Yes ATM is only a hop skip and a Jump from here and most everyone in the Oilfield AKA Houston went to ATM!!! :nope:

I'm a LSU fan of course and have a Neighbor from LA that is the same so we will be watching some College ball together I'm sure!! ;)
I just like the fact they are playing for the School for the Team for the Game not the Money!!

Hope everyone has a great Weekend!!

My hair is so oily and my chin is breaking out w/out any P kinda afraid what's going on in the inside!! :nope:
Blues - I get not wanting to get a BFN. How long are your LPs usually? Seems like 14DPO would get you a + if it were going to happen. But I know some would just rather wait until AF is actually late. No pressure, but I'll be checking this space for your update. :thumbup:


I normally have a 15 day luteal phase, I usually get a slight temp dip on 14DPO with the big drop on 15DPO. I think I will just see what tomorrow's temperature is and hope for the best. But I don't feel good about it.

kfs-We used preseed this cycle. I used half of what they said because it just seemed like waaaaaaay too much. Half seemed fine. I didn't feel it too much which was good.

sis-I hope your face clears up! I hate when I have breakouts. I feel like health class lied! I thought pimples stopped after puberty!

Terri-Is the Brass Elephant still in Baltimore? I think that is what it was called. It was a french vietemese place on North Charles St. It was sooo good.
Blues-it's morning!! Wake up!! Hee hee. Good luck today!

The Brass Elephant closed down. I never went there but a few people I used to wait tables with worked there and everyone said the food was good. We have a ton of restaurants in Bmore so as soon as a new one opens everyone flocks there and the older ones shut down. It's sad.

Have a great day all. I'm doing errands and then headed to VA to see mom in law. We're going to try to put together a wedding album on shutterfly or some website. Then I'll sneak away for my shot. Hee hee. I will get it done. I'm not afraid of needles but I have never injected myself with anything so it's a little scary.
Hi ladies! There is no way that I can catch up in the short amount of time I have this morning, but I will try to get caught up later this afternoon/evening. Just jumping in real quick to say I'm excited for Blues and Radkat to test! Best best best luck!!!!!!

And Terri, I just saw your above post about sticking yourself with needles. When I used to have to give myself injections for that egg donation thing, they say to just quickly "stab" yourself with it, but I found it so much easier to just slowly inject the needle. Whenever I would try doing it the other way, I would count "one, two, three" and chicken out every time with plunging it in. Finally, I just slowly started inserting the needle and it was no big deal. Just my 2 cents!

I'm off to see a children's play with my DD... Where the cast members are all little kids, too. They forget their lines, sing off key, their wigs fall off, they never dance in unison, etc. and its adorable! And our little kids watching the play dont care about any if that. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday and enjoying their weekend. :)
Terri, I agree w/ Katie. I did the shot slowly and it was easy. I lightly pinched a bit of fat on the left front of my belly, and pushed the needle in slowly. I'm sure everyone is different, but that worked best for me. I didn't feel a thing! GL! And have fun with your MIL. :)

Hi everyone!!! I'm about to hit the pool, so gotta run, but just wanted to check in and read everyone's updates so I didn't get too far behind! Chat later!
My temp was up this am so I went ahead and tested. BFN. Bummer start to the weekend.
Terri-Oh that's too bad it closed. I loved the food there. I also met Keanu Reeves there! That was when he was filming The Replacements.

Radkat-We have almost the exact same chart! My temp is still up so I tested as well. BFN!!! :cry: I am just now waiting for AF to show up. I don't know why my temp hasn't dropped but I expect AF to show up tonight or tomorrow.
Oh no!!! I've been trying to focus on my schoolwork all day, so I wouldn't be refreshing my screen until you guys got up. I even cooked bacon, eggs, spinach and red peppers in a muffin tin to take my mind off of things. hee hee. It was pretty good!

I'm sorry...your temps both look really good, so not sure what's up. I hope your tests were flawed, and you guys were just sleepy-eyed this morning. :hugs: We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Katie/ERose-Thanks for the tip. If hubs ever gets ready we can get on our way. I've been ready to go.

ERose-Yeah, nice jump this morning. Hope you had a great time at the pool.
Sis and Terri, thanks! I'm liking my chart too, which is a little scary. I'm trying SO hard not to get my hopes here, but between all the extra creamy CM that is totally different from all my other cycles, and the fact that my temp had that second rise (two days in a row now, so looking triphasic, ahhh!), I'm having a really hard time not getting my hopes up, ugh.

Sis, sorry for the chin breakout! Remind me, why aren't you taking the P? Did you just run out? Maybe I missed a post somewhere along the way...?

Radkat, its still early for you too, remember! I know we see early BFPs all the time, but I've also googled "late BFPs" and see a ton of those too.

And Radkat, still no AF and still no temp drop! I know you're 15dpo, but I'm still not counting you out my dear. One of my best friends didn't get her BFP until the day after she missed AF.

Katie, hope the play was fun! That sounds TOO adorable!

kfs, my DH and I don't mind the preseed. It took a couple of times to guage what was a good amount for us though, it is easy to overdo it and have it just a tad messy down there, lol. I was using preseed when I got my BFP, because of the way clomid messed up my CM. But there was ONE day (the day of O I think) that I actually had more water, slightly stretchy CM... on that day, I decided not to use the preseed and let my own CM take in those swimmers. :haha:
Erose I have some P Supps from my MC but w one day of BD I kinda don't want to waste them I did do one last nite so I guess one a day it will be !! :shrug:
I have flat temps anyway so I'm guessing Cyst or low P so it is what it is!!

Excited for U to Test!!! :)
I cannot believe I'm typing these words. It looks like I'm having another miscarriage. The chances of having two in a row are 2%, and I seem to be part of that 2%. I just cannot believe it's happening again after my good betas and a strong preg test this morning!! I mean, WTF??
The worst thing, is that it is happening the same way it happened in January. I took my daughter to a play, and for the first time while there, noticed some tan discharge. Then it started to turn more brown. Cramps, backache and the discharge. Did the Q-tip test, and finding more of the watery brown stuff. Can you believe I'm probably going to start really bleeding tomorrow on Mother's Day?

Well, I'm glad that I have a good bottle of Chardonnay in the house because I'm drinking it to the very last drop tonight. If for some reason, by some miracle, this pregnancy continues, it will be such a miracle that it will withstand a bottle of Chardonnay.

I'm sorry to unload this on everyone, I just have nowhere else to release the feelings! :(
Katie- NOOOOOOO!!! I can't believe I read the words you hated to type... :-( I am so sorry... I know words don't do much but if I could I would give you a hug and I would hold your hair if you puked from the wine....
Oh, and the play today was just as painfully cute as they've been in the past! The little ones stumbled over their lines, said them out of order, were off their marks during their dance numbers and telling each other to move over and get out of the way, Getting up and leaving to go backstage before the lights had dimmed between the last acts. Oh, it was funny and sweet! I will commit to continue to find the good in life, even if I'm going through the crap right now. :)
Wish, that made me laugh!! Reminds me of college...plenty of hair holding done back then! My friends keep texting me and telling me to not drink yet because it could be normal, but likes Sis has said, you just know in your heart what's going on with your body. And if I wasn't having some wine to make me feel "light", I'd be breaking down in front if my DD. My hubby is out at the sailboat race right now so I don't have him here to keep everything "maintained" while I have some crazy break down. The wine is saving me from an anxiety attack to be honest. Thank you for your sweet words! :). Oh, and I hope the bathroom situation resolves itself, pronto!
And I will also say, that even though I feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick right now, and I can't believe this is happening again, I still truly believe that what happens is meant to be, even if it really sucks. If I'm not meant to have another child in the long run, I am so grateful for the daughter that I have and the future will play out how it's meant to. After I discovered that I was starting to spot while at the play, on my way home I stopped for gas and heard that a big accident had happened on a freeway close to our home, and a tractor-trailer turned over on a cop car and the officer died. And to some extent, that puts things in perspective for me today. Yeah, what's going on with me really sucks, but it's nothing compared to the loss of that officers life.

And I remain grateful for the fact that I've gotten pregnant twice in a row. That to me, is a miracle in itself. We don't seem to have a problem with ovulation, LP, sperm meeting egg, blocked tubes or embryo implanting, it's gotta be some chromosomal thing. I have normal periods, so I don't think it has anything to do with my lining.

We are taking a trip back to my hometown in a couple of weeks, and both of my dad's parents (not the 70th anniversary grandparents) are having to go to a nursing home, which is really sad. Thankfully, by then the miscarriage should be over and I will have gotten through it, and I will be able to have more drinks when I get there, because I feel I'm going to need them after seeing them in a nursing home.

I'm sorry girls that I'm rambling, I just need to work the emotions out. Thanks for listening!
Katie BIG :hugs: but brown isn't always BAD I know u are like me and see it how it is but maybe u just need some P!!!
Have u had your P checked??

I know exactly how u feel when it comes down too it and I too have had 2 losses back to back :hugs:
I think my first was easier but the last after seeing a HB was just not fair I can't imagine dealing w Full term loss or anything close to it and I know ladies that have!! :cry:

I know it's easier said than done but try not to GIVE UP maybe a trip to the ER is a must just so u know and don't blame yourself later!! :hugs:

Here for u!!!!
Katie - I am home for tonight so I am sharing a bathroom with people I actually like :)
You are so wise -wine or no wine :) and I don't think I could have your attitude about this loss... But you are right what is meant to be will be no matter if we like it or not... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers... You are one strong lady :hugs:
Sis--No, my doctors wouldn't do P test when I went in for my first beta. They didn't even want to do my first beta except that I whined on the phone about how I really needed one due to my age and the fact I had had a previous miscarriage! My doctor's office kind of sucks donkey dong's in that area. Lol! You know, at this point I'm only in the five-week range, so they couldn't see much on U/S... And due to the fact that we actually have good insurance, we'd get a bill for an ER trip. It's covered at 80% and you know how expensive the dang ER is! So 20% payout would be a lot of moola for them to go, "We don't see anything on u/s. Sorry you had to wait for hours next to a person with a splinter, who got treatment before you, who is using the ER to get free medical care." Sorry, that's a whole different topic! One that I am not nearly as karmically nice about!

Wish--Lol, So you DID drive home for the weekend? Good for you. Sometimes, it's worth the long drive! Thank you so much for your kind words about being a strong lady. Honestly, when things are crap for me, that's when I really try to look outside of myself so much more to find the good elsewhere otherwise I'd melt into a pool of self-pity. It's when things are plugging along nicely in life that I take them for granted.

Ironic story: Tonight my daughter has asked me to rewind a tv show 5 times about a pig being pregnant, and now she's putting a ball underneath her tummy pretending she's pregnant and then "birthing" the baby, which ends up being one of her baby dolls. Now, she's had me involved in the whole birth process of the baby going from tummy, to coming out, to naming it, to washing it off, feeding it, burping it, and putting it to bed. Yeah, I'm being tested for sure! Heavens!!
Crazy how things happen that way Katie!!! I swear I was haunted by preggos for the longest and after my BFP it was Babies !!!

I've kinda been a hermit since so I'm not sure what would haunt me out and about!! :)

I :rofl: to the Donkey Dongs comment I say that all the time but not that Clean as I'm a Cajun w a Ton of heat and a Filthy mouth!! :haha:

As far as the ER I know what u mean w my 1st loss DH took me after he made it Home from Cali to find me Pale Sweaty and 5ibs lighter I thought I had food poisoning was deathly Ill for 2 days prior but now I know it was my body fighting the PG :(
We have a pretty fast ER so went straight back but yea a $500+ trip!! :nope:

Maybe do a ER clinic like place I think those trips are only $50 instead of $150 at the ER just to get bloods done or call Ur DR in the AM and tell them what's up!!
I had that Emergency scan at 5wk3 days I think and I had a dot so u might see something u never know

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