Negative dollar store test this morning. Sigh.
Do you want me to cheer you on, kfs1, or have you thrown in the towel? I know it can be annoying sometimes when people are cheering. Stupid dollar store tests. All tests can be the enemy. I still haven't found one I liked. :haha: :hugs: girlfriend. Love ya.
No cheering necessary Terri. I've thrown in the towel at this point. I'm just bumming really hard today. It's not like I feel pregnant or anything but no matter what, you just always have that little bit of hope. Just mentally e x h a u s t e d. Plus, I was thinking about IVF and timing since I'll most likely have to be on BCPs for a while and I'm not sure that the timing will work out. I have a trip planned for Columbus Day weekend in October so it might be tricky. That said, maybe a little break might be a good thing.

Had a nice time at the BBQ but a lot of "baby talk" as per usual, especially since 2 of my friends are pregnant with their 3rd. Three of them were saying how they fell pregnant the "first month they tried" and they were so surprised - I mean, wth? I just can't STAND how hard it is for all of us.

OK - pity party over. Let me catch up now.

Terri - So, how long do you have to be on BCPs this round? Do you have another appointment today? What's the dealio?

Vjean - I hope everything goes OK today. Hopefully the judge will see through his BS and will listen to your son and his opinion. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this at all. :hugs:

Driving - Glad you had a great weekend. Sounds like it was blast. Good luck today!!!

Mischief - I see that your AF showed her ugly face. How are you doing? Hope you're doing OK. :hugs:

Sis - Hope you got in another BD session last night! :sex:

Moni - Good luck today! Can't to wait to hear the results.

Hi Smiles, Katie, Wish, TTC, Nessaw, Garfie, Rad, and everyone else!
kfs1-Yeah, I could tell that you really weren't feeling it. I'm sorry. It is the worst! And yes, just exhausting is the exact word. The draft party is always at someone's house, and everyone brings their kids. All of the kids know each other and see each other quite a bit. The families go on vacation together etc..so it's good for them, but I notice that when the moms are all talking about their kids, I just tune out or go eat more food. HA! I don't really care about 'how they like their teacher, who is potty trained and how long it took, etc..' I really don't. Of course, I did the same thing when they were all married and I was still single. I guess I just understand my role and wait until the conversation changes.

Long story short, maybe a month off is good and you can take BCPs in October, and start IVF at the mid to end of the month. I don't know if I have to go in for a scan or if I can start BCPs right now. I just emailed the nurse.

VJean-Good luck this morning. I hope everything goes the way you want.

moni-Can't wait for your report too...c'mon high Hcg and P numbers.
Sending a quick msg this morning and going by rote memory which means I will forget half of you!

Sis--I can't believe that short bleed/clot was the m/c. Wow, that's a relief that it wasn't long and painful. Use that leftover HCG to your advantage this cycle. That's the silver lining in a crap situation.

Mischief--I'm so sorry about the bfn. :(. It sounds like it could be a chemical but I've also heard those IC are so terrible. It's just not fair to be teased back and forth like this. That's the worst to have your hopes go up and down. BIG :hugs:

Driving--Good luck with your scan today. I know things are going to be just fine! Post a pic when you can of the munchkin. :)

Moni--Still so excited about your news and wishing you all the best at your appt today!

VJean--Thinking of you today, too. Yeah, your ex DB really is trying to be a sneaky jerk here and that's uncalled for. No way will a judge give him full custody when your teenage son isn't asking to move in FT with him. Yeah, that's not happening. But wait, you have another younger son with him? I guess I thought it was your adult daughter and the 14 year old son only? Hugs to you today, too. :hugs:

Terri--I'm still just pissed that you aren't pregnant. I'm trying to build a bridge and such, but it's hard! So is IVF happening again this month? I mean, you're gonna get pregnant, it's just that the waiting is irritating!

Kfs1--This just sucks big time on the BFN. I'm so sorry. Your brain is always swirling around TTC unless you are in the midst of AF, so all that timing, temping, BDing, symptom spotting, pill popping, Dr appts...the whole thing...it comes to a head with that one shitty test or AF. Even if you weren't feeling it, you always have some hope that lingers and it hurts when that's gone and it's time to start again. It's your time soon, but I think a little break from the madness isn't a bad thing. <3

Wish--Does it look like you made the BD window?! And that pic with the baby was too cute. I certainly hope you sniffed him a bunch. I'm convinced smelling new babies stimulates the ovaries. :)

Smiles--So close, so close!! I usually get all frustrated when people stay team yellow, but this makes the anticipation that much more intriguing! Like I said before, whether it's a boy or girl, it's gonna be a good lookin' baby!

AFM, We are still enjoying the Florida beach thoroughly. Yes, we do vacay a lot, lol. My hubby gets 6 weeks vacation, I stay home, and my daughter is not in elementary school yet, so it's a perfect trifecta for being on the go a lot. :)
Well I think I caught the :sick: from DS2 either that or this is the most painful O I've ever had I woke up in the middle of the nite to take something I felt like AF was here it was crazy!!
Yesterday I got sick after I drank my Iced coffee I've been loving lately :nope: and Today my throat is scratchy and nose Is running!!
So the acupuncturist told me to wait until I feel better to come I'm just afraid cuz I know O will be Tom and I haven't been in almost 2 wks :shrug:

Kfs1 sorry about the BFN :hugs:

Vjean GL today!!!

Terri hope u get to jump right in and get things moving!!
I notice that when the moms are all talking about their kids, I just tune out or go eat more food. HA! I don't really care about 'how they like their teacher, who is potty trained and how long it took, etc..' I really don't.

Oh, totally. I kept getting up and leaving the room for sure. :)
kfs - aweee twinnie - I am so sorry about that stupid dollar store test :hugs: and I understand that down feeling... and you know its ok to feel that way - treat yourself to something little or something big today... and I am [-o&lt; this cycle is one of the last ones that you feel bummed about... the IVF planning will work itself out - trip and all - and soon you will be bump buddies with terri!!! :happydance:

Sis - sorry about your bug!!! lets hope all your BD'ing did the trick this month and a sticky bean is snuggling in!!!

Katie - ahhh it all makes sense - 6 weeks of vaca for the dh!!! I get 30 days a year and can save up to 60 but hubby only gets 3 weeks and we spend it all of his on hunting seasons!!! Enjoy Florida - beaches are lovely!!! :flower:\\:D/

Vjean - I am so sorry about what you are going through with DB... I had one of those - I had a restraining order for 6 years after our divorce... and it was ugly after that too (his new wife making me out to be a liar) anyway... I can feel you pain and remember how awful it was for my daughter... I always read the Psalms before going to court and one stuck out Psalm 37:1 "do not fret over evil men" he sounds evil to me... God will take care of you - do the right thing by your child - and God honors that!!! anyway I hope things are ok now... and you get your child support increase!!! :hugs::hugs:[-o&lt;

Terri - glad to read that you got the go ahead from the nurse about your BCP's... and the plan is in motion...and I don't blame you for taking a temping break!!! girl you know I am rooting for you over here!!! :yipee:

Moni - thinking of you this morning!!! hoping those numbers jump up!!

Mischief - sorry about the BFN and :witch: what is your plan this cycle??

:hi: felicity, garfie and all you other lovelies!!!

AFM: so here is how my day started - walked into my office and realized I left my computer at home :sad2: so turned around and drove back home (40 min one way) to get it... UGH...

to answer your ? Katie about BD timing .. i believe I ovulated on Monday - based on my temps... I forgot my OPK's when I went to Chicago and didn't want to go buy any with my coworkers around since none of them know my TTC obsession... so I didn't get to test until Monday night and it was close to positive but it faded after that so I must have had a pos on Sunday... either way :sex: was Monday night... and since I feel TOTALLY the same as every other freaking cycle... I guess I am waiting for the pre af spotting and af to start...boo hooo...

less than one month till our 2 week canada trip... how do i get my DH to write a list of what he has to bring... :shrug::shrug::shrug: he just says yeah I know I should do that...:dohh:
VJean...good luck today! I hope everything goes in your favor. Ex's can be a pain. I have to finish filling out court paper work when I get home after my Dr's appts. It's annoying to go through when you're not pregnant so having to go through it now is a real pain in the ass! I stand by the philosophy that when ppl do stuff out of spite it never works out for them.

KFS.... Big :hugs: spoil yourself over the next couple of days. I hate that you have to go through this.

Sis... Hope you feel better.

Terri....I'm putting my foot down, this upcoming cycle is it for you. I've put your eggs on notice. :winkwink:

Katie....I'm jealous, wish I could vacation like a rock star too. Lol

Wish...have you tried conceive easy? Read about it at conceiveeasy.com. Maybe it might be something for you to try. Before I used it I
My cycles were crazy! Pre spotting, multiple periods in a month, LP was screwed up, etc. I figured before going for fertility treatments I would try the conceive easy system and it worked for me. I figured what the hell could it hurt and 6 weeks later I was shocked it worked.

AFM...back to back Dr's appts today. Growth scan shows the baby is 9 lbs and that by Friday the baby should be about 9lbs 4 oz! WTH?!?! So my dr was right in not wanting to wait to closer to my due date. Since I'm now scheduled for a c section I had to end up getting iron infusions after all so I'm sitting here now getting the 1st treatment done and another tomorrow and again possibly on Thursday. Sheesh. But if this helps me to avoid a transfusion after the c section I'll do it.
ugh, so they found a choroid plexus cyst which is a soft marker for T18. No other issues and since all tests so far have been great, the baby is probably fine. But, given my age and the fact that the tests were just screening, we had amnio on the spot. I had tried to avoid it... So now lying on the bed and feeling sorry for self.
Driving - I immediately had to Dr Google this cyst thing - I know you know but since your bubs shows no other signs or tests - he is more than likely fine - how long till you get the amnio results??... I know you will be worrying until they tell you he is fine!!!
[-o&lt; all is fine for you lady!!! :hugs:

smiles - I have ordered the kit - so we will see - I will be glad to just have a cycle with no spotting!!! and of course getting past day 24 would be nice :haha:
9lb baby???? wow that's a bigun.... can't wait to see him or her - i am sure he/she has beautiful cheeks!!! :hugs:
Driving, It sounds scary and I'm sorry you are having to wait for the amnio results as I know how you wanted to avoid it. But didn't you have the blood test around 11--12ish weeks that screen for Tri18 and a bunch of other things and came back fine? Hugs to you....I'm sorry you are going through this worry. <3
Smiles-Thank you! I put my foot down too. hee hee.
Sorry you have to do those iron infusions, but if it prevents a blood transfusion it's the least you can do, and yeah, what is up with that growing baby??!! It has to be a boy, right? Can girls get that big? hee hee. He'll be coming very soon. How are things going at home-the nursery, DH's big ideas?

Driving-What does that mean, exactly? My sister said that the doctors always say scary things so that they don't/can't get sued later on, so maybe it's not as bad as it sounds. I'm hoping so, anyway...just stay on that bed and remain calm. <3 :flower:
Kfs - I'm sorry for the BFN. TTC is definitely exhausting, esp after listening to all of those saying how easy it was to get pregnant. Maybe a break will help. :hugs:

Sis - Hooray for a positive OPK. Sounds like your timing was good. Boo to a bug. Hope you can shrug it off quickly.

Wish - It sounds like your timing was good too. Fx.

Terri - Glad you can get going with your bcp soon. And I get the walking away. It's better than saying "Can we PLEASE talk about something else?!" or maybe that would be a good thing... :haha:

VJean - I'm sorry you have to deal with the DB. I hope the judge sees it your (and your son's) way. Let us know how it went.

Katie - Count me in with the others that are jealous of your vacations. But I'm living vicariously through you anyway.

Smiles - I hope your getting some good rest in. Looking forward to you new addition's arrival. 9lbs 4oz! Those predictions can be off though. They were over by a lb with DD.

Driving - I'm sorry about the scariness with the marker. The amnio will tell you definitively. I'm sure all is well, but I understand the worry until you know for sure. :flower:

Hi to everyone else! :hi:
It is basically a blister in the area of the brain that makes fluid and 1-2% of normal fetuses have it. it will clear itself eventually. But is also associated with T18. Dr thought that the chance of t18 was very low b/c of clear maternit21 and all else, but amnio is only way to be sure and we had decided to have it in case of any issue... procedure was not bad, just worried about complications.. Thanks all for your thoughts...
Sorry Driving...I'm sure it will work out.

Smiles - I have found they often OVER estimate the final weight... cant wait until Friday though!

AFM - The doc FINALLY called me back at about 4:45pm and my beta is up to 117!!! :happydance: I'm so relieved! I go back in a week for a scan and another set of blood tests! (I got no work done today!) I think I am going to try to figure out how to add a ticker! I never thought this day would come...ladies you are right behind me!
Driving I hope all comes back good!!!! :hugs:

Moni :yipee: Great news!!!
Driving....waiting for results stinks so hopefully they'll have them back to you sooner than later. I'm sure everything is fine. Please don't feel sorry for yourself :hugs: will keep you in my prayers

Wish.....whoo-hoo you ordered it! Isn't the kit just the cutest? I like how they give you everything you need in the box. I really hope it works for you. I figured for the price it was worth a try because other stuff I tried wasn't working. It seemed to have good reviews. FX FX FX for you. I'm so excited!

Now regarding this 9 lb kid, with my other two they estimated both of them to be smaller and it turned out they were both bigger than the estimate so it looks like my kids err on the plus side of the 10% the scan can be off by so who knows with this one. Well at least it's a c section so if this kid is as big or bigger than what they say I won't have to push him or her out.

Also my 1st iron infusion today didn't go well. Low and behold I had a bad damn reaction to it. My head started throbbing, I started to feel congested , a tingling/numb feeling along with feeling hot started to spread in my arms and all of a sudden it felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I couldn't breath! I had the nurses in a panic. They ran to get the dr who checked my heart and had them give me a Claritin and start pumping fluids in my IV and then they started to monitor my pulse ox, and pressure etc. one nurse turned the portable AC towards me because she said I looked flustered...which dammit I'm sure I did after all that was happening. So bottom line is no more infusion treatments for me so I hope this one along with my iron pills is enough to keep me from needing a transfusion because I told the dr I wasn't coming for another if there is the slightest chance that would happen again. He agreed and said the next episode could actually be worse and didn't want to chance it. Ummmmm.....like I was gonna let him chance it?!?! :haha:
Driving - I'm sorry to hear your news but I'm staying positive for you since all of your other tests were ok. When do you get the results of the amnio?

Smiles - so scary!! Glad you don't have to go through that again!

Moni - Congratulations!!

Terri - glad you were able to start BCPs. I hope these few weeks go fast for you!

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