Congrats momof3.
Terri fab news on all 14 fertilising.
Hi all.x
Fezzle hope the Clomid works also DCI or Myo inositol work for PCOS!! GL

Terri FX they All mature UR BFP is so close!!! :)

AFM back to my norm temps guess I Od and I don't see my P being high enough for anything else to be going on FX for Nov!!
Sorry I know I won’t be able to respond to everyone…just checking in before heading out for the day but CONGRATS Momof3!! I’m wondering if it’s multiples, as well. Can’t wait to hear what your first beta results come in at….that could be very telling. But the bottom line is that if you are getting nice strong lines and a later estimator, so this seems to be a nice strong pregnancy! Wonderful news!

Terri—Wowee zowee what a great start to this IVF!! 14 mature??? I would certainly hope you have some frosties out of this one for future siblings. Yep, I think this IVF has a lot of promise to be the magic cycle for you. Oh and are you doing that chromosomal testing on the embies?

Moni—Cutest.Scan. Ever. Seriously. The. End.

Fezzle—Great news on the Clomid and at least you have a diagnosis and it’s totally workable. You must feel soooo relieved to have some answers and a way forward to conceive now. Good stuff!

VJean—I’m exactly like you with keeping up with the thread but not responding cuz I hate to miss anyone and want to comment on everything. I’m thrilled you have so much good news here in the final stretch of your pregnancy----a Birthdate for Keegan, a good health report and best of all….no MIL! I can almost feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders as if it were me!

Mischief—I’m so sorry you experienced another chemical. So disheartening and I’m sorry you had to go through it again. Inconsiderate co-workers you have there and I agree with Terri….don’t back down when they say stupid shiz like that.

Neesaw—How are you doing? Wedding is coming up soon now, isn’t it? These are exciting times and hopefully allowing you to focus on this happy event and lifting your spirits.

Erin—I may have already said it, but I’m sorry this last IVF didn’t work out (we were all so very hopeful for you), but very glad to see you are ready to get moving again. Same question as I had for Terri—are you going to do any testing on the embies?

Future—Can’t remember if I already congratulated you, but CONGRATS on the engagement! Nothing like being engaged and planning a wedding. One of the very best times in a woman’s life!

Wish—Even though you are in the woods, you can read when you get back….we were all super hopeful because you probably had the very best cycle we’ve seen yet! So if this truly is AF, you are allowed to be upset about it. But when you get the sadness out, remember to look on the bright side of how great this cycle was for you and start looking forward to another great cycle. I really think you can do this!

Blues—So good to hear from you again. I was just wondering where you’d gone to so I’m glad you checked in. You will have so much fun in St. Thomas! My hubby and I went a few years ago to sail around the BVI islands, but stayed on St. Thomas one night. What hotel are you staying at? There are some sketch areas of the island that are dangerous, but if you stay in the touristy areas and don’t wander and you will be just fine. Agree with the other ladies on their recommendations. It will be so good for your soul to get away to a tropical destination!

AFM—We had a pretty stressful past 2 weeks around our house. Not only was I in the midst of my September-Mania, but my hubby’s company was doing a pretty big layoff throughout the company and although he’s a good performer in his position, you just never know. I used to work there, as well, and saw so many people I knew and worked with get let go. Sucks. But he made the cuts so he still has a job thank GOD!!!! I told him, it’s just given us a chance to stock pile even more money away in our emergency fund in case this ever happens again and he’s out of a job. And then, we’ve been holding our breath because we were sure his company was going to get rid of our health insurance benefits in a cost-savings measure and push us off onto the Affordable Care Act (which would be completely unaffordable for our household…funny how that works isn’t it?) and here I am getting ready to deliver a baby in January and we’d be so screwed. I was honestly more worried about the health insurance than my hubby losing his job. But we just found out we still have insurance coverage through his work for next year. Again, thank GOD!!! [-o<

So, I've tried to attach some pics of the Frozen party but now it's saying my files are too big and I'm like, screw it. It was cute, we can leave it at that! :haha:
Quick update from me. 14 embies are still going strong. I wonder if I can get the pgs done if this next cycle doesn't work out, but I'm feeling really good so I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I will certainly ask after the fact. :happydance:
Congrats Momof3!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::yipee::happydance::happydance:

GL Terri - sounds terrific (fingers and toes crossed) :thumbup:

:hi: Hi everyone else!!!

I had such an exciting weekend (again!) We went to my FIANCEE's family's and told them about the engagement AND the baby all at once and they were thrilled and THEN...we went to look at a bunch of houses close to where he works (I'll be leaving my teaching job and trying to find a job in a different school board after mat leave - hopefully after 2 mat leaves if we are able to have 2 babies!). And...the very last house we saw we LOVED, so he's going to look into a mortgage tomorrow and then we'll be putting in an offer!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: So exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you girls have an AMAZING week!!! :thumbup:
Erin so sorry it didn't work this time, I had everything crossed for you :hugs: as they say good things come to those that wait and you have been patient enough..fx for your next go :thumbup:

Congrats Mumof3 :happydance:

Terri...Wow 14!!! :yipee:

Hi to everyone else :wave:

Well i am nearly at weight loss target..42lb so far..4lb to go :happydance:
Just packing my bikini, Egypt here we come. I,ve been having major problems with my cycle, very heavy and lots of pain. I was hoping the weight loss would improve things but not so. :cry: luckily I won't have to suffer during the holiday it came early :dance:
Have a great week ladies x
:hi: Felcity so nice to hear from u have a GREAT Trip and wow on the weight loss!! :)

Future GL on the house lots of excitement your way!!

AFM notta Lotta finished most of my Halloween decor just working on a few things I can't find so I guess I will have to make a trip to storage!!
Also my sis goes to court today Abbi's dad Is trying to get custody so all I can do is sit and wait :(
Wow - future mom - things are really moving! GL with the house!

Sis - FXed things work out for the fam.

Felicity have a great trip!

Katie - smooth sailing now...
Wish - Ugh. I'm sorry that you got your hopes up this month. My hopes were up, too! Your chart was really looking good. The good news is that Clomid seems to be helping to lengthen your cycle and stop the early spotting! Also, you're meeting with a new RE this month! Anyway, hope you're having a great time on your trip.

Fezzle - Happy to hear about your great RE appointment! So, the next step is to try out Clomid, right?

MomOf3 - Congratulations! Woohoo. Maybe it's twins! When do you go for your beta?

Mischief - Glad you're back and running again. Do they have any insight into why you keep having CPs?

Blues - Have a great trip!

Katie - So happy to hear that your DH made the cut. So many companies are still in such rough shape. I can't imagine how worried you must have been.

Future - Wow! A baby, an engagement, AND a house??? I'm super-excited for you! Glad you got to celebrate with the fam. I'm sure they're all so happy! :)

Felcity - Congrats on the weight loss! That's so amazing. And have a great trip!

Sis - Hope everything goes OK with your family.

Nothing to report here. :)
I was swamped at work today and only got to play enough to see my email from the Os saying that tomorrow morning I have my chance to buy ALCS tickets!! Obsessive much? hee hee.

So the nurse called and I STILL have 14 embryos!! She was so great. She gave me an update on every single one of them. The smallest is a 5 cell, but she said that sometimes they catch up and divide quickly in the last few days. The best two right now are at 13 cells, and they call that early compacting (?) I will look that up later. I won't bore you with ALL the details, but I'm feeling really great. Bottom line, 13 pretty strong embryos. No update tomorrow, but transfer will be Wednesday at 10a. :thumb up:

felcity-So nice of you to post. I know you stalk us, but it's an even better treat to see a post. Wow...you have lost a lot of weight, and yes, just in time for Egypt. Have a fantastic time!

Futuremom-That's awesome news about the house. Lots of life changes for you in the past few weeks! hee hee. So happy for you. House hunting is super fun. Hope you get something great.

Katie-I just asked about the PGS testing and the nurse said that if this cycle doesn't work we can certainly ask/talk about it, but if it doesn't work, my embies will already be in the freezer and then they will have to rethaw, biopsy and then freeze again and then rethaw, so it's a lot of stress for them to go through, but if I want to do it, I can (obviously). We'll just see how this cycle plays out.
So happy your DH didn't get laid off. My company always has layoffs in September so everyone is always on edge. They had them, but everyone in my group was safe. They usually lay off people who are close to retirement and/or have been with the company for a million years so they get a nice severance package. So, once the shock wears off, they usually end up pretty happy about the decision. It's bizarre.

Sis-Is the dad going to try to get custody today? If so, I hope he doesn't get it and Abby has to go to someone responsible-LIKE YOU!! When do you find out? And I'm not crossing fingers for you for November. I'm crossing them for October. You live too far from me to make me uncross them!

:wave: to everyone else!! I have to do some schoolwork since I didn't get to do it at work today. hee hee.
Terri the Dad isn't the best Dad in the world he lost custody of his 2 others kids to there mom but my sis gave her routs up to their son together so he wants his sister I would have no problem if he wasn't adrug addict and the kids didn't spend most the time at his Sisters hise that already has 3 kids to raise of her own!! :nope:

I havent been able to get In touch w my sis since last week when I emailed all my info pics of my house truck kids etc basically stating I'm well prepared for her and willing to take her for as long as I need to forever is fine w me!!
No word from her today she hasn't even contacted my Mom so I'm afraid it wasn't pod today and I wasn't even given the chance to plea my case!! :(

Terri so glad u have some strong Embryos this go Wed u will be Pupo!!:)
Terri, so awesome! Grow babies, grow!!!

Sis, I hope you find out soon, and though I know nothing of her situation, I hope she ends up with you and a loving, stable home!!

AFM... We have this pregnancy announcement tradition at work where a baby doll is passed from person to person until the lucky woman gets it, and then she holds it up and we all congratulate her. As you can imagine this is a special treat for infertile women. It's always a joy to be handed the doll, and then with all eyes on you, pass it to your fertile coworker.

So today as I welcomed my afternoon class they were bursting with the news that their pregnant AM teacher had just announced it to them. I'm sure it was a special and lovely moment for them, and I'm happy for her, but I spent the next several hours hearing about it and answering questions about it. I thought my mother-in-law was bad, but 24 eight-year-olds...? "Did you know she's pregnant? Are you pregnant? Do you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Look at this sticker she gave me! It says "new baby!" Look at this candy she gave me. It says "welcome baby!" ALL. AFTERNOON. I survived without crying. I was very proud.

And then... A faculty meeting. And there's the damn doll. So I tried hard not to sit next to any pregnant teammates, but of course, instead I end up sandwiched between them. And while we wait for the meeting to start they both lean around me and joyfully start discussing their pregnancies. I just stood up and left. I made it back to my classroom and privacy before sobbing, but it has been hours and I can't shake it. Every time I start to feel better I get a text from one of them... "I hope it's not something I said..."

Oh mischief what a nightmare. I suggest you text back and say yes it was you! I had to cover maternity last year for a colleague who has got pg without trying twice and didn't even realise she was 5 months gone with the 2nd not 3. On my first day back from this mc she started moaning about how tired she was and what a hard week she'd had. I wouldn't normally say anything but just went 'pretty sure it's not as bad as mine' and then she apologised. Some people just don't think. That doll game sounds absolutely hideous too. Who knows how many other colleagues feel the same as you?
Terri go embies. Good luck for wed.
Sis hope you find out what's happening with the court.
Hi all.x
Afm u/s yesterday showed complete mc-apparently I have a perfect non pregnant womb! Great!! Still not decided whether too ttc. Going with ntnp til rmc consultant and tests on baby back- both at the end of this month. Thanks for asking about the wedding. It's coming along nicely. My to do list gets smaller then all of a sudden bigger again!
Well it's not looking good we couldn't get ahold of my Sis for days so I finally broke down and text her Baby Daddy and found out she's in jail cuz she went to visit the Lil boy B4 court and he called the cops on her cuz they have a protective order of 100 yrds from each other WTH!!

It's just a bad situation all around I told him to kiss those babies since I will never see them again !!! :cry:

Mischief I would have already blew up on someone I hope they get a clue soon!! :hugs:
Mischief: We have all had those days but your workplace sounds INSANE. I honestly don't know how you put up with it!! People are seriously so clueless sometimes and SOMEONE with a brain at your school should realize how insensitive that baby-passing game is!!! Absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, you're amazing for holding it together throughout the day. Just remember that when it happens for you, you're going to be the BEST mother. And yes, it is going to happen for you. :thumbup: :hugs:

Sis: So, your Sis went to visit her son when she wasn't supposed and is now in jail? Ugh. I'm so sorry Sis. :hugs:

Nessaw: I'm so sorry for what you've been through. :hugs: But I think your plan to ntnp sounds PERFECT. Wait until the test results come back and in the meantime, work on that wedding to-do list!
Mischief, that is really not cool. I get it that they are trying to make things extra special for the pregnant women, which is nice, but really, this is over the top. It also does not look like you could excuse yourself politely and go do whatever you need to do... should not be like that. Sorry!
Mischief-I have to agree with the others. I'm sure it's a fun game for those WOMEN that are pregnant, but what about the men or those that choose not to have children. It's really rude and messed up. I give you kudos for being able to be around those selfish, gossipy women. Yuck.

Nessaw-Yay for the wedding to do list. I can't wait to hear how it all goes! Your list will get shorter and shorter, and if there are things that aren't done by the day of the wedding, it was just a nice to have, and not a necessity. Are there going to be a lot of guests? How is your dress fitting these days? I think I remembered that you went up a size...they say that brides always lose weight right before the big day, so you probably should wait one more month to have any alterations done. :)

Sis-What is wrong with your sister? Maybe you can still get Abby though, depending on baby daddy and how dependable the courts think he is. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that you get custody of Abby.

My dress arrived the week after my bfp so they sent it back for a bigger one. Luckily they still have the original which fitted really well so we're going back in on Saturday to change over.
Sis am sorry about your sis and the children. Hope it works out. X
Katie ~ So sorry about the stressful weeks. :hugs: So glad your DH still has his job and health insurance! :thumbup:

Terri ~ I'm so glad for your strong embies! :happydance: I have my FX that this IVF cycle will be it for you!

Future mom ~ Sounds like a really great weekend! :thumbup: GL on the house.

felicity ~ Congrats on the weight loss. :happydance: Have a great time in Egypt. :thumbup:

Sis ~ Just wanted to send you some :hugs:

Oh, Mischief! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I can totally sympathize! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I had a somewhat similar thing happen to me at church several months back. I had to get up and leave because I was about to bawl. I went out to the car until church was over. As I got up, the mom of one of the pg ladies followed me out and asked what was wrong. I told her I just couldn't talk about it and just wanted to go to my car, and please let me go. (She was holding my arm, trying to console me.)
Went into my fertility clinic yesterday am for my beta. Got the results this am.

14 dpo: 418 for the beta number. I go in again tomorrow am for the 2nd draw. Will probably find out those results Thursday. They wanted them two days apart. Progesterone was 23.7

DD #3 at 13 dpo: beta was 225, and doubled every 30 hours. At the 6 week u/s, we discovered a vanishing twin, so she started out as a twin pregnancy.

DD's #1 and 2: Never had betas done. BUT DD #1, I first tested at 13 dpo, and the line on a FRER was so so faint, I could barely see it, and I wondered if it was + or not. It got darker a few days later.

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