So, all is well :) Strong little heartbeat, totally normal, and looked like a little hummingbird :) So happy, though still nervous. Next appointment is in two weeks and then we have to decide about genetic testing. I am leaning towards Maternit21 and maybe amnio after that.
Yay Driving!!!! I am so happy for your little hummingbird!!!! I have heard lots of good things about the Materna21 test... i hope you wont need amnio after that test!!

Sis - does this mean since summer school is out - that your LO has to repeat a grade?? :( I hope not... and your trip sounds fantastic!!! that one magician guy freaks me out... but I bet it will be cool in person!!! I can't wait to hear all about it... The army is sending me to Florida in July... that won't be as interesting as you guys in Vegas!!

Erose - love that temp jump - Im betting on BFP this time - no IVF needed!!! TWINS too!!!!

Smiles - 26 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! how awesome!! does the baby kick a lot... did you ever find out what you are having?? awe maternity shoot...how cool... please share all those pics if you want to!!!
Yes the Army tests all women of child bearing age because pregnancy makes you nondeployable so its important for them to know if you are or not... :) But not monthly - once a year when I have my Army physical... in between I would have to tell them if I happen to get PG...

Terri - Have fun this weekend reliving the good ole days!!! Your weekend sounds awesome!!!

:hi: to all you other lovelies...

AFM: well 9DPO, temp drop and BFN :cry: of course... think I got an evap line on one test with FMU (I usually do 2 wondfos at a time so I can get rid of them) and smu nothing... and of course my body is cramping like AF is about to be here which really isn't FAIR :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:since I am not supposed to start until Tues/Wednesday :( trying not to be down...but I guess PMS is here too!!! my work computer is still dead so I can't log onto anything I Need to do work... and I Have 2 sharpshooters (men of course) here at work that are making me angry...:growlmad::growlmad: and since I have to work this weekend... I might need to throat punch or ovary punch someone :rofl:
Driving great news on the scan the Materniti21 should tell u everything u need to know u shouldn't need Amnio and I wouldn't do it cuz its so invasive!! :)

Wish it's my BIG he will be a senior next year but was going to do early release so now he might have to go all day and make up his English!! :shrug:

Men need a throat punch every now and then So punch away!!! :grr:
Driving - I'm so glad that little hummingbird is going strong! My SIL did Materni21 (she's due in October) and was comfortable with the detailed results. She has some different genetic issues in her family so it's a big deal for her. Did amnio with her first.

Terri - Staying in the dorms - how fun! Party it up, lady! Oh and I can totally see you as and RA president, etc. You would be the best. I stayed in the dorms for 2 years and had one RA that was fun and one that was a dud.

Smiles - I'm so sorry about the sciatica. How awful. Hope it doesn't get too bad. I love all of your pregnancy plans. Sounds really fun.

Wish - Sorry about the temp drop and BFN. That sucks. I'd say give those sharpshooters a throat punch. I'm sure they deserve it.:gun:

Sis - Bummer about DS not getting to do early release. Maybe your new vitamins are stabilizing your hormones hence the flat temps?

AFM - I've got good news and I've got bad news. Bad news - BFN. Like totally stark white. I'm 12DPO so I'm not HOH (hee hee Wish's new abbrev). Big fat boo to that. So good news, went to my GP this morning and explained what was up. She gave me a referral to a gyn, but I wouldn't be able to get an appointment until after the referral clears (about a week), so she said that she could send me for blood tests and asked what I needed tested. Panic - oh crap, what do I need tested?! So between the 2 of us I think we came up with the big ones. Here's what I have - DHEA, FSH, LH, Prog, Testosterone, TSH w/reflex T-4, T-4, Vitamin D, prolactin, estradiol. Then she's doing a CBC and lipid panel, but I think more for her records. How's that sound? So anyway, I'm excited that I won't miss this CD3 which will probably be early next week. :thumbup:
Terri - Have a GREAT time this weekend.

Driving - YEAH! Great news! :happydance:

Smiles - That's so amazing that you're 26 weeks! That's so great that you have such fun things planned for this pregnancy. So happy for you! :happydance:

Sis - Sorry about your son's school. Huge bummer. :growlmad:

Rad - So sorry for the BFN but I'm super-happy that you're at least getting your tests done!! :)

Wish - Sorry for the BFN. Your chart still looks pretty good to me though. I hope it's just too early for you. You throat/ovary punch away, girl. :) Here are some smileys to cheer you up:

erose - TEMP JUMP!!! Wahoooo. I'm getting excited for you! :dance:

AFM: Not many people were in the office today so I lucked out about not having to answer any questions. My husband's appointment was supposed to be today but they might have had to move it (still waiting to hear) which I'm not happy about since I was hoping to have more information for my next follow-up appointment with my RE. I'm wondering what her next steps will be if my DH still hasn't been checked out, ya know?

In other news, check out my temp drop this morning. What the hell, right? I don't really care since I'm not trying this month but I just thought it was bizarre.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend. It's supposed to be beautiful here in NY.
thanks Ladies - I knew if I posted you would cheer me up!!

KFS!! I laughed out loud at those smileys... love u girl!!! :hugs:
and I hope you can get that appointment - didn't he already give his donation? if so the RE can just get the results can't he??? and yes I totally noticed your temp drop??? how weird... its not even time for that yet... but above all I don't want anything slowing you down to your BFP!!!

Radkat - I hear you on the stark white BFN... boo hisssssss..... but I will HOH for you!!! (thanks for using my homemade abbreviation :haha:)
and I am so happy that your doctor was willing to get those 3 day tests for you - I don't know which ones to do either - but I bet Sis knows... she is the wise one here :) and she can tell you all about your numbers and if they are in the normal range...

finally got my computer back - guess I should do some work :rofl:

Wish ~ Sorry about the bfn. :hugs:

ERose ~ I also hope this cycle will be it for you, and you won't have to do the IVF.

Sis ~ Sorry about ds and school. :hugs: We had been trying on certain days for a boy, but gave that up months ago and just try when we can. I still do opk's so I can have two sources confirming o with temps so I don't start progesterone too early.

Love to everyone else! Sorry, read through it all, but not in a good mood for posting right now. Got SA results back today. Looks like we discovered our problem, and why I haven't gotten pg yet. DH has asked that I not give numbers on here, so I will respect that. But, he did say I could share that it doesn't look good. They gave us numbers for five different things, and everything was below what they want to see it at. One of the categories was REALLY bad. RE wants us to do another SA, and if we get the same results again, we will discuss a fertility plan. :cry: :nope: We are leaving next week, and will be gone for about a month, so we'll do the 2nd SA mid July. Until then we will just keep TTC'ing knowing it's a long shot and hope to get lucky. Hopefully getting af now won't be as hard on me going into each cycle knowing it's a slim chance. Won't have hopes up as high.
Momof3girls - I am sorry to hear about the SA results - if the one category that is really bad is morphology - don' t get too down about that... remember they are looking at 100 sperm out of how ever many million there were... Our fertility urologist said he wasn't concerned about my DH's and it was ZERO%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the standards to which they grade morphology is so strict that only 4 out 100 is normal...
all that to say - its one test - they cannot determine there is a problem until there are 3 bad tests... so keep HOH... don't let go of Hope... and most male problems can be fixed!!! get him on a multivitamin (i prefer fertilaid) and cut out those bad habits if he has any (smoking, drinking, hot tubbing!!)

lots of :hug: and :hugs: :friends:[-o< for you!!!
Sorry about the SA results, Momof3. Wish has some good advice.

Kfs - Your body has been through a lot this week. I would expect some crazy temps are nothing to be worried about.
Driving...glad the appt went well. The MaterniT21 is as accurate as you can get without doing invasive testing. The place I went to for generic teating I told them 4 times in total I did not want an amnio. I opted for non-invasive because I knew they carried a chance of miscarriage. The first trimester screening results came back first and had me freaking out about the results and it was another 2 or 3 days before the MaterniT21 results came back and said everything was fine. Even AFTER that they asked did I want an amnio and again I told then no. Heck even at my last ultrasound appt they asked me again and then had me sign something saying I declined. My opinion is they are trying to cover their asses legally. It was quite annoying though. :growlmad:

Wish...okay, testing for that reason makes a lot of sense and booooooo on the work computer working again lol. Oh and I will surely share the pics from the photoshoot. I scheduled it for early August, should be fun. My friend who photographed our wedding is gonna do the shoot for us.
Hi guys. How r you all?
Smiles and driving-good news! X
Momof3-we had the same type of results. We did get pg naturally twice tho so don't feel like giving up. Alongside the other advice the girls have already said our doc said about not dh keeping mobile phones in trouser pockets. Good luck.
Hoping that the bfns turn to bfps and good luck with iuis!
Afm really down this wk. Cd 18 still low on cbfm. Given up on that. Dr google has me fitting all the symptoms of low estrogen. After my first mc I went on clomid 1 or 2 cycles later which got me oving so guess it takes longer after twins and with no clomid. Someone at work said something really silly about being pg with twins which sent me over the edge. It's the edd of my first mc today. A whole year and still no baby. Sorry for the pity party. X
Nessaw....no need to apologize for the pity party, we've all been there and you've been through alot. It' an emotional day for you so it's understandable. :hugs:
Momof3 - I'm sorry for the SA result but don't give up hope. Like Wish said, there are plenty of things to try that might help and now you know what to focus on going forward. I know it's hard but try to keep your chin up. Believe me, I understand. We're in the same boat over here.

Nessaw -aww, Hun. I'm so so so sorry for what you're going through. Just breathe and take it day by day - you'll get through this. Love and hugs.

AFM: soooo, I think I may have gotten my period today. My dr. had me on bcp for a week to thin my lining for surgery so I think it may have messed with my cycle. Who knows - not sure where I'm at at this point.
Nessaw - Big ole corn fed :hug: from me... I admire how far you have come... I honestly don' t think I could do what you have done... I know this has been a long road...and I am HOH and BELIEVING there is a special bean or two coming your way... and you know what ? its ok to have down days... don't ever let anyone tell you it isn't... :flower:

Kfs- hmmm your period today??? :shrug: a 15 day cycle?? ugh lets hope this is the last :shrug::shrug: cycle for you!!!

:howdy: to everyone else out enjoying the weekend and not stuck behind a computer screen at work LIKE ME!!! :haha:

AFM: my temp went back up like .3 this morning... but I refuse to be hopeful and I didn't test... I think my body is trying to trick me to HOH!!! then sucker punch me with AF ... not gonna let you get me sucka!!! :rofl: so I have obviously lost my mind... :serenade::tease::rain:
anyway... I :coffee: and wait for AF to make her appearance!!!
Neesaw BIG BIG :hugs:!!!!

Kgs1 it's probably just your body freaking out from all the surgery FX it gets back on track soon!!!

Wish HOH for u love ;)

AFM been running like a crazy person had 3 Graduation parties today and had to have the puppy crated for 5 hrs so we are All snuggled in bed and watching Netflix!!! Nite Nitey everyone!!!
Katie, what a story! I can't believe you're been through all that by week 9 already.

Unfortunately, the scares never go away. My latest anxiety started last weekend when I suddenly felt strange pains very low down. After that I continued to have dull aching pains and a sense that baby had really dropped already. She just felt low down, the way DS did in the last few weeks of pregnancy. On top of that, her movements changed. I still felt her periodically so knew she was alive, but it was infrequent and really small movements, sluggish seeming compared to the jigs she'd been dancing regularly. I bought a doppler to double check heart rate, and that seemed fine, but on the 4th day with almost no movement I finally broke down and called, and my doc was wonderful and immediately got me in for an ultrasound. The tech didn't go straight for the heartbeat, and I had maybe 30 seconds of fear before she assured me that all was well. Strong heartbeat, growth right on track. The only reason I didn't feel like a complete fool is that she'd moved into breech position and they showed me how tucked in on one side she was. Apparently she was just really snug and hardly moving/moving in different ways than she had been, so it actually explains why everything suddenly seemed different! Today I had similar sharp pains and realized she was probably flipping over again. Confirmed this with the Doppler (found her heart beat down near my pubic bone) and of course the bony butt I can feel above my belly button! So very interesting, and I was happy that today's pains confirmed that last week's pain was just her flipping and I can stop worrying about them now.

Oh, and she's back to dancing jigs ;)

My best friend with PCOS went in for her first scan yesterday. She should be 7 weeks based on her period, but they weren't able to find a heart beat :( She's measuring earlier too, so fingers crossed that she just ovulated later than thought. I'm very nervous for her, can only imagine how she feels, but HOH!! (that's for you Wish ;)) She did test positive very late, so I don't think we're kidding ourselves to still have hope. I know there's a possibility it will be bad news, but trying not to spend the next week worrying. I can't believe she has to wait another week for a scan! But I guess it's better than going in every day for a week and seeing no heart beat over and over...

Nessaw, hope your body gets on track soon. I'm so sorry for all that you've had to endure. Your baby or babies are coming, I can feel it!
I know what u mean about waiting TTCInseattle seems like forever I wish they would have scan me earlier as I knew something was wrong!!!
Big :hugs: to Your Friend and FX she sees that Lil <3

SPP I see u sneaking on!!! :) miss u girl :hugs:
I was on yesterday, and I was actually taking notes so I could keep up with everyone and respond! And then OH's friend came over so I had to get off the computer, and of course the thread has moved on from there!

Just wanted to say hi :hi: to everyone. I was having some fertile signs, OH and I did some BDing, then I got a yeast infection, so all BDing, checking CP & CM and temping was put on hold! I think it's almost gone now. The ovary twinges and pain has stopped, and now it's more of a bloating with achy breasts so I'm hoping this means I'm in the TWW. I had some bleeding when I wiped last Sunday and then a sharp O-pain on Monday, so I'm hoping I ovulated around then!
Ok- I think I finally caught up!

kfs- that is a weird cycle but hopefully it's just your body doing some sort of reset. I've had some short anovulatory ones. I'm sure it's just from the procedure.

mom- sorry to hear about the SA results. I hope it's something that improves for the next test!

sis- sorry about your DS failing English- and the weird flat temps again, but hopefully they're a good sign!

erose- I see your flat temps are no more so fx! Good luck with your test tomorrow- hope it's informative!

terri- i hope you had fun in the dorms! I lived in the dorms my first two years, but went to an all female university so probably not as fun as it could have been!

vjean- I want bump pics too!

moni- so sorry to hear about your cat. my cats are litter mates too and if something happened to one of them, the other would be devastated. :hugs:

radkat- is that a green line I see on your chart?!?!?!

wish- has your AF shown up yet?

mischief- good luck with your IUI!

katie- your pregnancy sounds so stressful so far- I hope it gets easier! I'm like you taking everything supplement imaginable whether I know I need it or not and I wonder if it's screwed up my cycles.

driving- glad the scan went well! I hope the genetic testing goes well too and looking forward to seeing the maternity photoshoot photos!

neesaw- :hugs: understandable you're upset with the anniversary. I hope you O soon!

ttcseattle- glad all is ok with you! I hope all is good with your friend as well! Fx for her!

I hope I didn't miss anyone but if so, hi!

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