kfs1-Yay for finishing up your procedures and resting now. Woohoo!! You are SO on your way. I hear ya about the smoking. Hubs has cut down at home (since we started this process), but yesterday I had an inkling that he still smokes at work. I am going to ask him today. It seemed like he said something like 'When I was outside...' I thought 'why were you outside?' He's a facilities manager so he does have to go check on stuff outside, but I have a feeling he goes out there to smoke AND check on stuff. We'll see tonight. Sucky that your hubs picked it back up last year. It's hard.

You had to tell your coworkers about your procedure over a conference call. Eek!! I would've been freaking out. At least you couldn't see their reaction. Maybe it wasn't tooo too bad.

ERose-Awesome P number, chica! I see your flatlines..you and Sis are cycle sisters. hee hee.

Radkat-Thanks for getting off the island. Hopefully all will go well from here on out. The medical practice is so shady. But..we're stuck with it. Pay, or don't get help. You make the call.

moni-Yeah, that is sad about your cat's brother. Awww....I'm really sad still about your cat. Hope your class goes well today. Please report back.

AFM-I emailed the nurse this morning. Hopefully she'll call or write back. Other than that...a whole lotta nothing is going on. :/
Terri, I know, right?? I've never had the same temp like this five days in a row. By now, my temp has usually gone above that. I'm not worried or anything, since blood tests don't lie, so I know my P is in great shape. But it's just bizarre to see. Wouldn't it be funny if this ends up being my pregnancy chart? LOL

Sis, we are definitely cycle sisters... same dpo and same flat lines. I have an idea... let's get pregnant this cycle. Hehehe.

Mischief, hoping your appointment today goes well!! FXd that this IUI does it for you!

kfs, I'm SO glad your procedure was successful today! Hurray!! You are def on your way girl! See how everything is turning around now? :) GL to your DH for Friday!

moni, let us know how the class goes today!

AFM, I started the Lupron injections this morning, and it's bugging me. No matter what the Dr says to reassure me over and over, it's just on my mind. If I wasn't so hopeful that this cycle might actually work, I wouldn't be so concerned. But I do feel like it could work, so taking that injection this morning seemed weird. I googled, and it says there's a small chance it could cause birth defects in a fetus, but that's by the time the baby is sharing a blood supply with the mother and forming organs. My RE said when an embryo has barely even had time to implant, it has no affect whatsoever, and she's had tons of patients find out they were pregnant in the early days of the Lupron, and they just stop using it, and then go on to have perfectly healthy babies. The nurses all said the same. They've seen it time and again at the clinic.

Sorry to be a worry wart. :( Thank goodness I get to have an hcg quant on Monday, so that I'll know either way.
ERose-Leave it to charts to throw a curveball in the middle of everything. Just typical, but yeah, do you know how many people would be super psyched to see your chart on "charts like mine?" hee hee. I always have to go to 'erratic BBT' and 'inconsistent waking time.' I think it would be awesome!! I also like your idea for you and Sis. hee hee. The Lupron will be fine. You'll take it for 5 days at the most, and it is really early in baby development, so it'll be ok. I'm feeling positive that you only have 5 more days of Lupron. :wink:

Mischief-Hooray for the last day of school. Enjoy your summer break, and hope your scan went well? Is it time for the trigger? What were your results? I hope my doctor was just having a bad day. Luckily, different doctors do stuff on different days, so I may not even see him again until next month. :shrug:

It's lunchtime, girls! I made pot roast last night, so I have that for lunch today. I don't really like pot roast, but it turned out pretty good. I told hubs that he is responsible for eating the leftovers.
Morning ladies :hi: - I missed posting yesterday - my work computer finally died "moment of silence":help:... so I was working from BB and my Iphone... bleh!! now I have a borrowed computer - can't get on any military sites but hey I am on here!! :happydance::happydance:

Erose - I am believing this IS your pregnancy chart!! You will give hopes to all those other ladies out there that have flatlines!! :haha:
Seriously though I hope you and Sis are experiency a pregnancy chart!!! How cool would that be!! Same DPO and everything!!! :hugs::hugs: HOH (holding out hope- totally made that up:shrug:!!)

Terri - WTF with that doctor... seriously sounds like mornings are not his thing - his problem not yours!! :grr::grr: ugh... "its better than 10 days?" uh no it's not fruit loop!!! anyways... it seems you have moved on from that... I guess I should too :haha: and I would totally have left a note on the car - so I guess its ok that the offender came and apologized... I am glad the "funk" from the other day has left... you will be headlong into fertile week soon. Good luck with the convo about smoking... why does it take men so long to understand get with the program... smoking is a terrible habit and it is so hard to quit... I did 20 years ago.. it took YEARS to not have the "want" so I can empathize... but hey its BABY TIME!!! trash those cigs!!:comp:

kfs - GIRL you are on your way... I am so excited for you!!!see... :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: and I hope the urologist can convince your DH to trash those cigs too - :pop:

Moni - Don't forget to find all your questions... how exciting to take another step forward for you!!! are you guys gonna get another kitty? or are you good for awhile??

Mischief - GOOD LUCK!!! FX for you!!!:hugs: and hope you are not too traumatized over that check writing... Its for a good cause right??? :happydance:

Sis - Yay for last day of school - my DD's last day was Monday - she is officially a Senior!!! Have fun and relax while the DH is away... I always do - :haha:

Radkat - :gun::gun::gun::saywhat::saywhat::saywhat::grr::grr: I hate it when doctors do that crap to us...
be the squeaky wheel girlfriend.. best advice I can give...

Momof3girls - yes I too love the stuffed animal idea... so cool... here's hoping you get one SOON!!!:hugs::flower:

I know I am missing people... but not because I don't love you all...just cause i am old and can't remember who else!!! :haha::argh:

AFM: 8DPO... woke up at 3am thinking our bedroom had turned into a sauna... bleh!! hate that... no symptoms to speak of (maybe making some up in my head...) and will probably test tomorrow and Saturday... because the Army will test me Sunday am and I don't want an emotional moment then... I know you girls know what i mean... HOH here...

Happy Friday eve!!!!... I have no idea why I am clicking on all these smileys... they just make me happy I guess...:flasher::flasher:
Wish-You and your smileys always make me laugh hysterically. HOHOHOHOH. hee hee. That's great. I like it. Your chart has me HOH for you! *Fruit loop* I died laughing. Yeah, someone definitely woke up on the wrong side of bed yesterday morning. And yup...fertile week is on the horizon. The fertilaid hasn't arrived yet, so this is the calm before the storm. Oh..and I got my toenails painted last night. A beautiful mango! Love spring!

Was excited until I got a call from my DS1 English teacher yea he Bombed his finally a Flunked the year :nope:
He did extra credit and everything it looks like getting out of his reading class wasn't the best idea!
I just think they should have a special English for those w reading disabilities not just give them support in the same class!! :shrug:

So that put a Damper on my excitement but I'm gonna get over it and go swim!! ;)

Erose Flat Charts R Us!!

Mischief FX u have a great scan and this IUI does the trick!!

Wish :hi: HOH for U!!!
Well hi there ladies! Going to do my best to catch up but this thread moves so fast now, which is fab!

Radkat—Ooooh, I’d be pissed too. I’m telling you, the more I have to deal with the medical community, the more I’m disenchanted. The lack of communication, accurate record keeping and just a general flippant attitude that so many medical professionals have is just so sad. I’m feeling for ya. And aren’t men cute trying to understand all this crazy business about charting and opks and the like? BTW, as you all know, I don’t understand a lot about charts but that was some temperature spike today!

Terri—A one day period is better than 10 days?! Well, not if you have no idea why, and the doctor has no interest in investigating why it’s only 1 day! I’m still curious why that happened. So, did he say you had a fibroid? Could the medications have shorted up your period? When they looked at your lining did he say, “Yep, that’s all the period you’re going to get?” Frustrating! And dang, I can’t believe you are already starting back in the process of IUI again! It comes around so quickly.

Fezzle—If I haven’t mentioned it before, congrats on the house! Getting a new home is so exciting. And so is the end of the school year. Lots of good things to look forward to!

Sis—I’m so excited for your Vegas trip and cannot wait to hear about it! I think you are right to go with the Palazzo, particularly if you can use points. I would look no further and stay there. You don’t spend all that much time in your hotel room anyway. What shows are you seeing? You are going to have such a blast!!!! I was thinking about things I would suggest for you do, but the fact is, I would have told you to go see at least one show (which you are doing), and honestly, there is soooooo much to do and see in Vegas that you will have an amazing time no matter what you do. The food is great, the entertainment is great, you’ll get some pool time in at the hotel, which is great. I mean, there’s so much to do and see you can’t pinpoint down the perfect things to do….everything is fun! Just let the wind take you wherever the group wants to go to. No matter where you go it’s going to be fun. Damn! Now I want to go back to Vegas!
Also, WTH is going on with 2 months of these flat looking temperature charts? And what’s the word on that MTFR (?) situation?

Erin—I actually really enjoy reading about your experiences with IUIs and IVFs. You do a nice job of explaining what’s going on so it’s understandable. When Sis created this forum, it was for sticking together through it ALL and that includes IVF! And I think it’s wonderful that the ladies who are going to be doing IVF can support and share with each other here and provide a support system through each other’s similar experience. But excited to see what this cycle brings for you though!

Smiles—First the theater production and now a spa day. Jealousy seeps out over on my end! That is all.

Wish—I agree with the other ladies. Stepping away from all the testing makes sense to relieve your stress and it’s what you need right now. Plus, you’ve had so much testing already done, you know? It’s like, what else are we going to test for? Your spirits seem so much more uplifted and you seem to be in a much more positive mind space and that’s wonderful to see! And you absolutely have the chance of getting pregnant. One of my dear friends had 3 children and was DONE! She got her tubes tied. She genuinely did not want any more children. A couple of months after the procedure, she found out she was pregnant. It turned out to be ectopic, but the point is that doctors had absolutely no idea how it could have medically happened. They were completely befuddled. If a sperm can make it through a tied tube, anything can happen. Like you said, God decides in the end anyway even if it can be a frustrating wait. You will be lead down the path you are meant to.

Momof3—That’s wonderful news about all your testing and HSG. Let us know how the SA turns out, too. That stuffed animal thing at the RE is amazeballs. Coolest. Thing. Ever.

Moni—So very sorry to hear about your kitty. It’s one of the toughest things to have to go through and my heart is with you. I’ve got an old boy kitty and I fear the day I have to face him being gone. Sometimes, I think people underestimate the pain of losing a pet. :hugs: On a brighter note, let us know how your IVF class goes. Getting excited for you to start the process!

Driving—Happy happy to hear that you are doing well! Keeping my fingers crossed tightly for you. Trust me when I say, I understand the constant state of fear and the importance of moving the pregnancy past your benchmarks of loss. Keep us updated on your pregnancy.

Kfs1—Hooray for cleared tubes and polyp removal! Girl, that’s wonderful!! I know it was a real bitch to get the news about them in the first place, but you got on it, got the procedures done and can go into TTC knowing that huge roadblock (or tube block, as it were) is removed. You have to be relieved! Interested to hear about the urologist appointment, as well. Again, commend all you ladies who are being so proactive in getting answers.

Mischief—Is this your first IUI or have you done before? Sorry, I can keep very few things straight and have a terrible memory!

Vjean—Yep, need a bump pic and an update on your pg!

Hi to everyone I’ve missed, as I only went back a few pages of posts. I will update on what’s going on with me in a separate post.
AFM—Let me tell you, if this baby makes it to term, I will be ever grateful and will also have aged 5 years. I don’t ever want to do this again. Each time I think I can relax and breathe and have a positive outlook on the outcome of this pregnancy, I get another scare. During my first appointments, the doctor could only find a polyp on my cervix as a possible cause of the spotting. And after having 2 ultrasounds that showed everything was fine with baby, despite the cramping and spotting, I was not freaking out about it anymore.

So, then, I go in for my 8 week 5 day scan on Monday and the baby is big enough to an abdominal scan and we saw the baby right away. But I didn’t see the heart flickering….it looked like a lifeless blob. It had definitely grown since the last scan, but still I saw no activity on the screen and I gasped, “There’s no heartbeat!” And the tech said, “Oh sure there is.” And she moved the scanning thing around and I finally saw the heart beating away. I swear to you, I almost passed out on that table when I couldn’t see a heartbeat. During this scan, she mentioned and pointed out this HEMORRAGE I have, which were apparently notes in my file, but this was the first flipping time I’d heard anything about it! But the tech seemed to know all about it. This was a different tech than the one who has done my previous scans, so now I’m wondering if the other tech just didn’t want to freak me out by mentioning it because I’ve been such a basket case. But that hemorrhage sure as hell explains all this spotting more than a little polyp would! And it also explains why I get spotting with the cramping, because the cramping is likely pushing blood out of the hemorrhage. Grrrr!

The tech said it’s no big deal and it’s likely the cause of the uterus not fully closing back together following implantation and it causes a pool of blood that will eventually heal up and disappear. She warned me that I’d continue spotting for a few more months most likely. Okay, I’m fine with that because I know it’s not affecting the baby.

But here’s my WARNING to the TTCers. I never had this with my first pregnancy. But during the TWW when I got pregnant, I took baby aspirin a few days after ovulation up until maybe 14 days post ovulation or so. Because I’d read all these people saying it can help with implantation and help prevent early miscarriage and the like….and of course I jumped on the bandwagon. I’m also the girl with a nearly full bottle of soy isoflavens and a case of red raspberry leaf tea that were supposed to be my ticket to a baby and they only served to make me have terrible periods. So, of course I had to pop baby aspirin, too. I honestly think that’s what caused this hemorrhage because my blood was too thin to clot properly and close the implantation “wound.”

So anyway, that’s neither here nor there at this point, just something I wanted to
point out for anyone thinking about doing the baby aspirin thing. But then, the day after my scan, I was relieved again and actually enjoying my pregnancy for a few hours, until I went to the bathroom and had bright red blood on the toilet paper and dripping into the toilet. I mean, I’ve had pinkish or pinkish/brownish spotting….and definitely loads of brownish spotting, but never bright red, fresh blood. I thought it was definitely the start of a miscarriage now. I was going to be one of the people who goes in for a scan and everything looks great, and the baby ends up passing away right afterwards. I tore my ultrasound pictures off the refrigerator and threw them in the garbage. I called my doctor’s office crying, hoping they’d get me in for a scan so I could get confirmation because the unknowing is the worst.

But nope. The nurse called back and said that it was highly unlikely that the bleeding was a miscarriage given I’d had a healthy scan the day before and due to the fact that I have a hemorrhage, which was likely the cause. In a way, I was pissed that they didn’t seem to be concerned enough to just bring me in for a quick scan. But on the other hand, it actually gave me some reassurance that they weren’t concerned. And of course, the moment I started bleeding is when my always-present breast tenderness magically disappeared. No pain or sensitivity at all. Poof! Gone. The nurse still said it was not a cause for concern, but honestly, that is what had me the most worried. The fact the breast tenderness was gone along with the bleeding. They brought me in to do a Progesterone test though to make sure my P was still in normal range (I was tested a few weeks ago), so I guess that’s good. Still would have liked a scan though.

Long story short, the bleeding stopped, back to brown spotting and boobs back to being sore as ever, so I’m only guessing everything is okay. The main reason I’m rambling about this is because I want to mention this potential effect of taking baby aspirin to help with implantation and also share where my mind space has been (completely looney) and why I haven’t been very present on the forum.

So, that&#8217;s me. I&#8217;m thinking of changing my profile name to &#8220;Crampin&#8217; & a Spottin&#8217;&#8221; because that&#8217;s my life. It has not been a relaxing pregnancy for sure. Hoping it gets better in the coming weeks and my body stops messing with my mind! I really just want to have a healthy baby and be done with this TTC and pregnancy stuff forever. Time will tell. Love to you ladies! <3
erose/Sis - Now THAT would be awesome if both of you were pregnant the same month! Let's do this girls. :)

Wish - I LOVE your smileys. And thanks so much for the kind words. Love you lady!

erose - I know easier said than done but try not to worry about the lupron. :)

Terri - So glad your spirits are moving up and YAY for your fertile week coming up. Oh - and I didn't tell them what "procedures" I had to get done - just that fact that I had something going on. So I'm sure people will be asking questions.

Katie - You poor thing. I can't even imagine the stress you've been going through!! We all stress so much during TTC but I guess the stress never really goes away, huh? I hope and pray that your symptoms improve so you can relax and enjoy this pregnancy a bit. And thanks so much for the tip about the baby aspirin.
KATIE!!! holy cow you have been through the ringer girlfriend!! This baby is going to come out a fighter... I don't know what to say about the red blood and the spotting... I didn't have that with my two pregnancies... and now as I TTC if I see spotting or even just tinged cm I figure I am out... So I am not sure how you are keeping sane...
but know that I am praying this crazy train stops and lets you off!!! :hugs::hugs:

Hi ladies - Hope your day/night were good... I am off to a meeting that is scheduled for one and half hours... :help::help:

and how about smiley's we don't use much...

you guys should not encourage me... :rofl:
Kfs - Glad you're feeling better. I would just be vague with coworkers - minor medical procedure, but I'm fine thanks. Hopefully they'll get the hint that it's none of their business. Yay for DH's urologist appt. Hopefully he get chastised for smoking, not that it will make him quit, but at least he'll hear a dr say it.

Mischief - Yikes on the prepayment for IUI. But it might be just the trick! :thumbup: Good luck!

Sis - I've said before, but I'll say again, I'm so jealous of your pool. It's not even that hot here today, but I LOVE swimming. Sorry about DS's English class.

Terri - My thoughts exactly re: medical system. Not much I can do, so I'll jump through the hoops.

ERose - It's great that you're feeling so positive about this cycle, but I'm sure the nurses are right about the Lupron. Hope you feel good about it.

Katie - Holy cow! I would've been a wreck if I would've seen that much blood. Sounds like your nurses know what they are talking about though! Hang it there!

Wish - As always, amazing smileys. Especially like the little used ones. :change::rain::brush:

AFM - Here's my plan. I'm going to my dr tomorrow am to get the referral, I'll call the gyn from the referral and try to get them to set up an appointment for me even though it usually takes a week for the referral to officially be approved. If they won't, then I'm going to email my dr (I have her email from when she was my OB for LO) and ask her if she will just do this blood test (quite frankly she won't even have to interpret the results, just give them to me since I'll be going to a new dr), and explain that I've got another referral but can't get an apt in time, etc. We'll see.
So I'm 11DPO, no spotting. Which could be good bc last cycle I spotted for 4 days before AF. BUT both times I've gotten my BFPs, I've had IB that had already happened by this time, sooo I'm not feeling too positive about this time. But I'm not out yet, so we'll see when I'm ready to test. Probably sometime between tomorrow and Sunday, unless AF beats me to it.
Katie - Wow, what a roller coaster! Can't imagine going through something like that... Sounds like you are doing a little better and have found an equilibrium now. The baby aspirin point is really good, though, my dr. talked about it during the last pregnancy and said that I could take it but it has really not shown to prevent [a bunch of things] but if I ever had any bleeding disorders, I shouldn't. I don't really, but I generally spot 3-5 days before a period, so I decided not to take it.

Also, how far along are you now?
Oh my word, all the smileys are hilarious!!

Yeah, this pregnancy has been a real mind-hump. I just hit 9 weeks yesterday. Feels like a year. :)
Katie-Thanks for writing so much! I am so sorry you have had all these bleeding issues with your pregnancy. It's really scary, but I guess you have to trust what the ultrasound techs are telling you. I don't blame you a bit for wanting scan after scan just to make sure things are ok. And also sorry that 9 weeks seems like a year. Hopefully you'll get to feeling better in the next few weeks and can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. I hope you dug those sonogram pictures right out of the trash! How is your DH doing with your hormonal rages? *giggle* You can always tell him that dealing with you is better than him going for testing, so cool it! HA!!HA!

Sis-Can your son take summer school or does he fail the whole year? Sorry to hear that, but now it's summertime!! Woohoo.

Radkat-Love the plan. Hopefully the doc will check her email and respond positively.

AFM-I'm going to Univ. of Delaware after work for alumni weekend. We're staying in the dorms (OMG!), and raging out like I did when I was young. I don't know that I'll remember anyone that will be there, but I'm looking forward to a weekend away with hubs. Hopefully I can leave work early! Oh and hubs is starting fertilaid today. hee hee.
Omg Terri that sounds like so much fun! Did you live in the dorms when you were in school? I didn't and years later I wish I had for the experience. Thought I was too cool and mature for the dorms back then. Gaw! So you and DH are sleeping in bunkbeds?! Lol

Yes I dug the pics out of the garbage...totally salvageable. When I thought I was starting to m/c, the very last thing I wanted to see were those pics. And DH is away at work during the day so my breakdowns seem to mostly happen when he's gone, which is good, because I've collected myself by the time he gets home. I try to shelter him from the uglies as much as possible.

Sis, I must have missed a post about you son's school. Gotta go back and read.....
I lived in the dorms (ahem..residence halls) all but my last year, when I stayed with my grandmother. I was on the residence hall student government and became President of ALL the residence halls. hee hee. I was a queen! I loved all the activities and stuff we did for the people in those halls. I think our club had the most money out of all of them, and we dished out a lot of money too. When I was Pres., we decided to have chik-fil-a and taco bell in our new student center. It was unheard of having such good food on campus (my love of food started at an early age!). :haha: I will admit, when I was in school, I stayed in suites. I told my mom there was no way I was walking up and down a hallway in my nightclothes and having people throw up nearby. This weekend, we're totally staying in a hallway dorm AND walking up and down. I told hubs that we might be able to push our beds together. If they're bunked, that would be even funnier! HA!!HA!!

Glad your hubs is out of firing range and that you're feeling better when he get home. We'll have to keep you busy during the day! Is your DD out of school for the summer yet?
Terri - love the dorm story :) I stayed in dorms, too, but I studied all the time so did not have too much fun. But if I'd stayed anywhere else I'd not have socialized at all.

Katie - at 9 weeks you are hopefully out of the woods... Are you doing any genetic testing.

As for me, I am having my 7 week appointment today. Hope the hb is still there and is strong... Ugh, so afraid. But hubby is working from home so he could come with me, so that will be great. We also have to make a decision as to genetic testing - I did CVS with my son, which was unpleasant but I liked the peace of mind. Now, it looks like Maternit21 is really good, too, and non-invasive. Given that I am 41, I just want as much information as possible (and diagnostic info, not percentage chances). We have to figure it out...
Good luck today, Driving. I was thinking that you had another test coming up soon, but couldn't remember. You'll get over this hurdle! I promise you!

You're not alone. I am/was a super nerd in school, but I still liked to participate in activities because you can only hang out with engineering geeks for so many hours a day. Besides, they're always around when you need hw answers the night before. HA!!HA!!
Hi ladies....HAPPY FREAKIN' FRIDAY!!!! I swear this week went by extra slow for me.

Terri...have fun this weekend, I didn't stay on campus I opted to commute. I stayed on campus during orientation and knew it was not for me! Lol. And I'll offer up a throat punch to that Dr. of yours. Honestly, I understand they are human and are entitled to mood swings etc but save that for after you see the patient. Go into your office and have a pissed off party there but glad you're out of your funk :hugs:

Katie...spotting/bleeding during pregnancy can very well work your nerves. It happened with me during this pregnancy and each time it happened I was thinking the worse. I finally told myself " okay...what is meant to be will be" and for the longest I wouldn't allow myself to really get excited about the pregnancy out of fear and I still have some fears off and on, I swear the fear is never ending but you will get to a point where you are at least more comfortable. Just keep thinking positive thoughts and each day lay hands on your belly and say a prayer. :hugs:

Radkat...sry about the dr stuff, I swear they can be pains in the asses sometimes. Hopefully you'll get all your tests you need done soon and won't have to jump through a ton of hoops to get them.

Driving...good luck at the U/S appt. :hugs:

Sis....bummer about your son's class. Can he do summer school to make up for it?

Erose....we are all worry warts in our own way and your concerns are justified. I have a good feeling about this cycle for you. Sending positive vibes your way.

Wish...good luck with the testing this weekend and is it customary for the Army to test women of child bearing age each month? Or did I read that wrong? Lol. Which is totally possible.

AFM...today I am 26 weeks! Time seems to be moving slow yet fast at the time same for this pregnancy. Been having some pains in my back and legs and trouble walking at times and I know it's Sciatica, had it with my son but didn't get it until I was about 7 1/2 months pregnant and got pulled out of work because of it. Well that and the fact my leg gave out as I was walking down the stairs and I fell down the steps. My leg has given out a couple times so far but thankfully I wasn't going up or down any steps. Luckily I can work from home somedays with this job if the pain gets too bad and the kids finish school next Friday! Thank The Lord because I need a break. Lol. All in all just trying to savor every moment of this pregnancy because it's the last!!!! Plan on letting the kids paint my belly and I want to do a pregnancy cast and I've already scheduled the maternity photoshoot which will also include all the kids as well. Excited about it all but also nervous/anxious.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Well as far as Summer school it's not really an option each semester is 150 to make up they move really fast and they don't have extra support for kids like him he's Dyslexic so it would most likely be a waste of time and money!!
I will have to discuss his option w his counselor and go from there!!

Katie OMG I'm sorry u are having such a hard time if anythings to blame I would say the Red raspberry tea more than the Asprin!!
I've been taking Baby Asprin for over a year and w the MTHFR Im told to so its a good thing for me!!
As far as Vegas we are so excited we r seeing NIN on sat going to O Cirque de soleil front row Fri
Will probably see Criss Angel and Jabowokeez Thur nite so lots planned already!! :)

Wish the smiley on the Sh1+&#8364;r made me :rofl:

Radkat hope the dr plan works or u just get a BFP and dont have to worry about it!!

Driving hope the scan goes well!!

TGIF everyone

Looks like I'm in flatlands All Alone Erose Got a Jump wonder if it was the Lupron??
AFM I'm think maybe my flat temps are due to my new methylated b vitamins and floate idk I'll have to look back to see when I stated them!!

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