Old School POAS addicts - chat thread!

Sorry Kay, that sucks :hugs: I really do hope that it's IB though...
Thanks, I'd love to think it could be but I just don't think it's my turn yet
Boo sorry Kay :(

I'm not feeling positive this cycle either. For the past 3 cycles I've been bding every other day at least starting around now. This time I really can't be bothered. I'll just wait until next cycle so that I can temp properly.
I think I'm going to have the same as last cycle. 1 tiny bit if spotting each day until she arrives on Thursday or Friday.
Sounds like this month sucks for all of us :nope: I am pretty sure AF will be here next week, feeling moody and more emotional like I normally do before she makes her appearance.

Ah well, December's a nice month to get a BFP right (it's actually when I got mine with Isla). I think I have two chances for a December BFP this year because I'm supposed to have one AF at the beginning of the month and one at the very end, lucky me :wacko:
OK, so not sure what is going on with me. Just had more EWCM :wacko: I read somewhere that if you continually have EWCM then that could mean that you had an anovulatory cycle (your body keeps trying to ovulate but it doesn't work).

However, I am feeling a bit of ov pain and had my typical ov relating bloating last night so seems unlikely. Maybe I just ov late this cycle :shrug:
I've heard that while BF its not unusual to have cm doing its own thing, it can apparently make you quite dry with the odd spell of loads of cm. I guess that if you get af on time from when the bloating and o pains were, then you will know you o'd then.
Emily I think you can get more EWCM in the tww because of a second oestrogen surge. I remember reading about it because last cycle I got some ewcm at around 4/5dpo. Maybe worth a google!

I've also been getting ewcm for the past couple of days so made a big effort and bd'd last night. I used the softcup for the first time, and slept with it in. I actually really liked it as it kept everything in there so there wasn't any messy leakage afterwards. Although it was a bit tricky (and very messy) trying to get it out this morning :wacko:
Thanks Steph, I'll have to look into that...

I've never used Softcups before but I've heard good things. Was it comfortable wearing it all night? Hopefully it does the trick for you :thumbup:
Yeah i had no idea what I was doing but it just popped into place by itself. Removing it was hard though, i was there like 10 minutes trying to get it out and Sienna kept crying to be picked up and grabbing by legs which didn't help. Next time I'll take it out during her morning nap, maybe it will be easier!
I'd probably also have problems getting it out :haha:

CD 22, who knows how many days since ov since that weird CM incident :wacko: It is now looking like it normally does post ov though so that's good. As I said, not holding much hope for this cycle, expecting AF either Tuesday or Wednesday...
Hi ladies,
Just thought I should introduce myself as its been a few years since I was properly on here :)
I'm Laura, I'm 33 and have a 3 yr old DD :) I'm technically NTNP at the mo and hoping to TTC early next year!
Oh and I'm a complete POAS addict!!
Welcome Laura.

I'm trying very hard to find the positives in not being pregnant this month. The only one I can find is another month closer to getting to move (although we still don't know when or where lol) It would really be great if we could move before another baby was born, but not knowing when that would be I don't want to take the change and wait.
Welcome Laura! I love your daughter's name!

I know Kay, initially it was easier to find the positives but as the months go by it gets harder and harder.Tthe only one I'm holding on to is that I'll have more time for my two little ones a bit longer. My eldest is still very much a baby, when she falls and hurts her knee she wants to be picked up and have a cuddle, she needs help eating her food (or she'll leave all the veggies!), she needs help when she goes to the toilet. So the longer it takes the more independent my girls will be and hopefully it will be easier on us all. If I conceived this cycle there would be 21 months between new baby and dd2 and 3y7m between nb and dd1 (although if I give birth early like I seem to it could be less). So that gives me a good 6 months before my desired age gap starts slipping away!
I know, it does get tough to find positive; I try to think that it just takes a certain amount of time for us to get OUR baby (as cheesy as that sounds). If I had gotten pregnant any earlier last time I wouldn't have Isla and I can't imagine my life without her :cloud9: So we'll all get our babies when it's the right time, (which is hopefully soon, we've all waited long enough :thumbup:)

Plus, like you said Steph, I still feel that Isla is very much a baby. Every month older that she is when the baby is born will hopefully make things easier.

Sucks that you are still up in the air about moving Kay; have they given you any guidelines about when you will move out.
I'd love to have to last one before ds1 turns 10, he'll be 9 in feb so while that sounds like a long time away, it actually only really gives me around 6 months as well.
I hope both of you get your BFPs in the next 6 months :hugs:

And Amy just got a BFP so maybe the luck on this thread is changing :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Sorry I didn't see your post Emily we must have posted at the same time.
There's no guidelines really. It's down to your own persistence. They list the available houses and you have to register your interest in it (they call it bidding) then the person with the most need (graded as a b c and d, we are c for minor over crowding) gets the property.
Dh won't bid on anything because he doesn't like the areas or they are too far. And while the areas used to be bad, not all of them are any more, and I do agree on not wanting to go too far but I'm reality they are not too far, most of them are within 5 miles.
I found a private rent the other day, it is massive! The front room is bigger than our whole down stairs here. And only £200 more a month, which anything in the village is £4-500 more a month. But as it boarders an area he doesn't like he said no.

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