Driving, that is great news! Congrats!

Fezzle, congrats on the new house! I love moving and decorating new places!

Erin, it does sound like you covered all the bases! Sorry you had a rough time, but I hope it works out. Maybe it was extra hard because it was 2 eggs! :haha: That’s fantastic about DH’s count going up. And now the countdown begins….woohoo! Feel free to ramble! I love all the information that you pass on, and I think it is so important for the other ladies who are going thru the same thing, or even just contemplating it. It isn’t so scary when you hear someone else’s firsthand account of the process. Just my 2 cents.

Sis, the Hard Rock is fun, we just really enjoy staying right on the strip. I like having quick access to my room and couldn’t imagine having to take a cab everywhere. But I think you’ll have a great time with DH no matter what! I’m excited for you! Makes me want to countdown days until my vacation…which isn’t until mid-August! Ugh! So far away! Sorry your puppy is keeping you up, but thankfully this phase is short lived!

Wish, yay for crosshairs!

Terri, I’m with you… I look around other threads but find myself annoyed pretty quickly! Sometimes I wonder if people actually read what they write before they post.

Radkat, welcome back! And your chart looks fantastic!

Katie, so glad you are still doing well! I hope you are feeling better from the accident.

Kfs1, good luck with your procedure! I have FX’d that everything works out!
Terri we will be going 7/17 that way nobody is having AF and feeling yucky!! :haha:

I think we decided to stay at the Palazzo since we get a free room w all DH points so we can go to lots of shows and shopping and gambling!! ;)
We are going to NIN on Sat and that is about 400 just for it and all the shows we want to see are 100-75 so yea !!!
Plus I get easily bugged by 20 something's shit faced so the Hard rock probably won't be good for me!!! :)

Looking for a beach house that will allow the pups for a week so the boys can go play and do something this summer for a bit!! I feel bad having all the fun ;)
NIN as in Nine Inch Nails??

Sweet, so if I end up riding through Houston in early July you'll meet me for breakfast or lunch? Is that what I'm hearing? hee hee. Perfect!
Driving - YAY!!

Sis - Ugh - we'll just miss each other. We go to Vegas every year for a billiards tournament. This year it is from the 17th - 27th, but we are only going for the second weekend because I have a family reunion in Laughlin on August 1st. I fly into Vegas the night of the 23rd. We generally stay where the tourney is (this year at the Rio) but often get a room for 1-2 nights at a more upscale hotel - Wynn or Cosmo. Definitely go with the points - it makes the entire trip more enjoyable - and how much time are you really going to spend in the room anyways!

Erin - I like reading your posts twice - besides both the sites are soo fast, I often have time to review just one of them - and this way I get all the info. Besides - you are stuck reading mine twice as well.

AFM- One of my kitties passed away yesterday - it has been a little rough. Takes the mood out of "fertile time". This month is a long shot anyways.
OK, here my catching-up-as-best-I-can post. You're a busy bunch!

Sis - Hooray for Vegas! Living in S.CA, I've been there a few times and stayed all different places. I think staying in the place that you can use points is a great idea. Leaves more $ for things like NIN! Awesome!

Terri - Sorry about your weird AF. Hopefully the dr can let you know if anything is off, but I'm guessing things are just different bc of the meds. Still it's a PITA. Glad you have your motorcycle to de-stress a bit.

Kfs - Good luck with the tubal today. Let us know how it goes.

ERose - Please let us know about your IVF journey. I kinda see this thread as my "everything" thread and just roam around the boards for other info. Sorry for awful O. Hoping that means it's a good one!

Fezzle - Congrats on the house! How exciting!

Driving - I'm so happy that the scan went well. H&H 9 months to you.

Wish - Hooray for crosshairs! Beautiful chart!

Momof3 - Let us know how the SA and HSG goes. I know what you mean about it worked before, why not now? Good to have those things eliminated though. Hope you can find some answers.

Moni - I'm so sorry about your kitty. That's awful. I know what you mean about it taking you out of the mood. How long had you had him/her?

HI to Nessaw, Mischief, Blueshoney, Seattle, Smiles and Katie and whoever else I missed!

AFM - So I'm 8DPO now. Hopefully this TWW will go more quickly since I was on vacation for half of it. I talked to DH on vacation and told him I wanted to move forward with tests and he was fine with it. So I'm going to call my dr to get that set up. I missed by CD 21, so I'll start with CD3 next month. Of course, hopeful that I don't need them, but I don't want to get caught up in the "maybe I'll be pregnant" and not taking the steps that need to be taken.

Sorry for the long post. Happy Monday to all!
Thanks everyone. Will let you know what Friday brings...

Radkat, sounds like you had a great trip! I used to live in the California Bay Area(hence my moniker) and we'd take weekend trips to Monterey and to the mountains. I love Yosemite, have been there like 10 times but it never gets old...
Moni-So sorry to hear about your kitten. It hurts so badly to lose a pet. I had a dog many years ago and have not yet had the courage to get another. That's why I foster! Hope you guys have lots of pictures of your furball.

Driving-definitely keep us updated.

Radkat-I love the way your chart looks this cycle fxfx.

Nessaw-well?? Did you get a high today?

Fezzle-what's up with the house? Hope all is well.

I got a few pictures of some towns today so I am feeling good. Fresh air is so nice. I also got a bday present from my fil so we're getting Chinese food tonight. Yum yum.
Terri - yummmm Chinese food - my prediction for your fortune cookie - "sum little ones in your future" :happydance::happydance: ok so my Chinese isn't so good!!:haha:

Moni - aweee so sorry to hear about your kitten... :cry: I hope you still get some long shot loving in... :hugs::hugs:

Radkat - glad to hear the DH is on board with getting some testing done... as you know it is always good to find out if something is keeping that BFP from you guys... and I think almost everything is fixable!! :thumbup::thumbup: but my FX you won't need any of that!!! BFP in the next week!! :flower:

Driving - FX you get to see and hear and strong little hearbeat on Friday!! :awww:

Nessaw - yes what happened this am?? you is leaving us hanging lady!!! I am hoping you can't answer because you are :sex: and are busy :haha:

kfs - praying for you girl...please update when you can... hope you have another unplugged tube now... :hugs:

Sis - your Vegas trips sounds LOVELY!!! ok maybe lovely isn't the correct adjective... how about it sounds freaking awesome!!! love adult vacations... never been to Vegas so I will live it through you!! :friends::drunk: but I also wouldn't mind sitting on the beach for a week with the LO's!!!

:hi: Vjean - I can't believe how many weeks you are!!! just seems like yesterday you were posting line porn!!! :happydance:

oldermom I am missing you - I hope you are back with the DH - I think you said June right?? I hope the new diet is going well ... anyway I hope you are ok...

:howdy: Fezzle, Katie, Momof3, and the rest of you wonderful gals!!

AFM: Well my weekend was incredibly productive :shrug: cant tell you what happened... Saturday I bought groceries for my aunt, cleaned all the carpets in her entire apartment, then headed to my mom's and moved a washer into her house then came home and cleaned three rooms of carpet at home... then headed out to garage to help the DH stain wood for our new bed he is making for us... yeah all on Saturday... then Sunday up at normal time 530 (hello I normally sleep in on Sunday) then spent the day putting away all my winter clothes (yes close to 90 here now), and cleaning out our bedroom so the new bigger homemade bed will fit!!! then mowed the front/back yard and then sprayed all the weeds... not too mention DH was in the mood - since we were home alone on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!
well 5 DPO - had some tinged CM on 2 DPO felt out already!!! but today lots of cramping... yesterday I was really positive but today I don't know... I guess I will wait and see what happens...
DH and I decided no more medical testing... can't handle the stress anymore (kept getting crappy news anyway) and since we won't do ART... why keep testing??? don't get me wrong - still temping, OPK's and taking my supplements - but now we will let God decide... He ultimately decides anyway... so I will still be here cheering all of you on... still moaning about my temps and BD attempts... hoping for a miracle!!
sorry for the ridiculously long post!!!
Hi girls. Sorry I had a big lesson observation by the head teacher yest so no chance to get on. Cd14 still low! Have lined up the sticks analysised them to death. Googled to the max. No idea. Have had breaks from the cbfm and used it again no prob. Have used the same set of sticks after a break no prob. Stuck! Given up this cycle as a bust! Any ideas? Hi to all. Off to walk the dogs. Xx
Hi all- just reading and stalking, but need to get back to marking. All our marks are due this week with the external examiners (who check a sample of the work and review the programme overall each year) coming next week, so all is busy this week and next, but after that's it's 'summer break'!

Of course I have to make it all busier by buying a house at the same time! All is still going ahead with the house so Fx! We've just found a mortgage and solicitors, so we're just filling out loads of paperwork now and getting the money we have in various places together for the deposit. I hope it doesn't take too long! I am hoping we'll move before the next academic year starts (which is in mid-Sept).

:dust: to all of you and I'll catch up properly soon!
erose - I'm so sorry that you had such a horrible night the other night. Sounds awful hun. BUT like someone else said, here's hoping that it was only because there were 2 perfect eggs!

Smiles - That's so great that you had a trip to the spa. Veeeeeery jealous. :)

Sis - Heeeey. Why's FF messing with your chart? Looks like you clearly O'd to me!

Katie - whoa, whoa, whoa. I keep seeing people mention an accident. Did I miss something?

Moni - I'm so sorry about your kitty. That's terrible. Hope you're doing OK. :hugs:

Radkat - Good for you for scheduling the tests but like you said, Fx that you won't need em! You're halfway through the TWW at least (ugh - it's soooooooooo long).

Terri - Glad you're feeling good today! Fresh air is always a good thing.

Nessaw - So sorry that you haven't gotten your high yet. Maybe you're cycle's a bit off and you're just going to have a late O? Sorry I'm not much help. :hugs:

Wish - Don't give up yet - that chart's looking good. I hear you about the medical testing. What is the point if all it's going to do is cause you more stress, which could actually be more harmful than anything when you're TTC? I'm feeling good for you both - seems like you're in a really good place and on the same page. And holy crap with that busy weekend!

Fezzle - good luck with school and all of the house stuff! The stress will be worth it!

AFM: Well, ladies, yesterday was an experience but I have clear tubes! I'm feeling suuuuper-crampy today, almost like I pulled a huge muscle in my stomach and I can't really stand up straight so I'm working from home today and I'm going to call my doc to make sure these side-effects are normal. ugh. So, I check into the hospital yesterday, and they hook me up to an IV and put me in a room. And we're waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. I was like something's not right. So, my sister goes to investigate and it turns out that no one told radiology that I was even there so they thought I was a no-show and had attitude, not realizing they were on speaker phone. So, after 3 hours of sitting, they finally came and got me and said "Oh, sorry, we had an emergency.," not realizing that we had heard what happened. I was FUMING.

So, they did the HSG and said that my tube was actually half-cleared from the last HSG but they couldn't get it uncleared with just the dye so they moved onto the cannulation. Basically, they just give you a heavy sedative to make you relax (or not - HA) and use a catheter to try and break up the blockage. Luckily, they were successful but man, was it painful!

Now, on to my next surgery tomorrow. Man - I'm gonna need a drink by the end of the week for sure. :)
kfs1-Medical mistakes aside, I am SOOOOO happy for you and your cleared tubes. The cramping is all worth it, trust me. Are you feeling a little better?? You totally deserve a drink after tomorrow night. And you haven't Od yet, so just imagine how happy those :spermy: are going to be when they don't hit a wall of doom!! Party time!! :happydance: HA!!HA!!

nessaw-Ugh..I'm sorry I even asked. Yeah, maybe your cycle is still off from the MC. Keep testing though. Sooner or later you're bound to hit a positive. Do you feel ok?

fezzle-Good luck with the rest of your grading and your review. Summer break is almost here, and then the house stuff will be all you have to focus on, so it'll be ok.

Vjean-Are you showing yet? Let's see some bump pictures. Well, if you want to share.

Wish-I know you said you were busy, but I had no idea HOW busy. That's more than I could get done in 6 months. Army strong! hee hee. Yeah..I was the complete opposite of you. I was the dust that you cleaned up. hee hee. I agree with you on the testing. No sense being depressed and having to pay for your own depression. The results will not change anything, so just keep trying. You're not out yet, either, so think positive thoughts.

Sis-Not sure what's going on with your chart. I did see the dashed and solid crosshairs at one point, but they should clearly be solid by now. Maybe today when you wake up you'll get them.

AFM-I think all toxins :wacko: are out of my body. I woke up feeling great this morning. AF is gone after a very SHORT appearance (I wore pantiliners all day yesterday, and that was it). Now I'm a little nervous my lining is too thick because nothing shed, but I'll find out tomorrow. :shrug: I'm over all this thinking stuff. HA!!HA!!
Thanks, Terri. I'm feeling OK - just sore is all.

YES - I'm so happy that you're feeling better. What's tomorrow's appointment again? Just info about next steps?
Gotta rush to get LO to school so ready for summer!!!

AFM got CH but my temp was 98.17 at 4 when I got up to take out the puppy if I adjust it's 98.5 but I just left it as is!!!
Sis-Looks good! Yay for crosshairs.

kfs1-I have my Day 3 ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow to start IUI again.
Ok I have time now to post formally !!!

KFS1 glad everything went well u might want to ask for a few pain meds to get u thru the week I'm sure all that poking around cant feel good!!! :hugs:

Radkat your chart looks awesome!!! FX for testing

Terri have u had anymore spotting or flow or anything since Sunday???
The p should have built up your lining so u should have a proper AF unless u have a cyst or u still have P in your system!! Hope they figure it out Tom they should be able to tell u if u didn't shed your lining!!

AFM my back is killing me and I've been cramping since O so I'm not sure what's up w that
My back probably hurts from sleeping on the couch 1/2 the nite !! :nope:
Not putting much hope into this cycle as we only BD 2 days again!!

Happy Tuesday only 2 1/2 days of school left!!! :)
Erose i think the more and bigger follies really hurt when I had 3 I thought OMG did u have any small ones on the other ovary as I've said b4 I got my BFP from a non-viable egg or so they thought !!!
That's why I felt pain on th left side when my eggs where on the right maybe u had a better egg waiting !!! FX

I totally remember you saying that when you got prego! I think on my left ovary there were several 11mm and 13mm. My right ovary had the 21.5 and the 17, which they said would grow another 1-2mm per day before the IUI (which ended up being three days later, so that gives you an idea!). I did also have a 14mm on my right ovary too. I wonder if even that one ended up growing enough in three days to release an egg.
Terri, GL tomorrow at your appt! I've always been told by both my OB and my RE not to consider spotting as cd1, and that it has to be a full flow. But they'll be able to tell for sure when they do your u/s tomorrow. :thumbup:

Sis, sorry your back is killing you! And hey, BDing twice still gives you a great chance, so I'm hopeful for you, definitely! FF adjusted my CHs this morning. It did say cd13 until I entered my temp this morning, and it changed it to cd14 (which i had kinda known anyway considering how i felt that night!).

kfs, yay for clear tubes, wuhu!! That's great news. :) Rest up! I hope you feel better soon. It will ALL be worth it!

Fezzle, I'm glad the house is coming along. I'm sure you can't wait for it to close! It's always exciting buying a new house. :)

nessaw, sorry for the lows on the monitor. :( I'm sure your body is still just trying to get back to normal. I would keep testing. You never know, you might just O late this cycle. Don't view it as a bust just yet!

Wish, I'm cheering for you girly. Its often those times when people just stop testing and trying and stressing, that they suddenly get prego. If you feel that's the right thing for you right now, then follow your heart. You never know, you could feel different a week from now or a month from now. We are on a roller coaster, after all! Either way, I'm keeping Fxd for you this cycle!! Your chart is looking great.

Radkat, that's a nice looking chart you have there too. Fxd!!!

Driving/Katie/Vjean, so excited that things are going so well for you guys! How are you feeling with symptoms?

Moni, so sorry about your kitty. :( It is so sad losing a pet. I know my dog is completely a part of our family, and I dread the day. I hope you were still able to getting some BDing in though.
The only update on me is that I called my RE yesterday because I got curious about the late O after triggering, and to ask about all the spotting I had Fri/Sat after the IUI. Got some good answers. Regarding O, since I had the discomfort on Fri too, she said the trigger likely did cause one of the eggs to release on Fri (causing a small rise in temp the next day), and its likely that the other one was just delayed and released a day later, causing the larger temp rise Sun morning. She said they've seen that before, and it could be why it was tougher Sat night (with the nausea and headache), because then there were 2 eggs in the tube and 2 follies releasing hormones. I've heard of girls having 2-3 follies and not mentioning such a difficult time... but she said every woman is different.

As for the spotting, there could be a couple different causes... My cervix could've been irritated since it was the 2nd time in 3 days that they were in there w/ a catheter (1st time was mock embryo transfer for IVF consult). Or it could've just been ovulation itself too. Since it was gone by Sun, she wasn't worried at all.

I once again bugged her about the Lupron since I'm feeling hopeful that this IUI might work, and I don't want a damn thing to screw w/it. She reassured me again that it has no effect, but she said if I really need some peace of mind, she'll have me come in early for a blood pregnancy test (11dpo or so) rather than HPT on day 14. That way, we can find out sooner rather than later, and if I am prego, then I can stop the Lupron a few days earlier.
ERose-That sounds like a good plan as far as going in early for your blood test prior to taking the Lupron. Although, you'll know your answer sooner too, which will kind of suck, but it will be reassuring, so I think that's the best plan. You always ask really good questions too. Nice work!

So this was my AF this time. I went running on Sunday morning, and when I went pee, I seriously had one dark red, probably about a dime sized clot. I was happy and thought AF was coming. I am sure I went pee midday and I might have had another quarter sized clot of blood. If I wasn't watching, I wouldn't have seen it because it went right down to the bottom of the toilet. That night, another quarter sized spot/clot prior to going to bed. Monday, I put on a tampon and pantiliner, and the tampon was brown/red, but nothing like a full flow at all. Nothing on the tampon when I got home. The water in the bowl was never red or pink. And today, nothing. So..yeah, I'll talk to the people tomorrow and see what they say. My temps say the P is gone. My periods are pretty light anyway, but one day is just ridiculous. And no, I didn't count spotting as day 1. I counted yesterday as Day 1 only because it probably should have been day 1. hee hee.

Sis-Sorry your back is hurting. Does Luna sleep during the day? Maybe you should follow her lead! hee hee.

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