Hi ladies...I was finally able to catch up on all the posts without falling asleep reading them. :haha: I forgot what it's like to lose sleep due to a little one, it's been a while. :sleep:

TTC...Mia is doing well, being spoiled like crazy by everyone especially my sister who has been with us since last Saturday and is a God send doing the laundry, cleaning, watching Mia when we need her to etc. she says she'll stay for as long as I need her. She runs a tight ship too...has the kids all pitching in to help clean etc :haha: I don't think they are too happy about that but oh well. Lol. Recovering from the c section is harder than I thought. After 2 vaginal births I find the c section very difficult. Aside from the pain I find having to depend on other ppl to help with things hard especially being a person who is use to doing for myself. How is Lillian?

Wish...how's the poison ivy these days? I really do hope it clears soon if it hasn't already. And whoo-hoo for coming out with all guns blazing on TTC. FX your hubs is on board with going to St Louie to the dr if that is what you absolutely want.

Garfie...I love hearing from you are you kidding? And glad the hubby did a turn about and realized he was being a jerk. Now he better stay on the right path! :growlmad:

Sis...you're very creative,I'm so jealous! I was born with no decorating/ creative sense about me so apparently you got mine as well :haha:

Moni....glad your numbers are on the rise.

Terri....I'm telling you if there wasn't already a spot behind the pearly gates for you there is one now! How ultra sweet of you to take your co-worker to lunch for his birthday. That really had to make his day.

Hello to everyone else.....VJean, Katie, Driving, Kfs, Radkat, Erose and anyone else I may have missed.

AFM...I had my 1 week visit for my dr to check my incision and all looks good. Before going to him I found myself crying for no reason and not being able to stop it. I was fine in the hospital but after being home for a couple days I think it all hit me, the baby, healing from the c section, feeling helpless, the sleep deprivation, still trying to be a mom to the other kids and deal with homework etc. Thursday in te middle of talking to my mom I broke down crying and she asked was I feeling depressed any etc and I told her I was happy but sometimes I just didn't have a comer sense of happiness. She told me to talk to my dr which I did and he had me talk to the nurse practitioner who had me answer a series of questions to determine if I had post partum depression. After talking with her she said what I was experiencing was the baby blues and didn't want to put me on an anti depressant like the dr initially wanted to. I was baling my eyes out talking to her in the exam room and she assured me plenty of women go through it. I never had this before so it's new to me. I told her I felt like an idiot for not feeling happy at times she just looked at me as said " it's okay...hormones are a bitch". I'm feeling a lot better today than I was a couple days ago. I think getting out of the house and being able to take Mia for a little stroll and soaking up some sun helped some as well.
Smiles - I'm sorry that you're feeling down but I'm sure it's totally normal! Having a baby is a huge life-changer and those nasty hormones make us feel crazy sometimes! I hope you're feeling better today. :hugs:

Pretty quiet around here this weekend. :) Our anniversary was nice. We just went out for a nice dinner and relaxed. Saturday, I had my niece's birthday party and then we met up with friends. I indulged a bit too much Saturday night so I was not feeling good at all yesterday. I had to skip my friend's blessing for her son and I felt AWFUL. Back on track this week with healthy eating and no booze. :) I did have EWCM yesterday/today which is a bit early for me. I'm wondering if triggering early the past 2 cycles has messed with my cycle a bit.
Kfs1 some times I get EWCM when my cervix opens but then I don't O for a few more days r u on any meds this cycle maybe that's the cause if u aren't taken those E supressors it might come early!! GL

AFM I've been mumming all darn weekend my back hurst my fingers are glued and I'm only half way done
Also My Bigs GF ordered Camo ribbon I have to figure out how to work in to hers that I've already done :nope:
My niece decided she wants one too so I'm making 2 huge ones and she also put em on Instagram let's see how many people want more after that :haha:
It's keeping me super busy though and I'm almost not concerned that AF seems to be arriving early just get here and outta my way :witch: Bring on OCT!! ;)

Happy Monday hope everyone is well!!!
Hey, ladies!

Long time, no see! :(

I don't know if I'll ever be able to catch up properly...

Sis, I've been seeing mums all over FB lately. My SIL makes them it's quite a production! I can't even imagine the glue involved... :)

Smiles013, Congrats! But sorry about the hormones! Glad you got some sun and things are looking up. Enjoy your little one!

kfs1, Happy anniversary! Seems like the trigger could mess up a cycle, but I don't know first hand. I haven't had a cycle without triggering since I started the IUIs at the beginning of the summer, so I have no idea what all that will do to an unmedicated cycle. I do know that WITH the trigger my cycle is amazingly different. I got a quote from my doc for IVF - 15K!!! Insurance pays for absolutely NONE of that, so I'm excited about your $4,000! Sounds great!

I had my fourth IUI today. Hubs had great numbers (242 million! Where the heck did they come from?!? He's NEVER had numbers like that!!!) and my lining was thicker than it's ever been at 8.1. I'm feeling very hopeful! I just felt so terrible for the two women who were seen in the room next to mine. While I was waiting for the doc I could hear her next door doing an IUI for a woman after telling her there was a problem with motility. And then after my IUI she had another woman in the room next door who had a really low count. :( There was some comic relief though... They were out of seats in the waiting room and some poor guy had to stand there with his cup in his hand for quite a while. The men were mortified for him, but the women were all snickering like b!tches. ha ha!
Mischief sounds great GL hope this is it for ya!!

Wow 15K for IVF my Dr is only 9-10K maybe switching isn't the best idea is that w PGD or something cuz I know PGD is another 5-6K!!

Where is the info on the cheaper IVF I can't find it can U please repost ??!?? :)

Smiles I usually get the baby Blues Too and I've heard they are worse w boys so hopefully u will be feeling better soon!! :hugs:
Mischief - I was WONDERING where you had been. Glad to hear that you're doing well. I'm SOO jealous of that count. Sounds like you have a GREAT shot this month. :dust:
My IVF was $13k but only because the meds were covered. If you do a search for IVF trials - there might be a clinic doing a trial in your area...I was starting to look into that.
Mischief, that's a great count!

Also, thanks for the laugh about the guy with the cup :) DH whined for months about how gross his experience of giving a sample was... I was not sympathetic.
Mischief – good to hear from you! This month does sound promising for you. And I have to admit, I did snicker at the thought of that poor guy standing there. But the way I see it, we go thru WAY MORE mortifying stuff than standing around with a sample cup! :haha:

Sis, your mums look great. I can’t believe this is my first year in ages that I haven’t had to make any. Thanks goodness…I don’t think I would have the energy right now to do it! My littlest BIG is a sophomore and just now getting into girls and hanging out with friends that can drive, etc, so I am sure I will be back into it full swing next year. Bring on the :witch: so you can get your tests done and get back to business!

Kfs1 – I am glad you had a nice anniversary! Hopefully your timing works out this month, even if it is a tad early! I also hope your insurance pans out…. It is so important to be relaxed when it comes to TTC, but who can relax when they are facing HUGH bills?!?!

Smiles, the baby blues is perfectly normal and I am glad your nurse recognized that. Sometimes Drs are way too quick to medicate. Feel free to cry all you want! This time will pass before you know it. I think we are overdue for an updated Mia pic thou!

Terri, that was very sweet of you to take your co-worker out and I bet it was the highlight of his week! Fingers crossed you end up in that will! :haha: Did you get your meds straight with your insurance?

Future Mom, glad to hear from you and that you are doing well! Make sure you check in and tell us how you announced your pregnancy!

Wish, hope that poison ivy is gone for good and you were able to BD!

Nessaw, thanks for checking in! Hope you get some energy back soon! And not to burst your bubble…but mine NEVER came back! Now it could have to do with my work schedule – into work by 6 am, and I work 9 hour days…but I kept waiting for this magic burst of energy to arrive and I’m still waiting. My poor DVD keeps giving me “I’m full” messages because I am just too tired to watch anything in the evenings! I really hope you have better luck than me!

Driving, I am so relieved to hear your results were fine. I can’t imagine the stress you were under! I’m glad you are able to relax a little bit now, and I completely feel you when it comes to maternity clothes shopping. I really hated “wasting” the money. Unfortunately, I work in an office so I had to buy “real” clothes for work. If I could wear yoga pants and flip flops every day, I so would!

Radkat, Yay for Penguin taps!! :happydance:

Garfie, :hugs: Sorry you are having a rough time…

Moni, great numbers!! We want to see your baby bean pics when you get them!

Katie, your Frozen party sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to see pics!! Last year my DD had an over the top Minnie Mouse party for her first birthday. DH made me promise to scale it down this year, and of course I said sure…but she is having a Candy Land Extravaganza, thanks to Pintrest! Since I’ll be on maternity leave (ie: broke with a lot of time on my hands!), I do plan to do most of the decorations myself. I mean, you only turn 2 once, right?
And as far as rebuying baby stuff, I did manage to hang on/reuse most of my bigger items. My bouncer and swing are both neutral/cream colored. I loaned them to a friend and she just returned them. I also loaned her my brand new, never used co-sleeper, and she accidently left it at their family farm and her SIL SOLD it! I am so annoyed. I literally had just taken it out of the box… it wasn’t the cosleeper that I registered for, so it didn’t work for how I wanted to use it. (it’s bigger, with hard sides, etc) But it was going to be perfect to have a safe/toddler free area for this baby to sleep in while in the living room or family room. So now she is trying to replace it, but there are a number of different models, and the one I had is hard to find. I had the high end model, so my friend ordered it on amazon. The seller couldn’t fill the order, but instead of refunding her money, he went on walmart’s website and sent me the $37 model! I feel bad for my friend… she is trying to do the right thing and replace it, but it has been nothing but a headache! Other than that, I also reused my crib. The rest of the furniture is new, and of course all the clothes, baby tub, etc. I am however, making him use pink towels and washcloths. I refuse to buy new ones just because they are pink. :haha:

AFM: Just counting down the days…. 20 days of work left and 38 (or less!!!) days until baby! I wish I could say I was nesting and working like crazy to get my house in order, but that would be a lie. I get home from work exhausted and then will myself to stay awake until 7 pm, when I take Haddie to my bed and let her watch an hour of Dora before I pass out. My Dh has classes at night, and it really make it easier for me to be a lazy bum!
Ironically, despite my total lack of doing anything physical, I lost 5 lbs this past month. My low-carb, everything tastes like cardboard diet doesn’t let me eat anything good (ice cream, cookies), but everything I do eat (hard boiled eggs, salad, meat, cheese) has no calories in it. I’m averaging 1200 calories a day. My doc was not happy about it, but baby still looks good. She asked me to add more calories to breakfast and lunch, but I just don’t know how. I am scared to eat anything that could elevate my blood sugar. I’ve added protein shakes a couple of times a day. I make them myself, so I add a tablespoon of peanut butter to them to get some extra calories and make them taste better. She instructed me to stop using low-fat / non-fat salad dressings, yogurts, etc. We’ll see if that makes a difference!
Otherwise, not much else going on. DB is laying low, hoping I won’t push to get our temp orders finalized. MIL is still scheduled to come stay with us when I have the baby. DH and I aren’t seeing eye to eye on this, but our recent discussions have gone better… I sent him a nice article about putting your spouse before your parents. That actually helped a bit! We facetimed with his parents last night…I was annoyed after 5 minutes. How am I going to deal with a week or two? :nope:
Wow - Vjean - you are so close!!! Glad things are working out with the baby stuff. Try not to work too hard and don't worry about getting things ready - it will all work out.
Terri - Your coworker sounds sweet. And he's preparing you for those friends who are choosing to stay childless who will just have a little less contact with you after you have kids. Or is that just me? :haha:

Sis - Those mums are crazy. Is it customary for the parents to do all the work? I'd be getting that kid to glue some of those ribbons on. :wacko:

Kfs - I'm glad your anniversary was nice. Our 5th will be next May when we're preparing to move across country. Something tells me we won't be doing much. Let's hope your EWCM means O is on it's way. Shouldn't be a big deal if it's a bit early.

Smiles - Big hugs on the baby blues. They suck, but they will pass. I'm glad your nurse recognized that they are normal and don't need meds. BUT if you get worse (which is unlikely, I think) don't be afraid to do meds for the time you need them. Ask for help and accept ALL help that is offered. If someone says, what can I do, come up with something - bring me dinner, wash some dishes, come over and chat, (or all 3) whatever you think will help. Oh and I think getting outside, talking walks, etc really helps. Makes you feel more normal. Hang in there, sweetie. It'll get better.

Mischief - Look at those numbers! How exciting! Keep us updated. This cycle seems promising!

VJean - Wow, you are counting down the days! I'm sorry you're feeling tired, but I'm glad you get to rest in the evenings - that's great. You'll have more time once you're done with work. Re: GD diet... Do you know that you can't tolerate any carbs? Have you found your limit? I could do a peanut butter and banana wrap (wheat tortilla, less carbs than bread) and it didn't affect my blood sugar at all. But I know everyone is different. I would definitely say nuts and go full fat on dairy. No low fat cheese, that stuff is kinda yucky anyway. Make yourself a good casserole (leftovers!) of meat, veggies, then do a cream sauce and add some cheese on top. Not low cal, but low carb. Add some brown rice/quinoa if you can tolerate it. You don't need to be depriving yourself.

Hi to Driving, Moni, Wish, Nessaw, Fezzle, Garfie, FutureMom, Seattle and all the rest!
Vjean, wow, i can't believe you are on the home stretch! I remember when you got that BFP :) Also, I think I need a diet as I am gaining too much weight and am always hungry...

And yes as to working in the office... I have to look fairly presentable. I got away without buying a suit for my last pregnancy (I paired black maternity pants with colorful pre-preggers jackets which probably looked ridiculous at the end). Hoping this time, too - bought a couple of business-y dresses. But annoyed, as I have to go to a few work-related receptions and one of them was "business attire." Whatever...
This is going to be fast because I want to watch the Orioles. We're two games away from making it to the playoffs, so I'm super into them right now.

I enjoyed my weekend break away from BnB. hee hee. I did get all my schoolwork done though, so I accomplished something. Now I just have to try and catch up with everyone.

AFM, my insurance for my meds was giving me a TIME. They still don't know whether I'm out of money or not. STUPID! So...I had to pay for most of my meds out of pocket, and I will be sending in the reimbursement just in case they somehow find that I have some extra money in the "bank." I called my medical insurance, and I have plenty there for ultrasounds and such, so that's great, and I'm happy about that. Also, one of my meds has rebates, so I'll be sending that in too. I don't get new prescription insurance until January, so I'll be out of pocket until then. Kind of sucky, but hopefully once this baby arrives, I won't have to take a lot of meds. Who knows...whatever..It's so stupid. The worst part is that i'll have to cut back on my eating out with friends. I know, no biggie for most, but I LOVE eating out. Cooking too, but eating out with friends is much more fun. Maybe I'll have to start hosting potlucks or something. hee hee. UGH!! The menu tonight has my new favorite, cornbread with jalapeños and cheese, alongside chicken/bacon/ranch pasta. The cornbread will get me through the week. I also made hard boiled eggs and bought cereal for breakfast/snacks. This is my new life. Oh...BCP is done, and i have my first bloodwork and ultrasound tomorrow. I miss you guys and will try to reread everything from work. <3
Yay! I finished cooking and now I'm just chillin' and watching baseball.

VJean-Things are really moving along for you. I can't believe you are about to have your baby boy! 40 days or so! Woop woop! I don't want to jinx you, but my plants, Big L and Little M have a new brother just popping through the dirt. hee hee. I feel really bad for them because their stems are so thin that the wind blows them every which way. I hope that a few more plants pop up to protect them. It's almost time to bring them all inside though because it is really getting chilly here in the evenings.

Smiles-Oh...you're making me cry, telling me there is a spot for me in the pearly gates. <3 You are too kind. My coworker was really happy about lunch. He stared at me the whole time, but luckily there were three others at lunch for me to pay attention to. hee hee. He's a little socially awkward. I think maybe he has Asbergers or something, but he's been staring at me for 8 years already so I'm used to it. I did wear a thinnish shirt that day so he could see the outline of my bra. hee hee. It's the least I could do. Usually I wear a tank top underneath, so HAPPY 69th BIRTHDAY! HA! Sorry you have the baby blues, but I agree with the others that it is perfectly normal, and cry all you want. Radkat had a great idea-just make up stuff for people to do. And yeah..you're due to show us some pics. Hope you are feeling better today.

Mischief-Welcome back, stranger! That's awesome that your DH's counts were so good. If he has any tips/tricks, hook a sister up! hee hee. I did laugh at the guy standing in the corner with his cup. Suck it up, cupcake! I don't see a ton of men in our place, but every now and again they are there with their partners.

kfs1-Glad you raged out this weekend. It's about time! hee hee. I went grocery shopping today and forgot to pick up my OJ with calcium. My nails are looking SO great. I am not sure if it's because of a year of prenatals or my healthy eating (during my TWW). hee hee. Whatever it is, I'm trying to keep them looking nice. I have a mani/pedi on Wednesday and am looking forward to actually having my first mani with nice nails. My nails got ruined after wearing those stupid fake nails for my wedding, but in general, they are usually pretty weak, so it'll be nice for the manicurist to actually have nail to file. HA!!HA!!

Hi again to everyone else! :wave:
Terri, I've been wondering what could cause such a dramatic improvement. The only change for him between this IUI and the last one was that he quit his cholesterol medicine about four weeks ago. He has been taking Niaspan for low HDL for years, and as it's never had an effect he got fed up and tossed it. I wonder if that was it?
The P must be keeping my temp up cuz its UP but BFN!!! I also got the chills last nite really bad and my throat hurts again it better just be allergies and nothing else I can't take being sick AGAIN!!! :nope:

Terri Sux u had to pay for meds hope this is the LAST time for that!! :)

Vjean Halloween Baby how exciting!!

Mischief again great numbers can't wait to hear in 2wks!!
vjean - Sigh. There's no way that you can talk your DH into not allowing his mother to stay...? I just can't imagine how you're going to deal with that, you poor thing. I'm annoyed for you. Anyway, get to eating that full-fat dairy girl! You need to bulk up. :) Like everyone else, I CANNOT believe you're so close! It seems like just yesterday that you got your BFP.

Rad - Since you're moving on your anniversary, perhaps you can take advantage of all of the new babysitters who are going to be around...? :)

Smiles - How are you doing lady? Hope you're starting to feel better! We're always here if you need to vent. :hugs:

Terri - THERE you are. I missed you. So awesome that BCPs are done and you have your first ultrasound soon! I'm so sorry about your insurance though. What a pain in the ass!

Moni - Once again, can't wait to hear about your appointment.

Hi Sis, Mischief, Driving, Wish, Katie

Well, tons more EWCM but a negative on the OPK this morning. We BDd last night anyway. It's been MONTHS since I've had EWCM so I'm taking full advantage. :) Other than that, nothing but a boring work week ahead. :)
kfs1-Thanks..I missed you too. :) Glad you're taking advantage of your bodily fluids. hee hee. It does suck that I have to pay out of pocket, but it's an eye opener for my husband the super spender/shopper. I was in the grocery store yesterday and guess who I saw walking down the aisle. Yes, hubs. I'm like 'Hey..I was just thinking about you.' He said 'oh?' I said 'Yeah, you really need to start buying lunch foods at the grocery store and stop going out every day spending gas and money. Why are you here?' He said 'My coworker had a piece of pecan pie and I thought I might find a piece here.' I thought to myself, 'Seriously. You came into the grocery store to buy one piece of pie?' Instead I said 'Oh. See you at home.' HA!!HA!! He would (and does) go to the store every day for one thing instead of planning and buying a lot in order to save a trip. When he got home, he had lunchmeat and bread. Yay!! Something is getting through his skull.

Had my bloodwork and ultrasound this morning. Everything looked fine, my blood was not flowing at all. They had to put a heating pad on my arm to warm up my arms. I have on short sleeves and flip flops and I think today is the last day for that. Brrr...I have circulation problems in my hands when it's cold, so I believe that is why no blood was coming out of either arm. ha! After the heating pad, I was able to give them my blood. My meds will be here Wednesday for a Friday start. Oh joy.
:thumbup: Good morning Ladies (or afternoon) :happydance:

Terri - thank goodness you posted... I was trying to figure out how I would find you in case something had happened to you!!! :haha: I forgot you have school and you must be grown up and do homework... :rofl:
anyways so glad the BCP's are done and you had a scan and bloodwork this am... the train is rolling down the tracks for the last time here!!! :bfp: straight ahead !!!! and big fat :growlmad: about your medicine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kfs - :hi: twinnie - here's hoping you can catch on your natural cycle and not have to worry about all that out of pocket insurance stuff!!! your EWCM sounds very promising!!! :happydance: for :sex:

mischief - welcome back and WOWZER on your DH's numbers!!! I wonder if there is a link to that medicine??? i have heard all kinds of bad side effects with cholesterol meds... tell him no more of that crap till you have all 4 of your kids!!! :haha:

Sis - WTF with the sickness... and its not like you don't take vitamins geez... make those kids de-germ when they walk in the house... :thumbup: I know I have said this before but you are the most creative person I have ever met (on the internet :haha:) I wish I had a pinky size portion of that!!! love love all the things you do!!!

vjean - I am with kfs - is DH not willing to go to bat for you here... :nope:??? visiting is one thing - but staying for up to two weeks :( especially since you will be hormonal and all... well no matter what happens I will be praying an extra special amount of grace for your EGR MIL (Extra Grace Required)
and I had GD with my youngest and I only gained 19lbs - my doctor told me in the home stretch "i think you are following the diet TOO GOOD":haha: what can I say always an over achiever!!!


driving- business attire while PG??? whatever is right on!!! but I do see a shop in my local mall that seems to have nice maternity clothes - but I am a cheapskate so I wouldn't pay that much money for them - atleast I don't think I would :haha:
just keep exercising every day (walking counts) that will help with the weight gain... but you already know that!!! :winkwink:

Moni - good luck at your scan today!!! check in and give us the update when you can!! :hugs2:

radkat - when is your next scan?? what's going on with you lady!!!???

:howdy: to all those ladies I missed!!!

AFM: CD10 and last clomid injested at bedtime last night... my temps are low post O temps since I started taking clomid - makes me really nervous... however I am trying to chalk it up to clomid symptoms... i guess if i don't get a positive OPK in the next few days I know this cycle is a big OLE BUSTO.... :pop:

found out yesterday that a friend of mine who is older than 35 is preg... she told me in April she had given up and went back on BCP's... and decided to just adopt... I emailed her yesterday to ask how her adoption journey was going - she said they cancelled their appointment because she is "unexpectadely expecting" ...
I am happy for her - just.... you girls know... :cry:
why does it have to be so hard for some of us????
another girl that works for me 37/38 told me her biological clock is ticking this weekend... and showed me her fertility phone app etc etc... so bracing myself for her :bfp:

anyways... gotta get back to work - suicide investigation to finish up!!
hope you guys have a great day - weather is superb here!!!:happydance:

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