Yes she Naps like a baby but usually that's when I try to get stuff done cuz she cries when she's Alone :nope:
Yes she's a spoiled baby already!!!
Driving - I love the Bay area. My bestie lives in SF so she came to meet us in Monterey. Yes, your name makes sense now. :)

Terri - I'm glad you're going to the dr tomorrow to ask some questions about AF. It does seem strange that it would be that short, but there could certainly be a good reason for that.

VJean - I second Terri's request for bump pics. Of course only if you want to. :flower:

Wish - I can't believe how much you got done last weekend. I feel accomplished when I do laundry and put it away on the same day. I think your plan for no more testing totally makes sense. Anything that reduces stress has to be helpful.

Nessaw - I'm sorry you're not getting a peak. It's gotta come sometime. Keep testing!

Fezzle - Hope you get all your marking done and on to summer break! Nothing like that feeling!

ERose - I'm so glad your nurse is so informative. And it's great that you kept asking questions and I think the blood test sounds like the answer. I'm glad you're feeling positive.:thumbup:

Kfs - Ugh that sound like quite a process and I can't believe you have more tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you. BUT now you know you have clear tubes. That sounds like just the ticket to a BFP!

Sis - Sounds like your puppy may be messing with your temps, but what can you do? You're definitely not out with 2 BD under your belt!

Yeah, I liked the temp jump yesterday. DH was spooning me in the am and he's like a furnace, so I don't know if that was why. Went down this am. DH is getting into my temps, etc. Asks me if it's still up then acts like that means I'm definitely pregnant. I told him it doesn't mean that and I can explain the whole process to him and he says well, it sounds like it's good news to me.
Rad - your chart's looking good me, even with that slight drop this morning. Love that your DH is interested in your temps.

Terri - good luck tomorrow. I hope they have some answers about your period. Of course, when you're ready for your period, it barely shows, right? Ugh - our stubborn bodies.

Sis - sorry that your back's been bothering you. I hope that puppy gives you a break soon, although, I'm sure it's totally worth it. :)

vjean - another request for a bump pic, please!

erose - once again, you amaze me with how thorough you are. :) And I'm happy for that great explanation about your symptoms. Sounds like you have a great team of people behind you.

AFM: still feeling cruddy. worked from home for half the day and then took a nap. I need to get some fluids in me for sure or I'm going to feel worse tomorrow.

Something to cheer us all up. My friend sent me this - who doesn't want this puppy??
I love Great Danes!! When I was researching they said that they are great apartment dogs because they are so lazy. Unfortunately, I'm active so I decided that wasn't the dog for me but I do like seeing them out and about. Great video!! Hope tomorrow goes well and like Radkat said 'we're all cheering you on!' BFP BFP!! Hee hee
Driving ~ Glad all is well with you pregnancy! :happydance:

Erose ~ Sounds like you have good plans in place for the next couple months. Hopefully we hear about your BFP really soon! :thumbup: I also like to hear about your IVF stuff.

kfs ~ Yay, for clear tubes! :happydance:

Trying to get caught up, but have to get off now. I'll have to finish and give my update later.
Kfs - Thanks for the cheering on. I needed that. :awww:

I'm annoyed right now bc I'll called by dr who said she'd do my blood work after my miscarriage and her nurse said she was only taking OB patients, not gyn, and since I'm not pregnant, I'm considered gyn. Now her office did tell me this in January when I called, but after my miscarriage my dr told me she'd do the tests, so I was hoping she would do them. So I called my GP who won't do them either, but will give me a referral to a new gyn and yes I have to come into the office to have her submit the referral. Keep in mind that I had her do this in January, but I ended up not needing it bc I got my BFP. But that referral has expired, so I have to go into the office, pay my co pay for her to do the referral, then call the gyn to get an appointment to do the blood work. Something tells me this all won't get done by next Tuesday which will be CD3 if AF comes on time. :growlmad:

Of course I hope she doesn't come at all and all of this is a moot point, but still, gotta be prepared.

Sorry for the vent. Just annoyed, but moving on.
Terri and kfs ~ Good luck to each of you at your appointments tomorrow!

Fezzle ~ Congrats on the house! How exciting. :thumbup:

Radkat ~ Glad you had a great vacation. We used to live in San Jose, #1 and #2 were born there in Mt. View. So, we've also been to Monterey and Yosemite. I hope you can get the Dr situation figured out quickly.

I had a good appt today. He started out by telling me about the results of blood work he had done last time I came in October. I didn't understand most of what he was talking about, but whatever was tested for "came back looking good." Also, I still have "plenty of eggs." :thumbup: I was surprised at that one since I didn't know they could tell a general figure for how many eggs you still have from a blood test.

The HSG went great. I thought it would hurt and was scared, but it was a breeze. I wasn't sure what to expect since I've never had an HSG before. The endometrial biopsy I had in 2004 was more uncomfortable than the HSG. The EB also left me feeling crampy for a few hours after. All I had after the HSG was a bunch of bleeding. I watched the dye go through one tube and spill out, and nothing on the other tube. The Dr said some of the dye leaked out the wrong way, so there wasn't enough to fill that other tube, so they put in some more and the other tube ended up being fine as well. Almost gave me a heart attack that I had one blocked tube or something there for a minute. He pointed out a spot at the top of my uterus. He said that it was either a small air bubble or a small polyp, not for sure which it is. If it is a polyp, he didn't seem concerned and said it wouldn't effect me getting pg. After that, we gave our sample for the SA. Have to wait a week for those results. He wanted to see us again for a follow up appt in a week or two, but we'll be out of town until mid July starting next week. So, we'll just go see him when we get back to discuss what to do next, or other tests to do depending on the SA results. In the meantime, we'll just keep trying with progesterone during the LP like we have been, and cross our fingers.

I also learned more today about a stuffed animal you can get from my RE office when you graduate. I knew that you could get one, but didn't realize that they record the sound of the first time you hear baby's heartbeat into the animal somehow. I thought that was really cool! :thumbup: They have a bear, lamb, and an elephant to pick from. I want either the lamb or the elephant. Guess I still have time to think on that!
Rad - that's so frustrating!!! Why can't she just do the tests for you this one last time? Did you explain the urgency to her? So annoying!!

Momof3: I'm so happy that your HSG went so well and that you had such a great appointment. FX for a great SA and then you'll be on your way to another BFP for sure.

Terri - good luck today! Love you girl.

AFM: feeling soooo much better today which I'm happy about since i didn't really want to head into another surgery feeling like such crap. I'm ready girls and I'm going to be so excited to start trying again next month. Hubs has his urologist appointment on Friday so hopefully that will shed some light on his issues.
Momof3-See..even just a little dye shot may be the answer to your prayers! I'm glad you got your HSG done and now all is clear. Woop woop!! Really good update. And that is awesome about the stuffed animal and the heartbeat. It's the little things. Go after it!!

kfs1-I am seriously feeling the love from you guys this week! And I sure need it. I forget what today's surgery is for...sorry. :dohh:

Radkat-Yeah, I remember the call in January and that's BS! I would call back and tell them that when you made the appt. you WERE pregnant and need to get in to see her ASAP. Maybe a nicer receptionist will be on the line and will be willing to listen to you. I might even have to bring out the waterworks just to see the doctor. How irritating. And to have to pay again is also BS. I'm fired up today.

AFM-I went in and thought I was getting bloodwork and ultrasound. They said 'Oh, since you're not prego, we will just do ultrasound.' Fine..it was my doctor doing the ultrasound, so I said 'My period was seriously one day. Is that normal?' He said 'Well, it's better than 10 days.' I shrugged because I'm not sure that's how I feel today. Then we get started on the ultrasound and he said 'hmm...this is a tricky one.' moving the probe all around and it looks like outer space to me with some land masses to jump over. 'hmmm...fibroid'...click click...moved the probe around...click click click..'Ok. Someone will call you this afternoon.' I was like "WHAT?!' Then I said 'well, how come those weird things were all around?' He said 'that's how it's supposed to look. See you later' I just got up and noticed I didn't have my paperwork. Then the nurse said "Did you get bloodwork?" I said "No, they said if there is a cyst I'll get bloodwork but otherwise no.' So then they had to check, and then they said 'it's been over a week since your pregnancy test, so we'll just do one more before you take clomid tonight.' It's been a week +/-15 minutes. I was like 'What.ever.' I did the bloodwork and then I left.

I got to work and someone was half parked across my normal parking space, and I had to park someplace else. I am just NOT feelin' it today. Now I will see what they say this afternoon and hopefully I will start on my Clomid. *sigh*

I am going to get out of this funk. I can't even stand myself. HA!!HA!!
Terri - I would be frustrated too. It sounds like they're giving you mixed information and it sounds like your doctor was distracted or something. What the heck? I thought they were supposed to be a great facility!?!?!?

My RE sucks, too. The last 2 appts she's been distracted. I went in for my pre-op the other day and she said "I'm sorry but why are you here"? I said "Someone from your office told me to come in for a pre-op appointment." She was like "ohhhhh. So, you had your tubal?" I responded "No. I'm going there after this." And the she just stared.


Today's my polyp removal - hopefully all will go well.
Terri :hugs: I've been there remember the polyp ... yea they need to inform us over Analyzeres we need a good Explanations w a chart and pics!!! ;)
Hope the BW explains more and put a note on that A$$ car it will make u feel better !!

Kfs1 GL today hope it goes by quickly and u can see that lite bright at the end of the tunnel it's getting shorter Love!!!

Mom glad Ur test cam back good I know u are trying for a boy are u only BD on certain days or anything cuz that can hinder a BFP I know for a fact did it for a year!!

AFM looks like my chart will be flat again this month!! :shrug:
I told my coworker about someone parking halfway in my spot and at lunchtime the culprit apologized. Ha ha. I told her it was ok if I rode, but I had my car today.

I heard from the nurse and I will be starting my Clomid tonight. I will call her tomorrow and ask about my follies. I care about them. Maybe the doctor was being a jerk because he thinks I should go to IVF already, but that is no excuse. If he is not ready to do ultrasounds at 7, he should set them up for 7:30. He and I walked into the office at the same time this morning.

I'm feeling better overall. Maybe I'm just allergic to work. :rofl:
Terri, great that you are able to start the clomid tonight! If it had been me, I'd still be sitting with my thumb up my @ss because they all tell me to wait for a full dang flow! Maybe that's not actually always the case after all! btw, sorry for the crappy doctor 'tude you got this morning. This is a tough journey for us, they need to be nice.

Vjean, I second the requests for a bump pic. ;) Of course, that's your call, but if you're comfy sharing, we're all happy to see. :)

kfs, GL Today!! Let us know how you're doing! I'm glad you're excited about all this getting done, I'm excited for you, and i have a hard time holding back my excitement for you girls, hehe!

Sis, my chart is totally flat too.... wtf?

Mom, love that about the stuffed animal with heartbeat! I would totally get either the elephant or lamb too. Probably the elephant, because I love elephants. Great that your test went well today, and I'm glad the doc doesn't seem to think the polyp will affect anything.

Radkat, so sorry for the Dr frustrations! I seem to be hearing a lot of these types of things in the last few months! Well, let's just hope for no AF at all. :thumbup:

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, I went in today for my P test. This time they tested it at 5dpo (my chart says 4dpo, but there was that whole 2-eggs-2-different-days thing). They did it earlier than the standard 7dpo because I'm supposed to start the Lupron this week, and they have to make sure my P is good. My number was 38.7! Just to give you an idea... last cycle, at 7dpo, my number was 21, and they said that was good. This time at only 5dpo, its already 38.7. So that must be what happens when there are two follies releasing P...? That's the only thing I can think of. Anyway, I start the Lupron tomorrow. The nurse said they will do the hcg quant at 10dpo, so that's even better than the other nurse said. I know they think I'm crazy paranoid since they've told me time and again Lupron doesnt affect implantation or anything at all... but they're being very sweet about my craziness.
Thanks for all the condolences for my kitty - we had her for 11 years. Her brother (from the same litter) has been extra clingy this week - I know he misses her too.

KFS - glad you are feeling better -hope the next procedure is as smooth.

AFM - finally going to the IVF class tomorrow - got to find my list of questions...
Yay moni, things are getting rolling now! When we attended the seminar, sh!t suddenly got very real, lol. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!!
38 was mine at my first + beta Erose!!! ;)

Moni note pad in hand!! GL

Terri I'm glad everything worked out today!! :hugs:

Radkat FX u don't need an appointment!!!
Kfs - How are ya? Hope things went OK.

Terri - WTF with your dr? Not cool. I'm allergic to work today too. Spent my non meeting time planning another vacation for August. Vacations beget vacations in my world. Good luck with the clomid.

Sis - Another flat line? Didn't you decide that was an OK thing? Hmmm...

ERose - Great P level!

Moni - Hope the class went well. What did you learn?

Thanks for the validation on my dr. BS. It feels like jumping through hoops. I mean nothing is different from when you saw me last, so why do I need to come in? Oh for my copay and so you can bill my insurance for a office visit. Anyway, back from cynical island... I've got my dr visit scheduled for Friday am to get the referral. We'll see about appt #2. I highly doubt i can get it in time, but I'll try.
Moni - glad that you're gearing up for IVF. Good luck at the meeting. Give us all of the details. Aww - and that's so sad about your kitty's brother. Give him extra snuggles for sure.

Sis - Hmm. The flat numbers are OK, though, right?

erose - Wow. That's a great P number, right? Once again, your office sounds amazing!

Rad - I really hope you can get that next appointment but I do think you should try to call and beg one more time. I mean, I think they can handle a simple blood test?!?!?

Terri - They should absolutely give you the information about your follies and yes, they should schedule their appointment correctly so you can get your ultrasound. No fair! BUT, I'm glad you're feeling better. It's hard not to be allergic to work when the weather's so nice out and you have other pressing things going on in your life.

AFM: Polyp removal was successful so I am now supposedly clear and ready to go in both spots. No BDing for 2 weeks but I was ready to take this month off anyway. I'm feeling pretty good today, too. Just working from home today again and then I'll head into the office tomorrow to a lot of questions I'm sure. I didn't tell anyone that I was getting anything done because I didn't realize how much pain I was going to be in after the tubal so I had to tell them at our morning meeting over the phone.

Hubs heads to the urologist Friday so hopefully he'll get some good/helpful info from him. I'm also hoping he'll scold him about smoking (yep - he smokes) and will mention drinking to him. He hadn't smoked in YEARS and picked up the habit late last year.
Last Day of School :happydance: no back pack or Lunch for the LO just a end of year party to attend then we get to come home and Jump in the pool!!!! :)
DH had to go to Cali so he will be gone until my next fertile window!! ;)

Didn't get to temp this AM but I'm sure it's the same so that's what I put!! :shrug:

KFS1 so glad everything went well onward and upward!!!

Happy almost Friday ladies!!!
Sis, Huzzah for the last day of school! Ours isn't until tomorrow but we're still super excited! I so NEED a break!

Terri, Your AF sound like mine. It was such a confusing cycle. I just finished my Clomid and I'm minutes from my CD10 ultrasound and... making the prepayment for our first IUI! Ouch! I'm extremely thankful my doc's bedside manner is so wonderful-your doc would send me running. I can't handle that. I hope it was just a bad day and it doesn't happen again!

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