Great news Driving. I knew that little boy would turn around. You never felt it happen?Good report from you too Future Mom, and I would love a bump picture.

Titan is a really good dog. Day two and going strong. I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to have him, actually. They say I'm on a fact finding mission and so far I think he's 100% dog. hee hee. I actually need to wake him up soon so he can sleep tonight.
Thanks ladies I was worried w all the spotting and slow rising beta but then Fri my beta came back great so of course I thought maybe just maybe ..... Only to be pooped on Today!!! :nope:

I going to drink lots the Thanksgiving and shop until I drop it doesn't make it go away but maybe I will help me out it to the side for the Holidays!!

I keep thinking its something I'm doing or not doing I stopped the RRL and Royal Jelly maybe I did something I hate that feeling !! :cry:

Terri Titan is too cute I bought Luna a Xmas outfit today it's the closes thing to baby clothes right I will try to take a pic of her but I got it for Xmas cards so she can take a Plc w her Boy AKA DS2!! ;)
Hiiiiiiii ladies.....

Man, it took me a long time to her caught up, I kept starting and stopping. I like to read all the updates before I post anything.

Sis....I was so emotional reading all your posts. I'm truly sorry this is happening to you again. I wish I could take away your pain and I wish the Dr's can figure out what is going on. You didn't do anything so don't think like that.:hugs:

Kfs.... Whoo-hoo!!!!!!! Truly happy for you. FX those numbers keep going up and up.

Terri....when you talked about your butt shot I cringed! :wacko: and FYI...even with those 8 lbs you are not a fatty! FX for you too that this is it for you.

Wish...you're brave to go hunting and sit out there in the cold. I mean, I love my husband and want to spend time with him but if it involves a cold weather activity he's on his own!:haha:

Katie....your belly is too cute. At 32 weeks I was ginormous!!!! No lie! Ppl thought I was having twins all the time. Lol. Funny part was I was bigger than a woman who was actually having twins! :haha: that did a lot for my self esteem that day. Lmao

VJean...hope all is well with you. How is Keegan doing?

Driving....glad the baby turned but if you had to have a c section I think you would have managed. I dreaded having to have one but once I wrapped my head around the idea I was okay and also know it was the best thing in order to bring Mia here without complications I sucked it up, put on my big girl panties and took one for the team. Lol

Mischief....you are such a sweet person for putting up with Buddah bitch! I would have lost my religion a long time ago and shut her shenanigans down! She should realize her pregnancy is a blessing and not a tool to use to torment other people. Here's to hoping she has to have a c section so that gives you more time before she comes back :haha:

Erose... Big hugs to you :hugs: so sorry about the CP.

Hi to everyone else....

AFM...a lot going on. Mia is keeping me busy, going back to work next month instead of January, got my website up and running finally-whoo hoo!!! Dealing with a jerk of an ex, looking at high schools for my daughter, getting back into going to the gym and preparing for the holidays. Sometimes there aren't enough hours in a day for me. Mia is getting big and has developed quite the personality. She had her 1st studios pictures taken thanks to my mom who asked when I was going to get pictures of her done. I really didn't think about it because I take so many of her on my phone. Lol.
Oh damn Sis. I'm so terribly sorry to read the news about your beta. Of course you did absolutely nothing wrong! You've been taking your P and that's the one thing you CAN do to help in early pregnancy, as well as even getting acupuncture! What shit news right before Thanksgiving. Like Terri said, you do get pregnant quite easily and that's a huge milestone, jyou ust have to figure out what's going on after implantation. There just has to be some explanation. Are you still planning on seeing that other doctor who had a long waiting list? Or is that the person you are seeing now?

Kfs1--I'm wondering if you had 2 embies put back if it's possible both were thriving during your first beta, but one didn't continue growing and that's why you had such a huge number and then it's slowed down a bit? I think it's totally possible. Prayers headed your way. When is your next beta?

Terri--Oh my stars, Titan is adorable and it looked like he was wearing a little cape. Too. Much! So how many more times do you have to do these butt shots until they do the transfer? Holding out so much hope that this is IT! And also love the Day Drinking profile pic. DD is so FUN!

Wish—Well BOOO for AF! And a sucky hunting trip, to boot. But like others have said, glad you are keeping on with the Clomid again and just keeping on, in general. I don’t like it when you decide to call it quits!

Moni—Oh girl, you have TIME yet to shop. For both my DD and this little man, I didn’t get any desire whatsoever to shop for anything until after 20 weeks. All of a sudden, the NEED to shop for the baby will kick in like crazy, so jyou can ust bide your time until then!

Smiles--So good to finally here from you....was wondering where you went but of course, figured you were busy with the new baby and life in general. Glad to hear all is well!

Driving--Hooray for baby boy flipping! So, how do they know his position? Do they ultrasound you or can they tell another way? Reason I ask is because I ask at every appt. what position Cody is in and they can't tell. I'm guessing head down because it feels like kicks in the ribs and little fists punching down and out around my bladder, but they can't confirm it yet.

Garfie—I’m so glad when you pop in. I still check your journal to see how you are doing. Sorry it’s been such an up and down roller coaster for you, but glad your sense of humor always remains intact. You should seriously write a book.

Fezzle—I’m sorry to hear about your Father In Law’s passing. It’s the worst to go through that time, but then you know they are no longer suffering and the agony that the family goes through watching them so sick is over, too. I know how emotionally draining that can be as we went through it with my FIL. Breaks your heart. Many virtual hugs to you and your family.

Future Mom—Yes bump pic please! But I don’t think you can do from your phone….I think you can only upload pics from computer? I can’t believe how far along you are already. It's insane!

AFM—Thanks for all the kind words about my belly. I’m only 5 feet tall so I look more weeble wobbly as a total head-to-toe vision than the pic probably displays! Happy Thanksgiving to the US/Canadian ladies!
Sis- I'm so sorry :cry:

terri- Titan is adorable!

I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving! I'm not doing anything for it tomorrow, but we're having a Thanksgiving party on Saturday.
Fezzle - it sounds like clomid is really working did you!!! On both my clomid cycles my lp has been 15 days - so longer than normal and no spotting till 14... I hope all that doesn't even matter and you are pg this time!!!! :hugs2:

:hi: everyone
Smiles-So good to hear from you! You can cringe at my butt shots, and I'll cringe at your c-section. hee hee. Glad Mia is keeping you busy, and of course, we would love to see some studio shots, if you feel like sharing. Good for you for getting back into your workout routine and back to work, although that's probably going to be a big adjustment.

Katie-You are a peanut. You're only 5 feet tall?! I guess we can't tell height from words on a screen. Titan was wearing a little sweater thing to make him more adoptable. I gave him a bath last night and took that sweater off. Hubs kept calling him a she with that polka dotted sweater. hee hee. Now he looks more masculine and is clean. Shew! He was a scratching maniac before the bath. Thanks for the compliment on my photo. Day drinking was really fun, but not good for my wallet.

Fezzle-Glad you're celebrating Thanksgiving with a party. My ex bf used to have a "friends Thanksgiving" the Saturday following Thanksgiving and it was always a fun time. He probably still has it, but obviously, I am no longer invited. hee hee. I'm having some women over this Saturday evening so it's my version of friends thanksgiving. I have about 5 new recipes to try including crockpot cheeseburgers. hee hee. That's for you Katie. :winkwink: Oh, and I can't remember if I said it, but I am sorry to hear about your FIL passing. Hope your husband is doing ok. It's tough losing a parent, so just be super nice to him and understanding.

garfie-I keep up with your journal too. I can't keep your boys sorted out, but you always have a lot going on so just breathe and remain calm. They'll all come around. You should get a girl dog or cat so you have some balance in the family. Or maybe a girl fish so your hubs will be happy. hee hee.

felcity-Hey chica!

kfs1-How are you doing today? Hang in there.

:wave: to everyone else.
Happy Pre Turkey day!!! Lots of cleaning and food prepping today here!! Also m trying to get a refill on my P I don't want to start bleeding and cramping during the holiday it's bad enough to deal w it mentally I want to post Pon the physical aspects! :nope:

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Wish- my LP is usually long (my flow started 16dpo last cycle which was my last natural one), so I hope it isn't any longer! But I am liking the lack of spotting so far. Since on CD12 I had a 17mm dominant egg, good triple lining and got a positive OPK on CD15, it looks like 50mg of Clomid (+ Metformin) is making things as normal as they can be, and OH's sperm is great, so hopefully we'll get lucky in the next few cycles!
Terri - Titan is tooo adorable! Sounds like you're having fun with him, too. :)

Driving - Congrats on the great appointment. So rare that we're not worrying about something, right?

Future - Pic, pic, pic! :)

Sis - Once again, I'm so sorry. :( Glad that you have some distraction today with all of your food prep.

Smiles - Good to hear from you. You sound so busy but GOOD busy for the most part at least. Happy that you're doing well. :)

Katie - I don't even want to hear it. I'm sure you look great! :) Yep - we put 2 embies back in so I guess that could be it.

Fezzle - Once again, really feeling good about how things are going for you. I think that baby's coming real soon!

Had my beta this morning. Trying to think positive thanks to all of you and my husband. Happy thanksgiving everyone!
Best of luck to u KFs1 hope those numbers jump :hugs:

Well I have an appointment w the new Dr that Mischief goes too on 12/10!!! I would have told them your name Mischief for the referral but hey IDK it :haha:
Im getting sh1t done I'm sick of this Rollercoaster get me off I'm sick :sick:

Thanks Again for always being there for me since DH and my friends have no clue how hard it is I <3 <3 U All very much!!! We really need to do a meet in great one day!!

Hope u all have a Blessed Holiday!!
kfs1-I didn't realize you had another beta today, but I guess it is Monday, so not sure why I forgot. Here's to hoping those numbers continue to jump. :friends: Enjoy your day off. I'll be leaving here in about an hour or so. It's snowing big flakes mixed with rain, so I'm sure the roads will be a nightmare.

Sis-Of course we will always be here for you for support through good or bad. Hope you have a grea tThanksgiving too, and I'm glad your appointment with the new doctor is coming up soon. Someone has to have some answers.
Sis - good for you for being proactive. You've been through ENOUGH already. There has to be a reason why this keeps happening - just so unfair!!

Well, my beta came back at 517 and my RE actually sounded POSITIVE which as Terri knows is a MIRACLE. I'm feeling very crampy today though but I'm going to ignore it and enjoy my good news. Ultrasound on Monday.

Love you all. Happy thanksgiving!
kfs!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo happy for your news!!!

sometimes cramps are a sign of dehydration so drink up twinnie!!!

Sis - you know we are all here for you... just like you are always here for us... I just wish it didn't go this way!! Hope you have a super thanksgiving!!! :hugs2:

Terri - love the pic of your newest boarder!!! hehe.... hope you enjoy your weekend lady!!!:thumbup::thumbup:

Smiles - it is sooooooooooo good to hear from you!!! I am glad everything is moving along for you and your LO is probably getting so big!!! :hugs:

Katie - I would have NEVER guess you are 5ft tall!!! your personality is just larger than life it seems!! (that's a good thing):hugs::flower:

fezzle - I will be stalking for your POAS this weekend... FX FX you see double lines (without any drinking!!) :haha:

:hi: to all I missed

AFM: sitting at work wishing I could go home... the boss says I can leave early 3pm... I was really hoping for LUNCH time leaving... oh well

not doing anything for Thanksgiving - my mom, brother, sisnlaw, sister are all going on a cruise (they left today) so I have no family around to eat turkey with!! ha... and I am leaving to take my oldest to Georgia - which has been nothing but drama - but it always is when someone moves across the country...

I had to listen to my car pool friend read a baby shower card on the way to work today - as I am cramping horribly... I had to mask the emotions and not scream "I DONT CARE" .... ugh sometimes I am ugly on the inside... this TTC is not for the faint at heart... I will pick up my next round of clomid today... here we go again ladies!!!

much love to all :hugs2:
ifs-if you notice, I always try to post after Wish so I can say, 'yeah, what she said.' Oh, and so glad your doctor had something other than a frown on her stupid face. hee hee.:bike:
Sis - Hugs :hugs:. I'm so sorry, but am very happy that you have a dr's appt scheduled. You need some answers, dammit. And you did nothing to cause it, BTW.

Kfs - That last beta number sounds really good and it must be if your grumpy RE was even positive! Yay!

Wish - I'm sorry about AF and your bummer of a hunting trip. And that you don't have good TG plans for tomorrow. Hope DD can get off to Atlanta. It's a big thing to move away, for her and you.

Terri - Great job powering through the shots, not that I expected anything less. Your little Titan is super cute and sounds pretty well behaved.

Katie - I'm totally bigger than you and am 5 weeks behind you. I also wouldn't have guessed you were 5'. I don't know why. Funny that we make guesses about what people look like. You all probably think I'm a troll since I don't have an avatar pic. :haha:

Driving - Hooray for LO turning!

FutureMom - So exciting that you're 21 weeks! And more evidence that kids are very ego centric.

Smiles - Glad to hear that things are going well. It's exciting and scary to go back to work. Sounds like Mia's doing great!

Fezzle - Hooray for a good Clomid cycle.

Hi to Garfie, Felicity, Nessaw, Moni, Blues and anyone else I missed!

Very excited about Thanksgiving. I love it. A holiday about eating and gratitude. Two things I believe very much in. And a 4 day weekend doesn't hurt either.
KFS, yay!!! So glad for you.

Terri, hang in there. Butt shots... ugh.

Katie, I can't imagine you just 5 ft tall :)

Thanks for all the good words about LO turning. I would have been Ok with a C-section as well (and who knows what might still happen) but nice anyway... Yes, my obgyn would do an ultrasound to check and my peri does one every 4 weeks since I am all kinds of high risk (malformed uterus, 41 years old). My obgyn gave me even chances for the babe to turn and at the peri appointment yesterday, he had turned :)

So just when I thought I had smooth sailing, my nasty lingering cough got the best of me - I apparently pulled a muscle around my ribs. So so so so painful. About the same time my promotion was announced, so everyone is calling me and congratulating and I am doubled over in pain. Was fortunately working from home and DH rushed home and we all went to urgent care, in freezing rain/snow. The physician's assistant at first was not helpful (chicken soup and Tylenol?? when I am literally in tears and cannot stand straight? I have to breathe in deeply for the twentieth time, even though every time I clutch my side in pain?) and I demanded to see a doctor. My obgyn had said before that codeine is fine in smaller amounts, so that's what I got (they had to call my obgyn to have him prescribe it). So now I am in much less pain, but ugh.

Oh yes, they spent half of the time discussing whether I was going into labor. I was kind of bitchy and said that the last person who had another person get out of his rib was Adam. I don't think they appreciated my humor...
Happy Thanksgiving, Ladies!!
I am thankful for all of you. Keeping me sane in good times and bad. <3 <3

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