Smiles, beautiful picture!

Radkat, I hope you get your temp spike! There is still hope!

Wish, don’t fret about 3 days before O! It’s definitely possible! Don’t give up! Miracles happen all the time.

Sis, it only takes one day! Hope you had fun on the Fun Run! (but sweaty kids in a hot gym doesn’t sound like a party to me!)

Terri, what a random spike that was! Glad you enjoyed dinner even though service wasn’t great. Hopefully the next time you go back it will be better. Maybe the server was just having an off day? Whew! Good thing you called about the shot and double checked your paperwork. We can’t have you messing things up because it’s your month!! Your DH cracks me up! No honey, it’s not time to use the cup yet. Hehe!

Erin, that progesterone number is great and I would be jumping for joy that you do NOT have to do the lovely suppositories! It’s almost testing time!! Woohoo!!

Blues, your temp is still looking good today! Any more spotting?

Hope everyone is getting ready for a great weekend! I work a flex schedule, so I’m off tomorrow. I have a dr appt in the am, and then we are going for a private gender ultrasound. Yeah, I know I already “know” what we are having, but I’m ones of those “I have to see it to believe it” kind of people. My DH is lovingly referring to this ultrasound as the “nut check appointment”. Don’t you just love men? :haha:
Vjean-That is just the cutest $80 outfit I've seen in a long time! I like your new plan of attack for your stuff. Your coworker's niece is going to be so happy to get all that stuff from you.

Your hubs cracks me up too-nut check. :haha: I hope your boy is cooperating enough to see those little grape nuts. HA!!HA!! Oh and last night, my hubs said 'We have to the most propping we've ever done before!' I just rolled my eyes and said 'ok, you got it!' HA!!HA!! I wish I could laugh out loud sometimes, but I don't. I wait to share with you guys and LOL. Enjoy your day off!
The Fun Run was more of a RUN RUN as making circles around the cafeteria wasn't the most FUN!! :nope:
And I think everyone made the cap of 35 laps seeing how it wasn't that far!!

Even DS2 said yea it wasn't as FUN as outside !! :haha:

But that's one more thing checked off my list of the week TGIF Tom!! ;)
Radkat, I think your chart looks great! I'm sure your temps will go back up a bit, and as long as they're above CL, that's really all that matters. Looking good to me! :thumbup:

Terri, I'm feeling pretty good. Just ready to test. I was at Target today, so I bought some FRERs. I used an IC today to make sure the trigger shot is out of my system completely, and it is. So now the wait is killing me. I think it was easier when I knew i could get a false pos! I wasn't quite as anxious then, because I KNEW I couldn't test for real. GL with your meds! I'm so excited for us. Hehehe!

Vjean, that dress was adorable! I love unique clothes like that, which you don't find everywhere and see on a hundred other kids. Haddie is SOOO cute, I'm so glad you shared that pic, it made me smile!

AFM, this will be gross, but just curious with other Femara users (or anyone who's had this experience)... did you have a lot of super creamy white (creamy lotion texture) CM in the TWW? Ever since I had the EWCM on the day of the IUI, after that I've had a ton of the creamy CM every single day. It doesn't come out on my panties that much, its mostly when I wipe, but it's quite a lot. More than I've EVER had, so I guess it's just weird for me to see it, because it's one of those things that's a totally obvious change from all my other cycles.
Spotting. Could be AF, which would suck since I'm only 10DPO and means my LP is wonky. Could be IB, which would be awesome. Sooo, the plot thickens...

:coffee: :shrug: :coffee: :shrug:
Erose It could be a BFP sign and it can just be that u got a strong O as more P gives u lotiony CM
FX it's the latter!!

Watching the Draft and yelling at the TV my DH LOL says I'm such a guy!! :)
No wonder why I have Boys just which one of them was a Athlete!! :haha:
Terri-I hate fancy places that have great food but terrible service. I am not a needy guest, I just want my order taken when they see my menu closed. I hate when I have to sit there forever!

Vjean-OMG your daughter is adorable in that dress!!! I think your divestment idea is great. They will go to who deserves it best.

Sis-Your hubby is lucky. I hate football! My DH loves it! Netflix saves us! I watch Netflix while he watches football.

Radkat-I spotted on day 11. I am feeling so crappy about it too! *hugs*

AFM-I've had no more spotting today. I felt a little nauseous earlier today but that probably from the fish this woman at work heated up in the microwave for breakfast. It smells disgusting!
I don't really like watching NFL cuz they are just a bunch of over paid Babies but NCAA I love cuz they play for the Game
So I watch the draft cuz I like to see where my Favs go One of my Favs went to the Giants hope he helps Eli out this yr!!! :)

FYI my hormones are outta whack according to my chin Explosion :nope:
Rad - oh man. The plot thickens! Fx that you had the good kind of spotting!

Erose - no help here but that CM sounds promising to me! Fx!

Vjean - your daughter is adorable! Good luck at your "nut check appointment." Love it. :)

Blues - I, too, hate to be fussed over in a restaurant. I hate when they are overly-attentive and keep interrupting, even though I know that's there job. :)

Sis - I agree with Blues. Your DH is lucky. Mine had to watch on the ipad because it's sooooo boring to me. Not a football person.
Good Friday Morning Ladies:muaha:

I had this great post all typed out and bam computer screen went white... :growlmad:

Sis - I am sorry your cycles are so screwy - FX this is the last cycle that is wonky!!!

Vjean - Your daughter is absolutely adorable!! I think your solution with the clothes is perfect!! and sometimes we have to step back from those we love - I call this - Love from a distance! I still love you but I can't have you in my daily life...:hugs:

Blues - Fish for breakfast :sick: I am feeling sick just thinking about that!! FX that you are feeling sick for another reason - little bean!! :thumbup:

Radkat - FX you had IB!!! :flower:

Erose - Can't help with femara and CM... but my CM is always scant... no matter what time of cycle - soooo I am with Sis - here's to hoping its BFP!!:flower:

Terri - Your hubs crack me up with the best propping ever!! pretty soon he is going to have you hanging from the ceiling by your ankles!!! good thing with IUI no propping needed - but don't tell him that... :hugs:
and a big fat :growlmad: about the crappy service in a fancy restaurant..

:howdy: kfs!!

and :hi: to all you other ladies out there - Atty if you are just reading I just want to say I miss your Irish tales!! and SPP I hope you are healing and we miss you too...

AFM: nothing to report on TTC side... I have a rant here ladies... I am staying in military lodging... and unfortunately I am forced to share a bathroom with another Soldier... and TWICE now... this Soldier (can be male or female) has used the bathroom and locked my door from the inside and not UNLOCKED it....mind you this person just showed up last night - :growlmad:!!!!
I HATE SHARING BATHROOMS:brat::hissy::gun::gun::gun:
I totally want to go :gun: at this person....

I love the military, I love the military, I love the military.... rant over...
ERose-OOh, good sign with the creamy CM. I am hoping so badly that this is it! :dust: I read your post yesterday afternoon when I was home, and I finally bit the bullet and ordered some ICs. I want to test the trigger too! hee hee. I bought 50. I sure hope I don't need them all.

Blues-Yeah, the fish for breakfast makes me sick too, but hopefully your nausea is promising (that's so weird to say!). fxfx

Radkat-Same to you...fxfxfx. This month is super exciting!

kfs1-One more chance this cycle! I think you're going to get crosshairs tomorrow, so one more BD for the win! I used to wait tables, and if you see that the guests are having a great conversation, they do NOT want to be interrupted. If they are looking around, they may need something. It's common sense.

Wish-Hey chica! I guess you'll have to tell your "roomie" to stop locking the door on your side. Hopefully you can get out of there soon. I KNOW!!! about hubs and the best propping ever. That's what made me want to laugh. His innocence is too cute.

Sis-I thought that the guy that went to the Texans was too cute (Clowney). His tears and his happiness just made my night. I really didn't need to watch the rest after that. I can't imagine being 20 years old and being recruited for the NFL. It's amazing. Sorry about the chin explosion.

AFM-I finished my last Clomid pill last night, and now I wait for Saturday night. :coffee:

It's Friday!! :happydance:
Terri - Woohoo. I'm so excited for you this cycle. Your DH sounds so sweet! :)

Wish - That's SOO annoying that you have to share a bathroom. How much longer until you get to go home??

AFM: Man, I hope I get a big temp jump tomorrow! I'm always scared that nothing's going to happen, ya know? I tried preseed last night for the first time. I've never used anything like that before - man, it was GROSS (at least from my perspective). The things we do for TTC, ladies!!

I agree, Terri - soooooooo excited that it's Friday.
Wish I think I would be beating on the door since I have to get up thru the nite to Wee!! :grr:

Terri Let the poking begin!!! :)

Kfs1 hope u get a jump in the AM it's so frustrating when our bodies don't do right!! :nope:

AFM both my ovaries are aching and I'm only 4dpo I'm thinking a cyst for sure since I got a tiny drop of Brown yesterday!! :shrug:
Not sure if I should waste a drive to the dr or not so frustrating!!

Yes the texans got Clowney I'm glad I didn't want Johhny football and I told everyone he would go to The Browns just like McCoy and I will only say he is MR football if he does better than McCoy he was great and got the stick so we will see!!
All I said on Facebook was can I say I told ya so some of my guys friends where Crying!! :haha:
Wish-I would need to pop your roommate. Unlock the door unless you want me peeing on your bed!

KFS-Keeping my fingers crossed you get the jump.

Sis-I felt lucky, DH only watched the summary of the draft on the news.

Terri-I never worked at a restaurant but I feel like its common sense.

AFM-My temps are still high but I spotted again this morning. :cry: I was going to test but then I saw the spotting and I just didn't want to see the stark white space. :cry:
Sis-I don't know who wanted Johnny football. I knew the Ravens weren't going to take him, so I wasn't too worried. Hubs was PRAYING that the Cowboys wouldn't take him. I hope he's happy with the Browns.

Blues-I hear you..I wouldn't test either, but again, these temps are looking SO great. I'm nervous for tomorrow. I want this to be YOUR CHART!! hee hee.

kfs1-Oh, your temperature will jump. I'm the only one I know that has had so many wackadoodle charts. Everyone else's is pretty normal. I guess that's what makes me special. :wacko: HA!!HA!! Oh, and maybe you used too much preseed. I use 2ml, and I don't notice it. Although, we haven't used it in a while because it can get messy. But yeah..the things we do...:friends:
Blues FX the spotting goes Away and AF stays Away!!!!

Terri I don't really care if he's happy or not :haha: He's a Lil to Cocky for my Cajun blood!! :nope:
Blues - I think your chart looks great but definitely understand. I say hold off - if it's a BFP, it'll still be there tomorrow! (I know easier said than done.)

Terri - we all have wackadoodle charts some months. :)
Terri - uhm you are not the only one with a wackadoodle chart lady!!! :flower: but charts won't matter cause you is getting a BFP this month!!! :happydance::happydance:

Blues - I totally get you dislike of the blank test... its all I get too... FX this month is different for you... :hugs: love the peeing on your bed statement :rofl:

kfs- FX crossed you get your temperature jump tomorrow - always kinda ruins my day when I am expecting a high temp and get a pre O temp... I hope that is not whats gonna happen to you tomorrow!!:thumbup:

Sis - I hear you about getting up through the night - i hope this Soldier next door leaves soon...

My trip is supposed to last until the 16th... but I am considering driving home tomorrow (6 hours each way) to spend Sunday at home with the family...then come back here.... 12 hours is such a long time in the car....:coffee:
Wish-Do you have podcasts? They really make the time go by if you can listen to them over your speakers. I was also going to recommend books on audio, but I guess you'd have to buy them since you can't sign up for a library card. We love listening to books when we go on trips. In the meantime, you can download podcasts to your phone. I love them! My coworkers laughed and said 'welcome to 2008.' hee hee. I got a new car in 2012, and before that I had a 1999 Corolla, so no amenities there. I had roll up windows, and a tape deck! :haha:

Blues-I changed my mind. You're at 14DPO. If a line is going to be there, I am sure it'll show up. If you test and it's negative, then you can hold out hope or just prepare for AF. I think you're going to get a line though. fxfxfx. No pressure, though.

Sis-Well, I guess being from TX you hear more about that dude than I do. I don't watch much college football either (except a few games of VA Tech, where hubs went to school), and a bowl game or two.
Wish - That's one of the rules of sharing a bathroom - you unlock the other door before you leave. Does he need a nice, gentle reminder sign on his door of the bathroom? I'm sure you could make one that would work very well. :haha: I like Terri's idea for podcasts, you should be able to download some books on tape as well, I think. Or just a lot a really great, sing a long type music. Please let me know if you need any suggestions. :happydance: <- This is you dancing in the car to your awesome car playlist.

Blues - I get not wanting to get a BFN. How long are your LPs usually? Seems like 14DPO would get you a + if it were going to happen. But I know some would just rather wait until AF is actually late. No pressure, but I'll be checking this space for your update. :thumbup:

Kfs - I'm guessing if the Preseed feels gross you either used more than you need (the box says to use a lot, start small and use more if you need it). Or maybe you don't really need it at all.

Terri - What happens Saturday night? Is that the first shot? How are you feeling about that? Good luck!

No news here really. Temps the same. A bit more spotting, but so far it's less than yesterday. A little tempted to test tomorrow, but I'm feeling a little chicken right now. Maybe I'll base it on tomorrow's temp.

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