Blues-Don't give up yet...a lot of people don't get results until later, so remain calm and don't test until a few more days if you can help it. fxfx. Sending you TONS of :dust: Your chart does look great, so I hope your surprise is waiting to show up. :juggle:
Terri did u call to verify about the Gonal F after trigger???

I'm really wondering what the reasoning is cuz the trigger should release ALL Follies so why boost them after I'm totally confused!!
When they talked to me about Gonal it was after Femara B4 trigger but they said I already responded very well w out it and that would just make way to many follies for me!! :haha:
:baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: WOW
No, I didn't call because that is what the paperwork said I'm supposed to do. I'm not a huge worry wart, and I pretty much just do what the doctor says in most cases. I can certainly ask on the 12th exactly what these different things are doing. I have my notes page at home, so I'll jot it down. hee hee.

Depending on the growth of my follies, maybe they will change the procedure when I go in for my ultrasound on the 12th (after my Ovidrel shot, which occurs on the 10th). You can adjust the amount of FSH because it's a dial-a-dose injector pen, and it ranges from 0-450IU. You set it to whatever you need, and inject it. Right now, they have me taking 150IU, but that could change depending on the ultrasound. It would be nice if I had plenty of properly sized follies and wouldn't have to do the Gonal F injection at all. We'll see..
Well, Terri started a trend, and I’m loving it. Oh my goodness, everyone looks so beautiful! What a gorgeous group of ladies. Wow! It’s really nice to see everyone and your DHs, too, to put names to faces. I’ll change my profile pic to one of my wedding ones, too. I mean, who doesn’t love to post pictures from one of the very best days of their life and looking the prettiest they’ve ever looked? My DH looks kind of goofy in this pic, but I look good, so that’s all that really matters, right?!

Terri— It’s almost strange to see you with hair?! You’re lucky you can rock hair (it would be weird if you couldn’t!) or no hair. Beautiful! Glad to hear you are on drugs. And that you had a wonderful weekend ride. Don’t you love those days where all is right in the world? I have to tell you something really stupid….when I read this sentence in one of your posts, “When I was a MUCH younger internet queen, I used to frequent this site that was hosted my motorcycle guys,” I thought you were saying you used to come on B&B, which was hosted by your motorcycle guys and I thought, “Why would motor cycle guys be posting on B&B? “ Omg I’m laughing so much thinking how dumb that was!

Kfs1—I agree, get BD, because you still have one perfect tube and I’ve heard eggs can jump from tube to tube or something to that effect. I don’t know how, but that’s something I’ve heard? And you know, that embryo could impant somewhere other than where the polyp/fibroid is. Hope is certainly NOT lost!

Sis—Hooray for getting that BD in! Just in the nick of time. And I know they say raising your legs up and elevating your hips doesn’t matter, but I think it does. I mean, if some of the fluid leaks out, isn’t the sperm coming out with it? I don’t know, the 3 times I’ve gotten a BFP, I elevated afterwards! Have you tried soy isoflaven pills to boost your O before? And on a side-note, what’s really weird is I actually pictured you looking a lot like you do….maybe from seeing the the pics of your family?! Love the pic!

Blues—I’m sorry about the BFN, but what dpo are you? Sounds like everyone is saying you tested early and I do know how depressing that can be. I’m still holding out hope for this cycle!

Wish—That is like, perfect, timing! Now that’s something to be very happy about! You typically ovulate 24-48 hours after the positive opk, so that’s giving the swimmers time to get where they need to go. I think the fastest they can make it to the egg is 30 minutes but the average time (I think) is 12 hours? And of course we know they live for up to 5 days, and the egg hangs around for (I think) 24 hours so, yeah, good timing!

Radkat—Totally understand not feeling up for testing on Mother’s Day, but when is AF due for you? How is your chart looking?

Moni—Excited for your upcoming IVF! The cysts aren’t great but they usually do resolve themselves and are common, so that probably won’t be a big issue. Great about your hubby’s SA numbers being in the normal range and although I’ve heard morphology isn’t the biggest worry in the numbers, I guess it doesn’t matter as much since you are doing IVF and is ICSI a wash they do on the sperm?

Erin—I’m so glad to hear your IUI update and I think it’s great that you get your P checked along the way, so if there is an issue, you can get on supplements. Really, this whole IUI process is really helpful when you look at all the stuff they do for it, you know? It’s like they monitor every step of the way. I know I’m stating the obvious but I guess it just occurred to me how much they really do to help and monitor the whole cycle!

AFM—I pulled myself out of my funk from the last time I posted and had lost my symptoms. The symptoms came back full force the next day, which was a relief. Anyway, I still plunked down another $50 for a 4th beta on Monday and I got the results back today and they were much higher than I expected. They needed to be 2100 and they were 3483 and I cried I was so happy. :dance:

So, I’m going to calm down and stop with the blood draws. But getting them is truly peace of mind. Just remember that when you get pregnant….if your doctor’s office won’t do them when you want, there are walk-in labs (like where you get drug tested for a job) and you can pay out of pocket for them…you can actually use your flexible spending healthcare account funds, if you have that.

Anyway, I’m at peace today. Have a great day everyone! :flower:
AFM—I pulled myself out of my funk from the last time I posted and had lost my symptoms. The symptoms came back full force the next day, which was a relief. Anyway, I still plunked down another $50 for a 4th beta on Monday and I got the results back today and they were much higher than I expected. They needed to be 2100 and they were 3483 and I cried I was so happy. :dance:

:happydance: SUCH great news. :happydance:
Tried to find one of us looking forward but I don't see it but here's a wedding pic to join all u guys!!!!
The good ole happy days!!


Sis....I can't see your picture for some reason :shrug: Maybe I have to log in from the computer instead of my phone but I can see Erose's. Weird I tell ya.

Edit...the picture and up in the reply I posted saying I couldn't see it! Really weird! Lol. Anyway you guys look great!!!
Katie-Love your wedding picture, and yeah, as long as you look good, that's all that matters. We don't pay mucho deniero to look shoddy. HA!!HA!!
I'm so glad you're at peace and happy and crying. That makes me super happy, and it's good to know that you can go to one of those walk-in clinics for testing. What's the next step? You probably have an official scan at some point soon (or not so soon), right? That sentence about me being younger was a hot mess! Sorry you misunderstood. I wrote my motorcycle guys, when I meant to write 'my motorcycle guy friends.' I guess someone stopped by my desk and I was minimizing/thinking/typing too quickly. No, we weren't on BnB. HA!!HA!!

So let's see...Blues/Smiles/Radkat- are you going to share your pics?
Katie soo soo Happy u r Happy!!! :happydance:

Now let's see if she is actually a she like predicted!! ;)

I tried soy once and it Jacked me up big time I am E dominat so it made it worse I'm not sure if I did it right but I usually have a pretty strong O w VITEX I just gotta push it back the early Os are my big problem!!
Although my 1st loss I Od CD10 and got a BFP but didn't make it far I think those eggos need to cook a Lil longer to be strong enough!!

Cd11 here hello!!! :nope:
Blues - I’m sorry for the BFN. But I agree that you might just be too early. My BFPs have always been 14DPO.

Terri - Ay twins. My DH wants twins, but I tell him he has no idea what he’s talking about. Just like he wants 4 kids (we started a little late for that one). As for the wedding pic, I love seeing everyone’s pics, so I’ll try to dig some of mine out. We got married on a boat and got lucky with great weather as well.

Sis – I bet you O’d. Maybe just a slow riser?

Katie – I’m so happy for you and your great numbers! :happydance: That’s fantastic. I’m glad you feel like you can rest easy now. AF is probably due on Mother’s Day. Here’s hoping that she doesn’t fly in and ruin the day. I’ll probably test on Monday if she hasn’t shown up by then.

Not much going on here. My temps are pretty low for this time post O. So I'm not too optimistic, but we'll see what happens.
Random FF question - Does anyone know why when you click on someone's chart sometimes you can see all of their charts and sometimes just the current chart and the month before? Is it a paid vs. free situation?
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all these wedding pics! What a beautiful group of ladies, and the fellas aren't too bad either! I'm so glad Terri started this!

Blues, it is early - don't get down yet! I agree with everyone...your chart is looking good! :thumbup:

Katie, that's a fabulous beta! :cloud9:

Terri, :oneofeach:!! And of course you can still adopt if you have twins. Once you have 2 kids you can keep adding them and you really don't even notice. It's the transition from 1 to 2 that's a big deal! haha!

Sis, a rise is a rise. Sit back and enjoy it! I'm so glad DH got to come home for a bit to take care of business at home. At least you can relax knowing you gave it your best effort.

Erin, :coffee: Patiently waiting for you to hurry up and be 14 dpiui already. Fortunately for us POAS addicts, we can count on you to test earlier than that!! (Right?!?)

Futuremom, so sorry you are still in limbo. I hope the docs help you soon so you can get some closure. All that waiting has to be the hardest!

Wish, so glad you checked in with us! FX'd that this is your miracle month!

AFM: DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA! And it's almost embarassing to type out what the drama is over...So not sure if y'all remember, but my older sis is also pg, 2 weeks ahead of me. I also have 3 super good friends that are 3-5 weeks behind me, and DHs cousin that lives in our town just had a baby girl. You'd think this would be exciting, but NO! It has turned into major drama over my DD's clothes, of ALL THINGS! Aside from peeing on things, I also have a slight shopping obsession and everyone keeps making comments about me giving them all of my DD's clothes. Now, I don't have a problem passing on things to friends and family, but the things I buy my DD are not cheap. She maily wears a brand called Matilda Jane (if y'all have baby girls, and have money to waste, according to my DH, I highly recommend it!) The resell value on her clothes is exceptional, and I can furnish our whole nursery by selling stuff she has out grown. We aren't telling anyone what we are having, so I am trying to figure out how I can secretly start selling off her things without tipping people off that we are having a boy, or offending them by not giving them to them for free. See...it sounds silly, but it really bothers me that instead of being excited for my DH to have a son, they keep making comments like "I hope you have a boy so I can have all of Haddie's clothes", and "when you find out it's a boy make sure you save all her clothes for me". WTH? People really don't have any manners. I told my DH I was tempted to just have all her clothes cut up and made in to a quilt so I can have them forever and don't have to worry about offending rude people. :haha:

Oh, and to top it off, my sis keeps sending me messages that she hates me because I won't tell her what our baby is. And her friend (that I dont even know!) keeps sending me messages that I am causing my sis stress that she doesn't need because I won't tell her. I did reply that the sex of my baby has no bearing on the stress level of my sis, but I am sure it went in one ear and out the other...

So, that's my silly drama. I don't know why I am letting them get to me so much.
I have noticed that, but not sure why.... I know there is an option to select the charts you want shown. Maybe that has something to do with it?
I have a VIP membership and u can see ALL mine but I thought it was just the way I installed it to my page I have no idea!!

I get messages ALL the time of people signing up off my chart but I have no idea who they are!!! :haha:
Vjean I would just straight up tell them that u need to sell things to buy stuff for the new baby !!! Myself I would hang onto Ur favs so u have them !!

Maybe pass off a few things that are cheaper and U have no emotional tie to so they have no room to Bitch!! :hugs:

I'm the same as u both my boys are dressed well and I do hand down to my sis mainly cuz I'm afraid the kids will go w/out but I stopped giving away my favs and I have a box of clothes w a closet full of girl clothes hopefully I'll get to use one day!!! :(
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all these wedding pics! What a beautiful group of ladies, and the fellas aren't too bad either! I'm so glad Terri started this!

Blues, it is early - don't get down yet! I agree with everyone...your chart is looking good! :thumbup:

Katie, that's a fabulous beta! :cloud9:

Terri, :oneofeach:!! And of course you can still adopt if you have twins. Once you have 2 kids you can keep adding them and you really don't even notice. It's the transition from 1 to 2 that's a big deal! haha!

Sis, a rise is a rise. Sit back and enjoy it! I'm so glad DH got to come home for a bit to take care of business at home. At least you can relax knowing you gave it your best effort.

Erin, :coffee: Patiently waiting for you to hurry up and be 14 dpiui already. Fortunately for us POAS addicts, we can count on you to test earlier than that!! (Right?!?)

Futuremom, so sorry you are still in limbo. I hope the docs help you soon so you can get some closure. All that waiting has to be the hardest!

Wish, so glad you checked in with us! FX'd that this is your miracle month!

AFM: DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA! And it's almost embarassing to type out what the drama is over...So not sure if y'all remember, but my older sis is also pg, 2 weeks ahead of me. I also have 3 super good friends that are 3-5 weeks behind me, and DHs cousin that lives in our town just had a baby girl. You'd think this would be exciting, but NO! It has turned into major drama over my DD's clothes, of ALL THINGS! Aside from peeing on things, I also have a slight shopping obsession and everyone keeps making comments about me giving them all of my DD's clothes. Now, I don't have a problem passing on things to friends and family, but the things I buy my DD are not cheap. She maily wears a brand called Matilda Jane (if y'all have baby girls, and have money to waste, according to my DH, I highly recommend it!) The resell value on her clothes is exceptional, and I can furnish our whole nursery by selling stuff she has out grown. We aren't telling anyone what we are having, so I am trying to figure out how I can secretly start selling off her things without tipping people off that we are having a boy, or offending them by not giving them to them for free. See...it sounds silly, but it really bothers me that instead of being excited for my DH to have a son, they keep making comments like "I hope you have a boy so I can have all of Haddie's clothes", and "when you find out it's a boy make sure you save all her clothes for me". WTH? People really don't have any manners. I told my DH I was tempted to just have all her clothes cut up and made in to a quilt so I can have them forever and don't have to worry about offending rude people. :haha:

Oh, and to top it off, my sis keeps sending me messages that she hates me because I won't tell her what our baby is. And her friend (that I dont even know!) keeps sending me messages that I am causing my sis stress that she doesn't need because I won't tell her. I did reply that the sex of my baby has no bearing on the stress level of my sis, but I am sure it went in one ear and out the other...

So, that's my silly drama. I don't know why I am letting them get to me so much.

Okay VJean...Here's some advice from my sneaky self...Just pre-empt all the DRAMA by telling them you are SO SORRY that you sold all of her clothes a few months ago, not thinking you would be able to get preggers again. And you are just SO SORRY - that part is really important so then they are consoling you instead of yelling at you. Then you can secretly sell everything on kijiji or some site that allows you to do it anonymously. :muaha: Like my devious plan? :haha:
Love the plan Futuremom! :hangwashing: Clothes? What clothes?

I can sell them on eBay, but I'd get more money if I sell on Facebook pages dedicated to Matilda Jane resell. I'd pay fees on eBay, but I could do it without anyone knowing. Facebook would be super hard to hide.
Vjean - I still have a box of baby clothes from the older girls. People sure are brazen nowadays!!:growlmad: For goodness sakes - they are your clothes!! How do people get this air of entitlement? I would try to sell them too since they will fund little Mr.'s room!

Katie! I knew it!!! I am so glad to hear all Beta's point to a healthy pregnancy for you!! Four years is a long time to wait for this little one - when are you telling your LO? Or does she already know? Congrats lady!!:happydance::happydance:

Sis - boo on the slow rising temp - I hope you still caught the egg!!!

:hi: to all you other lovelies!!!

AFM: started temping again yesterday morning since I am alone for two weeks in Wisconsin... I immediately was unhappy since my temps pointed to not ovulating yet :cry: I was hoping I ovulated Sunday so I would have a chance - no matter how remote - but it doesn't look like it -i wish now I didn't know... BLEH!!!
I have homework to do - but I am procrastinating!!! I guess I should get to it!! :blush:
VJean-make up a fake FB and email and sell those clothes! I've never heard of Matilda Jane and will look it up for my friends with babies. I like getting them nice stuff.

Future mom-the evil side comes out and I love it! Hee hee.

Wish- you don't even know your base temp without all your vitamins and such, so you might be ok after all. Are you going to continue temping? You said you felt free, so might as well stop if it makes you feel better. I like your new picture too!! Beautiful.

Sis-I hope you get to use all those girl clothes too. It's destined to happen. I have had a couple people sign up from my chart too. Thanks whoever you are!

Radkat-I think it's a settings thing. I know all of mine are there. It makes it easy to compare/contrast/throw darts at. Hee hee.
Vjean - I agree that your friends have some entitlement issues. I would just say that you always knew that when buying these clothes you would be reselling them to make back some of your money. Give them some of the stuff you don't care about. Pretty rude, actually. Oh and your sister having her friend text you that you're stressing her out (I'm guessing this is what is happening) because you don't want to reveal the gender? Pretty manipulative. I would tell her that it's stressing you out that she's stressed out and you're worried about the health of your baby. Lame. :growlmad:

I looked into the FF charts posting thing and it is a VIP vs. free thing. VIP all of your charts show up. Free it's only the most recent 2.
Okay ladies....here is our wedding picture. As I was looking back over the pictures today I was all smiles again. Lol


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