregnant! But the SHIFT in weight I think isn't helping. It doesn't help that babies head is poking into my left hip right now though too. lol.

Just been sorting out my hospital bag. I had things sorta packed, but I've just gone through it all and packed 99% of the stuff I'll need that I can pack now, and the rest is being written on a list (things like cell phone, camera, tooth brush etc; that I will be using before I pop so can't pack yet!) so it's all fairly ready to go. I intend to stay in there for a night or two though, and DH and mum can always pick up anything else I need if I've forgotten or want something anyway. :)

Now baby; hurry up! I'm ready and waiting for you!!!

lol NDH, and I've found someone through the internet who will quickly serge the edges of my wraps for me cos the prospect of hemming nearly 14 metres sounds like more work than I wanna do right now. :p I'm going to take them up to her tomorrow when I'm finished at work. :)
yay for packing your bag!
And i think it sounds much better to have someone else edge all that fabric for you!
Ny, how lovely to get a surprise shower! But boo about the last minute cleaning. I hope you get help with it!

As for how I'll get out of bed, it'll have to be off the end of the bed same as I do now (or climbing over DH :haha: The bed is currently against the wall, we'll pull it out far enough for the crib to go between.

Here's a link to the hammock I'm making https://karynforyou.wordpress.com/2008/08/26/make-your-own-baby-hammock/. It explains a bit about how they work - basically though most babies find the swinging and undulating soothing, and if they stir in their sleep it sets the hammock swinging and usually settles them back to sleep. Can take the place of a battery operated baby swing too so doesn't have to be for sleeping. I won't be using it for nighttime sleeping so when baby starts being able to roll over I'll be able to make sure s/he doesnt roll over and suffocate, though ita generally not easy for them to roll over in the first place.

Amy, yay for having someone do the serving so you don't have to hem them all! That would not be a fun job. Serging will be difficult enough lol.
hi everyone

dew where is your update :cry:

ny you looked lovely at your shower, you dont look at all tired! and yes we do have a king. although this week we are sleeping in separate beds to separate the dogs because of the fight last week. I think we've talked about it before but I love it! Im not a cuddly person in bed, I find hubby is too hot and sweaty so its not weird to me at all...I know my inlaws for example would think thats awful!! I have dreams of having 2 king beds attached as a massive bed, our master room is big enough to fit it but I havent found anything like that for sale :haha:

flying the wrap looks nice, is that a cuddly toy I see poking out of the top as a model for baby!! hmmm only a couple of days until tuesday which is my predicted DD!! just think, this time next week you might have a lovely warm baby sitting on you :cloud9:

ndh that hammock looks cute. you girls are all so creative. Im good at designing things but not making things. I cant wait to design the babies room and I cant wait to buy cute clothes either.

NY / Babyhopes.....how are your stomachs? its something I never really ask people after they have a baby but its something I can ask you girls! after the birth does it feel like loads of loose skin and fat? I just wondered, and if any of you feel like sharing a photo Id love to see how it looks if you are not shy :blush: Im sure celebs have a mini tummy tuck at the same time as cessarian as they all have such flat stomachs after and Ive never really seen what it looks like after birth.
haha, yeah it was a soft toy tiger helping to model the wrap for me! I put the cats in, but they both wanted to sit sideways in it so didn't work so great. LOL.

And yup, definitely keen to have a baby there any day now instead though... There's a full moon on the 12th (wed) so I wonder if that'll help push anything along? lol! I really am sooooooo glad I'm working still, I had a total break down last night, after two days of sitting about basically just *waiting* drove me nuts, I wanted that baby out then and there!!! I'm still feeling crappy, but at least I'm on my way to work now so I can keep my mind off it until this evening!!!
I see that you all have been very active on thread while I was MIA :)
Lately, due to various reasons I have been so tired and busy that I didn't have energy or time to come online. AF came full flow last night so on to next IUI cycle with same treatment plan. I am very sleepy right now so will write more later. Nothing exciting or new came out of meeting with RE in Mayo. Just confirmation of what we already know.

Hope you all are doing well :hugs: Flying I am thinking of you so much...your pictures are lovely :thumbup:
Mummy will Lottie be out of a crib when they are sharing?

She's currently in her cotbed... but with the side off (as she can climb out with it on! :dohh:) She's ready for a big bed... but we have a whopping great big couch in her room... convenient for bed time stories etc and before we had her as it has a bed in it! So when my Dad's here - him and Mike will sort out getting it out the house, sold/donated to charity etc.

After that we can then get Lottie a big girls bed :cloud9: and make a fuss about her not being a baby and being our grown up girl! The baby wont be needing the cotbed she's in at the moment until 6 months old as we have a moses basket AND a crib until then. Then Baby will go in the cotbed until it is big enough to go into a big girl/boys bed.

Sorry about all your cleaning! :( But :yipee: for the surprise shower!!

I see that you all have been very active on thread while I was MIA :)
Lately, due to various reasons I have been so tired and busy that I didn't have energy or time to come online. AF came full flow last night so on to next IUI cycle with same treatment plan. I am very sleepy right now so will write more later. Nothing exciting or new came out of meeting with RE in Mayo. Just confirmation of what we already know.

Hope you all are doing well :hugs: Flying I am thinking of you so much...your pictures are lovely :thumbup:

:hugs: Thinking of you sweetheart! xx

Flying... not long now hun! 4 days to go!!! :dance: Awesome wrap hun! Can't wait to see baby in there! :dance: My hips are thankfully no where near as painful as with Lottie, but they certainly click when i turn over. Hubby heard it this morning and said what the heck was that???? He couldn't believe it was my hip, sounded like something breaking! :rofl:

Natalie... good news for hubby that he enjoyed his course! :thumbup: Thanks for showing us the hammock... I was also confused! :haha: it looks good! :thumbup:

hope you're all well... :hugs:
Sarah, my tummy is bad! It's basically like a deflated, saggy balloon with a shelf and the c section is like under the fold right now. Lol. Sunds pretty huh. I will see about a pic tomorrow. I'm exhausted right now. I love the idea of 2 king beds. Omg that just made me want that sooooo bad. I like space also and hate snuggling! And thanks for saying I didn't look tired in my shower pics. I am soooo lucky I put makeup on and brushed my hair that day. Was the first day since c section I happened to get ready and not wear sweats! Phew. Was a lot of fun.

Ndh I like that hammock too. Can't wait to see yours.

Dew sorry nothing new was figured out at mayo. Will you be following up with them again for anything or was that enough?

Mummy I bet Lottie will love getting her big girl bed and sharing a room with baby. Well, maybe! Haha.

Sorry if more is going on. I am asleep! Lol.
just checking in, with nothing to report still. I'm tired and a bit achey, but otherwise still in one piece and still waiting....! lol.

Mum and my little brother & sister are coming down tomorrow (she lives 1.5 hours away) to stay with my older brother just along the road. Then she'll be 'on hand' if/when I want her, but not having us all stuck in our wee house on top of each other when I'm feeling tired & crabby either!

I got the wraps serged this afternoon, it took all of 10-15 mins to get them done so that's that sorted!! I just need to put the motifs on which I'll probably do tomorrow cos I'm buggered right now and it's getting later in the evening! But once I've done that, they are DONE, and I'll pack one into my hospital bag so if I do decide to stay for a few days then I can start practising with it on the ward! :)

There's only two of us from our antenatal class who have yet to give birth now! From 12 couples, even the very last couple on the list has popped, so it's just me due on the 14th, and another couple due on the 19th who are left; so I'm definitely one of the last now, and I may well be THE last at this rate!!! *sigh*

4 days until EDD. And counting. :)
Wow 10/12 of you already have given birth and you hadn't even all reached due dates yet. Did anyone go overdue at all? I hope you're not last! What do you mean by you still have to put the motif on the wraps?

Dew, I'm sorry the mayo didn't have anything new for you, but it's good that the doctor is pleased with the regimen you were on and thinks it's worth another try on the same.

Sarah, two king beds sounds lush but I'd be thrilled with just one king lol. A king is plenty of space for the two of us, though I can see it getting quite crowded with 3 dogs sharing it too :haha: the problem with a king and kids though is it's hard to keep them out of the bed lol.
dew do you think you would go to the mayo clinic if you decided on ivf or will you still look at other clinics. were their stats good / did you like it there? thats the sort of details Im interesting in, I figured the recommendation would be the same. Im hoping you will do IVF next month so we can just be pregnant already :haha: obviously it might not work first time but Im happy to be moving onto the treatment that will give me the best chance.

I know you are not sure if it will be the best chance for you as you dont know how you will respond...but surely on a higher dose of meds you will respond ok? my thinking is its the best chance compared to IUI as even if say they only get 3 eggs they can take the eggs, inject the sperm right into it, and put back the best one so better chances than randomly with IUI. And I wonder why your clinic isnt upping your meds a little to try and get more than one follicle this next month? its pretty standard to want to try and have more follicles for IUI for better chances. Sorry if Im misunderstanding your diagnosis/protocols, just wondering about these things :hugs:

I also am telling myself that its ok if it takes a few goes of IVF especially if I get some frozen each time, my husband will be mainly upset about the money (he is a little 'cheaper' than me) but I told him look, lets have a $36,000 budget so 3 goes, if you think about how much you spend on a kid throughout its life its not that bad! if that doesnt work I will have to consider donor eggs, I have no idea how that works exactly but I would give that a go to at least have one of us biologically related.

3 dogs plus us in a king is not bad....one sleeps inbetween our heads where the pillows are, and one is usually snuggled into my lap and one by hubbies feet. we barely notice anymore, and they are only small dogs so probably equal one large one!! NY Im glad you liked my 2 king beds idea :haha: even 2 queens or doubles would be a nice size.

its thanksgiving for us here, so happy thanksgiving from canada!
Ny, hope you enjoyed your surprise shower,.. !! seems lovely !! xx

Sarah, i second Ny. my stomach is a flap with the section scar under it.. it was like that, but now seems to be improving, the flap is not that bad, it usually is really bad, but as the weeks go on, it does improve, ive got the ridiculous stretch marks though, all the way down to my bikini, and more :( i need to lose all the weight so that my stomach is not a flap anymore.. and i think i may start going on the Wii everyday as im on house arrest with the baby.. lol during the day.. my car is not child friendly so cant go out, have to rely on dh every evening.. so i will start going on the Wii.. let me see if i can get pics. lol..

Flying, loving your sling.. you are so close, its unreal !

Dew, good luck for your next cycle, sorry about AF :hugs:

Mummy, im sure lottie will be so excited about her new bed ! all girly and pink.. !! it will be so surreal for you and mike to look back on how shes grown so fast, that shes on her own bed already.. im looking forward to that.. got a long time to go though !

hope everyones doing well, ive had a bad few nights, with her not sleeping after her feed and been totally shattered, going to try and catch up on some sleep, ive been too tired to come online..

NDH, cant believe your in third tri already !! just saw your signature and i was thinking wow !! :hugs:

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