Sis, You are doing everything that you can do for this baby....and I think acupuncture is a fabulous, fabulous thing. FX tight!
Sis - Hope you're hanging in there today.

Terri - What's the word?

Katie - Congratulations again! So happy for you and that miracle baby. :)

Moni - One more day!!! :)

Copied this from the other BFP Chasers thread. :) IUI #2 completed. My RE was a bit more positive this time around. She said "some" of the sperm are motile and moving in a forward direction and then she said "It only takes one!" She also said that she wasn't surprised that I started to O because that one dominant follie was 26 mm. (I have no idea what size they're supposed to be. :shrug:) Anyway, BDing tonight and then so begins yet another looooong TWW. In the meantime, we're going to try to schedule my DHs varicocele surgery, hoping that it won't conflict with his knee surgery. Too many surgeries!
kfs, that's huge, so that's awesome! They like to see them get to at least 18mm or above. :thumbup: You have a nice plump eggie in there, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is your month! Sounds to me like the Clomid is working great for you!

Sis, I'm keeping FXd so, so tight for you!!! I'll be thinking about you!

Katie, I think I'm just noticing that you live in Nashville..? I lived there for three years prior to moving to FL, because I grew up about an hour north of there in KY. But I LOVED Nashville. I'm a total FL girl, and don't plan on leaving any time soon, but really really miss Nashville a lot, and I love going home to see my family because we always spend time there. Such a great city. :)
:grr: :grr: Franky AKA my Bigs Beast needs a new Transmission mind u we got it rebuilt last Sept!! The lady is telling me it needs a Racing transmission cuz of the big engine well WTF didn't u put that in last time?? :grr: :grr:

I dont need this right now :(

And pedialyte is to help with dehydration since I read that can effect betas!!
Sis - I agree you are doing everything you can do. FYI, if you run out of Pedialyte (or don't want to buy more - it's so expensive!), here's a recipe to make it at home. I got it from rehydrate.org. It's way cheaper and no extra ingredients. We used it when LO was sick and had diarrhea.

Preparing 1 (one) Litre solution using Salt, Sugar and Water at Home Ingredients:
•Six (6) level teaspoons of Sugar

•Half (1/2) level teaspoon of Salt

•One Litre of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.)

Preparation Method:
•Stir the mixture till the salt and sugar dissolve.

Kfs - Congrats on the massive follie! Things sound great for this month!
Sis-Oh ok...I hope that does the trick, and yeah, auto body/car workers are SOOO annoying. They just want you to spend and spend and spend. And then most of the time it still doesn't fix the problem.

Katie-Did you just add your city because I only noticed it today too. hee hee. I would've honked and waved on my way to my grandfather's house...

kfs1-Yeah for such a huge follie/egg. Even though your doctor seemed a smidge better, she could be WAY better. Glad you're in the TWW with me.

Moni-What time is your appointment tomorrow? Good luck good luck! This is it!! Just relax and let those embies do what they were "made" to do. hee hee. So excited that you'll be PUPO tomorrow. Woop woop!

AFM-I was in the dumps this morning with another temperature drop, and the fact that I have no idea that anything is happening was just making me mad/anxious. So...soon after I was complaining to the girls on the Assisted conception thread, I did feel a bit of cramping, so now there is a small ray of hope back in my brain. This process is so trying. One minute you're up, and the next you're down. I am going to be a part of a focus group at the clinic this evening and we get a gift, so I'm a little excited about that. I love gifts. hee hee. Just the fact that someone wants to give me something makes me happy, no matter what it is. Other than that, still eating my cereal, fruit, string cheese, yogurt and veggies. And now that my workday is almost over, I feel a little better too. :flower:
Glad u are feeling better Terri IDK how u do it I would have tested by now but u know me I can't stop peeing on things :haha:

Well I'm a Lil hopefully as I think my test may be a tiny bit darker IDK maybe my pee was more concentrated I don't see how w the gallons of water I drank last nite :shrug:

Posted a pic in my journal if u want to squint w me ;)
I just went and looked Sis, and I didn't even need to squint... they def look darker to me, especially that FRER. So I'm still gonna HOH for you. :)
I'm just afraid cuz she said if it fluctuates it can mean Etopic :(

I just hope I was dehydrated!!
Yes Sis for sure darker.... And for the record, I don't like those dollar store tests.... I think that's what those are, because they look very similar to ones I had. I stressed out so much over the line color changing on those tests. There's a reason that they are cheap!! But still, on the cheap test it still looks like there's a progression. Remember that's just a one day difference!

Yes, I am south if Nashville in a suburb of Brentwood. Absolutely love it here!

Kfs1--That follicle sounds really promising! So exciting!!

Moni--I can't believe tomorrow is the big day already. Have you gotten any updates on the embies or is it still no news is good news?

Terri--I swear, every person that I've ever read about on these threads who is going through the IVF process, has a point in their two week wait where they get down and feel like it may not have worked. There are so many ladies who are completely counting themselves out, and crying and pissed and even getting BFNs...and it's amazing how many if them end up pregnant after all. I still think you are in it to win it!
Sis - Definitely looks darker to me, too! Prayers and happy thoughts!!!!!

Terri - Aww man. I'm sorry about your temp drop and that you had such a bad morning. I'm glad that you're feeling better though. Hugs - the emotional ups and downs are the WORST. Hope you get a nice gift tonight!
Katie I added u to the Miracles group just click on the butterfly to go to it!! :)
Hi ladies...

Sis...sorry to hear about your beta decreasing BUT the test is darker. I've got my fingers crossed for you and big :hugs: Oh and :growlmad: about your son's truck.

Terri....sounds like mood swings to me, good sign if you ask me! Oh and let us know what the gift is, I like getting gifts too. Lol

Nessaw...great news about the scan! :happydance:

Kfs....happy your hubby got the job and hopefully the surgeries won't impact his new gig too much. And that follie sounds enormous!!!! FX for your BFP :hugs:

Moni.....good luck tomorrow.

Katie....whoo-hoo a boy!!! Congrats. :happydance:

TTC....Lillian make her appearance yet? The masseuse who gave me a prenatal massage said there is a spot right above the back of the ankle that can be massaged to help bring on labor. Maybe try that if your little girl is still refusing to vacate the premises. Lol Only other stuff I know to try is walking, sex, castor oil and spicy goods.

Wish...how you holding up with the 5K stuff?

AFM...back to reality. Lol. It was nice to get away for a couple days and relax. Had my regular ob/gyn appt today and my appt at the perinatal clinic back to back today. My dr has scheduled me for a c section on 9/5, exactly a week before my due date. There is some concern that that kid is on the bigger side. Lol. I am measuring at 39 wks and I'll be 37 wks tomorrow and according to all the measurements they've taken and complied this kid is in the 90th percentile as far as weight/bigness right now with 3 weeks left to my due date. I know I have big kids and all but geesh! :haha: He scheduled the c section but if after receiving another growth scan from the perinatal clinic if the baby hasn't blown up even bigger in 2 weeks he can cancel the c section and let me be to see if I go into labor on my own or induce me and hope I can push the baby out. My biggest baby was 8 lbs 12 oz so I know I can at least push out a kid that size. Lol. So now we wait and see. :coffee: I'm actually real afraid of having a c section. Any of you have any c section stories to share to help me get over being nervous about it? :cry:
Smiles!! So good to hear from you...And awesome that you and DH had a great time on your vacation. If that is a mood swing, I sure don't like it, but thanks for the positive attitude. The focus group turned into an individual interview, but it was great. They offered me food from Panera, and I got a Mastercard gift card for $50. I was only there an hour! Woohoo...I told the woman about my sucky anesthesiologist, and the experience about the rude nurse saying my results were negative, and finally the phlegbotomist that said 'You know the shots you take when you're pregnant.' The rest was good stuff. :haha:

My best friend had two c-sections, and she liked the planning aspect of everything. I never really asked her about how it felt and stuff like that (we were not besties for about 7 years, and then reunited). I'm sure whichever way you go will be fine, but yeah, your baby does sound quite large. Either way, you are right around the corner. Wouldn't it be crazy if you have your baby before Lillian gets here! hee hee. C'mon Lillian!!! The weather is fine. :)
Smiles I had a Csection w DS2 and Like I said B4 should have had the same w DS1!!! DS2 was 8lbs and breech so a no go for me!!

The surgery was great my Dr was awesome and my scar is tiny compared to some the worse part was them making u pass gas to go home really WTF and OMG the first BM is murder but after that it Gravy that's a bad comparison!! :rofl:
I will do it again to prevent skull bruising I had w DS1 who has a learning disability now that I always wonder what if!!
My cervix points back like Terri's so it's a issue to get baby out sometimes but usually makes labor easier!!

Sorry took my P I'm a Lil loopy

Well my nurse loves me and doesn't want me to stress she said I can come in fri Am if I want what to do what to do that means early bird to get thru traffic to get back for meet the teacher but sleep in a Lil on Sat!!
I havent been sleeping much anyway I guess :shrug:

What do u think ladies??
Smiles great to hear from you! I would take a csection any day over vaginal delivery. Any day. Never had one but still would prefer it. Skip all the contractions and feel no pain during it, baby is out lickety split and you can be well rested the day they are born. And not being scared to pee. Although it sounds like pooping is still an issue, per Sis. I hear recovery is painful but not having to wear pads and spray your vag with warm water every time you go potty for weeks....ugh! Lord, please give me a c-section now that I'm thinking of it!!

Sis, go tomorrow. I would go tomorrow!
I think I'm gonna just get up early and go even though traffic is horrid early I would rather know a day earlier!!

Better go get in the bed instead of watching 16 Candles my all time fav man thats will power the things I do for this baby drink gallons of water and get poked Every other day hope it pays off in the end :)
Terri....that sounds fabulous! I love Panera! The broccoli cheddar soup and Fuji apple chicken salad are my favorite. Lol. Glad you got a chance to voice your opinion about the things that annoyed you. Guess they'll have something to talk to those ppl about come review time.

Sis....I would go today, the sooner the better. For me personally waiting a day feels like a week especially when you're worried. Also, thanks for your input on the c section.

Katie.....I know what you mean about the warm water thing after giving birth vaginally. Lol. I just think the thought of it being major survey scares me, also the recovery time is longer. A plus would be they could tie my tubes right then and there. We've decided this is it for us, especially with this being number 5 in total. Plus emotionally and physically I don't think I could do another pregnancy. :nope: I definitely have a lot to think about. This is where I usually make a list of pros and cons and go from there. I know a lady who did all 3 of her deliveries via c section and swears by them. I also know ppl who have had them and wished they could have delivered vaginally because of the recovery period. Decisions, decisions. :shrug:

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