ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Thank you all for admiring my new found cake decorating skills :) I would like to show you inside of the round cake (once I receive pictures of it from my friend). I used yellow and chocolate cake batter to produce a zebra pattern, it wasn't perfect but still looked pretty :thumbup:

NY: lack of sleep can make any person go insane, it is equivalent to being under influence of drugs. I have had my sisters and friends complain about walking around like zombies in first month after delivery. Some people are lucky and get help from their parents but you have been on your own since the beginning and that too after a complicated C-section. Just hang in there and be kind to yourself :hugs: It's just a passing phase!

Sarah: Why do you think this website is selling drugs for so cheap? https://www.makemefertile.com/products/gonadotropins

I called a couple of pharmacies to compare pricing on my drugs and as it turns out one clinic pharmacy may be able to give me infertility drugs on a (company) discounted price because I am paying out-of-pocket. I hope it is true and if it is true, I feel bad about spending extra (~$200) on last 600 IU cartridge.

Sarah, I also wanted to ask how much extra have you got out of your cartridges. I got 75 IU extra from my 600 IU cartridge and I am sure there is another few still remaining in it.
Wow, you ladies have been talkative since I checked in last!

SIL has been confirmed for PCOS. Her progesterone result was 1.8 and it should be over 10. She is starting clomid next cycle.

I felt a sore throat coming on last night and am hoping that it passes quickly. I don't have a fever or any additional signs that would point to strep so I'm just going to take it easy and enjoy my hot chocolate (hate tea) and throat lozenges.

Our house is currently overrun by baby stuff after babysitting and being too tired to put stuff away and more packages coming every day from my registry completion order.

Sheryl, Good luck to your SIL.

I am also having mild sore throat for last 2 days. I have been gargling with salty lukewarm water (it is supposed to kill bacteria through osmosis). Next I am going to try some hot tea with honey (however I don't like taste of honey). Hope you feel better soon.
Ladies- Once again, thank you so much for your kind words and advice. I feel more normal when I hear people comfort me.....I know blues can be normal, and they come and go, so I do believe this is all it is. I can be happy as a clam one day and so overwhelmed another. Guess its new mommyhood and im no spring chicken like I was with Ella!!

Sarah- I will maybe check on talking to a lactation person. i just cant drive yet, so to actually go to one isnt going to work. I sometimes can nurse and they dont hurt, so think i must need to continue to try to change his latch. Its like, i know exactly what is wrong, but he likes to nurse a certain way and wont change his latch no matter how hard I try! I certainly feel better about nursing though, even if im in agony. I would maybe feel worse if I quit. So, this too shall pass. They cant hurt forever! I hope. Lol. Not that they'll ever be the same though....haha.

Sheryl- my freind just got strep also and hasnt had it since like 1942. So its going around. Im going to stay in my bubble in my house so my little Bean doesn't get sick. M pediatricia told me if I get sick, I need to wear a mask around him. HUH!?!?! That would suck.

Sorry if my spelling has gone to crap. Its actually not that I lost the ability to spell since its one of my pet peeves when people have bad grammer/spelling....but usually im typing so fast I cant have time to go back and erase, or im doing it with one hand and dont feel like correcting anything. SO, yea. Its going to be ugly for a while !

Dew- I am so in love with your cakes! I wish I could do that....woulda come in handy many of birthday/ halloween parties for my daughter. I have NO creativity. I need to try to come up with how to make her a fairy costume now too, and am NOT creative or c rafty in any way imagineable, so very nervous about this.....

I do have quite a bit of help from my mother, actually. She has come every morning to my house which is only the next town but still, and taken Ella to school for me and picked her up a few times also...since I cant drive yet. She offers EVERY day to take Kian off my hands and practically begs, but im an attached mommy, even when im miserable I cant leave him yet! Maybe i'll try an hour first.....

Huggles- that is true, babies and children can become dehydreated SO quickly and becomes fatal fast. ....so getting that vaccine makes sense. WIll you have your baby get it? Weird that we dont even offer it here......at the hospital I work at there was a big outbreak of it last year and Im pretty sure I must have built some immunities to it because we were all exposed before it becomes a big ordeall......I do think i've got some more natural immunities to things from working there otherwise i'd be pooping and puking myself daily! Lol.

ndh- i was debating the pox vaccine also. I had pox as a kid and survived just fine! The only thing is my daughter had all of these vaccines so really I dont want the two children to have it differently...but she didn't have hep b I dont think, and a lot of adults here dont either, but we dont seem to have much of an outbreak of that...Do you have a lot of TB around where you live? I cant remember if it was you or Huggles who had TB shots on the goverment schedule....we dont do that. Maybe because we dont have a lo of it? I know when my mom was young and went to germany a few times she needed the shot and made a permanent round circle in her arm. Is that what the shot is?

Flying- got a baby yet?!? Lol.
Sarah, I think this is what clinic pharmacy was talking about...

Follistim 300 IU -$248
Follistim 600 IU -$496
Follistim 900 IU -$744

Ganirelix Acetate -$102.65

Ovidrel -$100.20
ny - TB is quite a problem here, especially in the poorer communities, so I think that's why it's on the government schedule. We have one vaccine that makes a circle of round dots on your arm - when i was young and getting vacinated it was always called the flower. Most people's disappear over time. I still have all fo mine (about 4). Not sure if that was the tb shot though or what it was for.

As for rotavirus vaccine - i haven't really thought much about the vaccines, but i may well get him that one as he will be in daycare and so the risk of contracting it is much higher. I know my friend's daughter has had it at least once, but i think possibly a few times (the virus itself).

I had chicken pox as a child, as did both my brothers - we're all fine. My cousin didn't get her daughter vaccinated against it, then she got it. And she was going to get her son vaccinated against it but then he caught it from his sister. They're all fine. So i suspect i'll skip that one as i'd far rather he gets it as a child that later on as an adult (i've heard the vaccine only lasts 10 years anyway).

I also had measles, mumps, and rubella - and i'm fine from all of them, although i did develop encephalitis when i had mumps which was not fun. But i will definitely be vaccinating against those (MMR). Although there was a major outbreak of measles here a year or two ago, with a few deaths. And scarily enough most of those kids had actually received the measles vaccine! I think it was a new strain or something.

Lovely that your mum is helping out so much.

Sheryl - really hope your throat feels better soon. Try drinking some honey and lemon juice in hot water. Or even honey in hot orange juice. And gargling with salt water definitely helps as well.

Dew, hope your throat also feels better soon.
ny - TB is quite a problem here, especially in the poorer communities, so I think that's why it's on the government schedule. We have one vaccine that makes a circle of round dots on your arm - when i was young and getting vacinated it was always called the flower. Most people's disappear over time. I still have all fo mine (about 4). Not sure if that was the tb shot though or what it was for.

As for rotavirus vaccine - i haven't really thought much about the vaccines, but i may well get him that one as he will be in daycare and so the risk of contracting it is much higher. I know my friend's daughter has had it at least once, but i think possibly a few times (the virus itself).

I had chicken pox as a child, as did both my brothers - we're all fine. My cousin didn't get her daughter vaccinated against it, then she got it. And she was going to get her son vaccinated against it but then he caught it from his sister. They're all fine. So i suspect i'll skip that one as i'd far rather he gets it as a child that later on as an adult (i've heard the vaccine only lasts 10 years anyway).

I also had measles, mumps, and rubella - and i'm fine from all of them, although i did develop encephalitis when i had mumps which was not fun. But i will definitely be vaccinating against those (MMR). Although there was a major outbreak of measles here a year or two ago, with a few deaths. And scarily enough most of those kids had actually received the measles vaccine! I think it was a new strain or something.

Lovely that your mum is helping out so much.

Sheryl - really hope your throat feels better soon. Try drinking some honey and lemon juice in hot water. Or even honey in hot orange juice. And gargling with salt water definitely helps as well.

Dew, hope your throat also feels better soon.
Wow, outbreaks of Measels??? So scary! I am shocked that it was children with the vaccine who died. Thats very scary. Also crazy that there's so much TB over there. We have a case here and there at our hospital and put them in a negative pressures room.....but we dont have a lot of it so not vaccinating against it.....Its nuts to hear of different diseases in different parts of the world. I am so interested in that kinda stuff.

How come honey can cure baby blues? Its weird cuz they say never EVER give an infant honey.....so I would think it should be not eaten while nursing or pregnant as well....idk?
Thought it might be an important information to share:

I had mumps in late teens and the doctor in Mayo actually said that it could be a reason for my poor ovarian reserve. I also found this online "The second cause of POF is if a woman has mumps as an adolescent (after age 10), many of her eggs may “burn out,” which oftentimes results in POF."
They do say not to give honey to an infant under 1 year old - something about possibly getting botulism or something. And I wouldn't do it, although in some cultures the first thing they do when the baby is born is put honey on their finger tip and put that in the baby's mouth. But i won't be giving my baby honey.
But strangely enough it is actually totally safe during both pg and whilst breastfeeding - maybe our bodies break it down or filter it or something before it gets to baby. I don't know exactly.

As for why it's good for baby blues - again i'm not exactly sure. Something that a mw told my cousin and she has been sure to have some after both births and says it definitely helped her, and I made sure i had some each day after Jarrod (definitely reason to get the blues!) and i think it definitely helped me too. Must be one of the vitamins or something in it, not sure what exactly.
Wow Dew, that's really interesting!
I know that it is very bad for male fertility, but i had no idea about it affecting female fertility! I think i was about 11 when I got it so probably just missed the danger period.
Really very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
thats all very interesting about the mumps and about the honey!

Dew- how did you get mumps in MN? Or did you live elsewhere? I never knew we had any outbreaks of it...were you vaccinated against it?
thats all very interesting about the mumps and about the honey!

Dew- how did you get mumps in MN? Or did you live elsewhere? I never knew we had any outbreaks of it...were you vaccinated against it?

No, I was not in MN when I got mumps. I grew up in a different country. I don't think I was vaccinated against it otherwise I wouldn't have got it. I did get chicken pox as a child.
Thought it might be an important information to share:

I had mumps in late teens and the doctor in Mayo actually said that it could be a reason for my poor ovarian reserve. I also found this online "The second cause of POF is if a woman has mumps as an adolescent (after age 10), many of her eggs may “burn out,” which oftentimes results in POF."

wow thats interesting!

dew I dont know much about online pharmacies as Im not sure if they are allowed here in canada. those prices seem great and worth it if they are the same thing.

I know you are very private but I have to know which country you grew up in...woman of mystery!!!

sorry have to run so no time to type, picking up lunch then meeting hubby and going to my ivf class :thumbup:
I would love to kow what country also Dew! Even more, what brought you to MN? I love stories of how people ended up here. My mom was born in Germany and so its always interesting that her parents up and picked up the family and moved to Forest Lake MN back in the day. Random!
bump progression over the last 4 weeks:

just a really quick check in from work cos my pc at home is playing up; but it's my due date today and nothing yet! lol! Obviously, or I wouldn't be at work.... but yeah, nothing yet!

Last night I had a normal bowel movement around dinner time, which means nothing. But then a couple of hours later I had another, sorry for TMI, but it was a bit loose too. From then until I went to bed another half hour later I had period-type pain, but once in bed it all went away and I slept well. The bowel movements flushing my system out is common just before labour (though obviously not always a sign of anything either!) as the body is preparing for it, and the period pains are common pre-labour signs too, but despite both those symptoms, nothing has happened yet. Gawd, and I thought the old TWW was bad; this one is terrible!!! LOL! But at least I do know it WILL happen soon, and those signs last night are just the start of it I'm sure... FX it's not long now!
Ny I'm glad you're doing better :hugs:. I hope the baby blues continue to improve and Kian's latch gets better. TB is not one of the things vaccinated against here (could be an "optional" thing, but I don't know. Rotavirus is on the "mandatory" schedule but that one is a live virus unlike all the other ones so getting that one really scares me. Not sure what we've decided on that one). Not vaccinating for pox unless they reach 12 or so and haven't had it. I never got it as a kid, possibly had it when I was 19 though that was highly contested as I didn't get sick like adults are supposed to and didn't have many spots. But I have immunity and wasn't vaccinated for that so who knows.

Dew interesting about mumps - I had them as well when I was 11 or 12 and had been vaccinated for them. Also, a zebra cake sounds so cool! Can't wait to see pics of the inside. Every time I see pictures of cakes with colourful insides (like a rubiks cube one I saw once) I'm just floored by how they do that. I fail miserably at basic marbling lol.

Sheryl I hope now that your sister has a diagnosis they can teat her pcos and get her pregnant.

Amy, I hope something starts soon. But enjoy the final (days) of your pregnancy as much as you can. We may not know when but it is coming to an end soon (hopefully before they start talking induction).
Sarah, I also wanted to ask how much extra have you got out of your cartridges. I got 75 IU extra from my 600 IU cartridge and I am sure there is another few still remaining in it.

I got another 75iu shot, there was a little bit left in one but Im not sure if it would be another 75iu or not

IVF course was fine, they didnt cover anything I didnt already know! apparantly they have counsellors there for no charge which I didnt know and I might use. Also they said for my age they usually put in 2-3 embryos at day 2, but only 2 max at day 5. Said 80% of embryos survive freezing and thawing ( which I thought was quite good) and FET rates are a little lower than fresh cycles but not much. got a folder of print outs to go through :thumbup: got a cheque today but the spa is looking like its going to be down $1500 this month so its up and down up and down :dohh:
I feel so upset, LL in the over 35 folder just had her ultrasound after IVF and there is no heartbeat :cry: I was so happy for her, I feel so sad. Im starting to get really down about this TTC thing and even if I get a bfp after IVF I will be terrified something will happen. Dew I know it will be even more scary for you having experienced it before.
I feel so upset, LL in the over 35 folder just had her ultrasound after IVF and there is no heartbeat :cry: I was so happy for her, I feel so sad. Im starting to get really down about this TTC thing and even if I get a bfp after IVF I will be terrified something will happen. Dew I know it will be even more scary for you having experienced it before.

my heart literally missed a few beats reading this....it is so so sad :cry:

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