Wish-You know you have my email, right? hee hee. I'm never too far away.

So I have a bit of sad news, and I hope I don't scare all the pregnant ladies out there (maybe you shouldn't read this paragraph), but my ex boyfriend's wife had her water break on 9/11. The baby was due sometime around now, so all was fine. He kept posting on FB that she was in pain, in pain. Finally, he posted that she had the epidural, so everyone of course, was so excited and asking about pictures and the babys' name and such. Well, her uterus ruptured and she had to get flown to Johns Hopkins for emergency surgery. The baby was without oxygen for too long and seemed to be brain damaged as he was unresponsive. After three days, he passed away. I cannot imagine (obviously) the pain that they are going through, so just say a little prayer for Charlie (the baby) and the family. Everything was perfectly fine and sometimes God just does stuff to make us think about how good we all have it, and make us appreciate that small things in life. This could happen to anyone. This is their second child, and I remember she had trouble with the first baby, but she was able to deliver him eventually, and he is fine. Thanks..it's a good day in Bmore with the Os, but a sad few days for them. :cry:
Oh Terri - that is just horrible. I don't know what to say. Everything is so scary.

On a brighter note - I did get to see and hear a heartbeat today...:happydance:


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Terri So Sad will be Thinking of Charlie today :angel:

Moni yay for Lil Bean what was the <3 beat??
Yay!!! Moni!!!! Love your little bean!!!

Terri - :cry: how awful - is mom gonna be ok?? I will be covering that family in prayer for sure!!
Yes, the mom is fine. It is a really sad story and I've never heard of anything like that before, and that's why it is super scary.

Moni-Woohoo!! Now I have to try to decipher that picture of Chimmi. :winkwink: HA!!HA!! I had it upside down and then realized I couldn't read the writing. I am a nut. Great picture!
Yeah I figured out how to rotate it in the other blogs. HB was 106 - which is good for 6 weeks!
Congratulations Moni!!!

Terri - That's SO awful. They're in my prayers.
first let me apologize for this post - its about me!!

I had a mammogram last Friday and the hospital just called and said I have to come and take more pictures of the right side... and I have to stay there until they decide its something or nothing...

cue freaking out

would appreciate some good thoughts and prayers for Friday when I go back!!
You got it, Wish. I had to go back one time and it was really scary, but it just ended up being some shadows or something. I am now on the annual schedule and all has been fine. I'll say a prayer for you for Friday.
Driving - Maternity clothes for work just sucks. I'm lucky that my work is on the casual side. No suits here, but also no jeans or yoga pants (oh that would be a dream!). What about a dress? Something that could be dressed up for your business-y event or worn for regular work.

Terri - I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. Yes, crazy awful things happen all the time. I think the only thing to do is know that it's a small percentage and hope for the best. On a lighter note, glad you got some work done this weekend. Sorry about having to pay for the meds and the belt-tightening. It sure sucks, but it'll prepare you for parenthood. Kids are expensive. :)

Sis - Stay away sickness! :growlmad:

Kfs - EWCM has GOT to be a good sign. Yay for BD. I'm doubting we'll be back around family by our actual anniversary, but we will definitely be taking advantage of babysitters once we get there, so maybe we can postpone a real celebration.

Wish - Let's not talk about cycles being busto just yet. I'm liking the clomid chances. I'm sorry you've got all these ladies getting/trying to get pregnant around you. That's hard to deal with. Oh and the breast scan... I had to go get a follow up when I was pregnant with DD. Talk about crappy timing (not that there's ever a good time), it ended up just being "dense tissue". Sometimes they just need to take a closer look. I actually have my 20 week scan next week (a little early) with the perinatologist because I'm an oldie. They are extra trained all that. A little scary, but good to have an expert taking a look.

Moni - Yay for a heartbeat at 6 weeks! That's amazing. A lot of times they can't even hear anything at that point. So excited for you. :happydance:

BTW, I'm super jealous of all of you talking about cool/great weather. We're on our 5th day of 100+ degree heat. It was 94 degrees at 9am this morning. That is just unacceptable.
Wish, *hug* - I've had a scare too and it was nothing. Sure it will be the same...

yes, I am trying to exercise - not like I did with DS, when I worked out three times a week for 2 hours. Now I walk for about an hour during lunchtime - the only place around our offices to take a walk is a very nice and expensive mall across the street, so I am trying really hard not to buy stuff. The Sephora people must hate me by now, because I go there and try out new stuff almost every day and have not bought anything yet :) Fortunately, only guys sit close to my office so I don't think anyone has noticed that I come in with a newly made up face after lunch.

Moni, yay for a heartbeat!! that is the best thing :)

Radkat, keep cool!

Terri, at first I didn't read your sad news, but then I did, and it was heartbreaking... I feel so sad for them and the little one they lost.

So got my final results from amnio back - I had the microarray done, which looks inside chromosomes for rearrangements and deletions and such, because once we decided to do the procedure, wanted to know everything. All was fine :) Yay!
Driving-WOohoo for absolutely perfect results! We all predicted it would be that way. I guess it's good just to make sure. Yes, it is heartbreaking. I just can't imagine. I know miscarriages are hard, and stillborn births are hard, but actually having the baby in your arms for only three days and seeing him unresponsive to everything when he was probably poking and kicking the day before (maybe??), just has to be the worst feeling in the world. I actually feel bad for getting a card. I just don't know what else to do. I will hand deliver it to them as well. Maybe I should also get a plant? All suggestions are welcome.
Its hard to say. I have had similar cases where I was representing the OB and taking the parents depositions is always so hard. What I am curious about - is if she had issues with her first - why she already wasn't at the better hospital just in case? Where was she that they couldn't do an emergency C? Obviously not questions to ask anytime soon - just what goes thru myhead when I hear about this. I plan to deliver at a state of the art hospital with everything there if needed. Luckily there are plenty of those around to choose from for me! I don't know what I would do otherwise.

I hope they have a funeral - I would treat it like the devastating death of any child - it doesn't matter that he was 3 days old.
I know she started at a nearby hospital. Fortunately, I don't know what types of services are offered at this hospital, but I don't think people can go to Johns Hopkins for regular stuff. I think it is a specialty hospital for serious emergencies and such, and I think when her uterus burst, that's a special situation. Now, I'm not sure of the events and how it all went down, so I don't know if they had the option to do the c section beforehand. I really don't know. I'm going to visit on Friday. Maybe I'll know more then. Maybe not. I don't know what they are going to tell me. For now I have only seen FB and a few texts with my old bf.
Wish - Twinnie! Try not to worry too much about Friday. I know it's scary but listen to these ladies. Most times, it just ends up being nothing. Either way, positive thoughts and prayers coming your way!!!

Driving - Great news about the amnio! :)

Terri - Again, so unbelievably awful what happened to your ex-bf and his wife. No words. :(

Hi everyone else!
Wish, Sending you prayers that Friday turns out to be nothing!![-o&lt;

Terri, I feel so bad for your friends! What a terrible thing to have happen. You always hear about getting to the “safe” points – 12 weeks, 24 weeks, delivery… just goes to show you that anything can happen at any time! My heart breaks for them! As far as what to take, I think the fact that you are acknowledging their loss speaks volumes. It isn’t always easy to know what to do or say to people in these situations. Just be there for them and let them let them talk as little or as much as they want. :hugs:

Radkat, thank you so much for the tips! Unfortunately, I am pretty sure I can’t tolerate many carbs. If I bundle them with high levels of protein, then I am ok, like in yogurt, etc. But if I even look at bread (even whole wheat) my numbers go high. So if I don’t have pretty even carb to protein ration, I don’t eat it. I also can’t eat any fruit, except for 4 strawberries with my plain greek yogurt for breakfast. My diet is sooo boring! I pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks a day. Dinner I mix it up a bit, like I might have a grilled chicken salad, or I might have a cobb salad. :haha: I try and add peanut butter to my protein shakes to get extra protein and calories that way. All in all, it could be worse. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and if eating boring food means that our little boy will be ok, then I can do it. DH better just be prepared for the LONG list of food I will be asking for right after I have the baby. The first thing is going to be some fruit juice… Man how I miss a tall glass of OJ!

And on the MIL front. :nope: I am seriously frustrated. Just when I think I am getting thru to him, he panics and back tracks. I think part of the reason for that is because I am not close with my mom. Family is very important to him, and it is to me as well, but I am a strong believer in boundaries. And life is too short to have negative people in your life, no matter who they are. My mom is a very self-absorbed, selfish person. I have bent over backwards to help her, and I get nothing in return. And I don’t mean materialistic things… Ex: When my grandmother was sick I dropped everything to go help my mom. I have 3 siblings, 2 of which live right there on our family ranch with my mom, but I was the one that took leave from work and went to help her. Fast forward a year later, to when I had my DD in 2012. I had to spend a week in ICU because I was in congestive heart failure. My mom called and said that she wishes there was something she could do to help out, but never offered to come, etc.… Um, you can. I have 3 other children that are freaked out because their mom is in the hospital. You can cook them dinner and get them off to school for me. You can watch my dogs… instead I had to pawn my kids and pets off on our friends and their dad, and have friends bring meals and clean clothes up to my DH in the hospital, etc. Oh, did I mention she only lives 7 hours away? And she doesn’t work, aside from around the ranch, but I have 2 brothers that live there also, and she has NEVER seen my 21 month old DD?

So then last year she needed to borrow a large sum of money to pay my brothers legal fees… who does she call? Me. Of course I loan her the money and then 6 months later I get notified at work that all federal employees are getting furloughed 2 days a pay period for the rest of the fiscal year. Once it hit the news I had a ton of friends call and send me messages to make sure we were going to be ok. (DH and I are both federal employees). Did my mom ever call and make sure we were ok? Even offer to send a little bit of the money back that I had loaned her? Nope. I’ve invited her to event after event, (baby shower, holidays, daughter’s first birthday, my older daughter’s high school graduation) and she always has one excuse after another why she can’t come.

Whatever, I gave up caring. Do I wish she didn’t suck? Of course, but I can’t dwell on the fact that she has no interest in being a grandparent to my children (or my sisters, for the most part). The way I see it, it’s her loss. It isn’t healthy to stew on these things and let them get to you. So that is why I made the decision to stop trying. Now if she was to call me tomorrow and ask how things are going, I would not have a problem talking to her, but I am not putting myself out there anymore. And I am much happier for it! My DH doesn’t agree….he thinks I should call her weekly, blah, blah, blah. No thanks! So I understand that he is concerned that I’m being too quick to write his mom off, but that isn’t it. I just don’t want her here when the baby is born. We are going to Idaho for Christmas, she can see the baby then….when my boobs and vagina don’t hurt anymore and I can drink a glass of wine and eat Christmas cookies to help deal with her! :rofl:

My posts have been way too long lately....y'all are going to have to start charging me! :winkwink:
Still waiting for AF I think the P has delayed things :shrug:

Vjean I feel for U it's hard to be in that spot DH talks all the time about his mom retiring here ummmm what?? I can't imagine being PG and dealing w that I hope u guys come to an understanding!! :hugs:
vjean - Your posts are NOT too long. That's what we're here for. I'm so sorry for the family stress that you're dealing with. Regarding your mother, I think you need to do what makes you happy and only you know what that is. It sounds like you have found that balance and I think it's amazing that you're still there for your family, even after how you've been treated. My BIL has a similar situation going with his parents. He hasn't spoken to his mother in years and basically has no relationship with his father. He has tried to pursue a relationship but it just ends up causing hurt and frustration.

As far as your MIL, I think you should just keep on your DH about her staying with you. Just because you don't want someone in your house for 2 weeks doesn't mean that you can't have a relationship with them! He needs to explain that you need time to bond with your baby and time to relax and heal in privacy.

Hugs to you. :hugs:

Sis - Grrrr. Darn P is SOOO annoying!! I'm still waiting to O over here. Nada on my OPKs - no flashing smiley's or nuthin.
VJean-I think you're doing the right thing with your mom. People who are one way will never change. And..if she's not bothering you with her nonsense, she'll find someone else, so don't stand for it. As far as your MIL, that's really a tough situation. I already know that my crazy MIL will have to come live with us someday. I'm just hoping that it's a long time from now. Hopefully you guys will come to a resolution you both can live with.

I got my meds in the mail yesterday. I did get a $500 rebate from the Gonal F people, so that will help a smidge. I'm seriously buckling down in October and beyond.

I'm not going to be able to get the plant in time (I'm going to get a perennial that blooms in the fall every year), so I'll stop by my friends' house tomorrow after work and give a card, and offer to run to the store and get food if they like. that's the least I can do. And..I'm not sure if people have been going by there at all, so it's a nice gesture. I gave some of my cornbread to my 69 yo coworker and he ate it cold. Now I'm wondering if he even uses a microwave! :wacko: hee hee. I'm on a "being helpful/thoughtful" and spending time with friends kick lately.

Have a great day everyone. Just trying to get over this cold and get some rest.

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