Sis so cute. I have 2 black labs. We've been for a good swim in the the river today! Them not me!
ERose-Aha! See, I didn't realize how involved everything is. My boss doesn't come in until noon, so as long as I can get the early appointments I should still be ok. But...I'm going to talk to the nurse on Wednesday (hopefully) to find out what exactly needs to happen and more specific timing with regards to when I need to be around for scans and stuff and then I'll have a better idea of when we should get started.

nessaw-You're in the homestretch with teaching. Yay!! I laughed about taking a dip in the river. Phew!! I only like swimming in pools, but it's rare that I do that because I don't know anyone with a pool.

Futuremom-So happy your levels have finally dropped. How happy (?), well considering, are you? I hope that witch shows up with a quickness so you guys can get started again. Enjoy spending time with your mom. Have fun!

Sis-Your dogs are too cute. Luna is SOOO small compared to Pibbles.

I'm nervous to take my temperature tomorrow. It's not time for it to drop yet (that should happen around Thursday/Friday, but I'm just scared anyway. hee hee. I really don't think this is my month, but since I never feel anything anyway, maybe I will just never feel anything EVER. HA!!HA!! Yes, I'm being dramatic. I tested Friday, and not sure I'm even going to test again. So torn...

My trip to VA was great. The weather was perfect, and I know my face got a tan today. My moto friends and I are doing a scavenger hunt where we have to go to different towns to spell out words, and I got to about 7 towns today on my way home. I got lost several times too, but it's all in fun. hee hee. I always get lost/turned around. It's what I do!
Hi ladies.... Hope you all are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend! I spent the day cooking and now I am beat! Today's menu...rosemary brined buttermilk fried chicken, 5 cheese mac and cheese, collars greens and for dessert fresh apple pie! I've taken to watching cooking shows like Chopped and Cutthroat kitchen so I guess I was bitten by the cooking bug today. Lol. Cooked way too much but the upside is there ill be left overs for tomorrow so I don't have to cook again.

Oh...the play was great and Denzel was spectacular! We were 6 rows from the stage. He was so close but yet so far. Lol. Here is a pic of him in action. When he first came on stage I swear my heart skipped a beat and I smiled from ear to ear with the biggest dumbest grin possible! Lmao

Also is a pic of me and the hubs....it felt really good to get out and do adult stuff. I'm hoping we get to go to a couple more shows before the baby arrives.


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Darn it...the one with Denzel didn't post. Here he is with his fine self! :winkwink:


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Now for my post in response to all the other posts, hopefully I remember everyone.

Sis...that puppy is too adorable!!!! Glad the older dog is starting to take a liking to her and I love the pic of the other dog where it looks like she is taking watch over the pup while she is sleeping.

Terri..glad you had a great ride and try not to be nervous about taking your temp. Sending positive baby vibes your way! :hugs:

Erose...I worked in a job with month end closing and quarter end/ year end closing and I hated the fact I had to plan my life around that schedule. After years of doing it I switched and I'm glad I did! I say IVF is way more important and good for you for taking that time so do it regardless of quarter close. They'll manage without you somehow, you have a BFP to get no time to be fooling around crunching numbers!

Wish...that guy is an asshole! Not sure if he thought it would be funny or if he was looking for a way out of the relationship but in either case it was insensitive and stupid. He needs to think of all the families that have gotten that call and it was real and think how they must have felt. Would he get in trouble for doing something like that?

Hi to everyone else...hope you lovelies are doing well. :flower:
Smiles-Chopped/Cutthroat Kitchen will make you want to cook, that's for sure. Your party food sounds so good..Mmmm fried chicken! hee hee.

And your bump is just adorable!! That's so cool that you got to sit so close to Denzel AND that they let you take a picture in the theater. Woohoo!! Lucky. I hope you get to go see more shows as well. They are all so great. I have season tix to the Hippodrome Theater, and they have the Broadway Across America series, so we get Broadway shows/musicals right here in Baltimore. It's a nice change of pace.

AFM-My temperature is still above 98, so I'm relieved. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Today we're going to DC to watch the Nationals play against Miami Marlins. We don't care about either of those teams, but it's a nice day and the Orioles are playing in Milwaukee, so why not take in some baseball?? Yeah!
Hey ladies,

Wow! This thread moves FAST! I can't keep up! Still, it's been fun reading and getting to know everyone. :)

Terri, I stalk your chart daily now-I'm so hoping your IUI worked! *fingers crossed*

Sis, LOVE your puppy pix! It has been madness around here getting ready for the end of the school year AND having a new dog, but I'm still loving him! He's finally getting along with his big dog brother and sister, and is even spending time with the cat!

I thought I was out this AM because of some spotting and cramping, but now it's gone so I'm still hopeful!

Good luck, all! :)
Terri...I don't know about them LETTING us take a picture in the theaters. Lol. My busband's friend too that picture and sent it to me. I was too scared to whip out my phone during the performance so I took my picture at the end when they were taking their bows. Lol. I didn't want to be embarrassed! No siree bob! Here is the picture I took.

Also glad to see you weren't as scared to take your temp, still looks good! Positive vibes being sent your way. :hugs:

How was everyone's Memorial Day? The clan and I went to a food truck festival, it was hot as all bejesus out there but I enjoyed sampling the food! It was at a racetrack so we actually got a chance to sit and watch races too. I bet on the horses in my head and lost which is alot better than betting on them for real and losing! Lol.


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Hi all great pics smiles. Mischief hope ur not out. Terri how's u today?
Afm writing reports-bleaurgh! Got the fertility monitor revved up. Cd 7 today-2 low fert days. When I took clomid last year it pushed my ov back to cd12 from around cd9 so hoping the mc hasn't mucked that up. Fingers crossed! X
Hi all - Hope everyone had a great weekend and Memorial Day.

Smiles - love the pics! Love your bump and happy you had a great time at the play and the food truck festival. Yum - sounds amazing.

Terri - I'm so happy that your temp's still up. Will you be testing soon or are you still holding off?

Nessaw - Good luck using the monitor this month. Fx for your BFP!

Mischief - How are you doing today?

Sis - Looooove those puppy pics. Too cute!

AFM: Camping was great. A bit cold the first night but overall beautiful weather. Just really nice to be away from temping and thinking about TTC for a few days for sure. I was in a bad state Thursday/Friday. Super-depressed and weepy but getting away from it all has definitely helped. I'm actually out of town again next weekend. Heading to the beach on LI for a friend's birthday party. I'm scheduling my tubal cannulation for either Wednesday or Thursday this week and then the polyp removal is either Wednesday or Thursday next week and hubs urologist appt is next Friday. I think the break this month is definitely what I needed. Hope to have clear tubes & no polyps for my next cycle!
Mischief-Uh oh...I was admiring your high temps last night, but I see a drop, so I hope it's not the witch coming. Not sure how long your cycles are. fxfx

kfs1-Sorry you were so sad prior to your camping trip, but glad you had a fun time. Breaks are really nice. On Sunday night when we were going to bed, hubs said 'what's our status?' I just started crying. He was like 'oops..I'm sorry. I was a little excited because I thought it was time for AF.' I told him that it's still too early, and I'm just going to wait for blood work. So, that's my status. I thought my temperature would drop today, but it was the same as yesterday. I'm guessing it's because of the progesterone. I think they take me off of it tomorrow afternoon once I get the phone call with bad news and wait for the witch.

nessaw-Hope this month is a normal one for you. Are you taking Clomid this time around?

Smiles-HA!!HA!! about the pictures. True, true..we went to the DC Nationals game yesterday and it was great. I really like DC and need to get down there more often. I am so fortunate that we are so close. I really need to take advantage of my surroundings a bit more. hee hee.

Oh, and girls! I got an A in my class. Woohoo. Our grades came out on Saturday or Sunday. I'm so happy. Two more classes and I'll be the owner of a master's degree. One more thing to check off my list.
Aww Terri - why are you so sure that you're out? Your temps are looking good to me! I'm sending tons of :dust: your way.

And congrats on your A. Wooohooo!

I've been to the stadium in DC (my SIL lives in Alexandria). It's a great stadium! Love the new pic by the way.
Terri FX for your beta I think the P is just as bad as the Witch sometimes it's a fool in its own and will make u an emotional wreck!! :hugs:
congrats on the A!!! :)

Kfs1 Sounds like u got a game plan and taking a break is always nice!!

AFM can u tell I haven't been able to temp the puppy has me up weird hrs so I'm not sure I will get a good temp!! Been having strange spotting and some pain so I'm almost positive I have a Cyst :nope:
We will be taking a Vaca and I get to bring my BFF w we are going to Vegas and we've never been so and recommendation would be Apreciated ! :happydance:
When are you going on vacation Sis?? I went for a wedding in 2001, but I don't remember much (those were the days!). I just remember that we stayed at the Luxor and that was fabulous. My friends got married by Elvis in a small white chapel. Those were the highlights of my trip. hee hee. I hope you don't have a cyst. Ouchies!

Oh and thanks kfs1-I'm not sure I'm out, but I guess I'd rather be excited than disappointed, so who knows?
Here goes 2nd try... first time computer gave me the blue screen of death:growlmad::growlmad:

Terri - Your temps are still up so you are still in with a chance - but I understand you waiting for bloods - I hope you get the surprise of your life tomorrow!!! BFP!! Congrats on the A - only two more classes and you will be a MASTER!!! hehe
I love going to the ball park - its just fun and my DH loves the cardinals - but we don't get to go enough!!

kfs- Your camping trip sounds lovely!! and I am glad it helped you to recharge!! I am excited for your upcoming procedures and the eradication of your unwanted visitor!! all will lead to your BFP!!! and what is this tubal cannalization - do they do that in the office or do you have to be put to sleep for that?? just wondering...

Mischief - here's my FX that you are still in!!! :hugs:

Sis - I hear you about the puppy - mine is terribly sick - but she keeps eating bad stuff!!!! my daughter is taking her to the vet today... I am hoping its nothing serious and she will be fine - and woo hooo on your vaca to Vegas - never been so can't help you with recommendations - but I hope you have a super great time - how can you not???:happydance:

Smiles - love love the pics of Denzel - nothing wrong with a couple of hourse staring at him!!! and yes your bump is the cutest!!! :hugs: thanks for sharing your pics with us...

Nessaw - I am hoping and praying that your CB monitor does the trick this month!! :flower::hugs:

:hi: to all you other ladies out there - Erose, Vjean, Katie, Driving, and all those I missed - not on purpose just old brain!!!:haha:

AFM: Blaring Positive OPK yesterday - strongest I think I have seen - woo hoo... atleast I am home and am not stressing about only getting one donation!! DH is supposed to have his 3rd SA Monday... I really don't want him too - I would rather just keep trying and let God do the deciding... too much stress for him and me...
and yes - the guy that faked his death - in my opinion because he didn't want to break up with that girl - should be punished...:growlmad: but it is out of my hands now... I will give my sworn statements and the higher ups will decide... for a 42 year old man - he needs serious help...

my new pic if from the top of Diamond Head in Honolulu - i ran up there from my hotel... Feb 2013... love Hawaii...
No clomid for me-turned me loopy. We done it twice without the drugs. It sorted my cycle out but it's sperm that's our issue so just got to keep going. The first time we used the cbfm without clomid or post mc and dtd every high and peak with preseed we got pg. Hopefully this time tho am not convinced my hormones are totally level.
We went to the luxor too. Loved it.x
Hi girls! Had a fun wedding weekend, but always glad to be back home. I'm SOO behind on this thread, so I'll just respond to the most recent comments, although I'm coming back after dinner to get caught up and see what I missed. :flower:

Smiles, first things first.... awesome that you got so close to Denzel! He is a super handsome guy. Love that smile of his! Btw, I'm so glad you understand that quarter-end madness... I love my job so much, but it does get frustrating during that time of each qtr. And I just decided I'm not putting off such a big decision for it... I have no problems planning my vacations around it, or dentist appointments, or whatever... but not this. And I felt so good when I made that decision. I informed my mgr today, and she is completely on board and will do whatever we need. In fact, she acted super excited for me! So that went well. :)

terri, I'm so sorry you were sad when DH asked you a status. :( But I don't know why you're counting yourself out yet. Your temps are still well above the CL, and you're only 13dpo. Do you know when you'll get the blood results?

nessaw, I was similar as you... I O'd super early, and the Clomid pushed it out to about day 13/14. I got prego on Clomid, but it ended in a CP. I'm now on Femara though, as that just happens to be what my clinic prescribes. Anyway, GL this cycle!! I hope you O at a good time! Keep us posted when you get your Peak!

Wish... Ugh, that blue screen of death! I know exactly what you're talking about, LOL! Oh, and wow, the darkest +OPK you've ever seen!? That sounds promising! FXd!!

Sis, CUTE puppy pics, omg!! Love those! Have fun in Vegas! Sounds like a good time. :)

kfs, I'm glad you enjoyed your camping trip and that you felt better once you got out there. I'm sure that break is nice. Btw, what beach on LI are you headed to? My DH's whole family is from LI. I think they live in Long Beach. So excited for your soon-to-be clear tubes and no more polyp!!! Things are looking up chicky!!:thumbup:

Mischief, I'm glad the spotting went away! FXd for you!!

Hi to everyone else! This is already about a mile long, so I'll give my own update separately.
So, day10 u/s was today. I have 2 follies that they expect will release eggs. One was 21.5 mm, the other was 17.5 mm. But she said they'll both grow another 1-2 mm over the next couple days, so they expect that both will release an egg. I'm excited about that. They want to give the smaller follie an extra day to grow (the bigger it is, the more chance it has of releasing an egg), so I'm not triggering until tomorrow night, and then IUI will be Fri. DH and I will BD tonight and maybe one last time tomorrow morning. And I will do an OPK in the morning too. If it's pos, then I'm calling them asap because this time it won't be a false pos since I waited the right amount of days. I have my IVF consult tomorrow too (spending lots of time at the clinic this week, lol). So the Dr will go over her plan w/ me, and they will go ahead and order all the meds tomorrow too. It's $3k worth of meds that they'll be ordering when we don't even know for sure if I'll need it (if the IUI is successful). Thank goodness my insurance pays for injectables. I'll begin the Lupron in about 10 days, but I'm asking her tomorrow to give me absolute positive reassurance that it wouldn't affect an embryo if this IUI is a success. She stressed 3 times already that it doesn't affect it at all, but I just want to hear it face to face.
Sis, we love staying at the Aria when we go to Vegas. It's so nice!

Terri, good luck with your test tomorrow! I'm holding out hope until the very last minute.

Erin, :oneofeach:!!! :thumbup:

:hi: To everyone else. I'll do a proper reply tomorrow.
Vjean-Hello! And thanks..I'll need all the positive vibes I can get.

ERose-Are you triggering with Ovidrel? I don't remember you saying previously...I hope this works out for you and you don't have to move forward with IVF. fxfxfx. My freaking follicle was 28mm the day before the IUI, so yours sound reasonable. That's just insane. Of course, I had to google, but couldn't find anything about follicles that big. Hopefully there was a nice juicy egg inside. Vjean is right- :twingirls: hee hee.

nessaw-OK...let's hope and pray this is the right combo for you. C'mon preseed. Do your magic!

Wish-A 42yo man?! That blew my mind. I thought it was a teenager right out of high school. Yeah...talk about issues. I hope he gets into big trouble. But...then he'll turn into a serial killer who lives next door, so I don't know what. I know he has some kind of mental issues. And the guy who called and pretended to be the supervisor should also get in trouble. What is wrong with people?

Glad you're back home for a while, and best of luck to your DH. I hope this SA is the best one ever. Are you guys fighting over hold time again? Hopefully you can get your BD'ing in now, and then he can hold and you'll wait for your BFP!!

AFM-:coffee: and you ALL know I freaked out when I saw my temperature this morning. I forgot to take my progesterone out of excitement for my bloodwork and the big day. I wish my temperature wasn't so high so I could feel neutral, but alas...neutral wasn't in the plans for the day. Happiness is. I'll hear back this afternoon. <3

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