Aww, thanks for the congrats Twinnie. It really was amazing. My DH had to work so hopefully he can come to an ultrasound once I'm moved over to my regular OB. I'm sure she can be a bit more flexible with the times.

I'm sorry that you're feeling out this month already. Were you able to get any BDing in at all? Do you have clomid ready to go for next month?

I finally bought some Christmas, present, too! I was completely slacking so I feel a bit better now for sure.
Congrats aunty terri. Good luck with the transfer.
Hi everyone. Not much to report here. Cd 37 bfn end of last week. Rmc appt tom. Will update. X
Hi everyone! :flower: I hope the Christmas shopping is going smoothly. I haven't done much, but I'm off work after the 19th, so I should have time to get to the mall then.

Congrats and good luck to kfs - the heartbeat is so cool. :thumbup: I hope everything continues to go smoothly for you.

Terri - GL on the transfer! :dust:

AFM I went to the Obgyn today for 6 month appt and he says I have protein in my urine, so I have to give a urine sample tomorrow for a full lab workup. I guess they're looking for a UTI? :shrug: Or it could be pre-eclampsia, which is really bad, right? Does anyone else have experience with this?

Also, he said that my last ultrasound showed a low placenta, so I have to go for another ultrasound in January to see if it moved. So now I'm kind of freaking out about these two things. :shrug: I texted the news to OH and he immediately called me from work, which never happens, so he's worried. :nope: Do you girls think these are big major problems? :shrug:
Rad, hope your numbers stay in range. I did end up taking and passing the 3 hour test (what a waste of my life....) so I totally understand why you don't want to take it again. I have been trying to keep to a GD diet anyway but it is not that easy without a compelling reason.

FutureMom, I would not worry about the placenta yet. A couple of my friends have had that and in each case it moved well before mid-third trimester. If it does stay down blocking the cervix, it is high risk and they'll have to do a c-Section, but it will be fine.

The protein in the urine is worrysome, but if you don't have high blood pressure and the protein is only slightly high, it is hopefully not pre-eclampsia. I think the high BP is the key there. A friend of a friend had pre-eclampsia and they had to deliver her baby at 28 weeks, so it is serious, but i would not worry yet.
FutureMom my placenta was very low w DS1 it actually almost sat on my cervix and he was a 5wks early!! I'm not sure if that's why Ur Dr is concerened or cuz what Driving said hope it's just a UTI and nothing more!! :hugs:
It was a bust she basically told me my pregancy isnt Normal No sh1+ Sherlock and to expect to MC!!!

That's it.... I will NOT be going back to her so much for her being a good listener:nope:
She kept insisting I had cramps or bleeding cuz I should ummm Nope and then told me my test was super faint .. Yea I drank a gallon of water on my way here :nope: Idiot!! I so wanted to :grr:

So yet another waste of my time!!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Sis. She certainly wasn't very helpful at all. I guess we will all just be waiting and seeing. Are you in any pain or feeling any symptoms one way or the other?

Just :juggle: and waiting for my time to go to the office and get this embryo put back where it belongs. I have been drinking water because I'm supposed to have a full bladder, but I don't want it to the too full. Last time I was a smidge uncomfy.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day! <3
No pain whatsoever unlike the Dr insisted she even pushed on my abdomen I guess she thought I was lieing!! :shrug:
Well I did get a Beta yesterday only cuz I asked for It!!!

HCG 512 P 62
Sis - continued craziness...don't know what else to say!
Yes but it took 4 days to get that high so my FS still Says to terminate the pregnancy so I'm in limbo land!!!

I refuse until they can prove via Ultrasound that it's Ectopic!! He's trying to scare me w saying it could be fatal Etc!! Not very happyw them right now!! :nope:

I feel like I'm all Alone in this w no REAL help... if my Mimi brought me this Miracle she will look after me that's what keeps me going!! :)

I can tell my numbers are increasing I have been so tired lately!! Also I don't have any pain at all I will go to the ER or something but at the moment I feel nothing !!
How did the transfer go Terri??? Hopefully well!!!

Oh and FYI got a 2-3wks digital today I usually don't make it past 1-2wksso FX!! :)
Oh, I guess I didn't update everyone...the transfer went well. I had two blasts transferred. One was re-expanding nicely, and one was a smidge slower than the other one, but it was strong enough to put back in, so I'm feeling really good about things. My doctor was the one that did the transfer this time, so hopefully the third time and MY doctor are the charm. When I got home, I just sat around a bit and watched tv. Then I went to see It's a Wonderful Life at the theater and it was really good. I'm a tad tired today, but all this stuff takes so much out of you, I'm not surprised. My beta is on the 23rd. We're going to my MIL's that night, and I'll probably let hubs listen to the phone message again. That was much easier on me last time. Oh, my friend that is doing IUI has her beta on the 22nd, so we're one day apart from hearing our fab results. I'm back in :juggle: mode.

In other news, I was able to inject myself on both sides and not ONE drop of blood. I am getting really good at this. HA!!HA!!
Good Wednesday morning ladies!:xmas16::xmas16:

Terri - YAY for being PUPO!! :xmas10::xmas10::xmas10: Keeping my FX for you!! and you night out last night sounded wonderful :cloud9: i love me some snowflakes!!! the stars are lining up for you my friend!!!

Sis - :hugs2: Stick to your guns - you might have a miracle on your hands here!!! what is next?? you just wait and see... :shrug::shrug:

:hi: to everyone!!

AFM: FF took away my crosshairs... welcome to my world of confusion!!:rofl: I took my temp three times this morning - I could not believe how low it was... :shrug::shrug::shrug:
I have no idea what is happening with my innards... oh well... I am trying not to dwell and just keep shaking my head and smiling...
rant alert
Christmas is two weeks away and my SIL announced she (and my brother) are not buying for anyone this year!!:xmas1::xmas11: which would be fine if she had told me that last month so that way we could all be on the same sheet of music!!! Oh well gifts are bought...they will be given anyway!! :rofl:

we should just celebrate festivus!!! bring on the pole and airing of grievances !!!:xmas13::xmas13:

Edit - took OPK tonight adding pic here(these are since sat noon)... I've never had this much LH running through my veins for this long


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Howdy ladies. Quick update from rmc appt-basically f all to tell. Different person with all the wrong info which got my back up. Said you lost twins in jan-no feb. You had ac in the summer-no end of Sept etc. Even before that the nurse pulled me aside and asked if I was pg-seriously at a rmc clinic! I guess there was a bug of some sort or something as she was asking everyone. So bloods all normal. Asked if they had the report from last mc and guess what?!? They didn't! But bless him he went off amd phoned and emailed and got it sent over but couldn't print the bloody thing off. Anyway the sum of the report is they couldn't test the 'product'. He tried to say it was a because they'd been sent a clot. Well sorry for tmi but I scooped it out of the loo and paul buried it and we both know it was not a blood clot. I think they've f'ed up the report. I wd accept it if they said that there wasn't enough to test or that the tests were inconclusive but to tell me there wasn't a baby to test is bs. So he gave us a prescription for aspirin and progesterone to fill if/when bfp and an open appt to come straight in if/when. So basically it's down to whether we can put us through trying/succeeding/losing again. Going to put off that decision til after the wedding but any advice/experience would be appreciated. Am waiting to get the report in the post and then compose an email to everyone I can think of! In other news I slipped over in the playground today and landed right on my coccyx. Can hardly walk-a week before I'm meant to float down the aisle!!! Hugs all round. Sorry for the me post. Will read back now. X
Neesaw Boo for not getting Answers but at least he is trying to help w something!! :hugs:
That is the only reason I had planned on the DNC a few MC ago cuz it was the only way to get a good test!!
They won't even test a product brought in In the US!! :nope: basically the product has to be fresh !!

Hope u feel better soon and can walk down that aisle gracefully!! ;)

Wish I know uhad seen my 5+ days of++++ OPKs it's gotta be good get in some :sex:

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