I think I saw Kayotic on the January Jellybeans thread when that outsider showed up here temporarily. I didn't see whether she said she was feeling bad though. I hope she's ok.

Thanks for the information on the count. Hopefully we'll be ok in the morning with a two day hold.

I'm still bloated this afternoon, and my head has been burning up all day! I hope this only lasts a day.

And ERose-maybe there's a good reason why the nurse said not to test until tomorrow. I will look forward to your May surprise. hee hee. :friends:
If u look at her recent post the one on here was her last one on 4/28 I think that's why I was worried!!
Hope everything is A OK!!!

Yea the HCG trigger always made me sick pee a lot and even have heightened smell just made me feel PG when I wasn't :nope:
Yea, Terri, I know.... I shouldn't already be counting myself out. When my temps started dropping though, and I got a BFN yesterday, I just automatically assumed, ok well this month is a bust. When I woke up this morning to a more normal temp, I have to admit, I got happy and jumped out of bed to test again, and that stupid BFN dashed all hope again. But like you said, maybe they see that 14-day thing in the largest percentage of their patients, so that's what they recommend. I just see SO many early BFPs on these forums, that its really hard to imagine it going from stark white, to a BFP overnight. But I guess it's gotta show up sometime, right? LOL The thing is, my December BFP was a very very faint line (SOO faint), and it showed up at 14-15dpo. It got darker for three days, and then started going the opposite direction. I dont know whether I'm just a late implanter, OR if that little bean just had an uphill battle to begin with. Who knows.
Oh, as far as cost, I actually have decent insurance that covers a portion of IVF, up to a certain amount. It's a lifetime max of $15k, and I have to meet my regular deductible (which I did after HSG and surgery!), so now they pay 90%, and I pay 10%. $15k doesn't sound like much considering the cost of fertility treatments, but the good news is, that they have contracted rates with my clinic. So for example... an IUI procedure costs $450, but my insurance has a contracted rate of around $225 w/ them (and then i pay 10% of that). When it comes to IVF, the clinic gave me an estimate of $15k, but my insurance would have a contracted rate of around $7500, so my portion would be $750. So although with those contracted rates, I can get more services than if I was paying full price, you still never know if the first one is going to take, and I'd want to go onto a 2nd one. The 2nd one is much cheaper, because they freeze whatever embryos are left, so the next one is only a few grand. So we would technically still be able to do a 2nd one. So anyway, sorry to ramble, but that is another reason that it might make sense to go straight into IVF for us. The IUIs, ultrasounds, meds, blood draws, other appts, etc, eventually add up, and I don't want to eat into too much of my funds, so that I have the ability to do a 2nd IVF if it comes to that.
Hey everyone!! Well its been a crazy week for me - spent in the hospital with a freak "periorbital cellulitus infection" - ie an infection around my right eye - a full week in the hospital on IV anitbiotics. Doing much better now - I was finally able to open my eye on Sunday. I call it my warmup for the next time I am in the hospital (when I am having my baby!!)

Anyways first of all Katie - NOOOOOO!!!!!! Hoping it is not true!

Terri - FXed for your IUI tomorrow. Glad you did the right order with the meds!

VJean - great pic and plan.

Erin - I hope get your BFP in the morning. If not, remember the IUIs only bring your chances up 20%. It will be tough - I remember my first IUI and it doesn't get any easier as you do more. If you move onto IVF - perhaps the timing will work out that we will be IVF buddies! FYI - they tend to start you on BC before the injectibles for the IVF cycle - so you can pretty much completely time it however you want.

Someone asked about ICSI - that is where they put the sperm directly into the eggs as opposed to reg IVF where they put the sperm and eggs in a dish and let them find there way together.

FXed to everyone this month! I'm sure I am out since I spent my fertile period in the hospital hooked up to an IV. We did get a good BD session in the night before I got the infection - it was so good I thought he had given me the black eye during it!! We were both relieved to know that it was an infection and not a rough sex injury - made quite an interesting story to the docs - yes well we were...you know...and I think his shoulder (or hip) might have pressed into my eye a little too hard.... I told my coworkers before I knew it was infection, that one of my cats jumped on my eye...
Erin - wow that is a great insurance plan!! I think the main reason we waited so long is that IUIs were covered and IVF is not.
Wow Moni so sorry about your INJURY glad it wasn't :sex: Related!! :rofl:

Erose wow that is great Coverage if I had that I might have my twins by now!! :(

Terri GL in the AM
Moni, that would be cool if we were IVF cycle buddies!!! :) I'd love that. And yes, they mentioned the BCP when I called today, so I was thrilled with that, considering the busy Jun/July that I will have!

I'll update tomorrow on my chat with the nurse I had today.... I'm about to fall asleep sitting here, lol.

Terri, GL tomorrow!!! Super excited for you!!! Update when you can. :flower:
Blues ~ I'm so sorry she showed. :hugs:

ERose ~ Sorry about the bfn's. Hopefully it was just too early, and you'll get a surprise soon. That's an awesome price for you to get IVF. My RE office quoted me a price of $3366.00 for IVF with my insurance. $750 sounds so nice! Hopefully I'll never need IVF though, with my price. Sounds like a good plan for you. I wish you all the best, you so deserve it! :flower:

Moni ~ Sorry about the infection and hospital stay. Glad you are feeling better now.

Terri ~ Once again, good luck tomorrow! Catch that egg. :thumbup:
ERose- sorry you're feeling down about the BFNs this cycle. I don't blame you for skipping ahead to IVF. To be honest, if it was available as an option to us, I would have been tempted to just start there rather than trying naturally when we started TTC!

moni- that eye infection sounds horrible. Glad it's all better now! And that it wasn't BD or cat related!

terri- wishing you lots of good luck! :dust:
Well my temp finally moved :) probably just took that many days of P I guess!! :shrug:

GL Terri

Happy HUMP DAY Everyone!!!!
erose - I see that you had a negative test this morning but WOW what a temp jump, huh? I'm having a really good feeling about this! Fx Fx Fx! And yes, I agree with you about all of the costs adding up to that 15K. I have the same lifetime max with my insurance. All of these tests definitely can be costly.

Moni - Wow - can't believe you were in the hospital for a week! How did you get the infection? And, haha, love that you told your co-workers that a cat jumped on your eye. :cat: I'm sure they were questioning that story. :) Glad you're doing better.

Blues - So sorry that AF showed. :hugs:

Terri - Good luck today! :happydance:

Hi Fezzle, Momof3, Sis, Wish, and everyone else.

AFM: We have dropoff! :spermy: SA deposited this morning. Wish - I realized that my boobs aren't big enough to use your method of transport so I just kept the sample between my legs as I was driving. :) They said my doc should have the results by 1 today. Hopefully she'll give them to me over the phone. Were you ladies able to get your results over the phone? I don't want to wait until Monday for my appt.
kfs - yes you can get your results over the phone - I have both times! Legs - boobs whatever it takes to keep those :spermy: warm!!:haha:

Erose - wow on your temps and :growlmad: on that BFN!!! maybe its the progesterone that is messing with your temps...:hugs: I do wish I had some kinda insurance for fertility treatment - you and Terri have good plans!!

Sis - YAY for a temp rise - jeez - that was a weird week for you!!

Terri- :dust: to you!!! visualize egg n sperm meeting and snuggling in!!!

Moni - yikes on the eye problem!! Glad they were able to get it taken care of...but boo on not BD during the fertile week!! on to next cycle huh??

AFM: 8PDO... feeling good/no symptoms at all - temp went up a little but I attribute that to this crazy building I am sleeping in!!! going home tomorrow -
Hope everyone has a GREAT day!! :happydance:
kfs1-Yeah for drop off!! You should be able to get your results over the phone. I tried Wish's idea this morning and it just looked like I had one huge tit, and one small one. That wasn't working, so I just left it next to me in the car. It's cloudy, upper sixties this morning, so the temperature should be ok.

ERose-Son of a...! I feel like cursing a lot today for some reason. hee hee. What is going on?? I'm sorry you had a BFN, but I still have a good feeling. Are you squinting at your tests?

moni-I am SO glad you're ok. That sucks that you had to go to the hospital for a week. I am blaming you though because I put in my contact this morning, and my eye just kept watering and watering. I took it out, cleaned it, and put it back in, and I still have a haze in my eye. If I didn't read about your eye problem, I'm sure I would've been fine. You are such a wild woman...love the BD story. HA!!HA!!

Sis-Glad your temperature finally jumped up. All is well with the world.

Wish-Are you going to test early? I'm glad you're feeling good. At least somebody is. And I'm so happy you get to go home for a bit. It'll be nice to be in your own bed with your own bathroom.

I am a bloated mess today. I was stuck in traffic for two hours going home last night, and then today I had to go drop off the sample, and I was stuck in traffic again! Of course, I was freaking out on the inside, and trying to listen to my gospel tunes so I would relax. hee hee. It didn't work, but I did get to the building right on time. Now I sit at work for an hour and then return. :wacko: I need a valium. I better take one now while I'm not pregnant. J/K.

Next report will be after lunch!
Sis, wuhu on the temp jump! Nice to know you aren't dead. ;)

kfs, yep, holy temp spike for me, and yet, still a BFN. I was sad. :( I went into the bathroom thinking, maybe after I pee on this stick, it will be the end of all the worrying and planning, and the beginning of something new. Nope. Blah. But thanks for still being positive for me! I can't imagine that any kind of line is going to show up after today though.

Terri, GL today! I'm super excited! I didn't take my DH's sample. He just went into the clinic and did it there. That was my clinic's preference, although they do give the option... But I think he has this paranoia that it's gonna get ruined somehow on its way to the clinic and show a bad number, HA! :haha: Men. It's fine with me though. Well, at least you know with the bloating that your meds are working. :)

Wish, i'm not actually taking P. My RE tests P exactly seven days after the IUI, and if it's within normal range, she doesn't give P supps. My number was 21, which she said was in normal range (and since our expert resident, Sis, confirmed that, I felt okay with it :winkwink:). So I have no idea what the spike is about since I'm still getting BFNs. Dangit. So remind me, when do you get to go home for good?

Fezzle, don't you worry girly, you'll get a BFP on your own soon!

MomOf3, I wonder if either your clinic charges more for IVF, or if your insurance just pays a smaller percentage. It could be either, I guess. Still not a bad price considering how expensive it is without insurance! But I doubt you'll even need to go there. :thumbup:
Oh, AFM.... I was still upset about the BFN this morning. Funny how even when my hopes go down, I still can't help but be hopeful the next morning. Oh, and yes Terri, I was a squinter this morning. :( Nothing. And I can't imagine how any line is going to magically appear tomorrow at 15dpo. I don't even remotely feel AF coming at all though. I know it's still early, but I mean, I'm just not even getting my usuall pre-AF symptoms... light cramping, a tiny bit of bloating, but mostly the brown spotting I get for a few days prior. I looked at all my other charts, and the latest that spotting has EVER arrived, is cd27. It has come as early as cd24 during shorter cycles, but never later than cd27. Today is cd26. But then again, the Femara might change things. The Clomid didn't seem to change my spotting pattern, but who knows about Femara.

IVF seminar is tonight. Glad I called yesterday, or the next one would've been June 15th. DH and I are heading over after work to at least get that out of the way since it's required of my RE.
Hi everyone,
I'm so sorry I went MIA. I kind of went MIA, in general, from everything since I started spotting. The spotting, cramping and backache have been coming and going each day and everytime it'd start, I'd prepare myself for "Here we go." And when it would stop, I felt relief, but it was like I was constantly holding my breath, waiting for it to start again. Just back and forth emotionally, not being able to settle anywhere and move forward.

But when I woke up with very strong cramps and pink spotting today, I finally called my doctor to inform her and she wanted me in for an ultrasound. I can't believe it, but there was a sweet little blob in there, with a nice heartbeat (111 bpm) and measuring on schedule (6 weeks)! We still don't know what is causing the spotting, so I have to go back on Monday for my original appointment to recheck everything.

I'm so happy and relieved and feel so lucky and am totally exhausted from all the worry. I promise to catch up with everyone's progress once I get some rest and can regroup!

Sending much love to all of you! Thanks for all the support and listening ears. <3
Katie - That's such great news!!! I thought it was so bizarre because you had such great numbers. Yay yay yay! :happydance: Breathe, relax, and enjoy. Your doctor will get to the bottom of that spotting for sure.

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