Momof3-I'm so happy you had great numbers and they had you lean to the left. I hope that sperm can catch that egg! That would be so amazing, and so exciting, and kind of random too because it took you a long time to get to this point, but it won't matter in two weeks when you get your :bfp: Woop woop. Be prepared for some bloating. I was bloated like crazy after my IUIs. It was kind of gross. hee hee. I did not get to go to the Camden Yards opening day. My mom pretty much raised us (dad was military) and while her dad was a huge baseball fan, my mom wasn't, and there was NO WAY we were getting out of school to watch baseball. I wish I had gone..it would've been a lot of fun and a good memory.

VJean-Yes, I totally agree with you that MIL is not allowed to come over for the birth. I hate when I see people eating off the utensils and putting them back in the pot to continue stirring. It's bad hygiene. And it sounds like she is pretty rough and tumble. Sliding down the railing and swinging on a horse corral gate? Who does that and who lets their grandkid do that? You have to find a way. If you must bring out the waterworks, please do so. You'll thank me later. hee hee.

Radkat-Glad all is going well. I'm sure it's movement you're feeling other than digestion. How fun! How is your packing/moving stuff coming along? Any updates on that topic?

Sis-Your body is just tripping me out. What is going on??? *sigh*

Mischief-YEAH! When are you going to test? hee hee.

I hope I get the surprise of a lifetime too, but I'm telling you girls, I just feel a sense of calm. My appointment is at 6:45, so I'll be at work at regular time (not that it really matters). The nurse emailed me back saying that if I do hear bad news, when AF shows up, it's time to start BCP again for two weeks. She didn't mention a consultation or anything. I may have to ask her about that and see if they want to change anything or do anything different. I would like to hear why they think it may have failed. Just for information purposes. I don't want to keep repeating the same thing with the same result, AND I will ask about Lupron tomorrow too. That's what ERose used instead of BCP.
Also Terri I'm not sure they do it but ask about HGH for egg quality some Drs will give it to ladies w recurrent MC cuz they feel it's Egg quality related!!! ;)

AFM I feel totally nothing just tired and a Lil depressed and ovary pain if thats possible :nope: so IDK WTH is going on :shrug:

I called my nurse cuz I find it strange I'm not bleeding and she agrees so my Dr wants me to come in for an U/S Really now?? It's a Lil late for that but I agreed to go Thur for a scan for my healths sake and to pick up my Records ;)
Terri, I'm praying hard for your results tomorrow!

Sis, I sure hope you get some answers soon!

I so wish I could catch up with everyone but I'm crazy busy! Soon!!! First day of school was yesterday. I have the sweetest class - but so much to do! It's only Tuesday and I'm exhausted!!!

I can't test yet because I had the booster HCG shot last week. I didn't test it out this time and so I'm afraid I'll get a false positive. My official test day is Friday (15 days after IUI) but I know I'm going to test on Thursday... :p

Good luck and hugs to all!
Momof3 - happy to hear that your IUI went well. Hope you don't get too much bloat but like Terri, I definitely had bloating too. Hope these 2 weeks go fast for you!

Sis - sigh. I hope your body starts to cooperate soon. Are you having the scan with the new doctor or your old one?

Wish - that's so sad about all of those soldiers. Hope you're doing ok. :( Do you think you'll get some BDing in?

Rad - boooo for heartburn. No fun.

Mischief - that's awesome that you have a great class this year. I totally understand how stressed you must be. My DH is a ball of stress and school hasn't even started yet.

Terri - can't wait to hear from you!

Hi everyone else!

Dudes - look at my flat temps. I've never had a chart like this. What gives???
My scan will be w the old Dr as the new one has even emailed or called me back :shrug:

My temps are still up so maybe I still have P in my body :shrug:

Mischief GL w School I know my Lil one is already counting down for the weekend :haha: mainly cuz he likes to sleep in but a new school I'm sure is a Lil hard!! ;)

Kfs1 hope the flat temps is a good sign I'm queen of the flatlands so welcome!! :haha:

Terri GL FX FX!!!

Well my BIG drive his truck today so now I worry until he gets there but at least he can drive home ;)

Happy Hump day Everyone!!!
The tech asked me if I cheated, and I said 'yes on Sunday, the wait is soooo long.' She said "Well, you never know. If it's positive, I'll see you on Friday." I thought that was pretty nice of her. hee hee. I will be enjoying my holiday either way..no plans, except membership secretary stuff. I did beg hubs to let us get another foster dog, so we'll see what he says. I did not test again this morning. I didn't want to see white today.

Sis-At least someone is going to see you, but yes, it is a little late for that.

kfs1-oooh, something different! Maybe this is a sign! :happydance:

Mischief-ok...tomorrow is Thursday so I can wait one more day. fxfx :dust:

Time to start my day, chicas. Have a great one.
Vjean ~ Oh my goodness! I can't believe your MIL. I'd feel the same way as you do about it all. :hugs: I wouldn't want her around when the baby comes either.

Wish ~ Sorry about all the deaths recently that you've had to deal with. And I hear ya on everyone else getting pg, and having to be happy for them when you just want to cry. :hugs:

Rad ~ I can't believe you are 15 weeks now. Wow!

Terri ~ I agree, it would be nice to know if they had any ideas as to why it failed, if that is the case. If you do go for a 2nd round of IVF, I hope the next one works out. BUT, I'm still hoping that maybe there will be a miracle and you are indeed pg after all from the first!

Mischief ~ I'm glad you got a sweet class this year! What grade do you teach again? I taught 5th grade before I ever became a mother, years ago. I believe they are all grown up and done with college about now! They were so much fun, and I loved teaching 5th. I had wanted younger grades, but 5th was the only spot open needing a teacher. Ended up loving 5th! FX that this IUI worked and you'll have fantastic news in a few days. :thumbup:

kfs ~ You must have steady P, would be my guess.

Sis ~ :hugs::hugs::hugs: GL with the scan, hope they figure out whatever it is they are looking for.
Sis - thinking of you and hoping the scan hopes figure this stuff out :hugs2:

kfs - yep you are in the flatlands... are you taking P? I am assuming yes... well I am believing for a snuggly bean for you!!! :flower: and Terri is right - sometimes different is GOOD!!!

Mischief - I am so glad you like your class... I thought about being a teacher but I am just not good at organization - by the middle of the year we would just be doing recess!!! hahahaha

terry - you know I am thinking of you and hoping hoping hoping!!! :hugs2:

:hi: to the rest of you lovelies!!!

AFM: by my temps I have definately O'd... just have no idea whether it was Sunday or Monday... i just wish I didn't o so dang early!!! We had one bd session Monday night - i don't have hope for this cycle... I really need to figure out what supplements I will take next time... I am going to start my over the counter progesterone cream tomorrow... I sure hope it helps keep the spotting away...

Hey Ho its Wednesday!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!:happydance:
Just wanted to post a quick update. My dr us referring me to ab RE and is making the recommendation that I redo the HSG with medication to prevent thw spasming bc it was inconclusive last time. But mt uterus and overues and numbers are amazing according to her. She believes I do not have a tubal blockage buts wants to nake sure. However I learned that dh has 1% morphology but his count is 89 million and is motility us excellent. Im kind of in shock as he is only 33. So I guess my only option is ivf :(
Blues - your only option is NOT just IVF!!! my husband had 0% morphology and our fertility urologist said as long as count and motility were good he doesn't worry about morphology - remember they are only looking at 100 sperm and the criteria is so strict on morphology that 4% is normal!!!!
don't get discouraged!!!!!! going to an RE is great - that will help - but do not think that your ony choice is IVF because of morphology - that simply isn't true!!!
hang in there lady!!!
Blues-I was going to say the same thing as Wish. You do have other options. Everyone always pushes IVF like it's the savior, but after doing it, it's really not all it's cracked up to be. I mean, it does help a lot of people, but it's not the immediate and only answer.

And on that note...I bet you guys can guess what happened when I got the call. My doctor did actually call me and he was surprised that my results were negative because he said my embryos were great. He said that he was happy that I want to try again :dohh:, and he will give me more medicine in the beginning. We'll get to the specifics when I call them and tell them that AF is here, but he likes the medicine that I took and I responded well. Onwards and upwards, but it still sucks.
:hugs2: Terri - I know you knew...but it sucks to get the official word... I am happy that your doctor called you himself...you don't get that very often in my world... I hope you will treat yourself tonight (or/and the weekend) and I hope AF is nice to you...
HOH that you will be PG before your anniversary!!! :flower:
Blues - With the IUI they wash the sample and that helps take care of the morphology issue - if that is the only problem - you have a good chance with the IUIs!

Sorry Terri - enjoy your weekend!
Terri ~ I'm so sorry. :hugs: :hugs:

Blues ~ I also agree with wish, terri, and moni. IVF isn't your only option. If it was, my RE would have sent ME straight to IVF. But, he didn't. He's trying IUI first a few times, and suggested IUI again yesterday if for some reason this cycle doesn't work out. All aspects of my DH's sperm were bad: morph, count, motility, how fast they move. Your DH's sperm sound a lot better than my DH. I'd think you'd be a good candidate for IUI working. My RE even said that if at the first IUI his sperm didn't look good after washing, it may be just the one, but instead we'll do another if this one fails. I also had DH take some male fertility vitamins. :winkwink: He finally agreed, and his boys were good enough for my IUI yesterday. So, don't give up hope.
Sorry, terri! It sounds like you have a good chance next time though- Fx!
Terri - I'm sorry for the official BFN. It sucks even though you pretty much knew. Nice that your dr called. :hugs: Talk it easy this weekend, or blow it out. Whatever seems better to you.:winkwink: We actually aren't moving until next year, probably May 2015. I'm using my agency for the maternity leave, then cutting out. Kinda feel bad about that, but it is what it is.

Sis - Let us know what the US says.

Mischief - Tomorrow's testing day?! Yay!

Kfs - Hmmm to the flat temps. I'm on board with different is good.

Wish - I used the OTC prog cream as well. It's supposed to be good for spotting.

Blues - Don't get discouraged. Morphology always seems to be low. Have you even done an IUI yet? I would definitely do that before IVF.

Momof3 - Yeah, I can't believe I'm 15 weeks either. The first 8 weeks dragged, but the rest has gone pretty quickly, esp since we starting telling people.
Terri Sorry for the Official BFN :hugs:

Blues I would agree w the same vitamins work on sperm and if your DH is willing to take em get em and IUI will help too!!!

Momof3 that's probably why u have girls sperm issues usually lean more pink that's why my DH Uroligist was shocked we had boys!! ;)

AFM still notta no cramping or Bleeding :nope: I feel bloated and sore but thats it ... Oh and my right Ovary is aching pretty bad:shrug:

Guess we will see what Tom brings !!
Thanks everyone. Yeah, the official BFN wasn't as bad because I felt it already. I would have been SUPER happy if he said 'Congrats!' but that didn't happen. I called my sisters on 3-way and told them that it was negative and I told them that I didn't think it would be positive because I just didn't feel ANYTHING. My sister (the one thats prego with her 4th, and kind of spacey, YET an oral surgeon), said 'You wouldn't feel anything at this point.' I said 'You wouldn't know because you were always surprised. When you're paying attention, you would probably know.' Then she just said 'oh.' HA!!HA!! I'm mean to her sometimes, unfairly, but she always acts like she knows SO much, when really, she's still my younger sister and will always dumber than me. :rofl:

I tried to load a picture of Lexi, my newest foster pup, but my file is too large. Stupid iPhone. She is 3 months old and she has already peed and pooped IN THE HOUSE, so now i feel like I have a child. She has finally stopped being excited and is just chilling out/sleeping, so I'm happy. hee hee. Ok Success! They say she's collie/terrier mix, but they just make up any old thing. She's 8 pounds. SO SMALL.


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Hi ladies! I have so much to read and catch up on but will be on the road the next few days and can respond in full when I have car time. Haven't even read the last few pages of the thread yet cuz it moved so quick. Be back mañana. <3
Terri - I'm so sorry for the official BFN. :( I'm happy that you weren't devastated but it still stinks. Hugs coming from over here. Go snuggle that adorable new foster pup.

Hi everyone else. I'm pooped - will catch up tomorrow.

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