I waited four hours and did a FRER. Quite negative. I might trash the rest of those ICs! Ugh! But... 15 dpo there was a faint positive on the FRER so I'll talk to the doctor about it when I go in for my next ultrasound. For now I think I'm just waiting for AF.

I have a massive headache... possibly from dropping progesterone???

I am certain that I deserve some ice cream. Or maybe lo mein. Or possibly both.
Mischief....what the heck?!?! I agreed stay away from the IC's. Being in limbo stinks :hugs: And yes, you deserve lo mein and ice cream so have at it!

Terri....hooray for AF,well at least in this situation anyway so you can start your BCP's and move onto another IVF in September. As for my not so funny husband...he'll get his trust me. :winkwink:

Sis....your husband is funny! Lol. But the nut tap action is hilarious! We all know how sensitive they are about the nuts! :haha:

Wish....it's funny I don't have a feeling either way. I mean sometimes I think boy and sometimes I think girl. In any event we need to choose a name ASAP or this kid will be known by a symbol like Prince was at one time :haha:

TTC....I've heard the same thing about scheduled c sections as well. Since I have never had any surgeries the thought of it all scares me. The unknown is scary in general.

Right now I'm trying to gain some energy back. Did back to back weddings Friday and Saturday and at both weddings all I kept being asked was " wow...are you having twins?" Really?!?! The house is quiet now, just me and the dogs here. My hubby took all 4 kids to a cookout at his friend's house. He asked if I wanted to go I said no, I was tired and I'm using this time to get stuff done. Filling out paperwork for the kids, finishing up my thank you cards for the baby shower, etc. plus it's an hour ride each way to the cook out. I'm trying to get in as much me time as I can before Friday.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and Day off Tom :)

We had a block party BarBQ and the Moms made me drink :haha: so I'm a Lil tired but bond and determined to :sex: since I had EWCM last nite and today ;)

Mischief sorry about the BFN hope it turns around!!
Terri - happy that AF showed. When's your next appt?

Smiles - wow - so close!! Glad that you had an afternoon to yourself to get things done. Sorry for your DHs insensitive comments. Sometimes men seriously don't think!!!!

Ttc - I agree with Terri - that woman needs to see a DR asap!!

Mischief - whoa twinnie - you're too busy!!!! Hope you get some downtime to relax.

Mischief - how's it going today?

Sis - hope you got BDing in last night!

So, temp drop this morning. I'm still on P and last month my temp didn't drop until days after I stopped P so I'm totally confused. Wth?? :(
kfs1-I'm confused too, especially because it is a tad early for your temperature to drop, but I guess just hang tight and see what happens. Maybe it'll shoot back up tomorrow and you and Moni will be bump buddies! Or...you can just hang around with me. One is obviously better than the other. womp womp. Don't lose the faith.
morning ladies... hope none of you are laboring on Labor day -unless its smiles having her little baby early!!!

kfs- hmmmmm:coffee::coffee: what is up with those temps??? who knows... I hope that its a good sign and like Terri said it will shoot back up tomorrow!!! how was your BBQ? hope you enjoyed the weekend and is your hubby recovering ok??

terri - never fear if Kfs is bump buddies with Moni - I am here to stick it out with you!!! :haha: and it will only be another 4-6 weeks for you anyway...

Sis - hope you got your :sex: session in last night!!!

Smiles - sounds like you had a few hours of peace while the DH took the kids away... i picture you and serenity - birds chirping... and lots of smiles of course!!! the countdown is on - I hope you are productive as you can be while preparing for this little one!!! :hugs:

Mischief - how you doing today lady???

:hi: all you oldie but goodies!!!

AFM: exhaustion!!! I went to bed at 830 last night - after working in the yard for two days, cooking for my family and DH's - I just collasped - my hubby was like "isn't it too early for bed" - ugh dude while you were out shooting your gun - I was working my arse off!!!
i went to sleep anyway!! :haha:
temps are same ole same ole again - so even though I am 7DPO no desire to test... keeping up with the P cream twice a day - hoping i can keep the spotting away...
today is TV watching and BBQ leftovers all day long!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Thanks Wish. I will surely need some kind of buddy soon. We can share a cell at the looney bin too. I wouldn't mind if you were there with me. Ha ha.

I'm glad you got caught up on some sleep. You've been a workhorse the last few weeks. I'm eating sushi for lunch and then it's leftovers for me for a few days. I took spinach/artichoke dip to the draft party yesterday and it was the second thing eaten! The Rice Krispie treats stole the show and I let someone else make those this year. That is one of my party staples. Hee hee. You'll be happy to know that I chose Chicago defense and Alshon Jeffrey as my WR. I hope they have a great season. I am pumped for Thursday!
Happy Labor Day ladies! (And Happy Monday to the Non-US ladies?) :flower:

I haven't been on much the past few days, bc I've been dealing with Ex-DH (will be referred to as Douche Bag or DB from here on out).

So you may remember that DB was trying to convince my 14 year old to go live with him..... I was trying to compromise and work out an increase in visitation but no change in custody. All of this is bc DBs child support is supposed to go up this month from $675 a month to $1500. I had also started having my son see a counselor so I could get a third party's unbiased opinion on what was best for him.

So Thursday evening at 9:30 DB had me served with papers asking for full custody and for me to pay him child support. Right frickin' at the beginning on a 4 day weekend, and our court date is set for Tuesday at 9am! I am sure he was hoping I wouldn't be able to get a lawyer to represent me. Luckily I was able to get the lady I wanted. She met with us Friday am and filed multiple motions, including one to increase my child support.

DB is claiming that my son wants to live with him, but my sons counselor told our lawyer that my son only wants to see his dad more. My son also told DB's lawyer that he just wants to see his dad more, not live with his dad.

A big factor in our favor us that DB moved outside my sons school boundary (no bus available) and DB is unable to do school drop off/pick up. DB will need his girlfriend or my daughter to do it.... So technically, he isn't meeting basic needs of our son.

Anyway, our best case scenario is that the judge dismisses the case and approves my child support countersuit. We know that isn't likely. So we are hoping for custody to remain the same and DB to get one extra weekend a month. That will alleviate the issue he has with transportation to and from school. The more likely scenario is that we will end up with a 50/50 visitation split. Not the best interest of my son, but I have to be prepared for that.

At the very least I should walk away with an increase in support ($1100) for my other son, and shouldn't owe DB any money, even if we do a 50/50 split.

I just feel bad for my son....it's a lot to put on a kid, but DB only thinks of himself. Of course, this is his dads weekend, so I haven't been able to talk to him. I sent him a text letting him know that I loved him and was in no way mad at him for any of this.... He wrote back apologizing for this mess and it made me sad. It also made me hate his dad even more.

Be careful who you have children with, ladies! :haha:

We can use all the prayers we can get tomorrow morning!
So...I accidentally saw the voice mail yesterday (i have Google voice and theytranscribe voice masks) and zoomed in on the word "congratulations". So hubby and I listened toit yesterday and as of right nowI am pregnant!. The numbers were a little low so they increased myprogesterone. Beta was 45.8 and progesterone was 18. Next betais tomorrow..really hoping it doubles. I took a wondfo last night and this morning and they look about the same to me, no darker no lighter. I'll tryto figure out how to add them later...
Congrats Moni! FX'd your tests get darker and your numbers rise!!
Brilliant mews moni. Stick stick stick!
Hi all. Sorry back to school but have been reading. Xx
Yay Moni!! What great news!!

VJean, how stressful! It sounds like you will get the right result, but what an A**hole serving papers right before a long weekend. Feeling sorry for your son as well. Hope you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend a little, though...

I actually had a good weekend despite being nervous about u/s tomorrow. Went to US Open Tennis Saturday (friend knows a player and got me a free player ticket!). Nice day at the beach today - almost totally empty, I guess people prefer grilling today - I don't mind!
VJean-Yeah, your ex DB is certainly a DB. I'm glad your son isn't falling for it and just wants to spend a little more time with dad. I hope that he has to pay MORE child support and your son gets to see him a little more. That way, everyone would be happy except DB. Your county/city works fast too. I can't believe you got served on Thursday and you have a court date on Tuesday but I guess it's best to just get it over with. *hugs*

Driving-Glad you had a good time at the beach and at the tennis match. It's pretty hot here today and the Os lost so I'm glad we didn't go to the baseball game. We'll go tomorrow night when a) it's cooler and b) it won't be so crowded because everyone is back in school. I just hope they win. fxfx

Mischief/Sis-How are you guys doing today? Hope you're by a pool somewhere.

Moni-Hope tomorrow's beta and P have more than doubled! I'm still so excited that your results were great. It gives me a lot of hope. <3

I picked up my BCP today. I wasn't sure if I had a refill, so I went by the store while I was out and asked and there was one, so if they call me tomorrow and say to start, I don't have to make any special trips.
Im here been running errands and working on DS2's room since I still haven't finished it!! :nope:

I went and got OPKs cuz my temps has been either really LOW or really high so I had to know and wouldn't u know Super ++++!!
DH has to go to LA Tom so hopefully the 4days b4 will be good enough !

Vjean I forgot to say he sure is a DB i have one of those too but Tha kfully he doesn't even see DS1 and my son likes it that way he even wants to legally change his name to DHs!!
I hope all ends well and he gets what's coming!! ;)

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