Vjean-Woah that some bratty attitudes you have surrounding you! I would sell on Facebook anyways. Kids cost money and you have a new one on the way! So let them buy their own clothes. Or they can learn how to sew and make knockoffs!
Wish-As you hadn't been testing, you don't know what pre0 temps were so keep hopeful! I had a month where my pre0 temps were pretty low which made my post0 temps not that high.
Smiles-You two looks so wonderful together! Love love your bouquet.

AFM-I had some pink spotting today. I'm trying to keep my hopes up as my temps are still high but now I am losing hope. :(
Now the post to address everything else....

Love all the wedding pictures, they could be used for bridal magazines! :hugs:

Terri...FX for your next steps! You'll be in the TWW before you know it girlie!

VJean.... WTH?!?! For all they know you could be having another girl and could reuse the clothes. I'm sort of combative so I would tell them all to kiss it!:growlmad: and as for the text messages...the claws would have come out for sure but if you're less confrontational go with Future Mom's plan. Lol

Katie....glad your betas are up up up there!:happydance:
Smiles-Look at that smile! You look so happy, and it's so nice to see your face! Love that picture..thanks for sharing.

Blues-ooh ooh, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you big time. I'm scared, though. I don't want to see a drop in temps. Isn't the unknown the worst?

AFM-False alarm, false alarm. I jumped out of bed and ran to the OPK closet. Open circle. Thank goodness. I wasn't sure if this Clomid would affect my cycle, so it freaked me out. All is well....

I told hubs, 'Don't worry. It was a false alarm. I thought we would only have one chance to make our baby, but now we have many more chances, so feel free to let me know when you're ready.' He said "I thought I have to use the cup." I said 'Well, you do when it's time but there are plenty of other opportunities!!!! :dohh: He is such a silly goose (clueless). HA!!HA!!
vjean - I vote for Future Mom's plan! If you feel too guilty though, go half and half - give them the items that are less valuable and say that you no longer have the others. People are so annoying! I don't even know what to say about your sister's friend. Tell her to back off!

Wish - love your wedding pic - beautiful. And I agree with Terri. If you haven't been temping/taking meds, how can you be sure? Maybe put that thermometer back in the drawer for this month.

Smiles - You're so beautiful! Love the pic - you look so happy!

Blues - As you said, you're still not out! The spotting could be absolutely nothing. I'm sending positive fertile thoughts your way. Fx!!!

Terri - So, did the clomid cause your temp jump? Sorry - I'm clueless with this stuff.

Katie - Congrats again on those numbers!

Sis - Is your husband away? Are you getting some BDing in this week?

Hi everyone else!

AFM: I had ewcm yesterday and today but no flashing smiley as of yet. I didn't have a chance to BD yesterday but am going to get on that tonight for sure! This is the most ewcm I've had since before my MC so I'm super excited. Did any of you experience an increase after your HSG?
I think my temp jump was just a fluke. I went without socks last night, but we still have our winter comforter on the bed, so maybe it was just warm. Although, they say that the temperature in the room shouldn't affect your BBT, but I may or may not agree with that statement. We'll see what happens tomorrow. At least my OPK was negative. If it was positive, that would've thrown me for a huge loop.

I don't think I had a lot of EWCM after my HSG, but I don't really have a lot anyway. Keep at it!
Terri your OPK will be neg while on Clomid and if u test right after stopping it u may get a false +++ it's blocking your E so shouldnt be anyway to O!! GL

Smiles love the pic!!!

Kfs1 we got in the one day thats it he was home last nite for a few hrs but was snoring like a Lumberjack so I didn't bother him :(

AFM temp went down :shrug: I did go to bed w wet hair so maybe that was the case IDK what's going on w my cycle it's been crazy since the MC !!! :nope:
Sis-Yeah, I was 95% sure I wouldn't have a positive OPK, I just wanted to make sure because that jump sure was a big one! I almost didn't take one, but then I thought -everyone will ask, and since I just bought a pack of 20, I'll just do it. So, I did. :haha: Your chart is a mystery to me too. But... your body is still probably settling itself out.

I emailed the nurse today to ask if there is a certain time I'm supposed to take the Ovidrel shot on Saturday, and she said to take the Gonal F first (between 7-9pm), and (after the u/s) THEN do the ovidrel shot if need be . That is NOT what my paper says (of course, I have to wait until I go home, but I'm totally going to call her on it). What if I did what my paper said and never called to verify??? I'd be madder than a Cajun Sis. HA!!HA!!
Terri-what is the ultrasound for? Does the u/s let them know your body us ready for iui?

I have a ff question. If you do charts like mine does ff comparw your chart to others who have similar temps?
Blues, don't worry too much about the BFN yesterday just yet. I know SO many girls who weren't able to get a BFP until between 13-15 days. Lots on BnB get early BFPs, but I feel like I dont know a single one of my friends/family who got one before the day of their missed period. And from what I've read, many women get spotting right before BFPs too, so don't rule yourself out!

Katie, you look SO pretty in your wedding photo. :) And yes, it does feel good to be monitored now... a few months back, I might've said no, i'm not ready for all that. But I was this time! It gives me so much insight into what's going on in there, and gives me some peace of mind that everything is going as it should be. btw, YAYYYY for your beta!!!! Sooo excited! :happydance:

Vjean, you also look beautiful in your wedding photo, I love it. :) And yes, you can probably rely on me to POAS a bit early, hehe. When they called me today with my progesterone results, she reminded me to take a HPT seven days from today, and i'm like, Yea I really need THAT reminder, and oh btw, I'll probably be doing it in more like five days. :haha: BTW, so sorry for that drama you are dealing with! Especially the text from your sis's friend... that one blew me away the most when I was reading it! The nerve! WTF??

Sis, I feel very strongly that you are going to get to use that closet full of girls' clothes someday.... just a hunch. :winkwink:

Smiles, LOVED the wedding photo! You look so pretty and happy! Love that bouquet too!

Terri, wow, I saw that spike this morning... I know how you and I hate the "drama spikes". No room from drama on our charts! How's the clomid treating you so far? You've had two days of it so far, right? I never really had side effects from it until right before O. Btw, holy sh!t if you hadn't called your RE!!! That could've gone all wrong! So our suspicions were right, it did seem pretty weird. Did you ask your RE about the papers?? They might want to consider correcting that, lol.

kfs, i just looked back at my charts (the one with my HSG).... I had a little bit of EWCM three days after my HSG. I have to say too, that was unusual for me when I was on clomid... I hardly EVER got EWCM while taking that med. No clue if it was related to the HSG or not, but it was odd for me on a clomid cycle.

AFM, progesterone tested today, and the nurse called a bit ago with results. She said the number is 21, and she said that was in normal range, so they won't be adding P supps. Does that sound normal to anyone who may know (Sis? :winkwink:)?
Terri ..... So glad u called I told u something was up!!! :grr:

Erose your P sounds good they like above 15 to sustain a pregnancy so I think u are good!!

AFM I'm not sure I Od maybe a cyst got in the way cu my temps are so low it's weird kinda afraid to even waste my P this cycle maybe I'll just do the cream!! :shrug:
I can't talk long as I'm going to 'the club' tonight for dinner with hubs and I just got home. Grrr.

Blues-yeah charts like mine show you similar charts but you have to set filters like 'ovulation day, erratic temps, HSG cycle, BD pattern, pregnancy etc.). It's fun at first but I got tired of it because every single chart is different. Ha ha.

More later, chicas
Erose your P sounds good they like above 15 to sustain a pregnancy so I think u are good!!

AFM I'm not sure I Od maybe a cyst got in the way cu my temps are so low it's weird kinda afraid to even waste my P this cycle maybe I'll just do the cream!! :shrug:

Thanks Sis! I knew you'd be the expert on that. Can always count on you. :winkwink:

Sis, I'd give those temps another day or so... I bet they'll go up again tomorrow.
Terri, have a great dinner tonight lady!

Wish, how was your long trip? Or are you still on it?? I can't recall how long it was supposed to last, and I may have missed a post here or there. Sorry you got frustrated with your temp! Like others said, don't count yourself out since you didnt see any of your pre-O temps. I totally understand where you're coming from though... I pretty much know the range of what my temps are before O, and then the range they're at after O. So I'd be able to get a pretty good idea that way. However, like Terri said, your temps could be different without all the supplements (did you stop taking them all?). I may be imagining this, but I sorta recall your earlier charts having super low temps, right? And then after you started taking some supps, I was thinking they had started to have higher ranges (am i totally imagining that or thinking of someone else???). So perhaps if you stopped taking all your vitamins and supps, maybe in general they'll just be a little lower and without temping prior to O, you may not have a good idea for sure this cycle. Anyway, I'm rambling, sorry! Just talking through it in my head and it's just showing up on my screen as I think, lol. I just dont want you counting yourself out for sure this cycle.
Terri- I am soooo glad you called the doctor!!! We cannot be getting these shots out of order!!! there is a BFP a calling your name!!!! :thumbup:

Erose - Thank you for you kind words!! :hugs: Yes I am still on my trip I have moved from North Carolina to Wisconsin now... about 6 hours from home...
I actually restarted my supplements when the :witch: showed up this cycle. In fact I noticed when not taking them I don't even feel O pains... the only time I do is when I take DHEA... maybe that has something to do wtih my SUPER low AMH... :shrug:
I was going to temp when the :witch: left but I was in North Carolina and rooming with my 30 year old sister... I didn't want to have to explain the beeping at o dark thirty... so I waited until I got here to Wisconsin...
And you are right - I am pretty sure of my pre and post O temps... and low and behold - temp went up .3 this morning... so I am positive I ovulated yesterday :cry: Three days after my positive OPK... this happened to me last cycle as well... I don't understand it... on my previous cycles in Jan and Feb I usually ovulated the next day... and unfortunately I just can't put in any hope in the :spermy: living three days... especially with his last test results - only 3 million...

So what do you do when life just BUMS you out? You eat pizza and have ice cream of course!!! :happydance::happydance:

I want to give up... We absolutely have to have a miracle with my low low amh and blocked tube and his :spermy: issues... but it seems I just can't... there is this damn little sprig of hope that says keep trying...

thanks for reading this ramble...:flower:
erose - Congrats on the great progesterone number. It sounds like this could be a great month for you. :) And thanks for checking out your old charts for me to check your ewcm. I'm definitely noticing an increase - it's very similar to what I used to have before my MC. Let's hope it's back for good.

Terri - What's the deal with your treatment? Did you get to speak with the doctor? I totally agree about comparing charts on FF. They're all SO different but it's sometimes fun anyway to find one that's a BFP and matches your symptoms. :)

Wish - I've definitely ovulated 3 days past my positive OPK as well. I know you must be so frustrated. Pizza and ice cream are a definite help for sure. :hugs:

Sis - Your temps don't look bad to me. What are ya thinking?
Well, dinner at the club was good. Hubs felt slighted from the service, but we have three more meals to eat there, and we don't have to go back. We can't afford it anyway. It's just a fun, new experience, and for that, I am grateful.

Ok, so I looked at my paperwork after dinner, and I was wrong as far as the order that I typed on here. It does say to take my Gonal-F first and then take the Ovidrel if need be (they will tell me after my ultrasound). Blues-yeah, the ultrasound will measure how many and how big my follicles are and I guess they determine when I will take the trigger and force ovulation, and thus prepare for IUI. I already received a prescription for progesterone. I guess after IUI, they will tell me to start taking the progesterone. I don't think I go in for a CD21 bloods, so we'll see. I've never had my progesterone checked before, but I have a feeling it's low.

ERose-I'm so super excited for you...all is going well! How do you feel?

Wish-:hugs: I can't imagine how you feel, but I know you are not a quitter, and you do what you set your mind to, so this is the last hurdle you have to overcome for a while. You do what is best for you. If it's holding out hope, so be it. If it's throwing in the towel, that is fine too. No one will fault you for your decision. :flower:<3

Sis-Looks like you Od. woohoo!
Yea I guess I Od I put in my 2nd temp for yesterday cuz my cover line was way to low and I know my cover line is Always 98.0 or close to it not 97.7 so WTH!!! :shrug:

I'm not holding out much hope w one day of BD and DH not taking his Supps so it is what it is!!

GL w those shots Terri!!!

FX Erose!!

I was suppose to go to DS2s Fun run but it got rained on so they r moving it indoors which I think won't be as fun not as far for them to go and a ton of parents crammed in the cafeteria :nope: oh well I will cheer my Lil man on anyway at 2!!!
Awww...a fun run inside. hee hee. Yeah, it's going to be hot and funky! I'm sure it'll be fun though.
Blues - Your temps are still up. That's good news.

Terri - There is so much going on with your IUI protocol! Sounds like you have everything covered. Bad service at the fancy club? I hate that kinda thing. DH and I went to this fancy restaurant a few years ago for some occasion and we were making jokes about how our table must have an invisibility shield around it. The waiters were literally going to all of the other tables checking in multiple times and never came to us as we had our menus closed on the table and no drinks. Happened throughout the meal. Sounds like you had a good time anyway.

Kfs - Hooray for EWCM! I'm always thrilled when I see some since I don't get too much. Hope the HSG kinda reset things.

Sis - Definitely looks like you O'd. Who knows maybe one of those spermies got through!

ERose - Good news on the P level. And your chart looks great.

Wish - What's that egg doing hanging around inside? Bust through when you're supposed to little eggy! Sorry you're not feeling good about timing. Pizza and ice cream for sure. And a cookie if needed. :flower:

I'm feeling like my temps are pretty low. I'm hoping they jump soon. I looked back and LO's BFP chart and they were low for a few days then jumped, so I guess it's possible. :shrug: We'll see.
Thanks ladies! I appreciate your support! I think I need to get a little distance from my sis for a while, and not engage with her on facebook or texts unless I have to.

So I started sorting my DDs clothes that are just regular sleepers, onesies, gowns, etc and I have decided that I am going to give them to my co-worker who has a niece that can desperately use them. My DD was way too big, so all of her newborn clothes were never even worn! I'm also going to give her all the pink things I have like the bath seat, muslin blankets, etc. I know they will appreciate them.

Then moving on to my DDs MJ clothes - she has one piece that came from Art Fair that I know I can sell for $80+, but my neighbor is having a little girl this month and is a huge MJ addict like me. So I will gift her the Art Fair Ellie, because I know she will appreciate it and knows the value of what she has. After that I will save a few of my favorite pieces and start selling the items I have in duplicate. Yes, I bought my DD the same dresses in multiple sizes. It really is a sickness. :sick: haha. I can get away with selling duplicates without much fuss, I think. In the fall I will figure out how to sell the rest of her too small MJ and all her gymboree. If anybody has the nerve to say anything to me about it I will probably not be so nice when I respond. I'm looking forward to being able to offset costs of new things I have to buy.

And just in case you are wondering what an $80+ Art Fair Ellie looks like, I've attached a pic. :winkwink:


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