GL Momof3!!!!

Terri it really does Sux big hairy booboos!!! :nope:I started having brown discharge after our last day of summer pool side so I'm sure Tom will be worse but I will be closer to that sticky bean!! ;) hey at least u have a nice Tan just wish I didn't gain 7lbs I always bloat so bad when having a miscarriage :nope:

I will start my youth serum as I think it helped me get a fast BFP last time as soon as my numbers come back I've been researching that it helps egg quality but it's not FDA Approved Shh!!

Also I asked Confuzion for a Siggy for us Oldies hope she comes thru again ;)
Terri....I refuse to say I'm sorry until it's a definite on the BFN...when AF shows. I've still got my fingers crossed for you.

Moni....a 20% chance may seem low but it's still a chance so I've got my FX and positive vibes going out for you

Sis....so sorry you're feeling depressed but it's understandable. I really hope you're able to get answers as to why :hugs:

Wish....screw the complainers! Everyone is a critic until they're the ones who have to do something. Hope you get a chance to baby dance this cycle with everything going on and sorry about your DH's dickish boss. I had a boss who was a total ass years ago and he was allergic to hazelnut. He called a meeting with me and right before I went to the meeting I went to the cafe to get a cup of hazelnut coffee....black! And I don't even drink coffee. Well while he was talking and being an ass I opened the coffee and just started to blow it like I was cooling it off which blew the aroma right in his direction! After a couple minutes he started coughing and then asked " is that hazelnut?" I said "'yes...yes it is". He said " oh...I'm severely allergic to hazelnut, i can feel my throat tightening" I said " oh I had no idea, do you want to meet another time since my coffee is bothering you?" Needless to say the meeting was over and from that point on I kept a cup if hazelnut coffee at my desk that I never drank :haha: I found out he was allergic through another co-worker who found out in passing through a convo with him. I'm terrible I know. Lol.
Smiles-That story is hilarious! He must have been severely allergic, but that is so funny that you did that. I love that you were ready with your response too. HA!!HA!!

Wish-You never know...maybe you won't ovulate too too early and you can get home just in time. fxfx

Sis-Sorry for the bloat, but yes, every day is one day closer. I feel the same way as you do. Don't forget to call the new doctor today. There may be a waiting list or something. And a nice signature picture for us would be fun. I'm supposed to have a busy day at work so not sure how much I can play today. Boooo....have a great one, all. <3
I'm going to be busy today too!!! First Day of school then to get my dropping beta :( what's the point really!!! :nope:

Oh and my FF doesn't look like that Terri I guess cuz I'm on a App :shrug: hopefully I can figure it out!

Happy Monday All!!!
Sis-You might have to do it from your computer. *shrug* I know you'll be able to figure it out.
Moni - I'm still HOH for you but I'm sorry that things didn't go exactly as you planned. I really hope that little bean is a fighter and that you get your BFP this month!!! You, Terri, and eRose are all so amazing for going through the IVF process in the first place. You all HAVE to get your BFPs!!! It's just not fair.

Sis - I'm still so, so sad for you but good for you for being proactive about testing and switching doctors. You obviously are able to get pregnant but there has to be something more to the story that's causing the early miscarriages. Anyway, biiiiig hugs from me.

Blues - Booo. I hope that temp shoots back up again for you.

Mischief - Your chart's looking fan-freakintabulous. How are you feeling? Are you going to hold off until your beta or will yoy POAS? No pressure from me though! :)

Wish - So happy that the 5K is over and it was a success. I'm sorry that it was foggy. Also, don't worry about those women - people can be such complainers - I mean, a shirt's a shirt! I hope you're able to make it home to get at least one BD session in on time. I'm sorry that your DHs boss is a d*ck. That really sucks!!!

Momof3 - Happy to hear that you made it through your shot OK!! I am SUCH a baby when it comes to that stuff. I made my husband do the trigger my last IUI and I was a complete lunatic - screaming, laughing, and crying all at the same time. But once he finally pierced my skin, it seriously did not hurt me AT ALL. Woohoo - one more day until your IUI! :)

To answer your question about my DHs numbers, he has known motility issues, which his urologist thinks are caused by a varicocele. But as far as this past IUI, my RE doesn't actually measure the counts (it's a really small office) but she said the number seemed to improve - her exact words were "plenty of sperm" and that some of them were moving fast in a forward direction. So, it's definitely an improvement from the last IUI. He's been taking Fertilaid so I wonder if that has had any effect...? Who knows.

Terri - I see that your temps are back up a bit again. Man - I hope that you get some good results on Wednesday!!!

Smiles - Love that story about your old boss! Too funny.

Nothing new on the TTC front to report. Just bored in my TWW. I'm only working 3 days this week which is nice. Taking 1 day off to help my DH set up his new classroom and another day for his knee surgery. My friend's having a BBQ this weekend and a lot of friends are going who I haven't seen in a while so I'm super-excited about that. It's crazy how time goes so fast as you get older - I feel like I never see anyone anymore!
Moni-I think this one embie will surprise you. Are you taking progesterone shots/suppositories? Are you going to test at home? Oh, I meant to tell you that I still have to go in to get bloodwork on Wednesday.

Thanks everyone!!

Terri - yes I am on the progesterone shots - 1.5 inch needle into my butt - they seem to be getting worse as I continue to do them - I am guessing the area is getting extra sensitive. This morning just after hubby stuck me - our cat decided he wanted some attention and tried to jump up to the table I was leaning on - missed and grabbed into my other thigh - hubby didn't miss a beat! The pain from the cat claws overpowered the shot today - but I don't think I want a repeat performance. :haha:

Since I am waiting until Tues to go in for the beta, I am going to test at home on Monday - it is hubby's twin brothers and his nieces' bday - so I am hoping that gives us some positive vibes. I figure since my embie is already a late bloomer I shouldn't test earlier than that.

I wasn't supposed to come on today until I got a lot of work done - I "worked from home" a few days last week and needless to say I have a a lot of catching up to do! See you all tomorrow (maybe!) :dohh:
Wish - I'm glad your race is over and it sounds like it was a success, despite some complainers. There are always complainers. People get so worked up about the race shirt. It's like that's why they do the race is to wear the shirt after to show off or something. :haha: Hope O holds off and you can get a BD session in. Fx.

Momof3 - Great job on getting through the trigger. I hope it pays off!

Terri - I know this is a really hard time, but I think it's great that you're ready to move on to the next round. Nothing worth having comes easily (despite those 25 year olds getting pregnant every time they look at a guy.)

Sis - I'm intrigued by your youth serum. I have this image of you going to a back alley apothecary or something. Do tell!

Smiles - I love your story about your crappy boss. I'll bet people were so happy you brought that coffee. I'll bet he wasn't that allergic, just was a bit dramatic.

Kfs - I'm glad that DH's numbers were better. That's definitely good news. Your chart looks lovely, BTW. Have fun at your BBQ this weekend.

Moni - Your date for testing sounds like a good sign. I'm a big fan of positive vibes. We'll all be sending some your way.:thumbup:

Count me in on the busy work week. Finish evaluations and doing 10 hours of training that's do by Friday. Ugh.
Well my HCG is down to 52 so it won't be long now :cry:

On a brighter note I fixed my chart so click away!! ;)
Hi all- I've missed you! I've missed so much, I don't know when I'll catch up, but I've taken this week off work (and the following week) for the move, so hopefully I'll have some BnB breaks in between packing. I was teaching on a 3 week long online project too which ended Fri, so hopefully I'll feel like I have some more free time now.

I had to pop in and see if terri had tested yet- sorry about the BFN!

Sorry about your news too, Sis,

Good luck to everyone else- I'll try to catch up more tomorrow! We've been in Edinburgh for the weekend and up late every night the past few nights so I'm probably going to bed soon. I'm just waiting to ovulate and it will probably still be another week or so. I'm hoping we'll get the referral soon and this will be my last natural cycle. We started BDing this morning though- on my friend's floor since we were staying in her guest room on an air bed!
Oh Sis...I hate that your hcg has dropped so much. This is the worst. :hugs:

Fezzle-Good to see you! We're not going anywhere, so catch up when you can.

AFM-Just laying low tonight. Had a long day at work and then went out for wings with a coworker, then I came home and watched the Os win 9-1. Go Orioles!! And soon I have to start figuring out my fantasy draft. Lots going on this week.
Sis - I'm so sorry for the HCG drop. :hugs: I only hope things move fast for you so you can get started with that new doctor!!

Terri - Wait - is your appt today or tomorrow for your bloods? I'm still HOH for you. Love you lady.

Rad - 15 weeks! How have you been feeling?

Fezzle - Good for you for BDing on your friend's floor! Anything to get that BDing in, right??? :) :thumbup:

Nothing to report. I'm just a ball of boring this week. :)
HA!!HA!! kfs1@ ball of boring. That's how I felt last week, and this week too, now that the party is over the BFNs have been had..hee hee. There's just not a lot going on.

I did email the nurse and doctor asking what the next step is, but I didn't want to be all debbie downer to them. Maybe they have high hopes for me, maybe not, but my Type A personality makes me want to KNOW what's next and what I need to do should I find out bad news tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be dreading it though, I just know it. I'm definitely giving them my cell phone #, and if they call my work I'm not answering (even if I am at my desk).

That's the latest. I hope everyone is enjoying their last week or two of summer. :) Make the most of it!
Oh sis, I'm sorry about the beta yesterday. Huge :hugs:!

Terri ~ Yay, Orioles! Ya know, my dad was the Project Manager for Camden Yards while it was being built. We even went to the very first game, April 6, 1992. I was in the 9th grade, and it was a school day, but my parents let us skip school to support dad. lol I grew up/lived in Ft. Washington, MD for 12 years.

Well, IUI is done and went well! Now it's just wait. We had 3.8 million active, moving sperm post-wash. Seems really low to me, but the Dr was very positive about it and said that they like to see anywhere between 3-10 mil post-wash, and we had near 4 mil. He seemed to think it was a good amount. They had me slightly lean to my left side afterwards since that's the side with the one big follie I had on Saturday. They told me to test on September 9th. After it dawned on me what the date was, I started tearing up a little. This September 9th it'll be 15 years ago when I met DH and he asked me out on our first date. :flower:
Terri, I’m sorry you are feeling down, but I refuse to give up on you yet! I’m like you though….I’d much rather be prepared for the bad news. I’m curious to know what y’alls next step will be. I hate that you don’t have any frozen embies, but if anyone is capable of going thru it all again, it’s you!

Sis, I’m not going to be sad for you that your HCG is dropping….that makes you one day closer to your sticky baby! I do hate that you are going thru this, and I want so much for this to work out for you!

Momof3, Yay! Take it easy today and let those :spermy: find their prize!

Kfs1, I’m getting excited for you as your test day gets closer! Are you an early tester?

Radkat, Nice to hear from you! 15 week already?!? Are you feeling the baby yet?

TCC, Lillian is beautiful! Makes me anxious for my little one!

Moni, Sorry the transfer didn’t go as planned… I hope that one baby is a strong one! Don’t give up hope yet!

Blues, hope you get good news at your appointment today!

Wish, glad you survived your race, and don’t even pay any attention to those complainers! Some people just aren’t happy if they don’t have anything to complain about! Hope you got your BD’ing in!

Mischief, your chart is looking good! When are you going to test?

Thanks for all the support with my MIL….I’m glad to know I’m not the only one!

According to her, I am “particular”, because I don’t agree with some of the things she does. I tried to bite my tongue, but when my child was in danger I had to step in. Then she argued with me over everything I said regarding Haddie. Here are a few examples….feel free to tell me if I am over reacting!! (hormones tend to make things seem worse than they are! ) :haha:

- She was teaching Haddie how to slide down a stair rail in the shopping area, granted, it was 3 feet off the ground right where she was standing. I asked her to please stop showing her how to slide down the rail, to which my MIL replies that Haddie can’t get up there by herself. So I had to point out that the stone wall I was sitting on was 2 feet tall, and Haddie could easily get on the railing. On the other side of the railing was a 6 foot drop! My 1 year old can’t tell the difference between a “safe” railing and an “unsafe” railing!

- We took Haddie horseback riding and my MIL was letting her swing on the corral gates that were only held closed by a loose rope knot. My DH asked her to please don’t let Haddie swing the gates, because she could easily fit thru them (into a corral with 30 horses!). My MIL said he can’t hurt it, so I told her that she can fit thru the opening, but aside from that it is just rude to let your child do that to someone else’s property. She got pissed and said that we must think she is a terrible parent and it’s surprising that her kids survived. Whatever.

There were multiple instances like these!

I can’t stand her “kitchen” habits. She cooks/prepared everything with her hands, even when you don’t need to, and constantly eats off the utinsles when she is cooking. It just grosses me out… but this really annoyed me:

- After dinner she was loading the dishwasher, and I had brought plastic toddler dishes for Haddie. I noticed that MIL was washing Haddie’s dishes (a bowl and a fork) with a bathroom wash cloth that had been in the sink for 4 days! I asked her to please put Haddie’s dishes in the dishwasher, if she didn’t mind. She said “why, I just washed them by hand”. I said thanks for doing that, but I like them to go in the dishwasher. She said “well, I’m already done washing them”. So I said “nevermind, I’ll take care of them”. So she flung open the dishwasher and threw Haddie’s dishes inside.

So this is the lady that is supposed to come stay for 2 weeks and “help” me when the baby is born? No thanks! Most of the time, aside from the horse corral instance, she never did anything in front of my DH…..until the last day!

We got up that morning and put on nice clothes and went to a private beach to take pictures. We got shots of every one with Haddie and then Haddie by herself. Then we went back to condo and changed into play/relaxing clothes to head to the beach by our condo. Haddie played in the lake until she got cold. It was time for me to eat a snack to keep my blood sugar under control, so I sat on a towel and cuddled Haddie and ate. My MIL walks over with a camera and I asked her nicely to please don’t take my pic right now. There is nothing worse than people snapping pics of you while you are shoveling food in your face :haha:. She said “no one ever asks me if they can take my picture”. I again, said, seriously, please don’t take my picture right now. I just want to warm Haddie up and eat a snack. She mumbled something under her breath and continued to try and take my picture. So I got pissed, sat Haddie down on the towel and called DH over to come deal with her. MIL got pissy and said “Maybe I should go delete all the years of pictures of me that I didn’t want taken!”, then she stomped off…no idea where she went. When we got back to the condo she wasn’t back there yet. Who acts like that thou? So frickin’ childish.

I HAVE to figure out a way to keep this lady from coming to my house. She has no respect for our parenting choices for Haddie and just overall pisses me off. :rofl:

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!
Wow, VJean, I am sorry! No, you don't need her to come over... All of that would drive me totally crazy.

Glad my MIL is super neat and careful. Wish my mom were more sometimes, she'll take great care of the kid but the place is a mess afterwards :)
:howdy: friends

Vjean- I totally get what you mean... my MIL lives two hours away and not involved at all with us (my brother n law has 5 kids but my DH none so she spends all her time with those grandkids) but my mom is close and sometimes her habits drive me batty!!! (and drive my husband batty) but her heart is in the right place - I guess that is what I would ask myself in your situation...I hope your Dh is supporting you - lack of support hurts worse than the MIL... :hugs2:
your vacation sounds lovely though!!!

Momof3 - your IUI sounds great!!! here's hoping for a sticky bean this go around!!! :flower:

Fezzle - love the Bd action on the air mattress!!! my Dh and I spent the last two months on an air mattress while he built our new bed!! whatever works!!!:haha:

kfs- twinnie sorry you are a ball of boring this week!!! but here's to next week when you will be predictibly preggo!!!! :haha:

terri - tomorrow is THE day... FX FX that you get SURprised!!! BFP BFP BFP!!! and if not - ON to the next step...plus you are getting closer to meeting the adoption criteria!!! so much excitement for the future for you!!! :hugs2:

Sis - :cry: im sorry about your dropping HCG...ugh... I WISH it wasn't so... I still believe that a little girl will be yours to have and hold !! :hugs:

:hi: to all you other ladies out there!! Happy Tuesday to you!!

AFM: I made it home a day early - unfortunately it wasn't for a good reason - we had another Soldier killed in a car accident - that is 3 deaths for August... :nope: ugh... its so taxing... not to mention I have to deal with retiree deaths (had one first thing this morning too)
my temp this morning was POST O - I wish I would've took my temp yesterday morning - but I got woke up by drunks coming back to their room at 2 am and was up for hours - so I skipped my temp... now I don't know if our one :sex: session last night even had a chance...
oh well... I can begin planning my next cycle and see what I can do to postpone O and have a spot free LP... and turn water into wine... hahahaha just kidding...

AND my friend who got pregnant the first month they tried for their 2nd (i went to diaper party couple saturday's ago) had her baby boy today... i also found out another girl I work with is pg... trying to be happy for everyone else in the world here!:haha:

Happy Tuesday everyone!!:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Fezzle - I second (third?) the kudos of BD on the air mattress at your friends'. You do what you gotta do. This LO was conceived on a couch at a hotel, so crazier things have happened. :haha:

Terri - Hang in there tomorrow. Of course, we're all hoping for a surprise, but I would be the same way of wanting to know what's the next step. I'm sending some calm and comfort vibes your way for tomorrow.

Kfs - I'm feeling pretty good, except for some heartburn, of which I had NONE with DD so this is new for me. Overall, feeling good. Thanks for asking. Sorry for the ball of boring this week.

Momof3 - Glad the IUI went well. I like that they were angling you towards the big follie. Very sweet about testing on an anniversary date of sorts. That sounds like good luck to me.

VJean - Yeah that MIL is too much. I wouldn't want her around during/right after the birth either. Can DH take care of it for you? Are you going to have your parents in or anything like that? Maybe your story can be that you just want it to be your immediate family at first. Then have your family in first. Maybe by then you can deal with MIL a little better. Assign her to go shopping or do dishes or whatever is least annoying to you. Ugh, what a pain. Oh and no real movement yet. I've felt something here and there, but it's hard to distinguish from digestion.

Wish - You have a really hard job. I'm hoping your BD session was in time. You never know. Sorry you're having to deal with everyone falling pregnant around you. That's never easy. I think the water into wine plan is good. :hugs:
Vjean I understand where u r coming from my MIL gets to me sometimes too but all and all I'm sure she means well!!

Wish I hope u caught that eggy !

Terri hope U get the surprise of a lifetime Tom!!

AfM I haven't taken any P for days and I'm not spotting or anything I had a few cramps yesterday and today but Notta I thought for sure I would be bleeding by now this is strange!!
I'm starting to wonder if my spotting a week ago was the MC :shrug:

Still haven't heard from the new Dr I sent a Email Sunday nite I guess maybe I will call Tom if I still haven't heard from them!!

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