Wish - Glad you're OK. So scary!

Terri - Nutrient broth and debris, huh? Can't wait to hear how about it. :)

Sis - Hope you get some answers from your nurse.

Rad - Ugh. Sorry about the spotting. I've had random symptoms/spotting at odd times myself. I've given up trying to make sense of it all.
Rad I had the same spotting days B4 AF after my 1st loss and my P was low this time I have SUPER STEADY Hormones :shrug:

Wish so glad u are OK that's crazy and scary!!! :hugs:

Neesaw I'm NTNP either if I get a BFP it was sent from GOD I have no doubt miracle do happen every day!!!

AFM no word from the nurse all my FB group says very steady hormones OK I have always been outta wack so this is all new to me!! :nope:
Had to take the LO to the DR I think he has strep again and I don't want it my throat is already itchy he tested Neg. at the DR but u know what happen last time so we wait!!
My nurse must have worked this past weekend cuz I haven't heard from her she must have had today off!!!

Oh well guess we will see what Tom Brings ALL I keep hearing is STEADY HORMONES!!!
Katie-im at a loss for words that would even help right now. I am hoping for it too have just been a bit if spotting and nothing more

Afm-still spotting and no AF. There is not enough nor has there been to even spot my undies. Just when I wipe. With the temp drop yesterday I should have Af akready. I have never had this happen before. I wish Af will come already so I can start anew.
Sis-I told you that was the answer you were going to get! I liked that someone said their thermometer was about to die. Maybe it's that too...did you check your thermometer later in the day to make sure it's working?

Blues-I'm sorry your temperature dropped again, but maybe it'll bounce back up. If you look at 'charts like mine', some do that. Here's to hoping. :friends: I know what you mean about hoping AF comes soon. It's so draining waiting and waiting...

I ate a ton of feta cheese dip with wheat thins tonight. It may be my last chance to eat it for a while if all goes as planned. I love you feta!!!! See you in 9 months. HA!!HA!!
Yes I'm not a DING DING :dohh: I checked my temp 20mins later it changed and even checked under my arm it was Also changed!!

Oh well my hormones are Ready Steady I guess just doenst make since I'm breaking out and have oily hair which means Hormone Imbalance according to every one !!! :shrug:
I'm super balanced Imbalanced!! :haha:

I've lost All hope in the 35+ thread it ain't what it use to be No helpful advice and a bunch of whinning I'll just stay here and wait for SPP to return!! :cry:
Sis - I am sorry about your steady temps and no answers!! I know that is frustrating... :hissy::gun:

Terri - How you feeling since the shot? You feeling like you are about to birth an egg???? Have you felt any different this cycle with the meds?

Blues - sorry about the spotting and no AF... our cycles are always the wonkiest when we really don't want them to be... FX it sorts itself out and you can get on to the next cycle!! :flower:

:hi: to all you other ladies - hope all is well in your world today...

AFM: temp back to normal - apparently something is up with the heating/cooling system in the building and was super humid the night of my temp spike...I almost had some hope there - then last night I had lots of cramps and just a tinge of spotting... so that is about right for 4-5 days before AF...hmmmm... even with crappy BD schedule - sometimes hope is hope... trying to keep a better attitude(my model is Terripeachy!!)... AF should arrive this weekend sometime... I am opening the pool at my house this weekend and after next week (yes I have to go to Chicago for three days - traveling will never end:nope:) I will be home for a while...
Wish ~ How scary! I'm glad you are ok. :hugs:

Katie ~ I hope you are doing ok, hun. :hugs:

Sis ~ I feel the same way. The 35+ just isn't the same anymore. I haven't been getting on consistently the past few months, and when I do, a lot of times I forget to check this thread. Need to make it a better habit.

For those that don't visit the 35+ testing thread, I'll mention again here as an update. Sorry for those reading this twice. I O'ed on Mother's Day, so in the 2ww again now. Not sure how I feel about that. If it's another bfn, it'll be an extra sad one. But has the potential to be a really cool bfp. Didn't get to bd as much as I would have liked. Tried Friday night, and I wanted to try Saturday night too, but DH was stressed, tired and busy. He had to give a talk in church on Sunday and was totally focused on that. I had the strongest o pains late Saturday night and Sunday morning, so I think she came in the am sometime. Hopefully Friday night was enough!
Sis-I wasn't saying you were a ding ding, I just asked. I know for me, sometimes I get so caught up in problems, that I don't think of simple solutions (you know, the KISS method), so I just thought I'd throw it out there. Even if someone did say something about your temperatures, nothing can really change as a result, so you just go with it...know what I mean? Aside from your breakouts, oily hair and a mild scratchy throat, you're feeling ok, right? I hope your temperature goes haywire tomorrow (or today when you get up) and then you can rest easy. :) You know I love ya!

Wish-Too funny about having an attitude like me. Ugh...if you only knew. J/K. I try to keep a positive attitude about most things. It's how I stay looking young. :haha: So, I was fine on the meds, and I'm really happy about that. The Clomid seemed to make me really giddy. Hubs thought I was drunk (er, drinking) a couple nights because I was full of energy and just happy. I took the Ovidrel (hcg) shot last night and today I feel a little bloated. I did get my Wondfos in the mail yesterday and saw my very first positive test this morning. :wohoo: Yay!! I took a picture of it, so I can look at it and think positive thoughts. Hubs and I are doing a year in review photobook. That picture may make the cut. HA!!HA!!

Momof3-I hope you caught that egg on Friday night too!! A Mother's day BFP would be awesome.

My only comment on the >35 group is it is what it is..I still go there and read, but since I'm still fairly new to this and don't take vitamins, acupuncture, never pregnant, I can't really help much over there. It's like a soap opera. I keep watching every day... :comp:
Blues - You must be so frustrated. I hope it's a fluke and your temp shoots back up, or at the very least, AF just comes so you can get this cycle over with. In all honesty, I find my symptoms to be slightly different every month. Sometimes there's spotting before AF, other months nothing. Sometimes I have a lot of increased cm after O, other months nothing. I mean - it's enough to drive you mad.

Wish - I HATE that different environments can affect your temperature. I mean, totally out of our control, right? Hang in there and stay positive! (I'm jealous that you have a pool. :)

MomOf3 - Friday night sounds like good timing if you O'd Saturday/Sunday. Fx you catch that egg!

Terri - So, today's your day off and the IUI tomorrow, right? Woooohooo. You must be so excited! I check in on the >35 board as well but don't really have much to contribute either.

AFM: Croooooosssshairs! Yay! :happydance:
Hi ladies! Getting ready to jet for work, but wanted to check in and say hello. If I miss anyone, it isn't because I don't adore you! :flower:

Sis, wow, your chart is still flatlined, interesting! Did you ever hear from your nurse?

Terri, glad the shots went fine! I'm sooo excited about your IUI tomorrow!!! You'll have to let me know if you have that same ovulation pain/bloating! I'm assuming you'll O sometime in the morning if you took the ovidrel last night.

Radkat, I'm doing okay, thanks for asking! I caved and tested yesterday at 12dpo with a BFN, and this morning at 13dpo with a BFN. Not even a smidgen of a line, so not really holding out a lot of hope that there will be anything there tomorrow. Been pretty upset about it, even though tomorrow isn't here yet. I just really had high hopes this cycle. Urg. Are you still spotting??

Katie, I'm hoping you'll check in soon... I'm really hoping that the backache, cramping, and spotting were nothing. I feel like I've heard a lot of pregnant women getting that, and with your good betas, I want to believe that it's just some early pregnancy stuff going on. :hugs:

Wish, I'm sooo glad you're ok!! Sounds so scary.

Kfs, yay for CHs!!!

Momof3, hope you caught that eggie on Friday!! Fxd!

Blues, sorry to hear about your frustrations, I know that feeling all too well!

I'm copying/pasting part of my own update from my ttc#1 thread so I don't have to re-type it all!

I'm feeling pretty discouraged today. I'm not losing hope completely, but I found myself feeling truly upset this morning. If this doesn't work, I'm thinking about changing my original plan from doing three IUIs before IVF, and instead just moving straight into IVF. I'm not rushing into that decision out of discouragement or anything, I'm really not. I always put lots of thought into big decisions like that, and there are a few things that got me to this. First off, I started thinking about timeframes... If I do another IUI next cycle and it fails, I won't be able to do another until Aug. The last couple weeks of June are end-of-qtr at work for me again, and it's an understanding that we aren't supposed to be taking off work during those weeks. Then my family is coming to visit for 2 weeks in Jul, and we'll be out of town for a week of that w/ them, then back to my house w/ them the other week. I wouldn't mind that break too much, but I'm turning 38 in Jul, and just not willing to do it if I can help it. Also, and one of the biggest things, is that when I asked DH his opinion on what he'd like to do if this IUI fails, and while he's normally like "Whatever you think is best, I'm totally fine with", this time, he only thought about it for a second before saying he'd love it if we went on to IVF. Since he's normally very laid back about this whole thing, the fact that he expressed this opinion, really meant a lot and made me realize just how ready he is. He made the comment that we've put 17 months and a loss into this, and he's seen me hopeful and then in tears so many times, and he feels like our next step should just be what we know has the highest percentage of working. I think I'm just so tired of rolling the dice every month. Anyway, I think we've probably settled on that, BUT I want to talk to my RE about it first (if AF comes), and see what her professional opinion is as well.
kfs1-Yeah! Great for crosshairs...I think your wonky temp threw off FF, so I'm glad you ignored it so that you could get your crosshairs today.

ERose-I was excited to see your jump this morning, but sad when I saw the negative. I totally understand what you're going through, and I've been thinking the same thing about IUI/IVF. It's kind of like once you start, you might as well go all in. Of course, I haven't even given IUI a chance yet, but I think about what happens if it doesn't work and I've got 2 years on you of decrepit/scrambled eggs. if this cycle doesn't work for us, we'll probably try again in June and then do IVF in July. I have a motorcycle convention in Texas in early July and I have to go, so if we can work the timing around that, we could do it early, but if not, mid to late July would be best. I'm not going to think about it now (I'll just keep looking at my positive test).

Blues-What's the latest?

Katie-Check in babe. I'm starting to worry a little. No late night beer posts, so maybe everything is ok and you're not drinking beer. But if everything is ok, you'd let us know because you know we're concerned. :friends: :hugs:
Erose sorry for the BFN :hugs: what was Ur DH count after wash?? I know I didn't get my BFP until my 5th IUI but his count was finally up!!
It is really hard to get PG w IUI cuz of the washing and other things in play way harder than people think so try not to get discouraged that it didn't work the first time!! If we had coverage on IVF we would have moved on sooner too but the cost is our major issue!!
Glad u and DH are on the same page it makes it so much easier!! :)

Terri wasn't saying u thought I was a DingDong was just saying I've been doing this so long I always check my BBT thermometer but I might get a new one just to have a back up!!
How's that HCG treating u I always got sick and tired the first day??

KFS1 yay for CH!!!

AFM still flat temps :shrug:

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!
erose - I'm still holding out hope for you this month. You're not out yet and that temp jump today was great. Hold off on testing again for a few days if you can. That being said, it's so great that you and your husband are on the same page. It sounds like he's really in this with you and he's right - you've been through a tough 17 months, including the loss, so why not take the big plunge immediately? Keep those lines of communication open, girl. You'll feel so much better knowing you are supported. :hugs:
Just a quick update before I go to work. AF arrived finally while I slept with a vengeance! Being late with no BFP really messes with you. :( Now onto the next cycle.
:hugs: Blues!!!

Has anyone heard from Kayotic?? She hasn't posted since the time she said she was having a lot of pain and a cyst?? Hope she's ok

U too Katie !!!! :hugs:
Wish - That near miss sounds so scary! I'm glad you're OK. Here's my digression...Did anyone ever watch Quantum Leap (love that show)? He was going back in time to "put right what once went wrong". I think about that when there are near misses or something just works out when you could see how it could've been bad. You're around for a reason! Oh and super jealous of your pool. It's going to be 100 here all week. Ugh.

Terri - Everything is just so exciting with this IUI stuff. Really excited for you. :thumbup:

Sis - Steady hormones sound like a good thing! I know it's weird when it's different though.

Blues - Sorry AF messed with you a bit this month. Like you say, new start. :flower:

Kfs - Hooray for crosshairs!

ERose - Sorry for the BFNs. That sucks. Maybe you've got a late implanter? It's really great that you and DH are on the same page and great that he spoke up with his opinion. It helps to not feel on your own with all these big decisions.
Erose sorry for the BFN :hugs: what was Ur DH count after wash?? I know I didn't get my BFP until my 5th IUI but his count was finally up!!
It is really hard to get PG w IUI cuz of the washing and other things in play way harder than people think so try not to get discouraged that it didn't work the first time!! If we had coverage on IVF we would have moved on sooner too but the cost is our major issue!!
Glad u and DH are on the same page it makes it so much easier!! :)

Sis, DH's count was something like 94M after the wash. What's weird is that his pre-wash count was 137M, but when he got his first SA several months ago, his count was 180M, so I'm not sure why the count went down to 137M this time. Although my RE said it could just be that we abstained longer before the first SA. I think we abstained for 4 days prior to his SA before, just because we didn't get a chance to BD for various reasons. But this time, we BD early in the day before doing the trigger shot... so basically, almost 48 hours prior to the IUI. She said that can make a difference. Anyway, is 94M a decent post-wash count? My RE didn't seem to have any issues with it. Thanks for your support, Sis. I'm not really too discouraged, because I had myself geared up for doing three IUIs anyway. I'm just a little sad since I had my hopes up, and with June and July being such busy months, I'm sorta feeling like IVF is the way to go, so that I don't lose even more time, and can finally get my first baby in my arms! lol
kfs, thanks for the kind words :flower: I haven't lost ALL hope, but my RE's instructions were to test at 14dpo (which is tomorrow) and give them a call. So I'll be testing tomorrow too, but to be honest, if there's no line, I just don't get the feeling that there would be one showing up much later than that. Although I have heard some girls not getting their BFPs until 15-17dpo and sometimes later, but my gut tells me that if its not there tomorrow, it probably isn't coming at all this cycle. I know it's not over until AF shows, but I just kinda feel like... eh... probably ain't happenin'. And yes, I agree, why not go ahead and take the big plunge! It's not like we've only been trying for six months.

Terri, I hear ya' girl... on ALL that. I just start to think, well yea, IUI can definitely work (it works for TONS of women), but what if I'm one of the ones it doesn't work for, and it turns out that IVF ends up being what brings us our little miracle anyway. Might as well just dive in, but especially because after my next cycle, I will have to take a couple cycles off. As for YOU though missy, I have a GOOD feeling that this IUI is gonna work for you!

Radkat, it would be SO lovely if it was just implanting late... maybe the two temp drops were the little bean snuggling in, and then since it went back up today, perhaps the hcg will show up tomorrow. I guess we're gonna find out, lol.

Well Blues, I'm sorry AF showed. :hugs: But like you said, now you can look forward to this next cycle!
That's A SUPER Count Erose!!! :)

They like 10mil for the IUI and mine where all under 10 until my BFP cycle it was 11mil and my DR was shocked I got a BFP!!! :shrug:

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