No I didn't get the testing he wanted me to wait until I get my period!! I still need to call the other Dr I have my records but they made it sound like it would take awhile to see me so I haven't called :shrug:

Well my temp is still down not sure what to think of it :nope:

Happy HUMP Day Ladies!!!!
Hi guys am reading and keeping up but back to school is wiping me out-went to bed at 8.15 last night!
:hi: nessaw - I can't believe you are ten weeks already!! double digits!!
I hope you are able to enjoy this time - I know it must be hard!! Hope you are feeling good with no MS!!

kfs - the fertilaid and poison ivy are two different issues (I always have so many issues :rofl:) I want DH to keep taking his fertilaid - it revs up his engine if you know what i mean :winkwink: and unfortunatley he needs help with the revving!! :haha:
and if I can't get rid of this poison ivy - it doesn't matter about his engine - he is highly allergic to poison ivy and I don't want to give it to him!!!
anyways I hope that makes it clear as mud...
hope all is well with you - are you just waiting for the next step? i see that did AF show... hoping its not too bad on you :hugs:

terri - woo hoo for a box of meds heading your way!!! won't be long you will be shooting up again... :haha:

:howdy: to the rest of you wonderful ladies - I am getting ready to head outside to work out - aka run...

I got a lovely call today from my nurse - I have my regularly scheduled mammogram (aka booby smasher) appointment this Friday... and the doctor wanted to make sure I knew that if I was pregnant that I shouldn't go...
no - i am not pregnant - thanks for calling and making me say it more than once... :(
and terri you are right - I haven't told DH about the clomid or the STL thing... but I don't expect an appointment for a couple months at the STL place (if they can get my insurance to approve it at all)
I will cross that bridge when it comes...
Wish - I go to the dentist 2 times a year and since I've been trying for a while now, the past few times I've gone, I've somehow been in the TWW. And each time, they want to do an x-ray and ask if I'm pregnant, which technically I could have been. It's just a reminder each time I go! "Still trying, huh?"
Kfs - I know what you mean by that - I take the children to the dentist and the receptionist always says "an appointment for yourself" (I'm hanging on until Im pregnant as my dentistry will become free!) :winkwink:

Thanks ladies once again for your support - I actually grew a pair and told hubby I was not happy! - anyway he came back from fishing a different man - was very loving and attentive (a bit late for this month) so I keep ducking out of his way:haha:

Sis - how is that cold of yours?:hugs:

The reason I only stalk and don't really comment as much is because I feel whilst we are all after the same result - lots of us are on different journeys to get there (for example I'm on a rusty old bike:haha:) I don't mean that nastily I just mean we are all on different journeys (the ladies who take medications/injections) I really don't understand the protocol so I just keep quiet and try to learn from your postings:winkwink: there it's out there now I'm a dumb ass - I know a fair bit about cycles/mcs etc but when it comes to IVF/IUI you got me!!

I will try and be a better stalker:winkwink:


Garfie, it is always great to hear from you! I agree that we are all on different journeys, but I always feel like any of the journeys could have been mine... When I was 35, I did not think I would have children as hubby was pretty against it and was very mad at him (now the most doting father in the universe who is floating the idea of a third child after this). I was a few months a way from doing IVF and had done some pretty intense research into it... etc etc.

Wish, booby smasher :) So true.

Terri, needles again soon... How are you feeling?

Doing fine here. Full amnio results came back, and they are fine. I am still waiting for the microarray results. But I felt so optimistic that I actually sprung for some maternity clothes. Last time around, I managed with two pairs of black maternity pants, one pair of jeans, a couple of tops and regular jackets for work. This time, the bump is early and obvious. But I just hate spending money on stuff like that...
Driving-So cute! You're showing....I'm doing fine..kind of bored waiting for injections to start (next Friday), but super busy at work, school, moto. stuff, Ravens/Orioles, so just trying to keep all the balls in the air. :juggle: And, I've gained weight. My bloat is no longer extra air. There's fat in there. My pants are getting tight, and my stomach is sticking out, even when I try to suck it in. I'm feeling a little uncomfortable about that too.

kfs1-Sorry to hear about your dental story. It made me laugh a little, but not like ha ha laugh, like "I know the feeling, *groan* laugh." My hygienist was the last person to tell me to call shady grove, so I hope that when I return she is pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant and tell her because it will be very upsetting. I can't remember when my next appointment is. Maybe January or February?

garfie-That's the beauty of this thread. Everyone is doing different stuff. Stop being a silent stalker. You know you want to have fun with us! Glad you strapped on a pair and told your husband he's a DB. He needed to hear it, and I hope you tell him that if he says mean things to him again, you'll cut off his you know what so that he won't have to worry about babies, and you can find someone else to have them with. hee hee. It can't be ALL your fault this isn't working. Rusty bike or not.

My coworker turns 69 today so I'm treating him to lunch. My dad made me feel so guilty last year when I told him I didn't want to take John to lunch, so now it's just standard practice. My coworker is a single, old man who has nothing going on in his life, but work and me. hee hee. He almost cried when I told him I was engaged. Anyway he shows up every day just to talk to me and tell me about work. I was hired 8 years ago to train under him in case he retired. Once I started training under him, he felt there's no reason to go. I now do have my own projects, so if he does to decide to retire, I'll have forgotten everything I learned 5 years ago. So, I try to be nice, and hope I'm in his will. He's a millionaire, but you wouldn't know it. I know it because I see how he lives. :winkwink:
Am lucky as my ms is pretty low key. All day nausea but more like you get when you're hungry rather than making you want to be sick. Achy boobs, stuffy nose, tired, bit dizzy and headachey. Most of which I'm too busy at school to worry about. I have my 12 wk scan on the 23rd. Everything is crossed like you wouldn’t believe! Still don't know whether to tell then or wait till after 16 or 20 wks.
Wish - I'm very exciting for your new chapter in this TTC journey. You're taking the bull by the horns! Love it! I'm glad you are looking into a new RE. I really hope DH can get on board - take those pills all the time! Is your poison ivy clearing up? I can't believe DH won't go near you. I like Moni's idea of the suit. I was thinking plastic wrap.

Terri - Very exciting that it's almost time for shots again. Not because of the shots of course, but bc that means a very exciting time coming up and fx, fx a BFP. You are the nicest person ever for taking your coworker out to lunch. I'm sure it'll be the highlight of his week. Just think how excited he'll be when you tell him you're pregnant!

Kfs - I hope some of those procedures can get recoded with your insurance. Sometimes it's about talking to right person. And yay for your DH being so supportive.

Sis - I hope that cold is on it's way out.

Moni - Look at that amazing beta! I think this one's a keeper! So happy for you.

Driving - I'm so happy that the amnio results are good. What a relief. Oh and maternity clothes are sooo necessary. I switched over to maternity pants a week or two ago and it's heaven. I don't need waistbands digging into my stomach right now. And yes, this pregnancy is showing up a lot sooner for me too.

Garfie - I'm glad you talked the DH. You know, usually guys don't talk about what they're thinking/feeling with anyone, while we usually check things out with all kinds of people, which allows for a reality check. Guys just go along thinking that they are right so we need to knock them down a notch or at least bring them back to reality sometimes. Glad he got the picture and is being nicer.

Nessaw - Glad the ms isn't getting you too bad. I do think being busy helps when it's just regular nausea. I would think you're almost out of the woods for the bad nausea.

Seattle and Smiles - Hope you're enjoying your little cuties and you're getting a little bit of sleep.

So I have to tell you all that I'm getting some more taps from Penguin. It's so dern cute. Can't feel them from the outside yet, but DH tries everyday. Also cute.
My cold is pretty much gone just a Lil raspy in my chest at nite :nope:

Sorry ive been crazy busy w the mum crap I truly Dislike Homecoming :haha:

Driving glad Ur test came back good

Terri glad u r ready to get poking ;)

Garfie we all here and all in our own places but we r here for each other no matter what places we r in.... If that makes sense!! :)

My temp is kinda bla today not really feelin it almost Friday Yay!!
Radkat-Oh, they weren't tears of happiness...well, I am sure he was happy for me, but I kind of think that he thought I would live a life of solitude like he has for 69 years. Well, his mom passed about 7 years ago, so 7 years of solitude (outside of work). He lived with his parents until they went to nursing homes, and he has inherited the house. He lived in the basement even after his parents moved, and when his basement flooded a few years back he finally moved upstairs. He was the last one I told because I knew he would be feeling some kind of way about it. I think a pregnancy would be just as difficult. We'll see..Glad the Penguin is starting to poke you to let you know he/she is there! That's awesome.

Sis-Sorry you're still feeling achy. How miserable, but homecoming is fun! C'mon!! hee hee.

Wish-I hope that poison ivy is gone by now. That's some serious stuff. I would say that I guess DH is on yard duty, but if he's more allergic than you, he definitely can't be messing with the yard. Kids..ah, your DD's can do it! hee hee.
Am lucky as my ms is pretty low key. All day nausea but more like you get when you're hungry rather than making you want to be sick. Achy boobs, stuffy nose, tired, bit dizzy and headachey. Most of which I'm too busy at school to worry about. I have my 12 wk scan on the 23rd. Everything is crossed like you wouldn’t believe! Still don't know whether to tell then or wait till after 16 or 20 wks.

Nessaw - ME TOO!!!!! For all of it!! My symptoms are the same as yours, I'm also too busy at school to think about stuff, I can't decide when to tell people AND my scan is on the VERY SAME DAY!!!!! I guess that we're twins now!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs:

And hi to everyone else too!!!!
Homecoming is Fun just a Ton of work for Mom!!

Most places don't do the Mums and Garters but I will attach a pic so u can see how crazy they get!!

Mind DS's shaggy hair w red highlights :haha:


I'm doing 2 similar to this this year

Garfie – Like everyone else said, jump on in the convo more while you’re stalking! We’re all at such different places but we’re all here to support each other. I LOVE hearing what’s going on with you ladies.

Driving – Terrific news about your amnio. And I understand not wanting to splurge on maternity clothes but I think you deserve it for dealing with the scare you just went through. Good for you!!

Terri – That’s sad that your co-worker is so alone but so nice of you to take him out to lunch.

Nessaw/Future – No harm in holding off on telling people if that makes you feel better. It must be a hard decision because you must be so excited to tell people, too!

Rad – LOVE that you’re starting to feel the baby. Too cute.

Wish – How are you feeling today lady? Hope you’re in better spirits.

Sis – Wow. Those are some costumes!! You had to make all of that?

So, my RE’s office called. If I were to move forward with IVF in November, it would be $4000 out of pocket. My DH is on strict orders to find out more about his insurance today. I really want to get moving with IVF but I guess it would be silly not to wait until January if I can get coverage, right?

In other news, it’s our five-year anniversary today! No exchanging of gifts this year but we’ll go out to dinner tonight to celebrate.
Happy Anniversary kfs!! How nice..We're coming up on 1 year, and I'm not sure what we're going to do. I did give hubs a link to a restaurant that I want to go to for brunch, but I'm pretty sure that, and eating our cake topper for lunch will be the extent of our celebrating. Especially if I find out I really do have to pay out of pocket for these meds. I have to call the place back again today to figure out what happened. So frustrating calling back and forth and back and forth.

Sis-Wow..cool costumes.
They aren't costumes :haha:

Girls wear the Mums and Boys wear Garters it's a Homecoming thing in Texas like I said u guys have probably never heard of em ;)
I'd never heard of this, but am now up to speed thanks to this awesome article:


You Texans sure march to the beat of your own drum, Sis! ;)

Smiles, I want a Mia update! Are you as sleepy as me?! And how is your c-section recovery going??
HA! Thanks for the article ttcinseattle. I thought it was a cape with a big thing on the arm. Now I see that it is something for the arm, but it's just a standalone mum/gater. Very unusual.
I'm from LA and they don't even do them there just here my BBFF in Cali says people there look at his old pics of them like they r from outer Space :rofl:

Anywho looks like AF might come early I've been having cramps was hoping it was good cramps but I'm thinking not :(
Better start staying in top of DH and his Supps ;)
Hey sis, I'm from la as well...what town?

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