Thanks for the nice comments ladies. The doctor said that he applied a lot of pressure to try to push through but it didn't work. He said that depending on what it is, fibroid or polyp, they might remove it. And for the tube, they'll either surgically open it OR prescribe drugs to make me produce more eggs or something...? I have to wait until later in the month for my FE to decide the next move. Husband's SA is scheduled for after my O so all we can do us just try naturally for this month. I just wish that that stupid fibroid wasn't there - that would make me feel more hopeful.

And holy crap, that procedure didn't feel too good, huh? I was so nauseous after, they made me lie there for a while.

Anyway, at least I know I'm not crazy and "worrying too much" like everyone keeps saying.

I still need to read through to see what you're all up to - later when I'm off my phone.
Fezzle-Have a great trip to Wales! and fx for ovulation this month. C'mon metformin...do your thing!

kfs1-I bet you did feel bad afterwards if the doctor was applying a lot of pressure. Mine was uncomfortable, but she didn't have to do anything extra. I'm happy now that you rescheduled your DH's SA because you really can't miss this cycle. I wish that fibroid wasn't there either. Later in the month?! I hope that means they decide mid month so that you can time everything right.

Medicine to produce more eggs? Oh..maybe they will give you the protocol where you take the injections throughout most of your cycle. That was the third option for me, and I guess the injections cause more follicles to rupture in order to have more eggs accessible for IUI. Hmmm....I'd probably do that over surgery only because I wouldn't want to wait for recovery time.

I have a bday party to go to today and then schoolwork. Ugh...If I can just power through for exactly two more weeks, I'll be golden.
Fezzle-Have fun in Wales. DH and I have been discussing a trip to the UK. We never have been but my sister has and she loved it!

Kfs-Ugh sorry about your results but you do still have a tube so fingers crossed!
Hi ladies....happy Saturday to everyone.

Let's see what my brain remembers lol:

Sis....yes do take a picture of BBFF blue eyes and post it, I'm speaking for myself and maybe a few other ladies when I say even though we enjoy line porn in this group we would also take a picture of a guy who's easy on the eyes as well :haha: When you do go on your trip have a great time.

Erose... FXFXFXFXFX for you :hugs:

Kfs..don't let the fibroids deter you. I found out in August right before i got re-married that I had MULTIPLE fibroids and when I told the Dr. we wanted to maybe try for a baby so that my new husband and I could have one together he said he was more concerned about my age being a deterrent than the fibroids which I'm still trying to figure out why I was never told I had them 6 months prior to that visit but anyhow I said all that to say it's whole-heartedly possible to conceive and carry to term with fibroids. I have girlfriends who have them as well and went on to have children. So good luck and FX for you as well. :hugs:

Terri..sorry AF came in full force but at least now you an proceed with your process right? Good luck with everything....c'mon BFP!!! :winkwink:

Garfie...so so so sorry for EVERYTHING you are going through. I wish there was a way to take the hurt away. :hugs:

VJean...hope you're feeling tons better. I couldn't imagine having that virus and being preggers! Rest up and drink lots of water. If I didn't congratulate you in team blue here is it...CONGRATULATIONS on the baby boy. If I did already, well double congrats. Lol. I can't remember squat these days, it's terrible!

Katie....how ya feeling? It's 6PM have you pee'd on a stick today???? OMG, that just reminded me of those old commercials "it's 10 PM do you know where your child is?" :haha: Anyhow, hope you're feeling well and letting all positivity flow in and out.

Hiya to everyone else, if I forgot to mention you doesn't mean I live you any less, I just can't remember $hit! :haha: Hope you all are doing well.
So I'm trying not to get hopeful but does my chart look triphasic to anyone else?
Smiles-thanks!! Phase 2 starts tomorrow morning! I was getting a tad discouraged when I went on the >35 board just now because another lady just posted her line porn. This is her third cycle TTC I believe. Why not me?? But, I'm trying not to think about that as I'm not sure what she's gone through in life and it's just not my turn yet.

Blues-looks like it to me. When are you testing? Hee hee.
! I was getting a tad discouraged when I went on the >35 board just now because another lady just posted her line porn. This is her third cycle TTC I believe. Why not me??

And now I am green with envy! I'm on my 7th cycle.

As for testing. I am trying to hold out but if tomorrow's and Monday's temp is still high then I will prolly break down and test Monday!
Well girls, I don't know if anyone else is on here this late on a Saturday night...hopefully you all have better things to do than obsess about TTC at this hour. OH is away on a business trip so I'm here by myself drinking some wine and starting to feel pretty down. :cry: It's been almost 6 weeks since my miscarriage started and my doctor still hasn't given us the green light for trying again but she also hasn't wanted to actually DO anything about my HCG levels being too high and my uterus still thinking it's pregnant. I called again today about the latest ultrasound (on Thurs.) and the receptionist wasn't able to discuss the results on the phone but said that the doctor wanted me to do the blood test again this week, just like it's nothing. But all I can think is that this wait and see stuff is just another week gone and no baby. We started TTC in August and still no baby (I know lots of other girls have taken longer and I'm really sorry about that too :hugs:). I'm just so upset and angry at myself that I didn't try harder to find the right guy much much much sooner. Like ten years ago. So I don't know what to do now. Sorry about the rant. Hope everyone else's weekend is going much better.
Congratulations to Katie, Garfie, and Kayotic! :happydance: I haven't stopped by in a while, and noticed you all got bfp's recently on the front page.
Terri....good luck with phase 2 today! I know you're probably already headed into Dr.'s office while I'm just laying here on BNB LOL. Also, it's understandable to feel the way you do and wonder why " not me" I think if we look at our circumstances and compare them to others we can either make ourselves feel bad or good it's human nature. Just know that your time WILL come and that God has something special planned for you and hubby when it does happen VERY SOON. :hugs:

Futuremom...big :hugs: Please try not to think about the what ifs and whys as to meeting the right person long before now, it'll have you going crazy. With regards to your doctor are you comfortable with the route he is going with just testing blood or do you feel you want more action taken to see why your HCG is still high? I know waiting for anything is nerve racking and you want to feel like you are doing something besides twiddling your thumbs. I know it's tough and I wish I can do more than offers words and hugs. I am going to keep my fingers crossed that your HCG goes down real soon and you get the green light to try again. :hugs:
Terri - I feel your pain. Sometimes it's hard to see others get their BFPs so fast. I HATE that witch for messing with you so badly this month. I've had a few months where I really got my hopes up so I'm very familiar with the feeling. I'm so happy that you have a solid plan for this month - this really could be it for you! Keep up that positivity. Are you going to the doc today? If so, good luck!!!

Blues - looks triphasic to me! Fx.

Future - ugh. I'm sorry that your levels are still not back to normal and that you're feeling so badly. Try to get that doctor on the phone to see if there's anything that can be done.

Fezzle - have a great trip!

Katie - any more lines to show?

Moni - so sorry about the cysts! I hope they go away on their own and that they're not causing too much pain/interference.

Sis - are you away or is your friend in town? Either way, hope you're doing something fun!

Erose - how are you feeling since the iui? Hope you're doing ok.

Rad - how are you feeling in the tww?

Hi everyone else.
Thanks Smiles! I was already leaving the office when you were reading BNB! hee hee. I got there early, and was finished with everything in about 10 minutes. Everything went swimmingly. Oh wait..I should say that the day I get the IUI. hee hee. I had 14 follicles and my lining was thin, so all was well. I start 100mg Clomid tonight. I'm over my pity party.

Futuremom-I think it was the wine and the loneliness talking to you. You can't change what's happened in the past. At least you found the right guy. Some people (like me a few years ago), were just praying to find the right man. I kissed many a frog, and it seemed like it took forever for that someone special to come into my life. I didn't dwell on it too often, and surprise, he showed up when I was at the bar watching football (one of my favorite pastimes)! Go figure. hee hee. Can you call the doctor or go in again on Monday and speak to her/him about your situation? There has to be something they can do to get the thumbs up to try again.

It's going to be 70 degrees today and I'm off for a motorcycle ride in a little over an hour. Woohoo!! I'm listening to my church service while I'm typing. :flower:
Kfs1—I’m so sorry to hear the discouraging news from your appointment. But honestly, remember this is exactly why getting with the RE is so important….so you can identify those roadblocks, as Sis mentioned. Now that you know where your roadblocks are, you can work to remove them. And the good news is it sounds like both things are treatable. That’s really good! They can remove the polyp/fibroid and either open that tube or use meds to compensate for that blocked side. I know not getting perfect news at the doctor sucks, but think of how good it is to identify some problems and be able to eradicate them!

Blues—I have no idea if it’s triphasic but it sounds like other charters think so. The plot thickens over in the Blueshoney corner!

VJean—Thanks so much for the info on the testing! I will ask my doctor about it, although they kind of suck when it comes to testing and worrying about various stages of your pregnancy. The only reason I’m staying with this doctor‘s office is because they partner with a hospital where everyone’s mentality is, “Get the epidural when the pain gets too uncomfortable to handle.” I know that sounds ridiculous, but it made for an enjoyable birth experience. Plus, my daughter ended up, like your daughter, being no little munchkin and they had a tough time getting her out and it got critical for a bit but they got her out safely. That kind of stuff is more important to me in the long run, I guess. Golly, I just rambled endlessly there. I’m so sorry you were disappointed when you found out you were having a boy. But as you well know, although it may be difficult right now to picture loving this new little boy as much as you are obsessed with your daughter, when that baby is born, it’s going to be over. You’ll be head over heels and won’t be able to even imagine life without him being in your family. You know that, too, it’s just hard when you are working through the initial disappointment. And it happens so much more often than people are willing to share. =)

Terri—Hooray for lots of follies and good lining! Good follies seem to be your “thing.” What a BIZARRE thing to say! On reading that thread post, I think we all understand feeling bummed after reading a post that just triggers the right thing inside of us that’s relatable and feels unfair. It’s hard not to have some of those “WTF” days. But you are on the right path to making this happen! Enjoy your motorcycle ride!

Future Mom—I’m sorry you are feeling so down, but it’s perfectly understandable why you are. You just cannot move on and start looking forward to a fresh, new cycle until you complete this awful m/c. Again, I just wish I could time machine you forward to your next cycle. Where is your HCG level at now? And alcohol has a way of bringing all the emotions that we stuff down, bubbling back up to the surface. I am very familiar with this, as most of my emotional/ranty posts here were after drinking beer. But you know what? That’s okay. Sometimes it’s necessary to just get it all out….even the bad, nasty emotions that take you to weird places like, “Why didn’t I meet a good man sooner,” even though you know it’s not rational. Big, big hugs to you.

AFM—Pretty shitty day, thus far. Woke up and my boobs didn’t hurt AT ALL. It’s the thing that aches me the most in the morning—they are soooo terribly sore in the morning. Today…nuttin’. Also, didn’t get up to pee last night like I usually do once or twice a night and I don’t feel as bloated and tummy isn’t as extended. But I DID have a nice round of strong menstrual-like cramps and backache which is a real freaking TREAT when I’ve lost all my other symptoms, let me tell you! Did I mention I feel PMSy today? So, although my pregnancy test was a bit darker than yesterdays, I’m not feeling great about this pregnancy today.

My beta from Friday’s test was 733, up from 262 2 days prior and I was so happy and relieved that the numbers continued to increase nicely….but that doesn’t mean jack as of today. So, now I’m going to shell out another $50 to get another beta tomorrow. If this pregnancy continues, when does the freaking out end?? Limbo is terrible, in general. The only thing keeping me from finding Future Mom and begging her for some of her wine is my positive test this morning. Just kiddinggggg! I already have wine here at the house. :wine:
I'm here still had a houseful of BIGS yesterday until about 11Pm!!!

Got a super dark OPK yesterday and DH will be home tonite only so maybe I can get a BD on the DL!!! ;)

Katie I never stopped second guessing but my numbers were iffy and my symptoms dissapeared completely u have to do what will make u comfy w it ALL so get the beta I made my Dr do 3!! :)

Smiles I'm a sucker for Baby Blues check out DS1s the only good thing he got from his Daddy !!! Lol
Not sure why my longest relationships always have chestnut brown eyes :shrug:

Terri GL Again!!!!

Future Mom I got really depressed when my numbers got low so maybe that is the case we do get postpartum even w a losses lucky us huh!!!
Maybe look up natural ways to get things moving since your Dr isn't doing much
Red raspberry Vitamin C I'm sure there's others I'll have to look and get back!!
W all my losses I Od days after my bleed so obviously my body gets rid of everything quickly not sure if that's good or bad!!! Hope things move along soon :hugs:

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!!!
futuremom-I've had those feelings as well that I met the right man so late.

Katie-I hope you are feeling better. I have faith your betas will be great tomorrow!

Terri-Yay! so glad your appt went well!
Sis- Have fun tonight!! Hope this does the trick and everyone is happy again at your house!

Katie- If spending the 50 makes you feel better, do it!! Peace of mind has no cost.

Hi to everyone else. I hope everyone is doing great. Wish, I think you're going on another trip so be safe. Radkat, I think you're about to O, so time to party! ERose, what's the latest?

I got the a-ok to go ahead with Clomid. My bloodwork was fine. My motorcycle ride was even better. We rode out to see a lady who is on oxygen and can no longer ride. She was a nurse in Vietnam and she was so happy to see us all. The weather was beautiful and some of the trees/flowers smelled like suntan lotion riding is awesome, which always makes you want to smile and think of summer. I'm really happy today.
Terri - LOVE your new profile pic. So pretty! I'm happy that you got the green light to start clomid and that you had such a great day yesterday. :)

Katie - Absolutely spend that $50 if it's going to give you peace of mind. Isn't it true that some people don't always have crazy symptoms early on? Anyway, I hope you're feeling OK today.

Blues - Your chart's looking good! How are you feeling?

Future - Hope you're feeling better today. Try to get that doc on the phone!

Sis - hope you got a BD in yesterday. :)

Hi Fezzle, eRose, Moni, Rad, Wish, and everyone else!

Nothing much going on here. Starting OPKs tomorrow but not holding out much hope until I'm able to meet with the doctor and come up with a plan. I just feel down in the dumps, even though I know it really is a good thing that now we at least know what we're dealing with. I'm sure I'll feel better once I'm able to meet with the doc. Unfortunately, I have to wait until the end of next week.
kfs1-Thanks! I figure I'd show you guys a pic of me with hair. This was my last day with hair. HA!!HA!!

Don't be down in the dumps today. It's time for BD'ing!! hee hee. I know it's hard to unknow (?) what you know, but you still have a chance to get pregnant, so BD for all it's worth this time around. When you get your hubs' SA results and go see the doctor, you'll be ready with guns blaring. Last cycle, I knew it was kind of a wash while we got all of our testing and stuff done, so I know how it feels, but at least you're preparing for the next cycle. No reason to feel down about that. Look forward, my friend. :friends:
I know this is a really good thread for all you ladies, but don't you think its kind of mean to say you are the best type of mom just because you are older? Maybe it was not the intention of the original poster in this thread but that is how it made me feel when reading it :(. Just thought you should know how some ppl might take the OP (original post).
I know this is a really good thread for all you ladies, but don't you think its kind of mean to say you are the best type of mom just because you are older? Maybe it was not the intention of the original poster in this thread but that is how it made me feel when reading it :(. Just thought you should know how some ppl might take the OP (original post).

I'm sorry that you were offended by the title on our thread, but I don't think it is mean and all, and that certainly wasn't the intent of the OP when she wrote that. Fact of the matter is, we are all older mamas, or soon to be mamas in this thread, and I would hope that we ALL strive to be the best mom we can be, regardless of age...

And I can certainly speak from personel experience - I am a WAY BETTER MOM at 37 than I was at 19! At 19 I prayed for my DD to sleep thru the night, at 37 I would get up and stare at my DD, hoping she will wake so I can rock and nurse her. My career is established so my focus is my family. I'm not worried about making a good impression on my boss or feeling bad about taking sick leave when my baby is sick. I'm so much more relaxed and really just enjoy her. I appreciate every minute I have with her. Life experiences have a way of doing that to you...

What it comes down to is that the women on this thread are older, and some are looking at their last chance to be a mom. We are trying to make the most of our situation and focus on the positives. These babies and babies to come are so wanted/longed for, that I have no doubt these mama's are going to be the BEST MOMS!

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