Smiles-so is it pronounced 'maya' or 'mee-ah'? I like both and I love that name. So much for baby K. Hee hee. Glad you finally get to leave the hospital!

Ttcinseattle-does Lillian look like you or DH? I love her smile and I'm glad you got to enjoy the trip on the boat. She is too cute.

Radkat-that's great that you got the all clear for the plane ride at Christmas. We're staying close this year and going to my MILs house. The good news is that it will only be for a few days but I will miss my family. They are way more fun than MiL. Plus, my sister is due 12/19, and by Christmas I could meet my new niece or nephew, but I'll have to wait.

Not much going on this weekend. I have a foster dog meeting this afternoon and I may go to an art exhibit (something new) and tomorrow is my bestie's family bday party and football. I'll be busy enough.

Wish-Steelers??? Really? Ugh. Those are our biggest rivals. The fans are everywhere and they are ridiculous. We don't have to talk about that anymore. :haha:
:hi: Hi everyone!!!! Sorry I've been absent for a while - not much to say, but I was following along with everyone else.

Congrats to Moni! :happydance: Join the nausea club. I'm hoping mine will be gone soon - I'm at 10 weeks now, but I can't really complain since I'm mostly only nauseous in the morning while I'm getting ready for work.

Smiles - Mia is beautiful and so is her name!!! I'm glad it all worked out fine even if she was a bit earlier than expected.

TTC - Lillian looks like she's doing great. I have to admit that I've been considering a similar name if we have a girl - Lily or Liliana. Guess I won't know for a few months? You can't see gender on the 12 week scan, right?

Sis - I hope you're feeling better by now! :hugs:

Vjean - glad the custody battle seems to have worked out well. I bet that Wednesday visitation thing doesn't last long. GL :winkwink:

Driving - sooooo happy for you that the amnio testing ended up being okay. Now hopefully you'll have smooth sailing for the rest of your pregnancy. :thumbup:

Terri - I love it that you're a puppy foster mum! She was so cute. :haha: Where are you at now with ttc? Are you working on ivf again or do you have to take a break? :hugs:

Hi everyone else!!!! I'm doing well here. Just finished week one back at work (I'm a teacher) and I have to say that it's nice to have the distraction from obsessing about symptoms and then obsessing about not having symptoms (as a few other girls have said!) Now I'm just hoping that I can keep this a secret for a while longer...:haha:
And OMG I forgot to say awwwwww to Wish for the poison ivy - that's awful stuff!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope that gets cleared up asap. Have you taken anything for it? Benadryl seems to work a bit for OH (I'm one of those lucky people who doesn't seem to get it but he REALLY suffers with it - one drawback of having a more...rustic....cottage.) Also, thank you for the post on you being a smiley addict. :haha:
:hi: ladies
I am posting from my phone at an all day volleyball tournament :)
I have a question - my spotting has completely stopped - which is a tad unusual - usually goes right into AF - I am putting steroid cream on for my poison ivy - almost bathing in it :(
do you think that has anything to do with the spotting stopping??? Just wondering!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! Bump set spike!!!
Smiles I love the name MIA short and oh so sweet!!! :)

Future mom so glad u r doing well!!!

Wish I would say the steroid could make an issue they give ladies w immune issues Prednisoone to prevent MC!! :shrug:

AFM my temp is back to norm I'm starting to feel a Lil Better so hopefully by Mon I will be all good!!! ;)
Mia is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Lillian is also a looker...

I took another cheapie test and the line ispretty dark. Can't waitto see my sac onTuesday. Hubby iscoming aswell.
That's great, Moni. What a nice experience for the two of you.

Glad you're almost 100% Sis. I thought it was funny that Ffoe gave you crosshairs with your temp jump.

Wish-I have no idea about your steroid. We used to say 'bump set spike it, that's the way we like it!'
I think I'm actually 4 DPO but my1st temp was low compared to my other temps :haha:

Oh well I just want to be able to hear properly my ears are still stopped up :nope: I took a long nap after venturing to the store this Am!!
Now just waiting for my Tigers GEAUX!!!
Smiles-Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful. I love the name Mia.

TTC-Lillian is getting more gorgeous isn't she.

These babies are killing me with their cuteness!!

Moni-Yea for morning sickness. I have read that is an excellent sign!!

Wish-Ugh sorry about the poison ivy. I don't even know what it looks like to avoid it!
Blues-regarding the babies' cuteness; it's a lot of pressure!! Hee hee. How are you doing?
Smiles ~ She's so beautiful! Congrats! :cloud9:

Moni ~ Huge congrats! I'm so excited for you. :happydance: Stick, lil bean!

Sis ~ Sorry about your DS. :hugs:

kfs ~ I'm so sorry, hun. :hugs:
Just popping by ladies

Congrats Smiles - she's adorable:happydance::happydance:

I'm still stalking you all - but realising my time is coming to an end:cry: I have two lovely boys and for that I'm grateful blah blah blah.

If I mention babies - we just agree to disagree - so I keep on safe subjects - fishing:haha:

For now we are still trying (hubby doesn't know this I don't think) I keep everything well hidden these days:wacko:

So I guess for now I will keep stalking you all and wishing you lots of luck - I write a lot in my journal so if ever you ladies are bored pop over:flower:


Smiles—It was such EXCITING news to read that Mia Nicole (love the name, btw) came a day early and there was a picture of her! What a cutie and please post more pics when you get a chance. I kind of had a hunch after that last 3D that baby might be a girl, too. As a side note, I chuckled when I read you’d decided on Mia because my daughter is obsessed with that name. Anytime she gets a new doll, toy, etc., it’s named, “Mia.” 

TTC—Thank you for posting pics of Lillian, as well! I love her little sleep smile. She’s just precious! Reminds me of when my daughter was just about the same age and one of our first big outings was to go sailing on our boat. :boat: She slept through the whole thing, too. Ha!

(*I was just thinking how freaking cool it is that discussions on here about ovulation, timing BD, symptom spotting and POAS has resulted in two beautiful :crib: already. It’s pretty amazing if you think about it!)

Driving—Whew!! What a relief that the amnio came back fine, although with all the testing you’ve had done previously, chances were in your favor. And now you should be past the 72 hour mark and hopefully you can relax and enjoy the remainder of your pregnancy. Just wonderful news!

Terri—So, you are in birth control pill stage right now? And they are going to do the same protocol this time, yes? I’m sorry, but this next IVF just has to be the one. It just must! It was good to occupy yourself with Lexi and enjoy her company right after the last IVF and I’m glad she found a good home!

Sis—Okay, I’m ordering you to start taking probiotic pills once a day. Cuz those men in your life keep bringing home all sorts of sickies and you end up getting the brunt of it. You had me rolling about your body being a temple, but feeling like poo. Lol! I’m still so thrilled your DH is back on board again. It’s only a matter of time before you become pregnant again, but I’m hoping you meet with that new doctor to see what he/she can do to help keep everything going!

Kfs1—I’m sorry, again, that this last cycle was a BFN and coming on here and venting is what saves us from going crazy oftentimes. You kind of have to hit a low point and get it all out, in order to start getting motivated again to keep going. Please let us know how your Dr. appt. goes on Monday and what your next steps will be!

Wish—Excuuuuse me?! What’s this I hear about getting back to the doctor and scheduling that HSG? I am just thrilled that you are getting back into the game for realsies. This is just AWESOME news! And just like I said with Sis, it’s such a relief when DH actively participates, too. You guys probably just needed that “break” from the madness of it all. Welcome back to the madness! P.S. Eeek, sorry about the poison ivy. That shiz is no joke!

Moni—Really glad to hear you continue to feel sick because even though it sucks, it’s such a reassurance that your pregnancy hormones are going full-force. They will come and go though, sometimes go for days at a time and you will LOSE YOUR MIND, but it’s totally normal. And hooray for scan on Tuesday! Honest to Pete, isn’t it amazing that you went into this IVF with little hope of a positive outcome and here you are?! That one egg was THE one!

Future—Nice to hear from you again and wowee zowee, 10 weeks already!!! I’ve been a bit absent these days, too (read back a few pages regarding my “Breaking Bad” addiction.). No, you won’t be able to tell anything definitively at the 12 week appt. Even at my 14 weeks u/s, they gave me a printout of what I thought looked like boy parts in one of the pics and although I am having a boy, I found out that boy and girl parts actually look super similar even at that time. Are you having the Materni 21 blood test done?

Radkat—Glad to hear everything was great at your 16 week appt. and you can travel for Christmas—where are you guys going? Also, have you been feeling any more movements? You’re kind of getting into that territory now in the next few weeks, which is the bestest!

Vjean—Glad that judge talked to your son privately, because he’s at an age that he should have some say in where he spends his time, as long as it’s in his best interest. I can see why you aren’t with your ex DB anymore. He seems terribly delusional…and angry, to boot. Well, then! Glad that stress is over for the meantime and I’m sure things will work out just fine when you go back to court for a “check up.” Question…did you have to buy very much for baby boy or did you keep a lot of Haddie’s equipment and stuff?

Garfie—I still read your thread! I love the way you tell stories about your day-to-day life. And stop saying your TTC days are coming to an end, lady! Until you hit menopause, I won’t listen to a word of it. As long as his parts and your parts are coming together and nothing is blocking them, there is still a chance for a baby. The. End! <3

Hi Blues, Momof3, Fezzle, Neesaw, Kayotic, Mischief—Let us know what you ladies are up to!

AFM, vacation in Florida was amazeballs. Perfect weather, perfect water….although one day, people started shrieking, “JELLY FISH! JELLY FISH!!” and you’ve never seen a pregnant belly part the waves so quickly to get out of the water! I’ve never been stung by anything other than a mosquito and I have a terrible fear of being stung. That same day there was a stingray spotted cruising along the shore, so I stayed out of the water for the rest of that day. My husband grew up in FL, so he wasn’t phased by any of it and he and my daughter stayed out in the deeper part bobbing around. :shipw:

My “Breaking Bad” obsession is still going (we just started the last season), but I have a NEW obsession which has taken over…planning my daughter’s 5th Birthday party. Every year I say I’m NOT going to go crazy and over analyze and overthink every detail. And yet again, I’ve found myself spending hours upon hours, obsessing over the color of teal for the placemats and balloons. “Will they match? And is it too much teal? Is there enough teal in the plates and napkins for this to even coordinate?” That kind of stuff. This is the result of a tenured Project Manager becoming a housewife. And I said I wouldn’t get all artsy craftsy with it because I end up getting stressed out with all the projects I plan….and here I am, with 10 Pinterest pages saved to my Bookmarks, making “Olaf” cheese sticks, customizing water bottle labels for “Melted Snow,” and buying ingredients for “Troll Slime.” And that’s literally just the tip of the proverbial ice-berg with all the shit I’m doing. (It’s a “Frozen” birthday party, btw.) Side note: If anyone has a little girl in their life who wants a Frozen birthday party, please hit me up for ideas, cuz I’ve literally spent a ridiculous amount of time researching everything “Frozen Birthday Party.”

And I finally announced on Facebook that I’m pregnant and we’re having a :blue:. Most people didn’t know I was even pregnant except for my family and some close friends, so people were SHOCKED! Most people thought we were “one and done”…. because discussing my LTTC struggles isn’t exactly the fodder for social media discussions! Here’s a screen shot of my post. :) &#61514;


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Love it Katie!!!

And u dont have to tell me about going overboard w the artsy crafty I so want to finish DS2s room so I can move onto Homecoming and HALLOWEEN (it's almost Oct right ;))!!! I have yet to find the comforter set I want so I might have to get my Mom to make me one ;)

I'm feeling a tad better today so maybe I can get it done ;)
Hi ladies....thank you for all the lovely comments about Mia. We are being discharged today but right now I'm sitting here with my butt clinched with a suppository in it! :haha: apparently passing gas and moving your bowels after a c section are important around these parts and I haven't pooped so they resorted to extreme measures after days of Colace and milk of magnesia haven't worked. I drew the line at having the nurse put it in for me. I still have some dignity dammit! :haha: I know TMI. Lol

Terri....it's pronounced Me-ah, it took us te longest to come up with her name but looking at her it really does fit her and her personality. I anticipate people calling her Mya from time to time though. Lol

TTC, I forgot to say Lillian is so adorable! I love her little smile in the picture. I guess she enjoyed being out there.

VJean...glad everything went as well as it could this go around. I hate to see kids put in the middle by exes. I deal with it and it's a pain.

We're packing up to head home now :happydance: I just want to go home
Katie-I love your announcement!! You guys are so cute.

Smiles-I thought it was Mia, just wanted to make sure I was reading it right and happy you finally get to leave. Woop woop!

I'm tired from birthday parties and football parties. Happy, but tired. I need to go to work to rest. I'll catch up with everyone then!
Well I just read on FB that my cousin that is In a same sex realtionship is adopting a boy due in November!!!
I have no problem w them getting a Lil boy but seeing how this is her 2nd not marriage how can they allow them to adopt they have only been living together 6mos I think Wow just wow!!
I would adopt in a heart beat if I could get it done that fast w no Issues :nope:

Sorry vent over I'm gonna go to bed and hope I wake up feeling great and ready for acupuncture !!! :)
Katie - LOVE the pregnancy announcement. Your daughter is too cute and you look amazing! Pinterest is a total time-suck in my life. :)

Garfie - Why are you throwing in the TTC towel? Has something different happened?

Smiles - So happy that you're now home and settled with Mia.

Sis - How are you feeling?

Terri - Glad that you had a great weekend and are "happy tired". Did you end up getting another foster dog?

Wish - Poison Ivy sounds like no fun! Hope it gets cleared up soon.

Moni - I'm sorry that you're feeling so sick but am kinda happy at the same time because they're pregnancy symptoms. :) Anyway, I hope you're able to control them so that they're bearable. Good luck at your appt. tomorrow!

Rad - That's so great that your appt. went well. Awww - you'll be so cute with your belly by xmas. :)

TTC - Cute picture of Lillian on the boat. She looks like she's dreaming about something good.

Future - Good to hear from you and glad to hear that you're doing well. When's your next appt?

Blues - Nice temp jump.

Momof3 - How's it going over there?

AFM: So, it's been 4 days since stopping P and I have only had some spotting which started this morning. I typically don't spot before my AF and I usually get SUPER-strong cramps the day before/first day and there's literally nothing. I have been noticing some twinges in my left ovary so I wonder if I could have another cyst...? Can P and/or Clomid mess with the length of your period? Either way, I'm fairly certain that I may need to take a break this month anyway before moving on to IVF just because of timing. Appointment is at 2 today so we'll see if my Dr. has her head together. I swear, I wish I knew of someone else in my area who could recommend another RE. It's such a hassle to switch and I don't want to just pick someone randomly.
Hi all- just popping in while I'm at work since we won't have internet at home until the 18th! The house is pretty much unpacked though except for books- we're waiting to get new carpets to do them. I'm loving the house and the neighbourhood so far! It's been a stressful time though with OH's father so ill. He's going up again this weekend and every weekend for as long as his father is alive unless something happens sooner.

I got my solid smiley on my OPK on Friday (first positive OPK ever!) and FF thinks I ovulated on Sat. Our BDing this month has been great, so Fx I did! Some bad news- the referral decision was no because they don't think my PCOS is severe enough to get treatment before the 2 year minimum. At least it looks like the Metformin has me ovulating now though.

Will try to catch up with everyone another time! Great announcement, Katie!
Fezzle - first off, I'm sorry about your father-in-law. I hope his health improves. :hugs:

But I'm so excited that you got your first smiley!!!! :happydance: That's so amazing! So, since your referral didn't go through, you have another 6 months to wait, right? Well, at least you now know you're definitely O'ing and you can get down to business. :)

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