Short update for me - all seems fine, I don't really have any nausea but I didn't have any with DS either. Nipples hurt awfully, though, can't touch. Friday is dr's appt, I'll be 6 weeks then. That's when I found out last time there was no heartbeat... Really nervous.
Terri - Oh, no! :hugs: It's funny how we "meet" a stranger and get so emotionally involved in her cycles. I was really praying for you! Congrats on the A and the Master's degree - I am jealous! I need to get moving on that, but I have been in this TTC limbo for ages!

Sis - I so feel your pain with the "new puppy" temps! Mine are all over the place - he wakes me up every night/morning! He's finally getting along with his big dog brother and sister, and right now he's playing with the cat. Lots of energy! :dog:

Fezzle - Waiting to O is terribly boring! My cycles are so long and I usually don't O until the early 20s - it just seems like forever. Congrats on the offer - house-hunting can be so fun and a great distraction! ;)

Wish4another1 - Congrats on the +OPK! Have fun! Love the Honolulu pic. Honolulu... Vegas... I need a vaca, too! :)

AFM - I'm 15dpo with BFN after BFN! The IUI protocol my doc gave me last visit says to call with the date of "first full-flow day of menses (spotting, light bleeding, dark brown discharge do not count as day 1)" and I have been hovering between spotting, light bleeding, and nothing for the last three days. Every time I logged into FF to record it and start a new cycle, it would stop completely! So confusing! I spoke with the nurse, she spoke with the doc, and they ordered a bloodwork to see if my hormone levels indicate that my cycle has started, and a pregnancy test just in case. I feel pretty ridiculous that I can't figure out for myself if I've got my period or not, but I admit to being encouraged that there's still a little hope for a BFP. She said she'd call in the morning with my results.
Driving I know that feeling all too well so I was actually shocked when they saw a <3 Only to find out later which I think made everything even harder!!!
We can only take it day by day and hope for the best I hope u hear a strong <3 and everything looks great!!! :)

Mischief I keep thinking why did I let the boys decide on a puppy when Mommy is taking care of her and not getting sleep!!! :shrug:
She is pretty good sleeping thru the nite if she sleeps w me in the couch but the couch isn't nice on my back :nope:
Plus we had 3 days of rain here and flooding so she was fighting going out in that mess and I didn't blame her :haha:
I wish I could post a video of her playing w Zada the big Pibble she hides under the coach and barks at her poking in and out is so Funny :rofl:

AFM getting stretchy CM O should be soon I'm guessing !!
Terri, I know this won't be much consolation at the moment, but you've got a pretty good plan in place, my friend. I noticed you've gotten much more aggressive in the last couple months, and I can see and feel your determination. Someone as determined as you are, will succeed. It may not have been this cycle, but with that determination, your strength, and perseverance, it will be soon. You're taking huge steps that you need to, and that right there is all the light you need at the end of this tunnel, lovey. So take your couple of days to be sad over the bfn like we do, and then do the next thing we always do... Pick yourself up, think about what your heart tells you to do next, and then onwards and upwards. Each terribly sad BFN we've dealt with over all this time has been a step toward our ultimate goal of becoming a mother. They suck big donkey balls, but they drive us and motivate us to do whatever it takes. :hugs:
Terri~ I'm so sorry. Huge hugs!

Doing a quick update. My ipad hasn't let me log in the past few days. Finally trying the phone, which I hate to post from. Got a bfn last Sunday, so stopped the P. Got af Tuesday am. Really bummed. Next Tuesday have HSG scheduled along with an SA. When I called the re office to see what I do next, she seemed surprised I didn't call sooner. Last saw re in October, was supposed to call in 3 months if no bfp. . . Supposedly. To have hsg and sa. I didn't realize I guess. I thought it would just happen eventually since we never had problems before as long as I had my P. Not sure if they will find anything or not. Nothing was wrong with the sperm the 5 times I've gotten pg. And I'm assuming nothing is blocked since I've gotten pg 5 times. So, not looking forward to these tests since I'm sure they will come back fine. But also not understanding why after many cycles it hasn't happened yet.
Terri am so sorry. Big hugs. X
Driving good luck at the scan.
Mischief hope you get an answer soon.
Mom sorry about af. Good luck with hsg and sa.
Hi all. Cd9 here and another low on cbfm. Need to check old diary as sure cd9 used to be a high day. We'll see. Feeling very cramping in the pelvic area. Hoping it'll pass.
Good morning everyone. Thanks for all your support. Sis, perhaps you're right about testing prior to going into bloodwork, but I like surprises, even if they are disappointing. It sucks, but I would probably do the same thing again next time. My nurse is really soft spoken, and her voice sounded so nice and so sad when she called. I will call her today and let her know our plans to do IUI one more time. With hubs low count, I can't really expect much, if I were being a realist about things, but then I think that people with high counts also get BFN, so it's not all his fault. It just wasn't meant to be this month, and there is nothing I would change. I took my prenatals every.single.day, which was huge for me. So, I am getting more determined and things will happen for us.

Also, now that I'm not pregnant, I'm 95% sure, I will be riding to Texas in July for my convention. Hubs said if I find out I'm pregnant, I can't ride down there and he and I were going to drive down. But now, I'm eager to ride down with my girlfriends. Depending on when AF arrives (note my temperature is still high even though I'm off the progesterone), I should get my results at the end of June, and then the convention is a week later, so I should be ok to ride either way.

Driving-I am feeling really good about your pregnancy this time, and I hope your scan is as perfect as one would hope. fxfx. We're all behind you, and nipples hurting is good...feeling nothing, apparently, is not good.

Mischief-I hear ya!! We get so invested in each others' lives, bodily functions, etc..it's hard not to feel a strong connection about this whole process. The hardest part about school was filling out the application. I wish I had done it a lot sooner. My parents told me to, but after studying engineering, I was SO done with school. Then when I started taking classes for my MBA, I was shocked at how easy they were, and wished I had listened. Even if you take one class, you're one class closer to finishing, so please consider it. It won't be too bad. I've had classes with two pregnant women before, and they seemed to get along fine. I wouldn't let TTC stop you from your education. I know you're kind of new to our group, but did you do an IUI last time, or you're about to start the protocol now? Let's hope you get a BFP after you get your blood drawn. That would be AWESOME!!! *snapping fingers*

Momof3-Sorry for the BFNs prior to church on Sunday. :hugs: Not to be debbie downer, but you never know what could have changed over the years. I know you've gotten pregnant before, and all was well, but it's best to just get the tests done, and keep chugging away. I know I felt better finding out that all was well rather than not knowing. It'll happen soon, and you'll get your little blue bundle probably as soon as you go back for testing.

Sis-Yay for O time. Push those dogs out of the way! Is your hubs back in town for a while now? I hope so.

nessaw-I hope you get a positive tomorrow with those feelings in your pelvic area. I'm sure a high/peak is right around the corner.

ERose-What did the doctor say yesterday? Thanks, as usual for your kind words. You and Katie always know just what to say. I'm going to bottle your words and just pull them out when I need a support boost. hee hee.

ttcinseattle-Hey stranger!!! Nice of you to pop in! How are you doing??

Wish/Blues/moni/fezzle/kfs1/everyone else-Thanks you guys. You're the best!! I will survive another month, don't worry. hee hee. You can't get rid of this :jo: just yet.
Wow my temp dropped again IDK if it's ever been this low :shrug: OPK is still not dark so who knows!!!
My AF lasted a Lil longer this time and I've noticed I O 8 days after she leaves so FX I'll o this weekend and we can get in some BD!!!
Terri yes dH is home but crazy at work and I'm puppy sitting all nite :nope:

Mom sorry about AF but it's always good to have everything on the table so FX w the test!!

Terri glad u get to take your trip everything happens for a reason!! ;)

:hi: everyone DS2 is home getting breathing treatments again today that puts him at 17 absences :nope: was hoping not to do that BS again he's way to smart to be placed!!
Hi everyone...getting all caught up on what's going on.

Terri....glad about your A but so so sorry for the test results. I feel in my heart your BFP will happen soon. You have a plan in place and you're a woman on a mission plus you have such a genuine heart and positive spirit that undoubtedly God will bless you and the hubs with a bundle of joy soon :hugs:

Erose....hmmmmm, twins perhaps??? That would be awesome!!!! Throwing out positive vibes to you too.

Sis....I give you credit for taking on another pup. I guy I know breeds Cane Corsos and has a little couple months back and keeps telling me he has one pup left that he is looking to give to a good home and that the pup has my name on it! NOPE!!!! We have 2 dogs already- one eking a Corso and the other a Rotti mix so we have enough to deal with. But I have to say if I saw the lil guy in person I might change my tune which is why I am staying away! Lol

Driving...good luck as positive vibes sent you way for your appt. Hoping you see a nice strong heartbeat. :hugs:

Wish...one I commend you for running up to the top of there and two I soooooo want to go to Hawaii one day, also want to visit Paris too. They're on my bucket list. Lol

Hello to all the other ladies.
Smiles - I like the sound of your bucket list!! I took my girls to Paris/Europe in July 2009... it was awesome and we have some great pics of the three of us in Paris... and the most quoted memory is some random guy stopped in front of us and peed on street... :rofl:

Terri - You have such a great attitude!! Your trip sounds wonderful!! How long will it take you to ride to Texas?? Dallas is a 12 hour trip for me in a car!!! You are right it just wasn't meant to be - but I always wish it was!! :hugs: Hope you have a great day lady!!

Sis - hmmm I wonder what is up with those temps of yours!!! its not right for a ragin cajun to have low temps!!! :rofl: FX you O this weekend and DH isn't too busy to have some O fun!!

Erose - Twins!! How exciting would that be??!!! I have had a couple dreams in the last year that I had twin boys... I secretly hope that happens for me!!! :haha: but it sounds like it could be a reality for you!!! :happydance::happydance: BTW love that you wrote donkey balls... that just makes me giggle...

Momof3 - :hugs: for your BFN's... on to next month!!

Mischief - I hear you about getting into the lives of our online friends... None of my friends are trying and think I am absolutely insane for wanting kids when my youngest is 17... maybe I am... hehe

Nessaw - FX you O in the next couple days too - You and Sis can be the O sisters!!! :thumbup:

Driving - FX for your scan on Friday and I Hope you can see the heartbeat even though its early...:hugs:

:howdy: to all you other lovelies!!

AFM: well temp went up this morning... I somehow got the DH to :sex: last night... and girls I have to say this cycle is the best I can do... I have never managed to have :sex: on O day... so if the temp stays up we atleast have a chance...
Wish- My trip can take as long or as short as I want. hee hee. I get to plan it. I would probably take about four days going down, and then getting home as fast as possible. The convention ends on Thursday night, and I have to be back at work on Monday morning, so it'll be no time for dilly dallying. I may talk to my friend Kelly and see if she wants to go with me just so I have a buddy. If not, I can do it by myself. I'm never afraid to ride alone. I talk to more interesting people when I'm by myself.

That's awesome that you and hubs BD'd on O day. I seem to always miss the exact day too, but that's ok. As long as you're close, you always have a chance. I emailed hubs about Fertilaid and he said as long as there are no side effects he's game. I never told him that his count was low. I will tell him that I doubt there are side effects (are there?). hee hee. I'm glad he's on board. :happydance:

Katie-How is your vacation and where are you?
Wish Ur guess is as good as mine I've had a ton of spotting this cycle that's why I'm afraid a cyst is amuck!!! :nope:

Smiles I went to the breeder w my BFF and even held the puppy but decided to sleep on it and talk to DH was hoping he would say NO but him and the boys kept saying where's the puppy WTH I didn't even go get her my BIG got my BFF to take him to get her!!:nope:

I feel like I have a newborn in the house I'm limited to short trips outta the house Sleep deprived and a sloppy mess !!! :haha:
Terri - Fertilaid makes my husband feel like he is 19 again (his words not mine) - this is on 1 pill a day - the bottle says 3 a day... we DEFINATELY notice a big difference when he is taking them... however...they haven't helped his counts... in fact his count went down (tremendously) but I don't contribute that to fertilaid... especially since he won't take all three pills...
I wish I could get him to take it religiously but he doesn't - I would like to get him to take 2 a day... but if that happened watch out... I may never make it to work :rofl: no bad side effects for him though (but lots of good ones :haha:)

I love that you aren't afraid to travel alone - me neither... I have drove all over the country (and out of the country) by myself - I am scared of motorcyles... I know probably unfounded but... I love traveling... alone or with someone... when I retire I want to do a bunch of missions trips... unless of course we have a baby... then I guess I stay home!! haha
Terri, thanks for asking! My appt went well. Sort of overwhelming, but good. She went over everything in detail and told us a few different IVF options, and gave her opinion on what she thought would work best for us. Once we had the final plan, the nurse sat down w/ us to give me a rough timeframe for everything so that I can prepare w/ my job and she showed me how to use all 3 injections (different from Ovidrel). They also did a mock embryo transfer. They go into the uterus w/ a catheter to give them an idea of where the embryos will be placed for best chance of implanting (if they place them too high, they could end up in the tubes). So by doing a "practice round", they're prepared w/ the exact amount of centimeters for the day of transfer.

The timing can be off, given that I don't know when I'll start AF during the Lupron, and they don't know the exact amount of days I'll be on the stim meds. But as it stands now, they estimate egg retrieval around 6/29, and embryo transfer between 7/2-7/4. I'll know by mid-July if I'm preg! BUT, I'm also hoping that this IUI tomorrow will just be successful, and maybe I'll know by mid June instead of mid July! Hehehe!

Oh, and I confirmed that the Lupron will have no affect whatsoever on this IUI if I get prego. She said it does no harm, and I'd just stop taking the Lupron if I get a BFP.
Oh, and regarding the gals who mentioned twins... I would LOVE twins! If I could only be so lucky. I'm having some slight discomfort on my right side today where the 2 follies are, so I bet those suckers are about to pop, lol. I will be happy if just one fertilizes of course! But it would be the coolest thing ever if I got twins out of an IUI. I don't think that's very common though, is it?

Have to run to a meeting, but will reply to everyone's comments later! Darn work. Getting in the way of my fun.
Hi ladies! A few days ago, I wrote out a long reply to everybody and my phone refreshed and I lost the entire message. I thought about typing it up again, but I decided to go eat Funyuns instead. So I'll give it another go today....

So weird, when I read Erin's post this morning to Terri, I thought that was something I would have said if I had 2 good brain cells to rub together anymore! Terri, glad to see your spirits are lifting back up, and like someone said, it obviously wasn't the right time even though its heartbreaking and this allows you to go on your ride in July. As far as I'm aware, you can't strap a car seat to the back of a motorcycle and as supportive as they can be, Hubby's aren't exactly keen on the idea of being solely responsible for taking care of little babies for more than 3 hours. And none of that even matters, because the fact is, once your baby is born, you're not going to want to leave them. Truth!

Neesaw--I meant to tell you several times how sorry I am about the loss of your little twins. I just think it's incredibly beautiful how you are memorializing them and as terribly sad as it is, glad to hear they are home with you. I'm being completely honest when I say that I don't know how I would be able to move forward after going through what you have been through, and that is why we are all constantly telling you how strong you are. Truth also. <3

Sis--Lol, you strike me as the kind of person who always has crazy things going on! Right now it's a new puppy. Those pics were too much!!!! I understand why Smiles won't go and see a puppy because they are too irresistible. But then you're up with them in the middle of the night and they're whining and peeing all over your house, and that's not so cute. But it certainly keeps you busy! Onto Vegas, it's my favorite! We go at least once a year because I have to get my Vegas fix. We have family there, too, but even if we didn't, after having lived in Arizona for so many years, it was very quick and easy to run up to Vegas for a weekend and then you get addicted to it. We got married at the Bellagio and we had an Elvis personator announce us into the reception and perform and ugh, I could go on and on forever about Vegas but I'll PM you about stuff to do and not clog up the thread!

Smiles--Wowee, you had great seats at that play. And I was like, "Umm, for shame, for shame taking pictures in the theater!" But I would have done the exact same thing on the sly. And your baby bump is ADORBS!

Driving--I have a good feeling about your appt tomorrow, too. You know, when I first saw my doctor about the spotting and cramping issues I'm having, she asked me if I had any pregnancy symptoms and I said my boobs hurt and she was very relieved. She said breast and nipple tenderness is a very encouraging sign. But I get you being nervous about the 6 week mark and finding no heartbeat the last time. There is just no way of getting around those fears until you've had your appt. and can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Best wishes for tomorrow but I feel like its going to be a happy appt. for you. :).

Erin--This is perfect...getting another IUI in before IVF and with a possibility of 2 eggs popping out, you may not even need IVF. Things seem to be unfolding so nicely for you and that's very exciting. Like all the planets are aligned just right!

Kfs1---Good luck this Monday with your tubal. Does it sound like fun? Hells no! But it's a good step forward in getting you that baby. Keep on truckin' lady!! You are knocking down the obstacles one by one and I admire your perseverance!

Moni--Sorry you still have the cysts but you are absolutely right about the timing of IVF and its a good thing you didn't try to push for June! Yeah, what will they do about them if they don't resolve themselves?

Fezzle--I'm sorry if I missed it, but did you end up getting the house?! Is it super expensive in the UK to buy?

Wish--That's awesome about the blaring positive opk. Honestly, it's the one highlights of TTC...seeing that positive is such a mood lifter! Lets you know that part of your body is doing what it's supposed to and that's very exciting. And on that military guy, my sister's first husband was in the Air Force and he used to tell her they were going on secret missions and he was just bonking someone else. I'm sure it happens a ton, which is sad, but your guy took it to a whole other level and he should be evaluated for mental issues. It actually concerns me that this man is so "off "and is in the military. I mean, he's 42, not some young, dumb kid!!!

Okay, listen, I know that I missing people but I'm starting to feel sick and if I don't post this now I never will. My hubby backed into a tree when we were out in the woods and I can tell I got a little whiplash. So now in addition the cramping, spotting, naseua and fatigue....I've got a splitting headache and sore neck muscles. I'm a wreck! I will check in next week when I'm home. Much love!
We put an offer and it was accepted! So now it's down to the mortgage and paperwork- we don't anticipate any problems but hoping it all goes through ok! Luckily we're not in a rush (we're renting and have a really good relationship with the landlady), but I'd love to move in before our next academic year starts again so I still have flexibility to be at home for things. It depends on where you are in the UK- in the north, I don't think the houses are that expensive, but they are down in the south where I am. Not as crazy as London, but compared to where I'm from in NC, you just get much smaller houses and yards for your money.
Katie that's very kind. When it first happened I didn't think I could do it but here we are nearly 4 months later. Not really sure how I got here but having more good days than bad. Planning the wedding is keeping me distracted. X

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