I'm feeling alot better today thanks for asking IM just soooo tired it was so hard for me to wake up this am and I still feel like I'm sleep walking :nope:
I think it's the P so I might just take it at nite ;)

Kfs1 hope u get some answers today at the Dr!

Fezzle yay for O and the new house sorry about your father inlaw!!

Happy Monday everyone last day of my BIGS suspension so hes going to storage and I'm going to acupuncture :)
Sis - glad you are feeling better!! hoping you get a sticky bean this time!!!

Terri - watched me some football this weekend !!! LOVE it - I am so glad it is football time... hope this last week of BCP's goes quickly

KFS - good luck at your appointment today - it souds like you and DH are getting so close!!!!

fezzle - that stinks your referral fell through!!! :growlmad: but I am sooooooo happy about your POS OPK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: you aren't going to need that stinking referral anyway!!! :haha:

well :hi: to all you other lovelies - I keep screwing up this post and posting too soon - so I am getting back to work!!:plane:

AFM: just back from my appointment (obviously not doing work :blush:)
I have my first ever clomid prescription (filled) and in my purse... He gave me 5 pills... I was hoping for a whole bottle...:haha:
and I had a physical exam for the first time since we have been TTC (18 months) - can you believe that? the RE never examined me, not one doctor I have seen... so ridiculous when I think about it... anyway - he is referring me to a doctor in STL I explained about our horrible experience with the RE here (his boss/colleague) and that my hubby won't go back and this Dr said - "that's ok - there are others we just have to figure out which one your insurance will cover!"
I tried to aske for femara - but :nope: and I asked for progesterone :nope: even though he does say he thinks my hormones are weak and thats why I am spotting - but he thinks clomid will fix it all I guess :wacko:
but he said he will do clomid - until he can get me into someone else (he feels I need to see someone else to see if they can unblock my tube...)

I don't know how I feel... and I don't know how my husband will feel about traveling to St Louis (if that gets approved) ... so I will take my clomid (50 mg - prob won't do too much!!) CD 5-9... and get my blood tested on 25th to see if I ovulated (first time for that too!!!)

have resorted to Pinterest home remedies for this poison ivy... UGH I hope it goes away soon - my husband wont touch me while i have it (he is highly allergic) and :sex: time will be end of the week and early next week!!!

so that's my update ladies!!! Happy Monday!
Fezzle-Sorry to hear about your FIL as well. It's so hard dealing with a parent in bad health. You feel so helpless. Big hugs to your DH! Awesome news on your first smiley. They really make you feel good, huh? I hope you don't need to go to that stupid RE. Now that you're O'ing on your own, you'll be prego in no time. Sorry they turned you down though on the referral. They do not have women's best interests at heart.

kfs1-I hope today's meeting is a success. Did you say DH can go with you? Maybe a break is good, or maybe you just need an u/s to find out what's up with that witch/non witch. Sorry you're in limbo. No, I didn't get another foster dog. I have to space them out because hubs isn't that into the dogs. Maybe next month.

Sis-At least you get to get out of the house today, but sorry you are still feeling so bad. I wish I could help. :hugs:
Well I went to acupuncture but now I just want to go to :sleep: I usually feel better after maybe she stirred my cold up again :shrug:

Wish I'm glad u r doing something even if it's just Clomid maybe it will give u lots of Eggies ;)
Wish- I guess we were posting at the same time this morning. I hope CLomid is the answer. Don't you feel excited about going to someone new and trying something new? It was like a breath of fresh air for me, so I hope it is for you too. Now...to get rid of your poison ivy. So, now the question is, if you still have poison ivy and your hubs won't get near me, are you going to use your Clomid this cycle? I'm scared! hee hee. I don't want those precious pills to go to waste!
So, out of curiosity, I called my insurance to see where I'm at with my fertility max and I'm already at $9100 due to all of my procedures, surgeries, and the 2 IUIs!!! And I'm not even 100% that everything has been filed! I have a lifetime max of $15,000. :(. IVF is not sounding as possible as I thought now. Not to mention, my DHs surgery which would be categorized under infertility as well.

I honestly don't know what to do now.
Kfs1 I'm sorry Ur $$$ is adding up but I would think that the Varicocele repair shouldn't be lumped as Fertilty we don't have fertility coverage and it would be covered as its a procedure to reduce the pain my DH has!!
I can't recall everything u had done also but some of that seemed like normal well being procedures not exactly fertility related!!

Maybe contact a nurse or insurance person willing to work w u about getting that stuff switched :hugs:

That being said I'm paying for 2 IUIs they said they would cover :nope:

AFM TMI I have had way more BM than I've ever had B4 I'm sure it's the cold working itself out butt OMG :haha:
Surely I wouldnt get lucky enough to get 2 BFPS in a row ;)
Morning Ladies

I need to vent - I am just soooooo angry at my hubby right now - I feel like my head is going to explode!!!!!

So as you know we have this on/off ttc thing going on - where he says no more babies - I get a positive test and then he goes all gooey eyed and says stuff like "wow were gonna have a baby".

Well not only has my baby now gone to big school - he seems to little:cry: but my hubby didnt come near me last night - I asked him for some loving and he said why should I - it's just so you can get frigging pregnant!!!!

I mean seriously WTF???? when does what I do ever interfere with his lifestle (did I mention he's off fishing tonight???) also as you know my eldest has autism (well tonight is his special club) and he can't go because hubby is going bloody fishing!!!!! (we live in a village and the buses don't run that regular:cry:) I don't drive.

I guess with the news of the royals expecting their second baby yesterday plastered all over the papers (where is my 1 year old?) my baby going to big school, my eldest having a meltdown and my hubby rejecting me (he's never ever done that!) no matter what has been thrown at us - I guess I just feel a tiny bit - no scrap that EMOTIONAL :cry:

Anyway I guess tomorrow is another day - at least I'm back at work (but if I have to look at a photo of the accountants cute grand child and hear another comment about how much weight he is putting on) I might just f@@@@@g scream!!!!!!

Love you all ladies and great to read about your journeys - off to crawl back under my grumpy rock

Sis - Why shouldn't you get 2 BFPs in a row - they say you are more fertile :winkwink:


Garfie Big Big :hugs:!!!! I'm sorry DH is being a Butt I know the feeling mine has been gone every week for "work" but he just too busy to call!!! REALLY??? :grr:

Idk about getting hopeful I guess it's just never been easy so it being easy is a Whole new thing for me
Check out that dip though and I keep wondering if my cold is a clue ;)
kfs1- Oh no...how much does IVF cost through insurance? Did you ask about that? Maybe you can at least do one IVF and for your second kid you can either pay out of pocket or it will happen naturally. I would also ask if that varicocle has to be part of the fertility money. Maybe you'll catch someone on a good day and they can change the header. I'm sorry to hear that disappointing news. I have to call my prescription insurance today to see if they are going to fund me. Last time they were saying that I was out of money, and I needed some override code or something. So irritating.

garfie-Your husband is being such a douchebag (DB). What is his problem? Maybe he needs to go see a counselor to sort out his emotions. It's always all about him and his fishing, and he seems to have no regard for EVERYTHING else that you do. He never spends time with the boys or talks to the teachers, etc...Oh, and happy anniversary, btw. Reading about him makes me so mad. I'll stop here.

Sis-Maybe your cold is a sign! fxfx

AFM-I made it through the first week of football! The entire city is depressed over the Ray Rice video, but most people think he got what he deserved. There are a few random nobodies saying "If his wife forgave him, so should we." REALLY? The only reason why she forgave him was because when the stars started twinkling in her eyes after that punch, so could only see stars shaped like dollar signs. I bet she's going to file for divorce + alimony next week, if not this week. That's love. And on a fertility related note, how come the only time I get significant EWCM is when I'm on BCP? It's the worst! :wacko:
Garfie - I don't blame you for being mad! That was a shitty thing for him to say, especially since he's so wishy-washy about TTCing in general. And I'm sorry that your eldest couldn't go to his club. Your DH should have stepped up to take him - that's for sure. Anyway, I hope being back at work helps to take your mind off of things. And I hope your DH comes to his senses and apologizes!!!

Terri - You're getting more EWCM on the pill??? Of COURSE that would happen. How annoying. I hate being on BCPs so much, especially because I was on them for so many years. (HA - who knew that I probably didn't need them.) How much longer do you have to be on them? I was thinking of you with the Ray Rice video. Totally unbelievable and awful. :(

Wish - I'm so happy that you have a plan now! How are you feeling about things?

About my situation, I'm an IDIOT for not keeping track of the spending. I had been thinking about it a lot lately but for some reason, I brought up the $15K max to my RE yesterday and she looked pretty worried so I decided to call last night. My RE says that she puts 2 codes when she does surgeries - one for fertility and another one (forget what it was exactly). You would THINK that she would have maybe thought of using only the 1 code beforehand but it sounds like she wasn't thinking at all.

Anyway, our original plan was for me to go in for a sonohysterogram this Friday to make sure that everything's still looking good (no polyp re-growth or anything) and then I was going to come back in when I started my next cycle in early October and we were going to get things rolling for a November ER.

Here's the new plan. We're meeting with my DHs urologist on the 17th (the earliest we could get) to find out more particulars about the surgery. He seemed very confident that it would greatly improve our situation but my DH doesn't remember any specifics (of course - men) so I'm going with him this time around. I'm also going to ask to have the surgery coded under "medically necessary" or whatever it is instead of "fertility." Hopefully he will be able to help us out. And if that all works out, then we'll move forward with that.

I'm also going to discuss costs with my RE. If we can swing it, we're going to move forward with the IVF in November. And then, in January, I'm going to switch over to my DHs insurance so that I have a fresh start with fertility $. We just have to be sure that fertility will be covered and that we won't have any issues with switching (pre-existing conidition...?)

Anyway, that's the best we can do! Once again, my DH talked me down off of a ledge. He really is SO supportive and amazing when it comes to this stuff - unBElievable.
Kfs1 u r so lucky to have a guy like that !!!! Glad u figured out a new plan of action!! :)
KFS - glad it is working out - it is possible you can appel some of the prior services and have them potentially switch it out of fertility.

Garfie - ugh! and :hugs:

Sis - you never know...

So I have a friend who I just found out has beentrying about as long as me - but has had a chemical and a miscarriage. She did her first IUI last month and got a BFN - and was natural this month - and got a positive. Her doctor is not going to see her for another 2 weeks because it is "too early" - she Os early. I am just so frustrated for her.

AFM - scan went well this morning - saw a picture perfect sac and yolk! Doc expects my numbers to be over 1000 with what he saw. He forgot to print us out a photo but promised to spoil us next week with photos. Go back next tues and hopefully will hear the heart beat! :happydance:
KFS - :hugs: twinnie!! first off let me say that your medical establishment from the doctor to the insurance people leave ALOT to be desired :growlmad::growlmad: i would think it would be obvious to bill the things (anything) that could be considered regular medical treatment as such and not fertility... :growlmad: but apparently common sense is only here on this board!!! regardless - i know you and your DH will get this all straightened out and you will get one IVF (cause baby you aren't going to need anymore than that!!!!) :hugs:
hang in there lady!!!

Sis - two BFP's in a row is not outside the realm of possibilties!!! :happydance::happydance: keeping my FX crossed for you!!!

Moni - YAY!!! how awesome!! can't wait to hear your numbers!! this is your sticky bean!! are you guys gonna find out boy or girl??

terri - ugh about the rice situation... and yea you are dead on about the "wife" sticking it out... she's probably already packed and gone...
and all that EWCM... on BCP's no less... poor body is confused!!!:haha:
when you start stims???

garfie - your hubby needs a kick in the pants!!! men just do not know how to deal with emotions... and anything to do with fertility!!! FX he gets his head out of his rear and you can get back to BD!!!

:hi: to all you other ladies - I have got to get back to the depressing world of casualty operations so I am cutting this short!!! (or shorter i guess):haha:

AFM: bummed today - no real justification I guess except that DH decided to stop taking his fertilaid because of the poison ivy - we can't BD because he is more allergic than I am to it ... I told him you can't stop taking it - you have to take it all the time (he only takes one pill a day for goodness sakes) - i fear he truly truly doesn't get any of this... bleh...
not sure how I would make seeing an FE 2 hours away work - I don't know... it is just hard to get excited - scared of getting hopes up for crushing disappointment again...
and this freaking posion ivy just won't leave... :growlmad:
KFS - I hate issues with insurance... $15k is not a bad lifetime max, though, especially if you can move on to hubby's insurance afterwards.

Sis - FX! You are supposed to be more fertile after a MC, but for me, it took 5 months after that... my cycles were a bit screwy a few months after.

Garfie, ugh!! Fishing is never an excuse :)

Wish - poison Ivy sucks. I am not that allergic, but once we went hiking, I had a blister to show for it but hubby looked like he had a chemical burn all over his body. He suffered for weeks. Also, don't worry about the supplement pills. I have never taken any supplements (except for folic acid) and neither has hubby - I just don't think there is enough info out there about them (whether they work, what the side effects might be, etc). Sure, do it if you feel like it, but don't get stressed if he skips a few :)
Wish-I hear your rant about your hubs. If everything is not perfect, it may not work and then that is the blame. Did you tell him about the dr. in St. Louie? I am guessing you have not. Just beware that he may shoot you down. I really think your desire is so much greater than his, and that's tough to bear. :hugs2:

Sis-Yeah, two BFPs is not impossible. Your cycles always seem to bounce back to normal so quickly. I really don't understand it, but better for you, IF your hubs would come back in town at the right time. How was DS' first day back at school?

kfs1-Sounds like you have a good plan going. 15k lifetime isn't that much when we're jumping right to the big guns. I don't even know if that would last if say we were younger, and had to try a million Clomid/monitored cycles. I hope the doctor can switch things up for you. Coding was the word I was thinking of, and header was as close as I could get. hee hee.

Moni-Yeah! for great results today.

Driving/Futuremom-Did you tell your families the news? I don't remember hearing about it.

nessaw-You've been mighty quiet..hope you're ok.

VJean-Are you ready to pop? Are you secretly having your baby?

ttcinseattle/Smiles-Hope you ladies are enjoying your time with your little girls.

Momof3-What's going on? Are you still lurking in the background? You should be at the end of your TWW soon, right?

AFM-I ordered my box of meds. Someone called this afternoon and I was afraid they were going to tell me that my prescription money is all used up. Then the lady said 'Oh, we didn't realize you already placed your order. Nevermind.' PHEW!
Moni :yipee: so glad today went Well!!!

Wish I know the feeling I have to wake DH up to gives him his Supps but when he's gone :shrug: he probably throws them away!! :nope:

Terri glad u got ur order in Time to Get ER Done!!! ;)

AFM went to get my nails Did its been awhile since I got outta the house so it was nice but I missed my Luna!!
Almost done w Ds2s room so I better start working on the Mum to keep me busy and away from the HPT!! ;)
So the beta was at 2469!! :happydance: Progesterone was over 40 so I get to cut the injection back down to 1cc a day. Back on the 16th for another scan. And yes I will be finding out the gender, I'm too much of a control freak to not.

Wish - hoping that poison ivy leaves you quickly. Perhaps you can wear a body suit with some strategically placed holes...just a thought.:blush:
:rofl: Moni that made me :rofl:

Wish :ninja: :flasher:

Driving it was 4 cycles between the last 2 MC but the golden token has been DH taking the Supps every time he takes them I get a BFP!!
Moni - So happy that you had such a great appointment!!! :happydance:

Wish - Ugh. I'm sorry that you're feeling down in the dumps. What does fertilaid have to do with poison ivy??? I don't see how taking a vitamin would make that situation worse. I just had to remind my DH about taking his again. He was good about it for a while but he's been slacking, too. As far as the RE goes, how often would your husband have to come along? Wouldn't it just be you traveling most of the time anyway?

Terri - YES! So happy that your meds are ordered and you're ready to go!

Sis - Back to back BFPs would be amazing! Did you ever get that testing done after your last MC?

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