Hi Ladies,
Dang, so much to catch up on and going on, unfortunately not all happy stuff, which just bites. I have to be honest, part of the reason I stalk more and don't keep up with replying as much is due to "Breaking Bad." My DH and I are watching all the seasons on Netflix and it's become a bit of an obsession....so we go to bed early (instead of playing on our phones) and watch BB in bed.

Sis, I'm so sorry, but thankfully the m/c was over quickly and you aren't sitting around wtg for it. Seriously, that's the worst part. Very glad you are open to getting to a different doctor that can help you with recurrent miscarriages. This needs to be investigated further. And YAYS for DH being back on the TTC train!

Terri--WTH?! Im just kinda irritated that you aren't pregnant. I'm sure that's an understatement on your part! But I don't get it.... I don't think there was anyone on here that didn't think this IVF would be successful for you the first time. Everything looked so good it's just maddening!!! So, you are going to try to go straight to a second IVF? I'm so glad you have the resources to do it a second time, but damn. Big HUGS to you, too. And side note: I'm lmao at the pic you posted of the pup in the cone. That's not the dog they are saying is a collie/terrier mix is it? That dog definitely has some pitbull (although that's in the terrier breed)....but having worked in the pet industry for years, I know since there can be a bad stigma sometimes towards pits, the shelters will never say that. The look on Lexi's face is priceless!

Moni--The suspense! The suspense! I know you may be feeling a little "meh" about this cycle but like somebody else said, 20% still has you in the game and therefore, we continue to think positively and HOH for a baby. :)

Momof3--Sounds like the IUI went well and that would be so sweet and sentimental if you got the BFP on that special day. FX!

Wish--Hoorah, the race is over! Now. When are you volunteering to organize the next one? Lol. Ooh I hope you made the BD timeline! You don't use Opks? And btw, it sucks being happy for everyone else. It's your turn.

Mischief--I'm sorry about your class getting split. It's such a blessing when you have a good class and to see some of them going elsewhere must stink. What grade do you teach again? And I'm sorry to just read you got a bfn. I've heard those IC can be pure evil. Are you doing another IUI if this one truly didn't work?

TTC--Oh my word, Lillian looks a bit like my DD when she was born so it's making me a bit extra weepy I suppose! Congrats, congrats, congrats!!

Vjean--Oh no, no, no. How in the world did the topic even arise for MIL to come and stay with you for two weeks after the baby is born? You shouldn't stress about this. She sounds like a pain in the ass and doesn't appear to care what you think anyway, so I wouldn't care what she thinks. Bye Felicia! (Sorry my tolerance for people is diminishing each day).

Fezzle--BD on the floor? Oh my! Both me and my husband would require a chiropractor if we tried those stunts now. You are committed, guurl! And I freaking love your uterus ticker. Hope it's not anything bad on the GP call. Are all these restrictions and requirements due to the NHS or is this a private practice? Congrats on the house!

Radkat--Ah yes. Heartburn. I am familiar. Heard milk/calcium is terrible for it and Tums aren't a great solution because they contain calcium and they provide relief temporarily but once the calcium sinks in, then it makes it worse. Just glad to see your pregnancy still ticking along!

Blues--I'm sorry you got surprising news about your hubby's morphology, but it sounds like the other ladies are saying that with IUI, it isn't a huge issue. And jump on that IVF test study if you are ready to go that route. Wow! That is cheap!!!

Driving--Take a deep breath....the scan is going to be fine! And you get to see munchkin moving around in there which is sooo fun. After that appt you should feel much more relaxed that baby is doing fine and things are developing normally.

Kfs--Still a ball of boring? What's going on with you?!

Smiles--I'd be in a tizzy, too, if I were you. But. You have a full week before the baby is coming and you can get the DH working on cleaning up his work zone and assembling baby apparatus while you create a list of possible names. It always comes together in the end....and if it doesn't, you realize it didn't matter much anyway.

That's the best I can do for now. :) We are in the car heading to Florida for a beach vacation (wahoozie!), but my husband wants me to look up theories on a "Breaking Bad" episode we watched last night that we can't figure out why a certain scene happened the way it did. Much <3 !
Katie-You are too funny; apologizing for dissing us for Breaking Bad. Well, I never! HA!!HA!! Thanks for the laugh about Lexi as well. Yeah, she definitely has pit bull in her, and yes, that is a terrier, so they probably just threw in Collie to mix it up. I adopted a lab mix in 2001, and I'm pretty sure she was border collie/chow, so not sure how they got lab mix, but everyone loves labs. hee hee. Whatever it takes to move these pups out of the shelter to good homes.

As far as the IVF, thanks. If everything were easy for me, I would have never met you guys, so it is what it is. There must be a reason, and I may or may not know what it is, but I'm willing to try again. I did look up the IVY study that Blues posted, and it's so random..my fertility clinic is part of that group, but the center is based out of Rockville which is quite a ways from my house. If I could swing getting monitored and do all the stuff that needs to be done at that facility, I would totally jump on it. I'm not going to ask about it though because there are people that have a bigger need than me, so I'll just pay my copay and let others take advantage. This may be morbid (?), but I saved the pictures of my failing embryos so that when we get our next picture we can compare/contrast. That's all I can go on at this point. Something has to be different this time around.
Katie - you don't have to explain your breaking bad obsession to me. We didn't watch until after it was off the air either and we totally binge watched!! :) Jealous of your vaca - have a great time!!

Terri - love your positivity! You're amazing. :)

Just got home from DHs knee surgery. Happy that it's over and done with. He should be up and around by Monday. Now I must clean my bathroom and straighten my house since I have a friend coming up tomorrow. Sigh.
Katie - I love your posts - I have to ask this - how many vacations do you guys do a year????? I mean it feels like you are always on vaca@!?@? :plane::boat:not that this is bad - just a wee bit jealous here!!!
how nice that you and DH share an obsession with a TV show - the only thing my hubby and I watch is outdoor channel :rofl: - I can almost make elk calls... sad but true!!

Terri - I totally would have saved my embie pictures too - not morbid at all - as far as I am concerned those are your babies!! :oneofeach:
and how super nice of you to let other couples with more of a financial need do that study when it could be feasible for you!! one more reason I love ya!!! =D&gt;\\:D/

and a lemon shake up has lemons and a ton of sugar - they make it for you when you order it - there reallys isn't lemonade that comes close...and you are on a sugar high for hours...and lemons whiten teeth - so what's not to love!!!:icecream:

radkat - no I didn't know that lemon shakeups were only midwestern... they must be just like pony shoes... here in central illinois pony shoes are da bomb... unless you are a healthy eater...then they are a dirty bomb of calories!!!
Pony shoe = texas toast, meat (hamburger, chicken, almost anything) french fries and cheese sauce all over it... My favorite is buffalo chicken pony... with white sauce and Uncle Franks hot sauce!!!!!

kfs- glad to hear DH surgery is done and that the recovery sounds short - we all know how men are when sick or injured
:sad2::hissy::devil:#-o :haha:

:howdy: to all you other lovelies...

AFM: I am sitting at work - obviously NOT working :rofl: but today has been rough - we have had our funding cut and lots of people are losing their jobs 12 Sep (my oldest daughter could be included) just sucks - and they are cutting are funding 50% for 1 October so more people will be unemployed... UGH :growlmad:

I had a visitor today... and as much as I want to be jealous and green - its hard to do when holding a 5 day old - here is the pic
someday I sure hope its me and if it never is (spotting today at 4/5 DPO AGAIN) I hope God gives me peace about it...
isn't he a sweetie - this is Grant...


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I will have to go back and look at this study I must have missed about IVF!! Hmmm

Katie have fun in the Sunshine state

Wish he's so sweet!!!

Terri I told u Lexi had Luna's ears !!! Wow that's hard to say good thing I'm typing :haha:
Sis-yes, I agree about Lexi's ears. They are always up in the curious position. hee hee.

Wish-grant is so cute. 5 days in and he's already a heartbreaker. And no, that smile can't be jealous and green. It's a good look for you! Sorry to hear about layoffs. September is the month for out layoffs too. The cafeteria has lots of comfort food during the month of September because everyone is always worried it's their last day, or a coworker's last day. *sigh* I hope your daughter is safe.
Terri, I opted not to go for the blood test because I'm uninsured until Monday. I don't want to pay that much money for another negative phone call!!!

I took the FRER to work today to show my teacher BFFs. They all agreed that there WAS a faint line. I showed hubby again in the daylight when I got home from work and he saw it too.

That all seemed so promising, until I did another IC just now and I don't see a line at all. I would think that by 15dpo the line wouldn't be so ambiguous. Like shouldn't the hCG level be higher than that? Maybe it was another chemical?

But check out this overlay of my pregnancy chart and this cycle...



My nurse agreed that I should test again in the AM and keep taking the progesterone. But she did also refill my Femara prescription just in case I need it over the long weekend... :/

I'm all me me me lately, but I promise tomorrow morning I'm going to get a big cup of coffee (decaf!) and catch up on this thread properly!
Mischief-I think tomorrow will be the true test. Now I'm really excited to wake up. I might even go running as well. My pooch is not going away! Grrr.
So... positive for two days and then clearly negative today. Do you think it's safe to say it was another chemical?

I'm tired of feeling like my life is sad disappointing when it's not. True, I can't get this done and that IS sad and disappointing, but everything else really is good! I have so many blessings (one is snoring next to me!) and I wish I could just be happy and satisfied with what I've already got - it's enough!

I stopped jogging after a knee injury and then never started back again because the time was always wrong for TTC - I'm always either waiting to ovulate or waiting to test! I think today I'm just going to do it. If I miss the O this cycle while I get my body back into the routine, oh well! Maybe I need the break anyway!

So let us all be thankful for our many blessings and enjoy our Saturday today! :)
Oh, I'm so sorry, Mischief. Maybe it was another chemical. Stupid IUIs. Why do they work for so many people, but not for any of us? There's something to them. You sound like me, plenty of blessings, just not the main one that we want. It WILL happen, and you WILL get there...Enjoy your weekend, do something you wouldn't normally do (like go running), and start back up again.

Hubs and I finally BD'd last night, and it was like I was a virgin or something. HA!!HA!! It seems like it's been a long time, and I guess it's been a month, but we were protected back then. *sigh* I'm sure AF will be here tomorrow or later today. I did have some spotting. Told you I was a born again V. <3
Mischief - :hugs: Sigh. I don't know why it has to be so hard for us ladies and I totally understand what you're saying. We're all so blessed in so many ways but the constant ups and downs of TTC makes it so hard to stay positive sometimes. I think your plan sounds perfect!!! Get back to running and do what makes you happy - not matter what time of the month it is. The one and only time I was pregnant (although it ended in a MC) I had just gotten back into exercising and being healthy. It feels so good to focus on something else for a change! Anyway, do something fun this weekend. Exercise, drink some wine, eat something bad, whatever. :hugs:

Wish - love that little baby. Too cute!!

Terri - I totally felt the same way after my month of surgeries when we couldn't BD. Born again!! :) Hope that witch comes in and out again.

Hi everyone else!

More cleaning for me this morning and then my friend is coming up so I'm looking forward to hanging out and eating some ribs tonight. And looking forward to my friend's BBQ tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mischief sorry about the test but I Agree just do what makes u happy I'm in the same boat I'm just going to focus on the house and getting healthy!! :hugs:

Terri Born again ;) glad u got to have some alone time!!

Kfs1 sounds like a great weekend have fun!!

AFM well DH went to a brewery w a Coworker last nite and did t make it home until 10 drunk as a skunk and :sick: 1/2 the nite so I guess he got what he deserved :haha:

So our BD By weekly started today cuz I wasn't about to give him any last nite ;)

Hopefully the rain will stay away so we can chill in the pool and BarBQ!! ;)
Sorry, Mischief!! Do not lose hope. You are still very young and from everything I have read and all I have discussed with doctors, it is really the age that matters most. *hug* Are you thinking of doing IVF? But yes, it is hard... I had a mc before my DS and at least one CP and a MC before this pregnancy...
Mischief....big :hugs: I feel awful, I was holding out hope for you for this cycle.

Kfs.... Glad all went well with the hubby and his kneww surgery, hopefully he's a cooperative patient.

Wish...that baby is too cute!!!! Soon enough that WILL be you holding YOUR son or daughter. :hugs:

Katie...man, you are living the life with your vacations! Glad you're enjoying yourself this summer. I wish I could have done the same thing but oh well, hopefully we'll be able to do something next year.

Terri...your comment about being a born again virgin cracked me up. :haha: That's how I felt years ago after separating/divorcing my ex. Right after separating I decided to work on myself and used that time to reflect on everything so I did a lot of reading and meditating and decided no dating or sex. Well I did that for a year and the first time I was with someone I was all nervous like it was m first time but it's like riding a bike, you don't forget. :haha:

AFM...t minus 5 days! So much to do this week and the nerves are on full blast. I snapped at my husband this morning because he likes to joke about everything, I guess it's his way of dealing with a stressful situation. So he says to me " 5 days before they cut you from the rooter to the rooter huh?" Well of course I didn't think it was funny since I'm already scared about this whole c-section business. I swear I just wanted to cry and told him it wasn't funny and that I was already nervous about the while thing and that he was a complete ass for joking about it. :growlmad:
Sometimes men just don't get it!

Anyhow, hope all you lovelies are enjoying your Labor Day weekend and doing something fun.
I stopped taking progesterone - I didn't have any last night. Instead of my temp going down, it went up, I stopped spotting, and we both think there's a faint line again! WTH?!?!?!
I stopped taking progesterone - I didn't have any last night. Instead of my temp going down, it went up, I stopped spotting, and we both think there's a faint line again! WTH?!?!?!

I'd bag the ICs and just use FRERs (sorry, I know they're expensive!) for the next two days and see what they look like. What a terrible time to be without insurance! Do you think you can make an appointment for blood work on Tuesday? Even if you don't have your insurance card and stuff like that yet, they should be able to retroactively bill your insurance once you do. At the very least if this is a CP you should get yourself some answers since this is at least 2 now, and if it's not you should get back on the P as quickly as possible. HOH for you!

And speaking of weird stories...
My DHs friend and his wife had a surprise pregnancy this summer. They'd written off children awhile ago because it just hadn't happened for them, and she's 39 now. Well lo and behold, she's pregnant. They told my husband right away, which I thought was a little nerve wracking because they'd literally just tested, but of course I was really positive and excited for them. Then two days later DH tells me she miscarried. I'm not that close to her, so I didn't feel comfortable saying anything, but I couldn't help thinking how does she know it's a MC? Couldn't it just be some bleeding, has she gone to the doc? But I left it alone. Anywho, now 3 weeks later DH tells me they went to the doc, he confirmed a miscarriage, but they're also still pregnant, like it was twins and she miscarried one. I assume that this is something a doc should be able to see on an ultrasound, although I admit I don't know much about miscarrying a twin. I am also getting all of this second hand through DH, but does any of it make any sense? She went on a bit of a bender after the miscarriage since she was upset, and now is worried she might have hurt the baby. I wish I'd said something to her, they both just seem clueless about how any of this works.

Smiles, sorry about the insensitive comment! My DH has been joking about my lingering pregnancy brain (I think we can call it sleep deprivation!) and said "your brother took a quarter of mom's brain and you've taken another quarter so now she's down to half a brain" to Lillian yesterday and then was totally shocked when I got mad because he was just joking. I know they both mean well, but when we're already feeling nervous or insecure, jokes like those don't help! I know you're going to be just fine though, and from what friends have said scheduled C-sections are much easier to recover from than emergency ones once you've already labored for hours and practically birthed a baby on your own. That's when the recovery is really hard, your body is exhausted and beaten up AND now surgery on top of it. So I think your doc is doing the right thing for both you and babe, and you're going to do great!
Mischief I have extra P if ya need it!!!

Also sprouts has the P Cream but u will have to use quite a bit!?


Smiles guys are :dohh: sometime they think we r dudes and get there stupid jokes just nut tap him next time that's what I do ;)
Then he says hey u need those :haha:
Smiles! I'm so excited for the countdown. Only five more days?! Incredible..My question is..are you going to keep temping? hee hee. I can't believe you've done such a good job throughout your pregnancy. This is all very exciting. And yeah, your hubs' joke was SO not funny. Jokes when you're scared are not funny. They make things even worst. You just stick it to him when the babe is born and say 'hey, my rooter and tooter are sore...go feed the baby.' HA!!HA!!

ttcinseattle-Glad things are going well except for your pregnancy brain. I don't know what to say to your hubs' friend, but being that she is "of advanced age" she should be able to get an appointment with the doctor and they can let her know what's going on. She sounds like my older sister. So clueless about life in general. She thought she'd get prego just taking prenatals. I'm like 'go see a doctor already!' hee hee.

kfs1-How was the BBQ last night?

Mischief-I would try to schedule an appointment for Tuesday as well. I wonder what is happening with those lines..maybe you have a slow grower in there!

AFM-AF started..i can't believe how quickly she is here. I stopped my last P on Wednesday and she kind of started yesterday so YAY!! I have to call my nurse, and go pick up the dreaded BCPs, but I may be testing again in september, so I'm excited about that. I haven't even looked at the calendar...Currently, I feel like I did when I first started running. I just liked practicing and I didn't want to run in any races. Now, I feel like I just want to watch everyone else and stay on the sidelines. It's a weird feeling. I guess I'm going to be on the sidelines for two more weeks while i take my BCP so that will have to do. Have a fun Sunday everyone.
Good Sunday Morning Ladies!!

Mischief - ooooohhhh- the line has re-appeared FXFXFX this time is sticks around and just gets darker!!! You must hate this limbo - am I or am I not... I hope you will know by tomorrow...sometimes afternoon wee is more concentrated and yes I would stick to FRERs!!! Good luck lady!!

Smiles - 5 days!!! :wohoo::wohoo: I am so excited to meet your little Mr or Miss - what is your gut telling you BTW??? I would love to stay team yellow if I get the chance!! My Dh always thinks he is funny... I never laugh... of course then he says that his comedy won't be appreciated till he is dead and gone.... I say no not then either...:rofl:

Terri - YAY for AF!!! - ok that is the last time I want to say that to yoU!!:haha: the only good thing about BCP for me is that is the only time I have 28 day cycles!!! anyway only two weeks for you and then stim stim stim!!! :) FX is goes fast for you!!!

Sis - I LOL'd at your nut tap and DH's response!!! hahahahah

TTC - I have heard of losing a twin but I don' t know if I had heard of the bleeding too... but I guess its awesome that one is hanging in there... it would be a weird situation about what to say... :hugs: Hope Lillian is doing awesome!!!

kfs- :hi: twinnie - hope you had some good ribs and enjoy that BBQ!!! have you tested? your chart is still looking good!!:thumbup:

:howdy: to everyone else!!

AFM: Ladies I had my first day off in 12 days yesterday (thats a long time for a government worker:haha:) and what did I do?? worked in the yard all day - mowed grass and attacked a part of the yard that had been taken over my 10 ft tall weeds!!! then took my youngest homecoming dress shopping (ended up getting her prom dress too) for 50% off!!! and then cleaned the inside of the house because I didn't want to have to take another shower (3 in one day is a bit much)
so I wore myself out - got up this morning and spent another two hours in the yard!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!???? dont answer that!!!

now I am preparing for a family get together - I am cooking on the grill, brats, hamburgers, hotdogs and chicken breasts... but I am still tired from the crazy yard work...

TTC - well my temp went up this morning right on schedule - 6DPO I always get a temp rise - so that confirms my O in my mind - Monday... and it also confirms nothing new here same ole same ole and we know how all those previous cycles ended... back to your lives....:haha:

Hope you enjoy your Sunday!!!

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