show us some LINE PORN LADY!!!!!!!!!


so happy for yoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't keep up with this thread....but that's a good thing!

RADKAT!! I see GREEN! :happydance:

Smiles, Katie, Driving, TTCinSeattle, so glad you all are doing well! I don't think we'll relax until we are holding our babies. :hugs:

Terri, your weekend sounds fantastic! I was a non-traditional student so I didn't ever live on campus, but I wish I could have experienced it. My DD is a freshman in college and I keep trying to ship her off to a bigger school. She just at a local jr college right now, working on her basics. I appreciate the money she is saving us, but don't want her to have any regrets later.

Wish, love your smiley faces, however I was trying to get away with reading BnB at work....I was doing well until I scrolled to your post just as a co-worker was walking up to my desk. :rofl: Pretty sure they could tell it wasn't work related. But keep the smileys coming! I always enjoy your posts.....and I figure if the gov't didn't want me on BnB they'd block it like they do all the other good sites! Hope your work computer is back up and running soon!

Fezzle, hope your timing worked out!

Neesaw, we're here for the good and the bad....no need to apologize to us!

Momof3, sorry about the SA results. Results like that are never good to here, but I'm happy that there maybe things you can do to improve numbers!

Mischief, good luck with your IUI!

Erin, anxiously waiting!! This has been the longest TWW ever!! FX'd for you this week!

Sorry if I missed anyone...I didn't take notes and was trying to go off memory.
AFM: had my 20 week ultrasound on Friday (a few days early, but my ticker is a few days behind). All is well!

This first 20 weeks has flown by and now I'm starting to panic....I have 2 vacations coming up, one in August at 29/30 weeks and the other in Sept at 34 weeks. I'm worried about getting everything done. I won't bore you with nursery details, unless y'all want to know. :) I'd like to have everything done before I go on vacation.

I've also changed my hours at work, so I work from 6:00-3:30 now. By the time I get home all I want to do is sleep! My husband got picked up for a program where his work (Federal Government) pays for him to go to school and get his masters. Basically, he doesn't work for a year, but gets full salary and gets school paid for as well. It's highly competitive, 2 civilians get selected for this a year out of the whole Department of Defense. So he started taking our DD to daycare so I can work earlier and get off earlier. All of his classes are at night, so his golf game is vastly improving as well! :haha:

As requested, here is a bump pic.

RADKAT - yeeeeeeaaah! congratulations!!!

Erose - your chart's looking veeeeeeeery interesting my dear. :)

Vjean - love that bump!!! You look great! :)

Fezzle - hope the TWW goes fast for you. Your symptoms sound promising. :) :)

Wish - how are you feeling? Your chart's looking good to me!

Sis - that's a lot of graduation parties. Phew - you must be exhausted! How are you feeling this month? Did you get some good BDing in?

Hi ttcinseattle - fx that everything goes OK with your friend.

Hi SPP. Hope you're doing OK.
I leave for a weekend and come back to such exciting news from everyone!

First, Hi SPP!!! Come back and dip your toes in the water...It's fine! Hope you're doing well..

Radkat-I was over on >35, and I saw one of your posts with GREEN on your chart!! I immediately left and ran over here to see if you said anything. C'mon, mama! Share, share. hee hee. Good for you for getting your bloodwork scheduled with the doctor, and it was great that she was like 'what tests do you want?' uh...uh...that made me laugh. I guess now you can save your money and get back into her office. fxfxfx.

VJean-Gorg bump picture! You look so happy (and the pool looks very inviting!). Congrats to your DH as well for going to that new school for free AND not having to work. You guys are truly blessed.

Momof3-I'm really proud of you for going to get the tests and finding out about DH's SA. I posted my hubs numbers, and you know the count was pretty low. Then, when we did our IUI, it was even worse. So....you're totally not alone, and we just have to try to do what we can to get those numbers back up. For this IUI, hubs has to do a 3 day hold because his numbers were better when he held for 3 days vs. 1 1/2 days. So..in the meantime, don't overwork him. :haha: You'll get your fourth baby very soon. I just know it. And of course...i hope it's a bundle of blue!

Wish-HOH over here for you! Your chart looks just like Radkat's, so even though I know you said you're not going to be tricked, I'm still feeling super positive for you. When is AF due? Tomorrow, Tuesday? You're not going to test, right?

Fezzle-I hope you are right in that you're in the TWW. Your chart is looking better and better, and if you're feeling a little odd, maybe you're in the wait.

nessaw- :hugs: I read your post the other day and I felt so sad for you. It's ok to have a pity party anytime. You know that, so never apologize. Ugh, and your coworker would've had to get throat punched (love this phrase, and I need to bring it back into my standard vocabulary) if I was around. Sometimes I just yell out at people when they say things that are inappropriate/insensitive. I wish I was with you during that conversation. Hope today you're feeling a little bit better. :hugs:

ttcinseattle-Sorry to hear about your bestie having issues. I hope it's just a little early like you said and she'll hear/see the heartbeat in a week's time. I'll say a special prayer for her because we all know how it feels to be wanting something so badly. Glad your baby is doing fine too. Scary, mama. Your doppler has definitely paid for itself after hearing the heartbeat. That's cute that she was just snuggled in upside down. Glad she's back to being a dancing queen. A girl after my own heart. hee hee.

Sis-Not sure how you do what you do? 3 parties in one day? Wow. I can hardly go to three in a weekend. hee hee. Your temps are still looking good. How are you feeling about things this time around?

ERose/moni/kfs1/Smiles/mischief-I hope you're having fun somewhere.

Driving-So happy the scan went well for you and I don't know anything about the testing, but it seems like the others know what's going on. Sounds like the MaterniT21 (?) sounds like the way to go. Are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl?

AFM-Had a fab-o weekend in Delaware. We stayed out late Friday night and Saturday night. :happydance: Oh, to be young again. I can't seem to stop feeling so tired. hee hee. I didn't see many people that I knew, but it was still a great weekend. I love my college. Living on campus full time is definitely something to be experienced, and you're in this shelter of homework, fun, friends, and it's just great. I would like to be back in a nonchalant, ignorant bubble once again. I'll have to live vicariously through my kids. hee hee. I can't believe I have to go to work tomorrow. Booooooo...
Yay!!! Terri you are back!! Sounds like your weekend was DIvine!!! and I second your BOOOOO to going back to work tomorrow - (I am at work today so triply booo) anyway glad to have you back lady!!:happydance:

Radkat - cant stop smiling because of your small little green line!!! pop on and tell us you story and of course share line porn!! :haha:

Vjean - YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! love love your bump pic and yeah the pool too... and Congrats to the hubby on getting selected - I have heard of those programs but never "knew" anyone that got selected... :thumbup::thumbup:

:hi: kfs my fertility twin (BTW since you have had work done and are possibly fixed - we are now fraternal!!! :rofl:)!! Hope you had a great weekend... :)

fezzle - your chart keeps looking better and better - those meds you are on are working!!! :happydance:

:howdy: to the rest of you lovelies!!

AFM: deep breath... exhale... yes My temp is still up... and I did not test today - and surprise the Army didn't test me either... I am cramping and every once in a while the cm is pinkish (sorry TMI)... so every time I go to the bathroom (latrine in army lingo) I am praying the whole way there...[-o<[-o<[-o< Ok God help me HOH - please don't let there be any red... and so far God is humoring me and nothing... but wearing a panty liner because of the cramps... I am hopeful - even though I keep saying to myself not to be... FF has my testing date as Tuesday - if I have a 24 day cycle I will start Wednesday... I don't know if I will test or not... I guess if my temp stays up I might use my FRER...and I have determined that the only way I can keep HOH is not testing... but I am torn... I guess my temps will decide - if they nosedive I will save my FRER... bleh I wish the cramps would stop and puking start...then its a no brainer... :rofl:
Wow, you all are detectives. I didn't think about old posts. :haha: I was just going to stalk until tomorrow bc my line seems pretty faint for 14DPO so I'm kinda wondering which way this will go. Trying to decide if I should go ahead and get a beta or wait a couple of days. Guess I'm just a little gun shy bc of the mc. Cautiously happy.
Radkat :happydance: I know exactly how u feel hope u wake up to a dark line in the Am!!!

Terri :hi: glad u r back!!

Vjean great Bump u look so cute!!

Fezzle I'm right there w u but Ur charts are looking better and better!!!

AFM like I said I think I have a Yeast infection I never get them unless I'm PG but I've been on a cleanser and Diet meds for a few days so :shrug:
I also had a spot of blood today but I'm not to hopefully this cycle since we didn't get the day after O in just O!!
I'm still taking a test everyday cuz if I am PG I want to stop all my diet stuff!!! ;)
RadKat!!! OMG I am so happy and FX for you!

VJean, lovely bump :) Nice to see you again on this thread, btw.
Radkat-I hope your line is darker today too. I think it's fine to have a faint line at 14DPO. Oh, and you're being paged on >35. hee hee. We're not the only :ninja: around here! That's the beauty of having charts in signatures. You can be nosy without anyone knowing. HA!!HA!!

Sis-Why are you taking diet stuff? Just get up and walk around your neighborhood before it gets too hot, and you'll shed pounds naturally. Diet schmiet!

I ran almost 4 miles of straight hills last Thursday and I'm still recovering. It was rough, but it felt good. I'm going to try that route again this Thursday to see if I improve, but I'll be doing mostly flat roads until then. Running hills makes running flats seem like a walk in the park.

Have a great Monday! :juggle:
Terri - So glad you had a great weekend and good for you for getting back into running/exercising!! :)

Sis - I'm crossing my fingers for you! Hope that yeast infection is a sign of something good.

Wish - Hi fraternal twin. :haha: LOVE that. :)

eRose - Where have you been girl? Your chart's looking great - can't wait to hear from you.

Rad - Sorry we're such crazy stalkers. Hahaha. Hope that line gets darker for you today!

AFM - Nada much going on over here. Period seems to be winding down which I'm thankful for because I'm only able to wear pads because of the surgeries (ummmmm - GROSS). Not really sure what's going to happen with my body this month so I'm just going to have to wait and see I guess. I'm fine with that though. Can't BD for another week and a half anyway.

The urologist canceled my husband's appt last Friday so of course my DH just doesn't call him back or anything so I'll need to reschedule that for him today. I swear, men!
Happy Monday Ladies!!

Hoping for some excellent news from Erose and Radkat today!!! :happydance:

AFM: as you can see... the temp fell off the cliff this morning... but my husband had me up at 4 looking for his shoes :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: so my temp is probably off a little ... so the FRER stays in the drawer...
Wish - My husband had me up early, too! I baked cupcakes for his co-teachers birthday and he was banging around the kitchen trying to pack everything up. I didn't even have a chance to temp! On top of that, my dog was running in his sleep all night and kept kicking the wall and waking me up. :) Sooooooooo exhausted today.

Anyway, I hope your temp's a fluke. Mine is always lower after ovulation if my sleep is out of wack.
Radkat....congratulations!!!!! :hugs: I'm so not a detective like the other ladies when it come to looking at charts BUT I do read the posts. Lol. Truly happy for you.

VJean....how adorable is that belly!!!! You look great!

Terri...welcome back!
Terri if it were only that easy its kinda HARD when your body is plotting Against u w the Thyriod and MTHFR!!! :nope:
Im just taking it so I have some energy to go to the gym as I live in Texas and its HOT all the time!!! :haha:

My BIG is having a pool party so I will have A house Full of Bigs today hope everyone has a great Monday!!!
Wow, I sure had a lot of catching up to do!

Wish, I still think your chart looks good! I dont think today's dip matters, it's still above the CL! I'm totally HOH for you!! Can't wait til you test again!

Driving, so glad everything is looking good for you!!! :)

MomOf3, so sorry about DH's SA, but don't lose hope. Lots of men seem to have that issue, and their wives and Drs are coming up with lots of ways to improve it. I've seen some girls mention some big jumps on these forums just from having their DH take certain supplements!

Nessaw, I may have missed a post, but have you gotten a High or Peak on your monitor yet???

kfs, your short cycle could've just been related to the surgery in general. After i had that cyst removed, that cycle was a 22-day cycle for me, and mine are usually between 27-32 days. I've had some shorter ones than that, but it's rare, so 22 was a shocker to me.

Katie, bless your heart, you sure have been through a lot of stress and anxiety during all of this. I hope you're feeling LOTS better now. I guess the worry never really goes away completely, but I hope you feel relaxed and a little more at peace. :flower:

ttc, sorry for your scare as well! I can tell being PG is probably going to have many scary days. We take so long to get there, so we're determined to hang onto it, and I'm sure every little thing is a worry. I'm glad all is well! Btw, I hope you get good news from your friend.

Fezzle, glad you got some BDing in around the time you think you O'd! Wuhu! Come on BFP!

Mischief, I know you were having an IUI sometime, and I can't recall when that is, so just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it yet...?

Vjean, SUCH a cute pic, thanks for sharing!! You look adorable. :) And yes, I have been somewhat anxious during this TWW!!! Hehe

Radkat, OMG!! How exciting! That was such good news to read. :) Did you test again today, or are you giving it a couple of days in between?

Terri, I'm so glad you had a fun weekend!! That sounds like a really good time! So how are you doing? I guess your day10 u/s is coming up, right? I sneaked a peak at your chart, but now I can't recall if you're on cd9 or 10 today...???

Sis, your chart is still looking great! You were right, I left you alone in flatlands! But it was kinda funny, it went up that one day, then dropped right back down to my flat temp. It's been back up for two days now, but like you mentioned, I wonder if that could be from the Lupron. FXd that your YI is a good sign!! I'm sure you hate them as much as I do, but if it's a sign that you could be PG, I'm sure you'll take it!!

Hi to SPP!!! Miss you around here. Hi to Moni and Smiles, and anyone I may have missed!

AFM, just been anxiously awaiting for this morning to get here, so I could do the hcg quant. They usually call with same-day results around 3:30 or so. So I guess I'll know then. I've def been HOH for this IUI. I feel like all the odds were in our favor, so it got me excited. So I will be more bummed than I originally thought if it's neg. But that's okay... I'll be able to shake it off pretty quickly, and just continue the plan and be on our merry way to IVF, with egg retrieval being in about three weeks.
ERose, good luck today! I'll be checking back in for an update of course, but I'm nervous that at 9dpo this might very well be your cycle but not show up on a blood test yet! What does your doc say? I know bloodwork obviously is the most sensitive, but FRERs are so sensitive these days measuring at 25! Anyway, I really hope they can see it this early, but regardless of test results today I'll still be HOH for you ;) Hoping we get to call that dip your implantation dip soon!!!

Radkat, soooo (cautiously) excited for you. Your DH was right! Maybe that optimism is catching ;) I hope that line is darkening today, feel free to post pics for us to all analyze to death!
ERose-Welcome back! hee hee. Today is CD8 for me, and I take my Gonal F injection tomorrow night and go in for a CD11 scan. From there, they'll give me the trigger time and we're off and running. My dad's supposed to be here for two days at some point this week (he's random when it comes to traveling). I hope it's not the day of the IUI because we only have one TV, and hubs likes to look at his special videos. :haha: Maybe I will finally break down and give hubs the a-ok for a second tv. hee hee. I also agree with ttcinseattle, that would be a fabulous implantation dip. fxfx

Hmm..I haven't seen Blueshoney around in a while. Hope all is well, babe.

Sis-Ok fine...don't walk. Swim! hee hee. Hope you guys have another great party today. :kiss:
ERose, good luck today! I'll be checking back in for an update of course, but I'm nervous that at 9dpo this might very well be your cycle but not show up on a blood test yet! What does your doc say? I know bloodwork obviously is the most sensitive, but FRERs are so sensitive these days measuring at 25! Anyway, I really hope they can see it this early, but regardless of test results today I'll still be HOH for you ;) Hoping we get to call that dip your implantation dip soon!!!

Radkat, soooo (cautiously) excited for you. Your DH was right! Maybe that optimism is catching ;) I hope that line is darkening today, feel free to post pics for us to all analyze to death!

Thanks ttc! I was nervous about that too since I'm still early! But after I thought about it, I realized the blood test can pick up any number... even if its just a 5, it will pick it up. It's not really a neg/pos kind of thing, like with HPTs. It picks up any trace of hcg, and shows them if its in there. This isn't the usual protocol with my RE. She usually just says use an HPT at 14dpo and if it's pos, then come in for the blood to find out your exact number. They're only doing this because I needed to have my mind eased about taking the Lupron (even though they reassured me again and again that it was okay! I thought it was sure nice of them to do that).

Oh and also... my nurse still says I'm 10dpo since she's certain the first egg released when it was supposed to after the trigger and the second egg was just a day late. FF just put my CHs there because it was the bigger temp jump, and I didn't want to change anything, lol. So who the heck knows! I mean, what if I'm a super late implanter, like 12dpo? Wouldn't that still show as zero on a blood test? Wish I knew the answer to that! But the Dr and nurses don't seem to think there's a problem getting an accurate result from blood at 10dpo.

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