I did not make the front page, but that is how we feel. If you think young mommies make the best mommies, feel free to start your own page. This is a place for >35 women who have had many trials and tribulations associated with getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a successful pregnancy. This is a safe haven where we don't have to worry about what young mommies are going through. If it does not apply to you, feel free to move on.

I also think it's quite rude to barge into someone's thread and disparage the things they type or the way they feel. I'm sure there's a thread that is better suited to you on the pregnancy boards. Best of luck.
Its really arrogant to say anyone makes the best mommy just solely off of their age. There is a lot of things that make a good mother, and age does not define it. I am surprised that some of you with how old you are lack any real wisdom. .
Terri, love the new pic! Beautiful! It's our anniversary this week, so I spent the morning looking thru wedding photos trying to decide which one to change my pic to. It gets me all teary eyed and nostalgic. I'd marry this guy all over again, so I guess that's a good thing! :haha::wedding:
I love your picture too!! I was clearing stuff off my phone last night and remembered how pretty I was when I got married, so I posted it. HA!!HA!!

Do you have the day off today? If so, enjoy it. I'm (not) working. hee hee.
I wish I had the day off! I am in a 3 day Inspector General class that is super fascinating! Luckily I get to complete the training at my desk. It has conference calls that we call into and listen to some one talk f-o-r-e-v-e-r! So I am listening to someone tell me how to use a share point site to upload my assignments, and browsing BnB at the same time. I'm multi-tasking!
Kiwi - You're surprised that we lack wisdom at our age, huh? I'm not surprised that you're younger because you seriously sound so naive. It's obvious that you have nothing better to do and are just looking to pick a random fight with a bunch of strangers. Why else would you come into a random thread that is made up of some of the most incredible women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing?

Simply put, this thread is for >35 women who are looking for advice, support, and friendship through many different stages (TTC, BFPs, raising children) and MANY different levels of struggle, most of which younger mothers/mothers to be simply do not have to deal with.
Many of us have had to go through years of trying, testing, temping, charting, IUIs, meds, acupuncture, IVFs (you name it) just to get pregnant in the first place. So, the name of the group simply reflects how much we all want SO MUCH to be great mommies!

If that offends you, then there are plenty of other threads available for you to join. OR if you're simply looking for a fight, which is what I suspect, then move elsewhere - or better yet, go on over to the TTC boards on thebump.com - they LOVE fighting over there.

VJEAN - LOVE your picture, too! Aww - I'm going to have to try to dig up a pic, too. :)

Terri - Thanks again for your support. I'm going to try and enjoy this month of BDing like you said. I mean - seriously? Of course I should! BDing is meant to be fun - hahaha. And I truly am happy that I'm moving forward.
Wow someone Ate their BitchyOs this AM!!!!! :nope:

Kiwi FYI I made this Thread for a group of testers that needed a SAFE Haven to stick together !!!
I simply made the title cuz it was Catchy and I KNOW that ALL the ladies here will make THE BEST MOMMIES cuz they have been thru hell and back to get that Lil one so it will be Cherished beyond belief!!!
I was unknowingly pregnant when I made the thread but I lost my Baby right after seeing a HB :cry: that was my 3rd loss and most young Moms don't know what that feels like!!
Do U???

I was a mommy at 21 and I know I didn't do everything I wished I did I was a single parent w Lil money so how could I
I was a GOOD mom and I'm not saying young moms aren't Good moms I'm just saying that These ladies are the BEST they are strong intelligent confident women and that will make them Great Moms!!!
Anywho after that random attack on a title for no reason!! :nope:

DH didn't make it home :( my temp is still down so FX I see him tonite I'm not sure I will though :nope:
Its really arrogant to say anyone makes the best mommy just solely off of their age. There is a lot of things that make a good mother, and age does not define it. I am surprised that some of you with how old you are lack any real wisdom. .

This thread wasn't meant to be a competition, Kiwiberry. That original statement on the front page was fun. Why have you popped in here and brought with you negativity and hostility to a thread that has provided us joy, fun, hope, and support? I'd like to ask you to kindly step off. We don't have a desire to argue with you, as we're all working together to stay positive and support each other through our respective journeys. I mean, really, were you lurking around the TTC forums just searching for a debate? Bye dear.
kfs, beautiful wedding photo, you looked gorgeous. :) Sounds like your Dr has some things in mind for the blocked tube, and the way I see it, when there's a plan, there's always a BFP shortly after. ;) As for the fibroid or polyp, I'm sure they'll be able to get rid of that. I had a giant fibroid a few years ago, and had to have a myomectomy to get it off because it was huge (My reproductive organs seem to enjoy sprouting stuff, wtf? :haha:) Granted it was on the outside, so it wouldn't have hampered implantation, but I just know there are always ways to get rid of those things and be right on your way. Chin up lovely!

Fezzle, hope you are enjoying Wales!!

Blues, your chart does indeed look triphasic. FXd for you this cycle!!

Future Mom, I hope you are feeling better than you were a couple days ago. So, do you have any idea what your Dr's next steps will be if your hcg is still up after the next blood draw?

Terri, so excited that you've started your meds! I'm so curious to see how great your chart is gonna look on a medicated cycle! Hopefully this it for you lady! Btw, beautiful wedding photo of you too! Loving that people are posting those!

Katie, Beta is looking good!! I think you're in the clear, but that's just my opinion. :thumbup:

Vjean, you made a beautiful bride too. You and DH are such cuties together. :)

Sis, FXd that DH makes it home tonight!!!

Hi to everyone else!! I had a LOT to catch up on, so I know I missed some.

AFM, I'm just in wait mode. After the day of the IUI (all that bloating and discomfort from O that was really miserable), the next day I felt better, although still a tad sore in that whole lower abdominal region. But by the end of that day, it all went away, and I've felt great ever since. From those meds, I had some rough side effects, but its funny how they completely disappear after O. I go in on Wed so my RE can test my P. She did not give me supplements, because since this is my first cycle with her, she wants to see if I'm producing enough P on my own first. If it is low on Wed, I believe that is when she'll give me supps. I've tested the trigger a couple days with an HPT just to see how quickly it will leave my system. It was really dark for the first two days, but now it is already super, super faint as of this morning (barely even visible at all).
Sis-I think you still have a chance tonight. Maybe you can surprise him where he is! That would be fun. hee hee.

Erose-What are you using for your trigger shot-Gonal-F? The nurses gave me paperwork on Menopur and Bravelle, but the pharmacy filled 150 mg (micrograms?) of Gonal-F in pen form. I'm sure it's fine, but was just curious to see what you were taking.

kfs1-I love your wedding picture! This is the first time I've ever seen you. I also love the color of your flowers..did you get married in the fall?
Terri he's about 3 hrs away in meetings today if he can come home he will but he has another job to be at in the AM down the street from there!!
And since I have a BIG and a LO can't just pick up and leave :(

I thought Gonal F was for IVF or to preduce more follies they wanted me to do that after the Femara wasn't working but my DR said it wasn't me it was DH and he was right as soon as he got his numbers up I got a BFP!!

Usually the triggers are Novarel or Orvidrel I think they r HCG
Erose-What are you using for your trigger shot-Gonal-F? The nurses gave me paperwork on Menopur and Bravelle, but the pharmacy filled 150 mg (micrograms?) of Gonal-F in pen form. I'm sure it's fine, but was just curious to see what you were taking.

They gave me Ovidrel... I believe it's basically hcg in shot form. So the RE said it would probably give me pos HPTs for 10 days or so, and encouraged me not to test until 14dpiui. But naturally, my curiosity (and desire to experiment :winkwink:) gets the best of me, and I wanted to see for myself. It's been a week since the shot, and the HPT is already barely visible. So, is Gonal-F the same type of thing? I was thinking it was FSH in shot form.
I also used ovidrel - and tested it out last cycle. It was "fun" to finally see a line - I have saved the lightest one to compare when I finally get my real BFP!

If Kiwi comes back - we should just ignore her...
Thanks ladies.

I'm sure glad I asked you guys. This is what they have me doing. CD3-7: Clomid, CD9: Ovidrel shot. On CD11 I go back for bloodwork/ultrasound, and from there they tell me when to take the Gonal F shot, and when to bring in the sample for the procedure. Now I'm going to have to look up the differences between the ovidrel and gonal-f. So much for doing work.

When I was a MUCH younger internet queen, I used to frequent this site that was hosted my motorcycle guys. It was called flame wars, and we would just bicker back and forth about anything and everything. The point was to be the meanest one on the thread. I was SO MEAN on that site, it wasn't even funny (well, it was funny mean because we all became friends), and I'm not a huge curser, so you can just imagine how I could cut people to the core with typed words. hee hee. So...if miss thing really wants to try me, she can go right ahead. I was pleasant initially but I also reported her on the site as a tr0ll.

And now I'm off to do some research. :comp: :plane:
Kiwiberry: Perhaps you are new to forums and aren't familiar with the way things go on around here. :flower: You'll see that type of statement a lot regardless of age/parenting style. I've seen the same said by young moms that they are the best, Moms who waited until their late 20s-early 30s, same with Moms in their 40s. Tbh, the OP wasn't meant as a slam towards anyone. Its a colloquialism.

Please do not post in here again to argue with the women on this thread. Best rule of BnB: If you see something that you find offensive you can use the "report post" button and let the Moderating Team decide on it, then hit the back button and find another nook of the forums that better suits your personality style.
Hello Friends (yes I think of you all as my friends)

I appreciate how each of you stood up for us ladies on this thread :flower: we have all been through so much (which only takes a little reading to see) - and I think more of you ladies than myself... we will all be good mommies to our much wanted babies...

I don't know how I will catch up - I have been in North Carolina all last week with no computer access *gasp* just been reading via phone...

Katie - FX your beta is even higher today and your worries from yesterday and just that worries... :flower::hugs::hugs:

Terri - it seems so fast your IUI is upon us and all that medication... I am glad you are keeping it all straight - and that BFP is coming quick!!! :thumbup: love the wedding picture!!!

Sis - I hope somehow you and DH "connect" tonight :haha:

Erose - FX crossed your IUI worked this month!!! More BFP's for this thread!!!

Futuremom - my heart goes out to you... I hope your Dr can get this whole thing sorted out and the next step going...:hugs:

Fezzle - Wales!?!?!? I wanna go!!!! Here's hoping a strong O for you this month!! :thumbup:

Blues - that chart is looking awesome!!! Bfp for you too!! :hugs:

Vjean and Kfs - LOVE the wedding photos for you two ladies!!! :thumbup:

I know I am missing people - I am sorry - but I only have 15 minutes and I have to head back to teaching here in Wisconsin!!

AFM: well I drove 16 hours to get home on Friday and low and behold positive OPK on Saturday! how awesome is that? AND girls you better sit down.... I got the DH to :sex: twice on Saturday... I was hoping for Sunday too but you girls know...that wasn't happening for my guy (and I was bummed about it - hoping the Saturday stuff sticks around and got the egg)... but I have never got to put two X's on FF on the same day before!!!
I still don't have to much hope - since we both have multiple issues with our fertility.. but the :sex: was good...
Always nice to have things line up just right wish FX for your Miracle!!!

AFM DH had to come pick up tools and take a shower so I got :sex: in and have my legs in the Air as we speak !!! :haha:
Looking for a miracle here too as he hasn't been taking his Supps but we can Dream right wish!???!! :)

Onward and upward after that nasty Gramm this AM !!!
Sis-I think you still have a chance tonight. Maybe you can surprise him where he is! That would be fun. hee hee.

Erose-What are you using for your trigger shot-Gonal-F? The nurses gave me paperwork on Menopur and Bravelle, but the pharmacy filled 150 mg (micrograms?) of Gonal-F in pen form. I'm sure it's fine, but was just curious to see what you were taking.

kfs1-I love your wedding picture! This is the first time I've ever seen you. I also love the color of your flowers..did you get married in the fall?

Thanks, Terri! Yep - September 12 is my anniversary. :)

Sis/Wish - Good for you ladies for getting those BDs in :)
Gonal F is follicle stimulating so I'm not sure why they would want u to do it after Trigger unless it helps build up your lining since u r doing Clomid and it thins the lining!!

That's my only guess they talked about me doing the Gonal F instead of Femara but never after so IDK

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