One more day at work and then I'm free! I only have one thing to do today though, so I plan to bust it out early in the morning and play all afternoon. hee hee. I even dressed up today because I'm feeling good! AF will probably on her merry little way by the afternoon, getting my eyebrows waxed, and then putting all my stuff on my bike! Yeah!

ttcinseattle-The fertility place told me we can only BD unprotected during the birth control part, and then while taking the stims we have to do it protected. I say 'why do it?' HA!!HA!! Unless there are some random condoms around the house, we'll probably just be on break for a while.

Vjean-Wow...your nursery looks so nice. I love the golf curtain rod and all the blocks. That's nicer than any room in my house. I have a feeling my nursery will be white with white accents. hee hee. And maybe a giraffe wall hanging and that's about it. :shower: I am so boring. Well, I do like block paintings so I can do something like that. The chalk paint looks really cool too. Thanks for the ideas.

Fezzle-Only because I want you to get your CD3 bloodwork, do I hope AF shows up. You are getting closer and closer to your BFP. I feel it.

Radkat-Please step away from the scary google. You can look up pictures of flowers and nurseries, but you can't look up ectopic and miscarriage. STOP IT!! hee hee. VJean had a little pain, and everything is cool. Hopefully in one week you'll know that your body is just stretching. I hope that's all it is. fxfx.

Erose supposedly had her egg retrieval yesterday so she's probably out of commission for a day. Hopefully she'll swing back over here and check in. I'll send her a note.

moni-I'm glad we're on the same schedule. It'll be nice to have someone I know going through this at the same time. We'll get the scoop from ERose though so we'll be prepared for those oil butt shots. Ugh...our shots have gone from kamikaze and buttery nipple to oil butt. :rofl:
vjean - I hadn't heard about your heart problems, either. That's so terrifying, you poor thing. I'm so happy that everything is going well this time. Huge hugs to you and your DH. And, I absolutely LOVE your nursery. A golf theme is so cute - you're so talented! I love everything - the armoire, dresser, and the pallet shelf. You and Sis really have some great decorating skills. I, for sure, do NOT. :)

Rad - The pain with my cyst was definitely on and off. (That is, until the day it "twisted" or whatever it did which hurt a lot.) But, before that, it was a dull pain that was definitely on and off. It doesn't sound like an ectopic to me. The way my doctor explained it to me, you would definitely know if it was an ectopic and the pain would not go away but would continue to get much worse. Try not to worry, hun - I'm sure things are fine. :)

Terri - Soooo happy that you're almost on vacation! :happydance: Hope you have a GREAT time which I'm sure you will. DH and I had to use condoms the month after my MC and it was no fun. I forgot how terrible condoms are. Thanks for the info on erose. So amazing! I'll have to try and stalk her on the other thread.

Moni/Terri - I see 2 (or more) babies coming in August/September. :) So great you're on the same schedule.

Fezzle - Hope that witch gets here soon! :growlmad:

Mischief - Again, I'm so sorry but like the other said, try to get those numbers. Hopefully the doctor was just being overly cautious (or idiotic). :hugs:

Hi Sis, Wish, TTCinSeattle, Blues, and everyone else!

AFM: Thanks so much for the well wishes for my DH. He was upset at first but he's honestly fine now. They went with another candidate who had actual kindergarten experience (which my DH does not) but STRONGLY encouraged him to apply if anything else should open up. The chances of that this year are highly unlikely of course but I'm sure that was encouraging and either way, he did great so he can't really have any regrets. We're so happy and fortunate to both have full-time jobs, not to mention our health, great family and friends, so really, no more thoughts wasted on that job. :)

On the TTC front, STILLLLL no temp jump. BDing has unfortunately now turned from fun to forced (as it usually does during fertile week) so I'm hoping to get one more round in tonight and PLEASE PLEASE can I have my temp jump tomorrow? This is very late in my cycle so I'm a little worried about that as well. DH is going to the urologist today (finally, after 2 canceled appointments), so I'll let you all know how that goes. :)
Radkat I had a lot of aching around my ovary too I think it's just the CYst forming for baby!!! :)
My niece is due 2/14 Valentines day !!

The dog woke me up At 4am and my temp was 98.2 but when I woke again at 6 it was 97.9 so idk what temp I should use!! :shrug:

Happy hump day All!!!

I hate the Triggers U Always 2nd guess that line!!! :shrug:
Guess I will test in the Am and compare I just Dont see it NOT being the trigger but Miracles happen Every Day!!!

The trigger I did was only a 5000Iu they sent me by accident so it should only take 5 days to get out of your system !! :shrug:
Mischief - I am so sorry. I hope you are Ok. Had one of these last year and it was sad...

Vjean, you are brave and that is indeed scary. Heart issues are no laughing matter. Take care of yourself! Also, gorgeous nursery :)

Terri, you are the funniest, and I *loved* your description of the IVF protocol. You should write a book. Have fun!

Radkat, stop googling or soon you'll have every disease there is! I have worked very hard to stop googling miscarriage and I still lapse sometimes but do what I say...

Sis, my DD is 1/23/15. FX...

Myself, still pregnant and already looking fat but not pregnant yet. Great. Ok, hubby thinks I am showing - last time I did not show until about 20 weeks - I only told at work at 21 weeks (I had just started a new job and did not want one of the early conversations to be, umm, a week after I started here, I got knocked up... but everyone ended up being super nice about it). I am also doing the 1st trimester screen next Tue and then flying off to Europe that evening (Scandinavia). I have family there so it will be very relaxing and with built-in childcare...

My DS room is pretty much entirely from Ikea (yes, I also happen to like the style; Nordic roots) and if this one comes home, then there will be the old Ikea crib in our room and a changing table/rocker/stuff in the small extra bedroom that I am currently using as my wardrobe. I'm not much into decorating baby rooms - my DS room now looks very cool, but that's because he's demanded to have posters and pictures and a purple wall (which I am resisting). So I'll keep my wardrobe just a little longer...
Well I took a FRER and I don't see crap so I'm guessing it's the trigger don't know why I even let me self get Excited !!! :nope:
My hcg at 14dpo was 21, and then when she tested again at 17dpo it was 20. It's sad, but I understand that sometimes it's just not meant to be and that nature knows best. We're going to jump right back in and try IUI again next cycle. Right now I'm off of progesterone and waiting for AF, and will do another hcg blood test to make sure it's at zero on Monday. I'll do Clomid on days 3 - 7, and a scan on day 10 just like before. At least now I'm familiar with the process. I have no idea what our chances of success are with another IUI, but I want to believe if we could do it once, we can do it again!

The sad thing about a chemical is that you still have grief, but nobody knows. So the family is all here and wanting to eat out and chit-chat, and I just want to put my pjs on and go to bed. :( I feel guilty for wanting people I rarely see to leave me alone, but... dang it, people! Leave me alone! :(

kfs1, I'm sorry your hubby didn't get the job. I hope he'll have a happy school year where he is, and that he'll find another opportunity soon!

Fezzle, It looks to me like you ovulated, and I hope your test results confirm it. Isn't it annoying when we can't figure out if we've started a cycle or not??? When everything depends on CD 3 or CD 10 or whatever I absolutely obsess over whether or not it's spotting or AF. The things we have to worry about!

Radkat, I hope you find out what the mystery pain is, and that it's nothing serious!

VJean, Your room is lovely! Thanks for sharing!

Sis4Us, My husband makes his own chalk paint - the "real" stuff is so expensive! He used it last week to finish a buffet he built for the dining room and it looks amazing! Fingers crossed for your test!!!! :dust:

terripeachy, Thanks for sharing the IVF info - and no, it wasn't too much to read! I've been really curious about it. I still wonder if we'll try it. Have fun in SA! It's HOT here now, but I love the riverwalk and all the history. Be safe!

:hi: to everyone I missed. I hope all is well!
Well I took a FRER and I don't see crap so I'm guessing it's the trigger don't know why I even let me self get Excited !!! :nope:

Are you seriously testing at 6dpo??? Stop that! You're still in! :dust:
Sis-You crack me up...I hope that line comes back! Keep testing!! hee hee.

kfs1-Sorry your BD'ing is now forced, but you guys are working on your miracle, so keep at it. HA!!HA!! Put on your sexy lingerie tonight. I bet your temperature will jump in the morning.

Driving-I'm going to miss the results from your scan and to say 'bon voyage' so I'll just say it now. Have fun with your family. Oh..and my sister said that once she had her second kid she started showing earlier and earlier, so maybe that's why you have a little pooch. I bet you look adorable. Now I'm going to have to reread what I wrote since you were laughing. Hmmm...I guess I am constantly laughing at myself, but I never realize that others are laughing too. Clue #1 of nerddom-you laugh at your own jokes.

Mischief-Oh...I'm so sorry. :hugs: I was thinking that your nurse/doctor was just being a debbie downer. I guess it's not viable, and I'm sorry that you have to entertain when you're feeling like a blob and just want to huddle in the corner with bon bons and cookies. I am happy to hear that you're jumping right back on the horse. IUI is not as bad as one would think and I'm hoping the same happens with IVF, although I'm a little nervous. I ordered my prescriptions today and there are a boatload of things coming my way in a few weeks. For now, I'm just chillin' with the BCPs. It's packed and ready to go.
Yea I know but w that temp dip this Am and test laying around I did plus like last month I want to know ASAP so I can stop taking some stuff I'm taking!! :shrug:

The Walmart 88€ at 10 ish had a pretty dark shadow but the FRER this afternoon was white!! Guess we will see what Tom brings
Yea I know but w that temp dip this Am and test laying around I did plus like last month I want to know ASAP so I can stop taking some stuff I'm taking!! :shrug:

The Walmart 88€ at 10 ish had a pretty dark shadow but the FRER this afternoon was white!! Guess we will see what Tom brings

I'd do the same thing. :)

My temp was high again this AM, but our AC went out last night, and in this Houston heat... ugh! I hope tonight it'll be nice and cool! :)
I totally expected to NOT see anything I think that's why I'm so Frazzled!!! :nope:
VJean - Wow, I'm so glad you're OK! Kudos to your dr (and you!) for knowing that you're strong enough for another pregnancy. Thanks for your experience with the cyst. I'm hoping it goes away soon.

Fezzle - Fx for good test results. :thumbup:

Terri - Yay! It's vacation time! Have an amazing time. :cool:

Kfs - Thanks for the support on the cyst thing (or whatever it is). I'm sure all is well. Oh and I agree with Terri, break out the lingerie. That always helps when BD is getting boring.

Sis - I hope you get a clearer answer on your hpt, but 6DPO is sooo early.

Driving - Have a great time in Scandinavia. Sounds great to be someplace so different and have some help with child care!

Mischief - I'm sorry again about the chemical. I can't believe you have to have try to entertain when you're dealing with this. I'd beg off with a headache/stomach bug, whatever and go to bed or watch some TV in your room or something. I'm glad you're able to see the next steps of moving forward.

My work day is almost done and off for 4 days! Yay!
Sis - step away from the FRERs. Too early!!!! You still have a chance, girl. :)

Driving - happy you're feeling pregnant, even if you're feeling a little big cause that's a good thing. :) Good luck at your scan next week. I'm soooooooo jealous of your trip. Where are you going exactly?

Mischief - I'm so sorry for the low HCG. I know you said these things happen but I know it's still emotionally draining. It sounds like you have a plan, though, which is great of course. Fx to you as you move on to your next IUI.

Terri - I believe you're off on your trip now. Have a great time.

Hi everyone else! Happy 4th to all U.S. folks.

YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Finally got my temp jump this morning. Wow. Once this pack of advanced OPKs runs out, I think I definitely need to switch to the regulars. Too many flashies messing with my BDing schedule. :)

DH survived his first urologist appointment. He said he was "violated" and that "the doctor should buy him a drink." :) Basically, he gave him a full examination and did an ultrasound. He found a potential varicocele (which could be causing his low counts) but he want to do some bloods and another SA before moving forward. So, all in all, we're moving forward!!
kfs1-Yeah for the temp. jump. Finally! Glad your DH got his appointment done and over with and I hope he doesn't have the varicocle, but it's best to find out now. See how progress makes us so happy. hee hee. It's the little things.

I'll be leaving shortly, but I will be reading while I'm away. I'll post when I get to TX because I will have time to sit down and chill. Have a great holiday all!
Still stalking ladies

Well with my chart - not much else I can do:haha:

Terri - Enjoy your holiday :happydance:


Have a good trip Terri and Be safe!!!

I know I test early but with my short LPs I get a +++ by 8-10dpo but I'm not testing anymore it's just the trigger and I will get over it!!

Garfie I hope Ur body figures things out soon!! :hugs:
My blood test results won't be back until tomorrow (hopefully), so still waiting to see if I ovulated. FF took away my crosshairs, but I feel like the weather here has made such a difference to my temps, I don't know how accurate any of them are! But, I am feeling like it was an anovulatory cycle now.

But the good news- OH's blood tests are done now too, and he's got a kit for his SA. It was a 3 month waiting list for the NHS, so he's just paid for it (£90) and is waiting to hear when they want it. I'll have to ask him later what instructions they gave him to prepare!
kfs- glad you got your jump and can stop BDing! I hope any issue with your DH's sperm is an easy fix!

Sis- you are too funny with the early testing!

garfie- I hope your cycle ends soon! I'm worried I might be headed into a long one now too.

terri- have a great trip!

Mischief- I hope you have a cool night! I think the weather here has been really messing with my temps. It's been hot out, but because of that we've had the window open sometimes and I'm not sleeping under the duvet so I actually wake up colder than usual!
Mischief am sorry about the chemical. Hugs xxx

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