Hello all - hope everyone had a nice weekend (holiday weekend to those in the States).

Just stopping in - still no news for me - still waiting for af...
Moni so sorry AF hasn't show WTH!!!! :nope:

Mischief FXfor IUI #2

Momof3girls hope your Dr can help u out and maybe u need to bride DH like I did to take the pills!!! ;)

Driving so sorry about the test but hopefully the Vaca will help time fly!!!

Radkat FX for U/S !!!

I got a new thermometer today so we will see what my temp is in the Am!!! :haha:

:hi: to everyone else!!!
As u can see my temp took a Dump this AM just waiting for the :witch:!!!!
Sis - Am I going crazy or didn't I see a temp jump on your chart yesterday?? Booooo on the temp drop. :growlmad:

Momof3 - Don't let your husband's SA results upset you too much. It only takes 1 little guy to fertilize that egg and you have a plan in place to move forward when you get home. Were you able to get some BDing in on your trip? Just curious - why won't he take fertilaid? My DH is definitely slack about it but I've been trying to get him to take at least 1 a day. He's going to have another SA in a week or two so I guess we'll see if it made any difference. If your doctor suggests moving on to IUI in the future would you be open to it?

Driving - Good luck today! Check in and let us know how everything went before your trip.

Rad - Good luck to you, too, today! Can't wait to hear about your U/S.

Smiles - Happy Birthday to your daughter! :cake: Wow. The teenage years, huh? God bless you. :)

Moni - I hope that witch shows up soon! :hugs:

Look at my stupid temps ladies! Up and down and up and down. Uggggggggggh. Anyway, I'm leaving for SC tonight. Visiting my mom at the beach for a week and I'm soooooooooooooo excited to get away. I'll be checking in this week for sure though. :)
Well...went for my regular 2 week check up and the dr ended up making yesterday my last day of work. He said " don't take this the self way but you look horrible, your skin tone has a greenish hue to it" So the anemia coupled with the dizzy spells and sciatica made him yank me out. He wanted to pull me June 9th but I negotiated more time by working at home but yesterday he wasn't trying to hear that at all. I asked could he make it effective Friday so I can have discussions to transition my responsibilities?" and he said " NO! It's today that's it". So on his prescription he wrote "'pregnancy anemia with sciatica, out of work NOW, Left side bed rest 2 hours 3x a day and IV iron infusion to start immedietly" which I start today. My first thought was " I have to lay around and do nothing for 6 hours a day?" :wacko: But I'll gladly do it especially if it means bringing a health baby here closer to my due date and not early. It also gives me time to clear out stuff in preparation for all the baby's stuff at least.
Smiles, yikes! Hope you feel better.

Had my first trimester screen today and all looked very reassuring! Low risk for chromosomal defects and size/heartbeat just on target!
Smiles listen to the Dr I know it's hard believe me Im not a lay around person either but U both need the rest!!!! :hugs:
Feel better Momma

Driving glad everything looks good!!!

Kfs1 yea I was guessing what the thermometer said but changed it back to my Norm have fun on your trip!!!
Moni - I'm sorry you're still waiting for AF. Have you had long cycles like this before? Does you dr know? Would he bring it on since you have IVF scheduled or no? Hope the witch flies in a solves the problem.

Sis - Sorry for the temp drop. It's probably too much to blame on the new thermometer. Bummer.

Kfs - Hooray for a beach vacation! Enjoy your time off with your mama. Get some good relaxation in.

Holy cow, Smiles, your dr is not messing around! It's so hard to slow down, but it sounds like it is best for you and the baby. We have a friend of the family who was on bed rest (like all day, only get up to go to the bathroom) for the last 3.5 months of her pregnancy. She said she almost went insane. At least you don't have to do that! Good luck. Get some good movies.

Driving - Hooray for a good scan! Go on your vacation in peace.

Terri - Are you OK? Are you stuck in TX? Hope all is well.

So my scan was good. LO is measuring right on the dates, "strong" heartbeat. Flapping it's little not quite arms. Looked like a penguin. Definitely breathing a sigh of relief. Doing the genetic testing in 2 weeks, results 5 days after that. Another scan 2 weeks later, and if all's well, then we'll be announcing. :happydance:
Radkat - Congrats on your scan and I am happy for you that everything is looking spot on!! YAY!!!:dance::dance:

Moni - what is the deal with the missing AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :growlmad::growlmad: I hope she turns on her damn GPS and finds you so you can move on!!! :hugs:

Driving - YAY for another good scan!!! I am so happy for you!! this is your sticky bean!!!:hugs:

Terri - hope you are having some fun in Texas!! Everything is bigger there you know :winkwink: lol

Sis - yeah for new thermometer - boo for temp drop :growlmad:

Smiles - this is a direct order from the army - STAY IN BED!!!! relax... don't be lining up all those home projects!!! don't make me come down there!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gun::gun:

kfs - :hi: twin sista... don't be fretting about those spiky temps... BFP charts all different... and this one is FX gonna be yours!!! HOH here for you!!! not to be scary twins and all...but I leave the 23rd for Charleston SC... our lives are kinda spooky!!!:saywhat:
much love and enjoy SC!!!

PAGING EROSE!!!! no word from her since her ET on Sunday... FX lady... she could be the next BFP!!! [-o<

:howdy: to all the ladies I missed... not hating...just cant keep up!!! :hugs:

AFM: best I can tell its O week... not temping, not taking my supplements - HOWEVER - am trying out the SOY... uhmmmm TMI alert...wow has my CM increased... shocker ladies!!! I feel like im slip sliding around down there... :rofl::shrug: usually CM is scarce... not this week... I am hoping that is a good thing...
DH has decided to take his "vitamins" again... I am being cautiously optimistic...but can't quite get myself to start temping again... but will start :sex: every other night (if I can get the DH to play along) through the weekend...
doing my best not to stress about things TTC related...but its never gone from my mind... you girls know how it is...
much love to all - I'll be :coffee: :book::tease:
This is longer than ever before - but remember they gave me that HCG shot the week AF would normally come - so I figured it would be delayed 2 weeks - going on 3 now. BFN last night btw. Doc is aware - if still nothing by the end of the week I'll go in next week for labs and scan to see what is going on.

On the genetic issue - hubby's labs again came back inconclusive for the enzyme, the gene was negative - so the chances of passing on the disease is a lot smaller (prob like 1 in 50) but doc wants us to meet with a genetic counselor to make sure. We have that meeting scheduled for next Friday.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Driving/Rad - so happy to hear that your appointments went well. What great news!!

Sis - grrrr about your broken thermometer and your temp drop. :(

Smiles - wow. Stay off your feet for sure! I know it's hard but totally worth it for your health and for the little one!

Wish - so good to hear from you twinnie. Miss you for sure. I think it's best not to temp until you're ready but I'm happy that you haven't given up hope yet. You deserve a bfp girl!!! And whoa about your trip to charleston. We really are twins.

Moni - good news about the genetic testing! :) Really hope that witch comes soon.

In SC ladies. Couldn't find my stupid thermometer this morning so no temp today. But I had a great day at the beach! :)
Smiles, Find yourself a good series on Netflix and the time will fly by! Good luck!

Moni, Sorry about the inconclusive results! I'm sure it will work out fine and you'll feel more confident after you meet with the specialist. :hugs:
I feel the witch on her broom just wanted to update u ladies b4 my week B4 Vegas I will be running like a Mad woman!!!
I will try to check in in the wee hrs or AM!!

Moni hope the specialist can help clear things up!!!

Wish :hi: so happy to hear from ya hey my Dr just sent me a email Vetrans get a discount probably the one they already told me about and there is a IVF special might have to call and see what's up!! ;)

Terri hope u r A OK and haven't melted in this heat man it's Hot and Vegas will be hotter :nope:

Well I have to :dog: the steam cleaner is coming and solar screen guy then off to tan and the Gym!!

<3 to <3 Ya Ladies!!!
Driving and radkat-fab news.
Smiles-take a load off and enjoy!
Moni hope you get closure soon on this cycle and the testing.
Sis sorry for afs approach. Enjoy vegas.
Hi to everyone else.
Afm finally got a peak today on cbfm. Dtd the preseed last 2 nights then will do tonight and following 2 and then keep our fingers crossed. Feels good to be back in the game! X
Hi ladies! I know I've been a bad girl and not been updating on here in a while. I've kept my IVF thread up to date, but even that one, I miss days at a time, because I haven't been spending quite as much time on the threads lately. I'm not sure what it is... the IVF process was cumbersome and exhausting, and also some days I let my mind get the best of me and start to worry too much, so I stay off the computer. Anyway, I did do a lot of catching up, reading through, and while I certainly can't reply to everyone at this point, I want you all to know I think about each of you daily. I've gotten too close to this group not to think of each and every one of you. :flower:

Anyway, I'm in wait mode at this point... I had my egg retrieval last Tues, and then a 5-day transfer on Sunday. I'm excited, but also nervous. I was so excited leading all the way up to it, and now i'm letting negative thoughts get into my head. But I just keep telling myself, it's gonna work, its gonna work, its gonna work. And if it doesn't, I have several frozen embies that I can do a frozen transfer with next time. So, not the end of the world. But I still cringe at the thought of getting a BFN after this. So, it's gonna work, its gonna work, its gonna work.

I'll try and stay caught up better now! At the very least, I'll read the updates, even if I don't post a lot.
Erose how exciting! Sending you lots and lots of sticky vibes. How many embies did you have transferred? X
Terri? Calling Terri. How dare she go on vacation and spend time doing something other than writing on B&B.

Smiles&#8212;Oh my Word! I&#8217;m so sorry you are pulled from work, but I&#8217;m glad the Doctor is advising you to do what&#8217;s best for you and baby and not mincing words or instructions. You ARE NOT to be doing things around the house woman! If you can&#8217;t work from home, you can&#8217;t be cleaning out closets and such. NO!! And best wishes with your new teenager! One of my best friend&#8217;s daughters just graduated from high school. I remember going with my friend to the doctor&#8217;s office to get a pregnancy test and it seems like yesterday. And that positive pregnancy test is on her way to college. Time flies.

Driving&#8212;What wonderful, wonderful news about your scan! Not such great news about them losing your blood test. Anyway, I really think your baby is here to stay. You are almost out of first trimester. It&#8217;s highly unlikely things will go awry now. I&#8217;m sure the blood test results will come back fine, too. Big Yay!

Kfs1&#8212;A beach vacation sounds absolutely delightful. And being around family is great for the soul, as I&#8217;ve expounded before. It really is though! Yeah, your temps are on a roller coaster this time, aren&#8217;t they? So, when do you test for this cycle?

Moni&#8212;Where is that AF?? Good gravy it&#8217;s gotta be frustrating! I hope the meeting with the genetic counselor goes well. Too bad you haven&#8217;t gotten affirmative results but it sounds like things are better with the gene being negative. As I've said before, I wish I could fast forward a month for you!

Wish&#8212;Glad to hear from you again! Hope you are doing well during this sorta &#8220;break&#8221; but that cm situation sound very good. Very good indeed. Of course, O and BD are never gone from our minds even when we are on a break. Dialing back the TTC &#8220;crazy&#8221; is sometimes the right thing to do, but it&#8217;s never cleared right out of our minds. And looks like DH is starting to slowly get back on board with the pressure off now. Seems like that happens a lot&#8230;when we turn off the crazy, they are more interested again. Ying and Yang or something like that! Good stuff!

Radkat&#8212;I was so happy to see your little raspberry ticker and to read your u/s results were great. &#8220;Flapping its little not quite arms. It looks like a penguin.&#8221; Had. Me. Rolling. Please post a pic of your penguin. So fun!

Sis&#8212;Totally understand being a busy bee before a trip. I swear, getting ready and packed for a vacation is so much work, you need the vacation to recover from it. And if you are like me, I want the house cleaned, too, before we leave so I don&#8217;t come home to a wreck. Excited to hear about your Vegas experience!! You deserve a fun vacation for sure!

Neesaw&#8212;Very glad to see your optimism returning and to know you are back in the TTC game. Such good news!

Erin&#8212;Glad to hear from you again! Can&#8217;t believe you are in the IVF two week wait, which is probably a lot more nerve-wracking than a normal TWW, but it holds so much more promise!! I sent a prayer for your little embie. Are you going to test early or wait for the blood test? When? When??

Sis and VJean&#8212;I forgot to say that I LOVED your rooms. Oh my word. So good, so good. You girls have skills and I&#8217;m genuinely impressed. VJean, before I forget to tell you, I told my Mom we were going to name the baby, Hadley, if it was a girl and she didn&#8217;t seem to like it. Then I quickly said, &#8220;But we may call her &#8216;Haddie,&#8221;&#8217; and my Mom brightened up and loved it. I don&#8217;t see what the big difference is, but she loved &#8220;Haddie.&#8221; So, if we have a girl, we&#8217;ll probably be calling her &#8220;Haddie" because you mentioned it was your daughter&#8217;s nickname. Lol.

I know I&#8217;m missing a bunch of people, but I didn&#8217;t go back very far on the posts. So, hi to everyone I missed!

AFM&#8212;I&#8217;ve been checking in on the thread, but was on vacation so I wasn&#8217;t participating. Visited my family in Michigan and announced the pg to a lot of family members, which was fun. Except for telling my Dad, who genuinely thought I was joking about being pregnant because he assumed I was too old to have another baby. I was like, &#8220;What am I? Grandma Moses??&#8221; He was happy when he realized I was serious and he started crying, so I forgave him for his blatant display of age discrimination.

Anyway, wouldn&#8217;t you know, the day we started driving up to Michigan, I started brown spotting again after a nice break of seeing nothing but pee on the toilet paper after wiping. I swear, I cannot escape the spotting. Well, I hated seeing it and having to go back to the maxi pads (which, might I remind you, my lady parts are very angry about because they are irritating them), but I wasn&#8217;t scared since I have the doppler and baby is thankfully, fine. I called my doctor&#8217;s office and told them about the spotting and the doom and gloom nurse who called me back said my doctor wanted me in for another u/s that day. When I explained I was out of town for a week, she said, &#8220;Well, let&#8217;s schedule you for an u/s as soon as you return. Good luck to you. I hope everything works out.&#8221; So, that was a reassuring way to end my conversation with the doctor&#8217;s office. They suck.

Had the ultrasound this Monday and baby was great, grew a bunch and was flipping around, hb solid and nothing suspicious going on with my innards. Spotting stopped again. They suspect it&#8217;s still just remains from the old hemmorage being pushed out as the uterus grows. Still can&#8217;t have sex though. My poor husband.

I&#8217;m off the progesterone now and it feels GREAT!!! It made me so loopy and tired. Doctor assured me that the placenta has taken over and the pills really don&#8217;t have any effect either way at this point. She said it doesn&#8217;t hurt to take them, but they aren&#8217;t necessary. Since baby has grown and it still healthy, the placenta is doing its job. Still think that initial P drop was a lab error though.

Also, I thought I saw boy parts on the pics from Monday&#8217;s ultrasound, but I found out that at this stage, the parts look similar and it&#8217;s hard to tell. I&#8217;m kinda happy about that, only because I didn&#8217;t want to know the gender that way. Too anti-climatic. We&#8217;re still going to wait until our 20 week ultrasound for the big reveal. I&#8217;m pulling for boy, DH for girl.

I'm writing a long recap because I probably won't be on here too much over the next month as I'll be back in Michigan spending the summer with family and I'm hopeful not much will change in my world over the course of the next few weeks. FX! But I'm so looking forward to reading what's going on with everyone else. These really are some exciting times for so many. <3
ERose! I'm glad you posted. We were all wondering about you. I'm sure IVF is quite a process, but stay positive! It'll work, it'll work. Fx! :thumbup:

Nessaw - Hooray for a peak! Very exciting. Keep up that BD!

Sis - Sorry you feel like AF is around the corner. When are you heading to Vegas? Hope AF can get out of the way before then. Have SO much fun!

Wish - I'm glad you checked in too. Extra CM is a great sign, as is DH taking his vitamins. Hope you can get that BDing in!

Kfs - Hope you're enjoying the beach. If you're not, it's your own fault! :haha:

Moni - Sounds like the risk is pretty slim, but a genetic counselor is a good idea.

Hi to Garfie, Mischief, Terri and the rest!
nessaw, we had two embies put in, in the hopes that at least one of them will stick around. :) I'd love for both of them to stick, but obviously we'd be just as thrilled to get one at this point!

Katie, thanks for the prayer! You're so sweet. We'll take all the prayers we can get. Sorry about that brown spotting, ugh, you poor thing! I'm happy that everything is going so great though!!! I loved reading your story about telling your dad, ha! If I had one child already, I can guarantee my silly dad would probably have the same reaction as yours since i'm old, haha! They just don't get it sometimes. But since I don't have any, he and my mom know everything we've been going through. Although in his old-fashioned mind, he probably still thinks I should've started younger! Whatev! I do love him dearly. Oh, and I don't go for my blood test until the 17th, but I will probably test on the 15th. I saw online that a lot of women do HPTs and get BFPs much earlier than that. 6-10 days after transfer. The latest I saw posted online was 9 days after transfer, and that's technically 14 days from the day they took my eggs and fertilized them. So I'll try it. ;)

Radkat, thank you for the kind words! I've missed you ladies. :flower:

Hi to everyone else!

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