Just swing between thinking it will be ok and thinking the worst. No reason other than previous losses. Last time everyone said it would be ok and it wasn't so it's hard to believe it this time. Very slight nausea and sore boobs. Tiredness and hungry. Nothing huge-of course am comparing it to the previous pg when I had a lot of symptoms but that was cos there were 2. So keep telling myself that. Scan on the 20th at 7wks2days. Plus am not at work cos of the school holidays so plenty of time to think and google! Step away!
Terri what a silly thing for that girl to say. Glad you weren't upset-plenty would've been.
Wish what an awful thing to deal with.x
Terri - That nurse is lucky you were so nice. I mean, I know things slip, but seriously lady?? Think about where you work! :dohh: I've had friends slip and say insensitive things but that nurse should know better!

Wish - That's so sad! You're amazing to be able to deal with those situations. And don't worry about your temp. It'll jump tomorrow for sure! I'm glad your :flasher: did the trick. :)

Nessaw - Big :hugs: to you. I hate that you have to feel so uncertain for the first chunk of the pregnancy. I'm sure things will be great!
Just swing between thinking it will be ok and thinking the worst. No reason other than previous losses. Last time everyone said it would be ok and it wasn't so it's hard to believe it this time. Very slight nausea and sore boobs. Tiredness and hungry. Nothing huge-of course am comparing it to the previous pg when I had a lot of symptoms but that was cos there were 2. So keep telling myself that. Scan on the 20th at 7wks2days. Plus am not at work cos of the school holidays so plenty of time to think and google! Step away!
Terri what a silly thing for that girl to say. Glad you weren't upset-plenty would've been.
Wish what an awful thing to deal with.x

Nessaw - my symptoms are very similar to yours too, so don't worry! I think it's just normal for the stage we're at (I should be at 6 weeks on Friday :happydance:). If it wasn't for the excruciating pain in my boobs I would have no idea I was preggers :haha:. Did you get your hcg tested yet? I went today to the doctor but there was a sign that she's away until Saturday, so I guess I'll go next week. :shrug:

:hi: Hello to everyone else!!! Hope everyone's enjoying the summer and not obsessing tooooo much over TTC and stuff. :winkwink:
Wish - I can't believe it either! Haven't felt any movement yet... but it is hard to, so early... I do look totally pregnant - probably like I was at 24 weeks for my last pg.

Terri - yay for many follies!

Sis - keeping fingers crossed!!
Sis-Congratulations on your BFP!!! I think because you tested so early is the only reason why the line was light. I have faith that it will get darker!!

Terri-Keeping my fingers crossed you get 8 eggs for retrieval. I don't know if I could have been as friendly as you were to that clueless bloodtaker. Some people really do not think before they open their mouths.

Nessaw-I know that my mom had a alot of symptoms when she was pregnant with us, but not very many when she had a singleton pregnancy. But I understand how anxious you must be!

Hi to everyone else-I was away this weekend so I had so much to catch up on.

AFM-I had my HSG and ultrasound today. OMFG it was one of the most painful things I have ever been through. I apparently have a tilted uterus which made the procedure very difficult. My body was not having the tube in me and I spasmed and kept pushing the tube out. Dr. had to redo it THREE FREAKING TIMES! I was sweating by the end trying not to cry out because anytime I made a noise the doctor wanted to stop. He was afraid of hurting me because the titled uterus makes it so much more difficult. We know for sure that my right tube is good but not sure about the left because everytime he pushed it in, my uterus went nuts like OH HELL NO WHAT IS THIS TRYING TO INVADE MY HOUSE> BE GONE!!! He did an initial look on his HD monitor and said it appears my left tube is good too but he is not sure.
Hi Ladies,

So much has happened with you all!! I have been sooo rooting for everyone of you, I come on here and stalk lots lol.

A massive congrats to you all with the BFP'S Sis I was sooo pleased for you this week, hang in there..positive thoughts :thumbup:

Terri, Erose it won't be long for yours too..:winkwink:

Wishing everyone else lots of baby dust for those BFP's and lots of nice easy labours for those getting ready for the new arrivals and plain sailing for all of you in the early stages.

Hi felcity!
You're here just in time for my meltdown.

Things are not coming along for me at all. I thought that I would trigger tomorrow, but it's not happening. The nurse called and said I'm to stay on my remaining medicine and go back to the office on Thursday. THURSDAY!! So, if I trigger Thursday, I'll have a Saturday retrieval. I just told my boss that I'd be out on Friday. Grrr.... PLUS, I just ordered more menopur on Sunday thinking that I only had one more day to be on it. The prescription was written for 5 vials, and I take 3 vials at a time, so obviously, not enough for two days. I got the meds today, so once again, not enough. Well, I paid a copay of $45 for 5 vials, when before I paid a copay of $45 for 20 or 25 vials! Now I need to order more and I'm going to have to pay ANOTHER copay. I called the nurse and told her that I want to get MORE medicine than I need if I have to keep paying copays for it. Hopefully she'll call me tomorrow morning or later tonight, although I think they may be closed, and tell me how much to order. Wasting money really makes me angry. I feel so broke already and then stupid stuff like that makes it even worse! And now I have to figure out what to cook for dinner. FML. hee hee.

So now at a minimum, retrieval on Saturday, and I'll take a few days off early next week if need be, and then another couple days for transfer/after transfer. I guess the good news is I will probably be able to ride to work early next week. Yes, that's important to me considering soon my riding days will be numbered!
Oh wow terri how frustrating. Are your eggs not maturing fast enough? or is it they want to make sure they get more eggs?

As for riding you need to move here to SoCal you can ride 365 days of the year!!! I used to ride but not anymore.
I think they are just not growing fast enough. I still have some small ones on both ovaries but they weren't there before, so I guess it's a good thing to give them time to grow, but my patience is just wearing thin with ordering all this stuff, poking myself, going in for bloodwork and ultrasounds and paying over and over again. However, I will still power through. :coffee: I even had a lunch date on Saturday and now that will have to be changed.
too bad they don't give copay discounts for multiple orders!

How long have you all spotted after the HSG? I'm spotting pretty heavily right now. I hope it stops soon. I use a Diva cup but the Dr told me only to use pads which feel so bulky after years of use a Diva cup.
Terri - I'm sorry this process is stretching out for you. It must be hard to keep sticking yourself and thinking it's gonna be over soon, then it keeps going. Ugh. Hang in there, lady. Oh and I'd be pissed about the copays too. :growlmad:

Wish - I'm super impressed with you organizing a 5K. I'm sure that's a lot of work. Oh and I wanted to tell you on my BFP chart, I had a really slow rise. Maybe that's what's happening with you?

Seattle - Low is good, except for feeling like she might fall out of you. :haha: Hopefully it'll be a quick labor. I'd bet you're dilated a bit already.

Kfs - Sorry about the BFN, but you're not out yet. I got a BFN at 12DPO and a BFP at 14DPO, so you never know.

Nessaw - Try to stay positive. I know it's hard and you've been through a lot, so I can understand you're hesitation. I hope, hope, hope this one turns out for you and it's a take home baby. You've got good vibes coming your way from me. :flower:

Sis - Darling, you hang in there too. You'll know more tomorrow with the next beta. More good vibes coming your way too.

Blues - Your HSG sounds really painful. Sorry it was like that, but maybe it's just the thing? Here's hoping... :thumbup:

Hi to Garfie, Felicity, Fezzle, VJean, Katie, ERose, Mischief, Driving, FutureMom.

AFM - We got to see the LO bopping around on the US yesterday. Pretty cool. It looks like a baby now, instead of a penguin (although that nickname has stuck. Did I tell you how DH still calls DD "robot" which was the nickname we gave her at the 8 week US? So this one's destined to be penguin, I guess). I also had to do the glucose test, drink the gross sugary drink. I had to do it early since I allegedly had GD in my first pregnancy. However, my numbers were always fine when I ate food, instead of drinking massive amounts of sugar water, so I don't know about that. Anyway, I feel good about telling everyone now... BUT I want to tell family first and since we're going to see them this weekend, we decided to tell in person, then tell everyone else after that. My mom sent me an email that they had invited a bunch of people over on the first day we get there. Sooo, I get to announce it to all of them too. I'm going to have to tell one of my aunts not to tell her daughter, who is my best friend, since I want to tell her myself. Crazy.
Blues-So sorry about my inconsideration..:hugs: I'm really sorry that your HSG was the most painful experience you have had ever, but that just means that when you do get prego, it'll be a really special baby! I hope he's right about your right (?) tube being open, and I guess we'll never know about the left (?), huh? i wonder if that would affect your IUI if you end up moving forward. I would call and ask, just for future reference.

I only spotted a few drops, but the doctor didn't have to do so much rooting around in there. I have a feeling you'll probably be spotting for a while. Get an always pad. They are thinner than most of the others, but they will still do the trick. You could also do pantiliners, but you'd have to change them more often.

Radkat-We posted at the same time. Your mom TOTALLY knows. HA!!HA!! Glad Penguin is doing great!
Blues-So sorry about my inconsideration..:hugs: I'm really sorry that your HSG was the most painful experience you have had ever, but that just means that when you do get prego, it'll be a really special baby! I hope he's right about your right (?) tube being open, and I guess we'll never know about the left (?), huh? i wonder if that would affect your IUI if you end up moving forward. I would call and ask, just for future reference.

I only spotted a few drops, but the doctor didn't have to do so much rooting around in there. I have a feeling you'll probably be spotting for a while. Get an always pad. They are thinner than most of the others, but they will still do the trick. You could also do pantiliners, but you'd have to change them more often.

Radkat-We posted at the same time. Your mom TOTALLY knows. HA!!HA!! Glad Penguin is doing great!

No worries! I didn't even think about how it affect IUI! :dohh: I'll have to add that to the list of questions I plan on bringing!

Radkat-OMG Penguin is the cutest nickname! March of the Penguins was such a great movie with the cute little baby penguins!
Terri, *hug* - I think I totally understand where you are, things that otherwise would seem pretty minor start driving you crazy suddenly. But in any case you only have about a week left!

I did not spot after my HSG at all (there was just the yucky dye on the pad) nor do I remember it being very painful. Sorry, Blues!! But, for me, they checked the shape of my uterus (which is, by the way, misshapen, but that's a whole other story) but I've heard the process sometimes helps clear out tubes and that would be painful.
Oh man, Terri, I didn't even think of that! I wonder if she's that perceptive. We'll see. I'll report back.

Blues, yeah, this poor kid is doomed. :haha: The nickname goes hand in hand with the fact that DH is passing his name down, so he kinda needs a nickname or you end up with two people in the same house with the same name, which seems confusing. But I don't know how long a boy will deal with Penguin!
Radkat so Glad everything went well w Lil ping!!! ;) DS1 nickname is Bubba given by my nieces and DS2 in Punky!!!

Blues I didn't have bleeding either and I have a tilted cervix but I had no blockage at all hope things stop soon!!! :hugs:

Terri just keeping looking for that lite at the end of the tunnel it's close !!! :)

Been having sharp pains tonite I hope it's a good pain and not a bad one :shrug:
Radkat-My lil brother is named after my father. Penguin is better than my brother's nickname! He is baby and his name. He is 30 and we still call him that!

Sis-Crossing my fingers this is good cramps not bad cramps!!!
Terri, sorry about the copay thing, that little money stuff annoys the crap out of me. Like if I buy something at the grocery store that was marked on sale and then discover later I was charged full price, that fifty cents drives me crazy! :haha: I don't know what's wrong with me. BUT I am secretly glad they're giving your future babies a little more time. Based on the size/count it seemed to me they could use a little extra baking in there, especially to give a few stragglers a chance to catch up and maybe even get more than 8. That would be well worth it in the long run, even if all your well timed plans are getting screwed up now!

Blues, so sorry to hear about how much it hurt! That sounds awful. Hope it is for a really good cause this cycle! :)

Radkat, Penguin and Robot, that's absolutely adorable! Can't wait to hear about your family's reactions to the news.

Sis, slightly darker 88€ (by the way, is this a brand I've never heard of??) and sharp pain sounds promising - better than witchy cramps for sure!!!! Now I'm getting a little bit excited for you. Trying to hold back so that I can be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed tomorrow ;) Needless to say, will be stalking for your beta results.

Baby Lillian continues to keep cozy :) I'm thinking she might be punctual rather than an early bird.

PS Every time it hurts to walk or I have to lie on my left side while (trying to) sleep, I think of you Smiles! Are you still on doctor ordered bed rest?! I really feel for you if so. Hope you're doing well!
Thanks guys. Got to keep taking it day by day I guess!
Blues I only spotted the afternoon of the hsg and they rummaged around in there for some time! Hope it does the trick.
Terri-what a pain having to reorder and rearrange things. Remember it'll be worth it! Fx
Ttc do you want lily to come early? Bet you can't wait to meet her!
Radkat glad the scan went well. Enjoy telling folks about penguin-so cute!
Sis-hoping that's lovely implantation cramping and it's settling in nicely.x
Hello to everyone. X

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