ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Sarah- I think its a good idea that you are telling your mom. Its a really big deal, and if ou happen to get pregnant off IVF, I feel like she would want to know that you had been trying so hard and doing IVF to get there.

Dew- I also think if you do IVF it would be nice to have family to tell...will you do that or keep it until bfp? Would you ever tell anyone how you got there?

I just know my fam would maybe feel almost lied to or something if I got so far to have a bfp from IVF, because there would have been a lot of time of hiding things that I was up to. But of course, its NO one's business if you dont want it to be so surely dont tell anyone if you dont feel like it.

I found it really hard to be having IUIs and not tell my mum when she was here, my sister even came to the clinic with me in august but my mum didnt know a thing! Im very good at hiding things and doing surprises so I really think she has no idea, also she would have asked my sister if suspicious and my sister would have told me. If she wasnt coming in November I wouldnt be telling her, and we are not telling the inlaws. I dont think they would be mad as I would say I wanted to surprise them. I would also say that I didnt want everyone waiting to hear if it was successful, as that would be too stressful.

as for the IVF I will tell people that I got my BFP that way, I used to think i wouldnt tell anyone but now going through this I want to tell people and make them more aware of this stuff. Like if I tell the girls at the spa then they will tell clients so it would all be out there, and Im ok with that. I have nothing to be ashamed of, we left it late to try for a family and we are dealing with it. I will tell people that I might have been able to get pregnant eventually but I was too impatient :baby:
NY how are you feeling? not sure if I responded to your post the other day, you mentioned you had lost it and walked out the room and having a hard time. Im glad you are being honest and posting about these things as a lot of people dont, so I know what to expect one day. It sounds completely normal and exhausting, and I hope it gets better soon. Do you remember feeling the same with ella? I cant imagine how it is when people have twins. Kian is just so cute and unbelievable that he was just due today :cloud9:

Im hoping if I ever give birth to get hubby to take a month off from work. He is self employed but has worked at the same company for 10 years and they are pretty good.
Ny, the vaccines are not my decision, its just how it goes in this country.. regardless of whether the baby is at risk or not, it is given as routine, and theyve given me a vaccination card which states that her next vaccine is in 2 months, so im not too sure.. BCG is the shot they give you on your arm that leaves a funny mark lol, i dont know much about it !

im surprised they told you not to bother, but then again, i guess it works differently in different countries.. x

Flying, you must be so excited to be able to tell people that youre due tomorrow ! im sure we will be hearing some news from you soon !!

Dew, i hope you dont have to fork out for the entire expense for ivf and that youre able to sort it out financially for when the time comes .x

Sarah, so tomorrow is your ivf course, im sure youre excited and nervous at the same time, but it will be great learning about the whole process etc, but im sure you mustve read loads on the internet about it !! hope you have fun learning about it all, and do let us know how it goes ! xx it must be difficult telling your mum, i think she might have niggles about you trying ? does she know that bit ?
Sarah- we are doing pretty well. I slightly remember this with Ella, but this time I feel maybe worse. I think it was the bad c section surgery, the recovery being harder, and the breast feeding. I didnt do it with Ella, but really wanted to this time. It just hurts SO SO SO bad. Its also frustrating cuz im sitting there nursing him constantly, and feel bored, and really tied down. I hope the blues pass soon, its a helpless feeling. I love Kian and want to feel HAPPPY about it all. Today was much better than has been though....so maybe its looking up. Thanks for asking:) Some dont go through the baby blues at all.....so maybe you'll be lucky! I really wish OH would have taken more time off. He has been gone all week and I can't even drive yet....not that I wanna go anywhere, but im really trapped!

I think its really good you will be open with how you got your BFP. It really shows dedication for your goal to go through everything that you are, and you may as well be damn proud of it! I hope it works soooooooon!

Preethi- in US all vaccines are optional and up to us. I will do most of them, there are just a couple I question. Like chicken pox and hep B.
Sarah, so tomorrow is your ivf course, im sure youre excited and nervous at the same time, but it will be great learning about the whole process etc, but im sure you mustve read loads on the internet about it !! hope you have fun learning about it all, and do let us know how it goes ! xx it must be difficult telling your mum, i think she might have niggles about you trying ? does she know that bit ?

no! living in another country helps, I only see her 3 x a year. We talk on the phone sometimes but mainly just message on facebook or text, so its been easy to keep it to myself. if shes ever mentioned kids Ive just mumbled that hubby is not ready and changed the subject! I really wanted to surprise her with a bfp but it wasnt meant to be, so I will let her know all the details. She is a big worrier so she wouldnt have liked knowing that I had surgery for the polyp removal. If everything goes well she will be here for the egg collection and perhaps the transfer too (she leaves nov 19) so it will be nice. Although she is 72 now so its usually me looking after her than the other way around!

Oh Dew those are lovely! You're so talented! Thanks for sharing :)

Sarah, I hope your mom takes it well. I think she'll appreciate that you wanted to surprise her with a bfp but will happily support you as you undergo IVF. It's so hard to share these things with our loved ones.

Vaccinations here are "mandatory", but the parents always have the right to refuse. Here you actually get paid for vaccinating your kids by 12 months and 4 years, as well as the vaccinations being free. We won't be doing all of them though - just the communicable childhood diseases mostly though I'm still researching (reliable sources too and I always check the details of studies and if they have been countered etc). I definitely think it's important to vaccinate against some things but do think that they've gotten a little out of hand in recent years. Also some of them we'll be delaying if I'm still bfing when they're due to have them as some aren't as effective if the baby is recieving the immunity through breastmilk.
ny - 2 suggestions. Try having some honey every day. On toast / in tea / on a teaspoon, whatever. It's apparently really good for baby blues.
Secondly - maybe get someone to check how kian's latching. Usually really painful bf is due to incorrect latching. (or so i've heard).
it's evening again, and again there's been no niggles to speak of! It has been fun telling people 'tomorrow' when they ask when I'm due; and seeing their faces!!! LOL! And tomorrow I get to tell them "today"! heh.

Dew; those cakes are amazing!!!! I love them! Well done. :D

Sarah, I'm sure it'll be good to be able to talk openly with your mum about it all and not have to be hiding it! I'm really close to my mum, it took everything to not tell her we were starting to TTC, I can only imagine how hard it'd be having been trying for so long and getting treatment and so forth now... :hugs: it'll be nice to have her in the loop! :)

ny, I agree with huggles; supposedly 90% of the breastfeeding problems are due to a poor latch; try and find a lactation consultant and get it sorted ASAP so you can get some pleasure back from it, if it's painful it won't be helping your blues at all!!! :hugs: though; it's ok to have the blues, but please do be careful they don't stick around for too long too ok; we all love ya too much to want to see you go downhill in your mood! :hugs:

Just cos we're talking about vaccinations, this is the schedule in NZ (the national immunisation schedule; free to all NZ'ers and pushed by most medical people but not compulsory and can be opted out of if you want, or delayed or whatever!)
6 weeks, 3 months and 5 months: diptheria/tetnus/whooping cough/polio/hep B/haemophilus influenzae type B - all in one injection (Infanrix Hexa).
plus another injection for Pneumococcal (Synflorix)

15 months is: haemophilus influenzae type B in one jab (Act-HIB), MMR in one jab, and Pneumococcal (Synoflorix) again in another jab.

4 years old is diptheria/tetanus/whooping cough/polio in one jab (Infanrix -IPV), and another MMR jab.

11 years: diptheria/tetanus/whooping cough only (boostrix)

and girls can also have another vaccination at 12 years old for Human Papilomavirus.

TB and Hep-B may be offered at birth if there's a risk for the baby getting it, but not it's not common!

I'm torn on immunisations, I think that at least I will delay them to 3 months/5 months/7 months rather than the 6 weeks/3 months/5 months they recommend, as it just seems far too young to be pumping them with this stuff... We will see!!!
Happy last night before reaching/passing your due date Amy lol.

Hubby is home after an 11 hour day today. He for sure works tomorrow too and then they'll be done that job but have another one lined up after that. And the guys on the crew said there's not usually much (if any) downtime between contracts so we're feeling we made the best decision. So long as it doesn't rain anyway :haha:.
Thanks ladies! I wnt let the blues drag on for too long. I think they showed up late for me, as right after kian came I was very happy. Must ave ben all the percocet I was on. Lol.

I keep trying to change his latch and h just won't so I either need to deal w the pain or quit. It's so frustrating.

Ndh, do u know which vaccines aren't effective while breast feeding?

Flying, are you officially over due now? I get confused by your time and ours! How long with baby will you be off work, and do you have to find daycare?

Ndh glad hubby is feeling good about the decision.

I've been awake all night. Kian is really being rough on me......
Happy due date Flying!!! :wohoo:

Shame ny - hope you get some rest soon :hugs:

I've never heard of vaccinations being less effective whilst bf.
I just googled and from what I can see the Rotavirus vaccine is the one most commonly mentioned as being affected by bf. (I haven't done extensive research - this is just from a quick google).

The first paragraph in this article is quite interesting, but basically states that although bf can lower the efficacy of the vaccine (as well has having the vaccine at the same time as oral polio drops), they find that if you have three doses of the recommended vaccine (instead of just one) then that overcomes the lowered efficacy. And in any case, they didn't find the results to be statistically significant.

(i would cut and paste the paragraph here but because of the format of the page it won't let me copy the paragraph).

But I think that's why some vaccines are administered in 3 doses (at various ages) - so that they can be the most effective like that. So i think bf lowering the effectiveness of the vaccine is only really an issue if you only have one dose. But if you follow the recommended schedule and have the three doses then it's fine.
I don't think we even vaccinate for rotavirus....it's just a tummy illness, right?
The mumps part of MMR I believe is another one off the top of my head. Not on my computer so my research isn't handy. And while getting all 3 doses may work instead it seems kind of pointless to give baby a shot that possibly won't work and isn't even needed while they've got the immunity from you IMO. And the schedule for when they're needed varies so much between countries too :shrug: (for example I was just reading that here hep B is considered most effective immediately after birth but "must be given within 7 days of birth", yet that's not the case anywhere else I've heard of :shrug:)
ny - yes, i think rotavirus is mainly diarrhoea and stuff, but I know that here thousands of children die annually due to diarrhoea, so I think that's why they have the vaccine? It also presents in different forms though. It is one of our "optional extras" though, and not part of the main schedule. But I know that children that go to daycare are much more at risk of contracting rotavirus. So I think that's why a lot of people choose it?

I don't know - these things are all rather complicated and definitely do seem to vary from country to country.

For me, personally, I'll be following our government schedule as it is given - becuase if it's not up to date then the child won't get accepted to school.
There are some vaccines from the private schedule that I may choose to add to the government schedule, but there are also some I may skip (like chicken pox).
Haven't entirely decided yet, and will have to ask dh his opinion too. But we'll defo be getting the ones listed on the government schedule at the ages listed.


wow those are incredible!!! ever thought of doing it as a business? theres a cute cake shop near our spa...they mainly do cupcakes but I think these kind of cakes too.
flying :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so excited!!! when will it be!!

NY :hugs::hugs::hugs: your body has been through a lot, so to add sleepless nights and painful breastfeeding I think even the happiest person would have the blues. i do hope you can have someone look at the latching thing....as you are doing so well would be sad to give up. My mum and sister both gave up as it was too sore so i am expecting that, but I really want to breastfeed so going to make sure I have a couple of experts on call. But perhaps some people have to give up...I know my sisters nipples were so painful and her daughter just wasnt getting enough milk.

yay ndh glad he has hopefully got some steady work, that great news. :kiss:
Wow, you ladies have been talkative since I checked in last!

SIL has been confirmed for PCOS. Her progesterone result was 1.8 and it should be over 10. She is starting clomid next cycle.

I felt a sore throat coming on last night and am hoping that it passes quickly. I don't have a fever or any additional signs that would point to strep so I'm just going to take it easy and enjoy my hot chocolate (hate tea) and throat lozenges.

Our house is currently overrun by baby stuff after babysitting and being too tired to put stuff away and more packages coming every day from my registry completion order.

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