ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Ndh, hiccups are cute at first, but soon theyre annoying! Sounds like I'd neither job assures it to be steady, then the one that pays more would be the best for now....it's funny to hear that around Christmas it's too hot to cook there. We are freezing around Christmas!

Yummy, I want turkey and cranberries. Yum mm.

Dew I'm sorry about the prescriptions. Did you end up getting them? Any way to increase coverage for prescriptions? Mine didn't cover prescriptions until I met my deductible, and my progesterone got kind of pricey, but no where near $1500. That syi is. This too shall pass Hun.
Oooh... NDH... I don't know! It's a tough call really!! Some work is better than none obviously, but hope you find what works best for you both! PS... :yipee: for hiccups... and yep they can get annoying after a while! :rofl: when you feel like you have a twitch in your butt! :rofl:

Dew... :cry: I'm sorry love! I really wish things start working out for you!!! :hugs:

Nikki... this is true... the baby could come anytime! The plan is to breastfeed... but I'm not going to be puting myself through too much emotional stress to do so. I have to remember that I have a toddler that needs me too... and if it starts getting like Lottie did (feeding for about 21/24 hours in the day) then I'll switch to formula. Sounds like I'm selling out... but really Lottie needs me too... and if it means someone else can feed the baby, or even that Lottie can help me feed the baby and make her feel more involved... then that's what we'll do. In an ideal world... I'd love to breastfeed successfully... but after my experience with Lottie I KNOW it's not as easy as some people make it out to be! :hugs:

Hope you're all okay.... thinking of you flying!! I guessed that you'd have baby on the 13th... I'm still in with a chance of being right! Come on little baby!!!
Well tuesday must be out of the running by now Sarah; sorry! :haha:

We have definite names; a boys name and a girls name. The boys name COULD be changed I think, if it doesn't suit, but the girls name has been a definite total fav for years now, and we still *adore* the name more than anything else so there's no way it'll change! I doubt the boys name would be anything other than our first pick though either. :)

NDH; woohoo on a job offers! I know it's hard to have to make a decision; I'd probably go with the better paying job too seeing neither one is a guarantee of permanence. And really; to have two options now when for so long there's been nothing must still be pretty awesome; it's win-win either way as there will be some money coming in regardless of the decision! Yay! :)

And lol at the hiccups! This lil one seems to have cut back on them lately, but for a while there I was feeling them at LEAST 4-5 times a day, and yup invariably they were right into my cervix as well as up the top of my bump! lol. I'm still feeling them a few times a day, but not as constantly as it seemed a week or so ago...

Oh Dew... :hugs:

It's after 8pm on wednesday now, still nothing. lol. There's others in various october groups I'm on who have been having contractions on and off for days/a week or more now and still have nothing, so I'm HOPING that I'm just gonna be one of these ones that goes into labour fairly suddenly without all the warm-up contractions, cos it's bad enough waiting without wondering if the current bout of contractions are 'the' ones or now!!! lol! And at the same time I'm hoping that my lack of signs doesn't mean I'm AGES away too! We shall see... but I'm so keen right now to meet my son or daughter!!!
Ndh, hiccups are amazing !!! yay for hiccups... i never found them annoying, i totally cherished them as every hiccup or movement in my case was reassurance that she was doing ok in there ! enjoy them, these are small moments of happiness to be cherished xx hiccups and then kicks etc..

Ny, i am getting her vaccinated at 2 months.. she has already had her BCG and Hep B... my dh was stressed about not getting enough sleep too as he has to drive far for work, but he dosent wake up, i think he tries to blank out the noises.. i do the night feeds anyway and he does them during the weekends.. as much as he can !

Mummy, eek a few more weeks.. and youre up !! 28th of oct !! xx a scorpion baby !

Dew, Gemmas scan and check up is tomorrow.. xxx :hugs: so sorry about your situation at the moment, hoping for the best for you always xxx

Flying, any day now... any day... i bet youre over the moon and so excited and nervous at the same time... xxxxx :hugs:

sarah, how are you ? :hugs: hope youre doin ok.. xxxx

Huggles, hope youre fine xxxxx

afm, ive not been online as im really not getting any sleep.. this girl does not seem to understand the difference between night and day, and its soo tough... im catching as much sleep as i can during the day, or atleast trying to.. ive got the housework as well, so its really stressful at the moment.. we have her check up and scan tomorrow and my post natal appointment on saturday..

have a lovely day ladies xxxxxx
Preethi, are you doing anything to try to help Gemma differentiate between day sleeps and night time? I know there's no one thing that works for every baby, and often nothing but time really helps, but sometimes having an obvious routine that makes bedtime different from nap time can help. Ignore me if you've already tried all that of course :haha: I hope she sleeps better soon.

Mummy, sounds like a good plan - with a toddler already there's no need to stress yourself out about breastfeeding if it isnt smooth sailing. And if you do have to bottle feed I bet lottie would love to help feed her baby brother or sister :thumbup:.

Amy, I hope it's soon and your LO doesnt keep you waiting much longer. At least I hope yours comes before Mummy's so you're not first due fourth to give birth.

DH decided to go with the traffic job - as it turns out it's work at least til the end of the contract on the current road they're on (could be a week or two), and by the time it finishes I'm sure they'll be suitably impressed and have more work for him. Plus it'll be more local so I'll have car access if I take him to work (once I get my drivers licence renewed. I let it slide at the end of September as I couldn't afford to renew it - or justify the expense when I so seldom drive anyway lately. There's no penalty for renewing up to 6 months after expirey, though of course haven't been able to drive but that's no biggie).
I have to get up at 5 to make him breakfast though. Well I don't HAVE to, but I offered. I've always tried to make a point of cooking him breakfast 2-3 times a week. But 5am - oh joy lol.
ndh thats the one I was going to say I would do....its something he wants to do and so take the risk and hope it leads into something more :thumbup: and wow you are a good wife, Id never get up at 5am to cook hubby breakfast :haha: we keep planning on getting up and going for a walk with the dogs from at 8am, but I keep sleeping in till 9am! I am NOT a morning person at all. My natural sleep times seems to be Midnight-9am. LAst night I got sucked into watching Househunters International as they were in Port Douglas, Queensland and we visited there last year!

dew :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: thats not fair, I wish there had been warning. so Im assuming the cysts were nothing and you have the go ahead...thats good news. Even though paying $1500 is miserable you might get pregnant and save yourself a lot of money in the long run so lets keep our FXd for you this cycle. If you did do IVF how much of that would be covered of the procedure not the drugs? the drugs are usually $3000-$4000 here for IVF, not sure if they are more there.

flying ok my date prediction was wrong, lets see if my boy prediction is right :happydance:
All this talk about hiccups has given Kristin hiccups! She's very obviously head down at the moment and I am trying not to laugh as my butt shakes.
What is up with BnB? I thought my computer was having problem and not loading website properly but it's the same on all computers...I find the current look very annoying.

Thanks everyone for hugs and kind words :hugs:

My estrogen reading was 38 on day 4 (last time it was 25 on day 3, range is 23-75) so was asked to continue with follistim injections. I did go back to pharmacy last night and bought one (instead of two) 600 IU cartridge and started my injections last night. We were not aware of a pharmacy max of $2000 for infertility drugs so it really came as a shock to both of us. Sarah, I still don't know the actual cost of my drugs but I am assuming it is close to $2000 for 1200 IU of follistim, 1 ganirelix acetate, 1 ovidrel shot, 90 pills of 200mg prometrium.

We have yet to decide between Mayo or current clinic for IVF (not considering any others). Mayo is definitely very good, I can't doubt their services. But I do like our current clinic as well. Mayo doctor was happy with our IUI treatment regimen and very satisfied with my response. We may or may not try one more cycle of IUI, a lot depends on how insurance is managing IUI expenses. We wouldn't want to waste this year's $8000 max for infertility treatment. Once we have exhausted $8000, everything comes out of our pocket. DH may talk to his HR or whoever takes care of insurance at work and explain our situation to take their advice on upgrading to a plan which can benefit us better for next year.

Mayo doctor said for women like me with diminished ovarian reserve (who produce less eggs for IVF), she recommends 2 cleavage stage transfer rather than 5 day blastocyst because they believe eggs may like it better inside the uterus rather than on incubation plate. But if egg number is not an issue, definitely blastocyst transfer yields better results.
She is also not very keen on genetic testing of embryos before transfer because 1) it is not a foolproof test, 2) doesn't yet tests for all genes, 3) since it is not foolproof, some of the good embryos may be left out thus reducing the chance of implantation/pregnancy.
They also do a strict sperm morphology test to determine if ICSI is required. For some of the initial US and blood draw, I could go to a local clinic which will then send my scan results and blood samples to Mayo. This way we can avoid few trips to Mayo (it is 1 and half hour drive from home, will definitely be more when it starts snowing).
She mentioned putting me and DH on antibiotics and me on BCPs before starting IVF stimulation medications. They will also repeat my day 3 hormone tests, day 3 ultrasound and perform a practice transfer to learn more about my uterus and stuff.
Since we haven't discussed IVF protocol with current RE, we don't know how their protocol differs from Mayo.

NDH: great news about DH's job. Hope good luck keeps pouring on you and him :thumbup:

Preethi: good luck with Gemma's test [-o<

Wishing only the best for all of you lovely ladies :flower: :hugs:
thanks for all the info dew :hugs: I hate this new layout too, its ok when you are in a thread but when you are looking in a folder at all the threads its all squished with ads on the side :growlmad:

what is 2 cleavage stage transfer? ive only heard about day 3 and day 5.

interesting about the genetic testing...LL said all but one of hers showed chromosomal abnormalities. hard to know if those abnormalities would cause M/C or heath problems. my clinic only does that kind of testing for genetic health reasons like when someone needs to have a certain gender due to a rare gene. Im sure some of the embryos dont survive the testing and they could have been good ones.

greenfingers has 5 of the 6 dividing, they have been graded at 3 and so she is worried (1 being the best). I wonder what the stats are on that grade 3's resulting in healthy pregnancies. Its amazing to know all this stuff but I think we can know too much too! I know I am going to hard a hard time next month, with the waiting plus I was nauseous on 75ml of gonal f so Im worried about 300ml. I will have to clear most of my work incase I dont feel good. my mum will be here though, Im going to tell her everything...had been wanting to surprise her with a bfp but she will need to know as she will be here during some of my apts. plus it will be nice to finally have someone to talk to about it.

Im upset as its another slow week at the spa. we sent out a newsletter with a great deal on, but everywhere is slow at this time. Im worried I may have to move another $1000 over this week :growlmad: that my IVF money dammit!!
Preethi- Unfortunately, I've been told not to even BOTHER trying to do any sort of schedule building with a baby until around 6 months...before that is pointless. Sorry:( What is BCG vaccine? I am thinking of not doing Hep B....seems there is not a very high risk for my baby to get that, and im questioning all these vaccinations they want to do SO early now days. Scary. How come you had to do hep B, does she have a high risk for it?

Dew- maybe you covered this already and I missed it, but How much more will IVF drugs cost you at the pharmacy when you go ahead with that?
NY - hep B is a routine vacc in SA. Maybe it's the same where babyhopes is?
Our vacc schedule looks like this (there are a few additional vaccs that can be gotten privately, but this is the government schedule:

Routine immunisation schedule in South Africa:
At birth (OPV, BCG)
6 weeks (OPV, DTP, HBV, Hib)
10 weeks (OPV, DTP, HBV, Hib)
14 weeks (OPV, DTP, HBV, Hib)
9 months (Measles)
18 months (OPV, DTP, Measles)
5 years (OPV, DT)

BCG = bacillus Calmette-Guérin (tuberculosis) vaccine primarily preventing TB meningitis in infants
OPV = oral polio vaccine
DTP = diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine
DT = diphtheria, tetanus vaccine
HBV = hepatitis B vaccine
Hib = Haemophilus influenza group b (meningitis) vaccine

Dew - I'm really sorry you're having to pay so much for the meds. Really hope you get some great results soon :hugs:

Sarah - sorry the spa is doing so badly lately. Hopefully it picks up around xmas time and you get lots of extra money coming in.

NDH - yay for hiccups! I love them! And also really yay that your hubby is getting work now!

Babyhopes - hope you get some sleep soon and good luck at gemma's appointments.
Ny, DH and I have decided to opt out of hep B vaccine. No one can decide for you obviously, but according to the WHO it's only considered necessary if you live in an area with 2% of the population with it (and Alaska is one of only two places in the West that fits that bill) or if the mother has it. It's not 100% effective and isn't hard to avoid contracting so for ourselves we decided the risks outweigh the benefits.

6am and the kitchen looks like a warzone but DH is off to a good start to his day and I'm going back to bed :rofl:

Edit as I've just seen Huggles' post: Do you not get the MMR vaccine there? (measles mumps and rubella).
Sarah: I am also not very clear on embryo transfer stage. Just read this which makes better sense...

"In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is fertilisation (egg and sperm creating an embryo) in a laboratory (in a 'test tube'). With regular IVF, embryos are transferred into the woman's uterus two to three days after fertilisation (at the cleavage stage). An alternative technique delays transferal until five to six days after fertilisation (at blastocyst stage). This may be better timing and allow choice of more viable embryos. The review of trials found evidence that more women will have a pregnancy and baby with blastocyst transfer than with regular IVF. There was however, a higher risk that a women would have fewer embryos to freeze and no embryos available for transfer."

Sarah, you are also an interior decorator, right? One time we called a lady to give us an estimate on custom draperies/curtains/valences, her estimate was too high so we decided not to use her services but we did receive a bill of $350 just for home visit and estimate. I don't how you work but could you make money like that during your hard times?

I also had my pap smear done today. Did you get your results?

I am worried about you talking to your mom about your fertility treatments. Hope it's not too bad on both of you. I haven't talked to anybody in my family either.
Dew- maybe you covered this already and I missed it, but How much more will IVF drugs cost you at the pharmacy when you go ahead with that?

NY: It depends on the volume of drugs given to me. Right now I am using a total of about 950 IUs and it is costing around $2000. Dosage for IVF can easily be 3 times of that (or even more) and cost may multiply accordingly, not too sure though.
well tomorrow is D-day! wow!!! TOMORROW!?! It's been sooooooooooo long for this day to come, and now all of a sudden it's here TOMORROW! eep! Yay! omg...


Speaking of hiccups, my lil one has them now that I'm sitting here too. heh. I do still enjoy feeling them; they almost tickle! lol. I *think* baby might have dropped more, cos last night in bed when I was feeling my tummy all over it felt rather 'fuller' down the bottom of my bump and down into my pelvis than it has done before... I have a midwife appointment tomorrow after work, if I don't pop before then, so we'll see if it has or not. It'll probably still be sitting in the same spot tho cos last week I thought it'd dropped and it hadn't!!! lol!

I've been having fun telling clients that I'm due on friday, but *today* I get to say "tomorrow"! heh. I am gonna milk it for all it's worth! Fun fun.
NDH - we do get MMR here, but it's part of the private schedule, so have to pay more for it.
We have a "government schedule" and a "private schedule". The government schedule is the vaccines that all infants/children MUST have - most schools won't accept a child if their vaccinations are not up to date.
The private schedule includes some additional vaccines, but they cost quite a lot more as they are usually optional.

The private schedule looks like this:

At Birth : BCG and Oral Polio
8 Weeks: 1st Infanrix Hexa
1st Prevenar/ Synflorix
1st Rotarix
12 Weeks: 2nd Infanrix Hexa
2nd Prevenar/ Synflorix
16 Weeks: 3rd Infanrix Hexa
3rd Prevenar/ Synflorix
2nd Rotarix
9 Months: Measles
1 Year: Varilrix (Chicken Pox)
14 Months: 4th Prevenar/ Synflorix
16 Months: Priorix (MMR)
18 Months: Pentaxim
2 Years: 1st Avaxim 80
2 - 2 ½ years : 2nd Avaxim 80
5 Years: Priorix Booster
6 – 6 ½ Years: Adacel Quadra
12 Years: Adacel Quadra + Cervarix
INFANRIX hexa is a vaccine used to prevent six diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, poliomyelitis (polio) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

Prevnar 13® is indicated for active immunization for the prevention of invasive disease caused by 13 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae (1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, and 23F).
Prevnar 13® is also indicated for the prevention of otitis media (ear infection) caused by 7 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae (4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F). No efficacy data for ear infections are available for strains 1, 3, 5, 6A, 7F, and 19A

ROTARIX is a vaccine indicated for the prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis caused by G1 and non-G1 types (G3, G4, and G9

Pentaxim combination vaccine is indicated for
active immunisation of infants from six
weeks of age against diphtheria, tetanus,
pertussis, poliomyelitis and invasive inf e c t i o n s c a u s e d b y H a e m o p h i l u s
influenzae type b (such as meningitis,
septicaemia, cellulitis, arthritis, epiglottitis, pneumopathy and osteomyelitis)

Avaxim is a hepatitis A vaccine
Flying - that's so awesome telling people you're due tomorrow!
I get excited just telling them i'm due next month!
TOday was supposed to be my c section day! so amazing to know i would have just been in the hospital meeting him today.

ndh- i was wondering that too, they must no do mmr vaccine there....we do here. im not sure we do TB here i hafta look. we also do chicken pox here. hep b is not require for adults so just dont see the need to get it for a baby. ive heard some vaccines can cause brain damage and autism? my pediatrician yesterday says no it doesnt and to check CDC website for info on vaccines....but dont just google. im still scared about vaccines but my daughter followed the doctor's schedule so is probly fine.

Sarah- I think its a good idea that you are telling your mom. Its a really big deal, and if ou happen to get pregnant off IVF, I feel like she would want to know that you had been trying so hard and doing IVF to get there.

Dew- I also think if you do IVF it would be nice to have family to tell...will you do that or keep it until bfp? Would you ever tell anyone how you got there?

I just know my fam would maybe feel almost lied to or something if I got so far to have a bfp from IVF, because there would have been a lot of time of hiding things that I was up to. But of course, its NO one's business if you dont want it to be so surely dont tell anyone if you dont feel like it.
Sarah: I am also not very clear on embryo transfer stage. Just read this which makes better sense...

"In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is fertilisation (egg and sperm creating an embryo) in a laboratory (in a 'test tube'). With regular IVF, embryos are transferred into the woman's uterus two to three days after fertilisation (at the cleavage stage). An alternative technique delays transferal until five to six days after fertilisation (at blastocyst stage). This may be better timing and allow choice of more viable embryos. The review of trials found evidence that more women will have a pregnancy and baby with blastocyst transfer than with regular IVF. There was however, a higher risk that a women would have fewer embryos to freeze and no embryos available for transfer."

Sarah, you are also an interior decorator, right? One time we called a lady to give us an estimate on custom draperies/curtains/valences, her estimate was too high so we decided not to use her services but we did receive a bill of $350 just for home visit and estimate. I don't how you work but could you make money like that during your hard times?

I also had my pap smear done today. Did you get your results?

I am worried about you talking to your mom about your fertility treatments. Hope it's not too bad on both of you. I haven't talked to anybody in my family either.

ok so its the same thing as a day 3 transfer, I was wondering if it was something different. that whole thing is going to be hard....it seems if you have lots of embryos they do push for a day 5 transfer as the stats are better. but pushing them that far often means you dont have any to freeze (or none make it that far, yikes)...I would love to have some to freeze as then I can use them in my 40's but they are 39 yr old eggs. But doing the day 3 transfer is leaving it up to nature so much more as you dont have as much data on which are good and which are not. its going to be very difficult, I guess you have to take their advice and base it on how many embryos and their grades.

actually Im a graphic / web designer, I think I was talking before about how I had designed our spa so thats where you thought I did interiors. thats crazy you would get charged that much for a consult! its hard being self employed as you want to keep clients so you do things like free meetings or allow them to take months to pay. Everything would be great though if it wasnt for the spa sucking up any spare money. Sometimes I regret starting it up, but other times I love it (like when I get free services when I want!!). I keep thinking it will get better and eventually we wont have to put over any money. We have been open 2 years now.

my pap....I dont hear back unless theres a problem, he said everything looked good. Im hoping my AMH is back soon, will phone them next week.

hey I have our IVF course tomorrow night :happydance: hope it makes me excited not more nervous. Im actually excited to talk to my mum, its been hard not saying anything about something so important. I felt her last 2 visits I was really keeping something from her and couldnt be myself. She will be shocked as she always thought it wouldnt take me long as she was very fertile. And my best friend has had 1 and is pregnant again, so she is probably thinking I would be the same.

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