nessaw-I'm so sorry the doctor couldn't help you today. I agree with Sis that at least he's trying, but I can't imagine how painful it is to bring in the remains of the baby and then for them to tell you that it was a clot. I'd be pissed off too. How did you stay calm in that place???? I hope you do email them all, but make sure you read it over and it makes sense before you send it. You don't want them to ignore you because they can see that you're upset. Know what I mean? Love ya! You'll be a beautiful bride. Keep stretching, and moving and hopefully you'll be able to walk perfectly. I hope you plan to share pics afterwards. Are you going on a honeymoon right away? Where are you going? I can't wait!!!

Wish-Someone on the BFP chasers thread took Clomid this cycle, and have had like 6 positive OPKs in a row. Maybe you guys got a bad batch of Clomid. I was going to say that maybe she's near you, but she's in TX. hee hee. Nice try. Maybe this is a secret sign. :) Oh, and I also meant to say that your sister in law is rude. You don't tell people now that you're not giving gifts. You do that in early December or around Thanksgiving so no one buys you stuff. I don't get some people. :bike: HA!!HA!!

I am done with my shopping!! Well, I want to get a coworker those wine pearls that go in your wine glass to keep it cold. They are like whiskey rocks if you are familiar with those. Anyway, I know she will love them, so I want to get them for her. I also have to buy an Amazon gift card for another friend to be delivered on Christmas day, so i can do that anytime, and I think there is one other gift that I have to get, but I can figure that out this weekend. I was under budget and I think everyone will be happy with their gifts. I can't wait to present them. Other than that, just planning on enjoying my low-key weekend. Talk soon!
Nessaw - :hugs: I'm sorry you didn't get any answers. But you must be super pumped about your wedding - is it on Christmas? I'm so excited for you!!! :happydance:

Terri - I'm so impressed about your Christmas shopping. Maybe you could come here and help me. I haven't even made my list yet. :haha: Maybe I'll do it this weekend. :haha:

AFM - not much to report. Stayed home from work with a really bad cough. It sucks not to be able to take anything for it. I'm living on lemon tea, chicken soup and vicks rub. And of course Family Feud and Judge Judy. :haha: Sometimes it's fun to stay home on a weekday. And the cat seems pleased. Makes me realize that I only have another month and a half of work before mat leave! I'm going at the end of the semester (end of Jan.) since I'm a teacher. Count-down is on! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Re clomid-it messes with opks big time. I was told not even to bother with opks but I did. Don't start til at least 2 days after the last tablet but I ignored that as I use the cbfm. It gave me highs for longer than normal pre peaks. Just keep bding I guess! Good luck.
Thanks for your support girls. I did lose it at the appt-tears I mean. So will compose myself pre email. We're going on honeymoon in the February half term as all the family is up for xmas due to the wedding so will spend the hols here with them.x
Hi all, just stopping in to say it's not good news for me. I started bleeding red blood last night like a period, and this morning a scan showed no sac. I've been referred to the early pregnancy unit at the hospital for Monday to check the progress. My Dr didn't seem to think I needed to worry much about it being ectopic. I'm not in a lot of pain- it just feels like a regular period so far. My symptoms went away too- no more sore boobs, so we were pretty sure it was over last night. The scan has given us a bit of closure now though, and although we have some sad moments of thinking about what might have been, we're looking ahead at our future and encouraged by how well the Clomid worked.

Sorry if you've already read this in the other thread- I'm just reposting!
:hugs: I am just devastated. I can't imagine what you are going through and you sound so positive. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. I'm so sad and so, so sorry.
Oh Fezzle I'm so Sorry!!!! :hugs: it's never easy no matter how early believe me I know all to well!! :nope:
U have the right idea to look at the fact of how easy it was to get to this point hope your next one is a sticky one!!!

Once again BIG HUGE :hugs:
Well I asked about my mail order RX of P on Monday again and I still haven't heard back from my nurse!!! :nope:
I think they have given up on me completely !!! :(

If anyone has 200mg Prometrium they don't need and want to send it plz let me know ;)
Fezzle - I am just so sad over this development... You are taking it better than I am and I wasn't the one pregnant!! I am glad to read that you and DH are so close and helping each other through this - that really is so important!
Big :hug: to you lady...

Sis - ugh I can't believe they are just ignoring you! even your fav nurse?? how far along would you be now? I hope you can get another scan next week - just to clarify what the world is going on... I don't know how you are holding it together!!! :hugs2: to you too!

nessaw - YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED!!! how exciting!! I hope your day goes just like you envisioned it!! I am sorry they gave you no answers and said that crap about the clot!:growlmad::growlmad: I hope after the wedding you and your OH can decide what you are going to do... I hope you find the strength to try again!! :hugs: and your injury sounds terrible - ugh... to not being able to walk...:nope:
and my dr said the same thing about clomid wait two days then start taking OPKs... and the last two cycles were just normal - one day of + and then O...but this cycle is all on its own!! :haha:

Terri - hope you are enjoying your low key weekend lady!!

:hi: to everyone else...
Fezzle am so sorry. Sending lots of love. Xx
Fezzle - I was so sad to read your news. :( I'm so, so sorry for you. :hugs: I'm happy that you're able to look ahead but take some time for yourself, too. :flower:

Sis - What is up with your nurse? Maybe try calling her again? How are you feeling?

Nessaw - I'm sorry for the shitty appointment and that you had to get upset all over again. :(. But I'm so excited for your wedding! Is is this week or next? Sounds like a good plan - spend holidays with the family and then honeymoon in February.

Terri - good for you for finishing your shopping. I have a few more things to buy and then I'm done. I'm broke as a joke, too.

Hi Twinnie! :flower:

Nothing much to report here. Making cookie baskets for work this weekend. Did some baking last night, today, and will finish tomorrow. Going to see the comedian Jim Gaffigan tonight. :)
Jim Gaffigan is hilarious. If I see his shows on tv, I'll always stop to watch them, even if I've seen them before. Have a great time. I didn't overspend this year, which means I can buy a few presents for people that were on the maybe list.

Sis-I think I would call the nurse again too. Did she write you a prescription with refills? Maybe you can call the pharmacy and get some refills. I hope that's an option that you haven't thought of.
Hi all! Sorry, I’ve totally been MIA….I’ve even been a sucky thread stalker…it’s just due to general holiday craziness.

Fezzle—I was so very sorry and certainly didn’t anticipate to read your sad new today. My heart truly goes out to you. I’m glad you are able to keep a positive attitude, but I also understand the pain and disappointment that comes with it. Sending big hugs your way.:hugs:

Sis—I swear to you, I have never seen someone get so much run around and confusion and head-scratching moments with a pregnancy. You have just been through the mill! I agree, if you aren’t having pain and they don’t see anything in the tube, and beta keeps rising, I wouldn’t take the medicine either. Sure the betas aren’t textbook, but I do believe in miracles, so I personally don’t think there’s any sense in forcing a m/c. And if I had any P left, I’d send to you in a heartbeat, but I took every last pill even though they said I didn’t have to. Keep on that nurse about getting it for you!!!

Neesaw—Your story made me teary. How frustrating to not get any answers and like someone said, after the trauma of having to bring the baby in for testing and then for them not to even get any answers. It’s just BS and I’m so sorry that the experience didn’t bring you any comfort. And sorry to hear about your fall. Talk about adding insult to injury or the other way around. I hope the wedding goes off without a hitch and brings some much needed sunlight into your lives!

Radkat—I agree with just testing blood sugar and going with that. That 3 hour test is such a pain as you know. Glad to hear your numbers are fine thus far though. And realistically, you don’t have all that much longer to go, even having to stick to a GD diet!

Smiles—Yes, yes and YES to Mia’s picture! I don’t know if she’s wearing fuzzy boots, but it looks like it in the picture and with the tutu and all…absolutely adorable!! I hope she starts sleeping through the night soon…but if not, just remember, this too shall pass.

Kfs1—It makes it so real to see and then, hear, that little heartbeat. That’s such good news. Are you enjoying your early pregnancy? P.S. Love Jim Gaffigan. *Hot Pockets!*

Terri—Congrats on being PUPO. This has to be it! We’re just simply not going to allow any other option. I know it’s still early days, but are you feeling anything out of the ordinary?

Wish—I’m sorry you are having such a wonky cycle. All those dark OPKs and the up and down temps…I can understand going batty. Wonder what the doctor will say about it if you are going to bring it up? Oh, and congrats on the deer from a few pages back! You don’t dress it out yourself do you? I swear my eyes would roll into the back of my head and I’d pass out if I had to even attempt it!

Future Mom—Sorry to hear about the protein in your urine, but hopefully it is just a UTI. When will you know more? And like others said, that placenta can move out of the way before delivery. Good thing is they know about it so worst case scenario, you’ll get a c-section if it doesn’t move. And I feel you on the being sick and not being able to take much at all. I lived on the same exact same program you are doing when I had a cold during this pregnancy. Hang in there!

Hi to everyone else that I missed!

AFM—Strangers are asking me when I’m due and when I tell them, “Jan 7,” most people say I probably won’t make it that long. Today, a woman at my gym assumed I was having twins when I told her I have 4 more weeks to go. So, that’s scary. Not scary because people think I look huge…scary because I agree with them that I could go early and I REALLY want to push this until the holidays are over. My doctor said we can look at inducing at 39 weeks since my daughter was big and boys are usually bigger, which is fine as long as it’s after Jan 1! My husband really wants the tax credit though. Ugh, men. My mom will be here next weekend, and since she’s now retired, she can stay as long as I need her….or until she drives me crazy and I suggest she buy her plane ticket to head home. Lol! No, she’ll be a big help with my daughter, especially. Not much else to report really. Everything is boring in my world outside of getting ready for Christmas…and I will take boring any day of the week!
Wish is it possible that you ovulated more than once over a couple of days which is what's keeping the opks dark?
Terri how are you feeling?
Katie fx you hang on til the new year.x
Hi all.x
Hi Katie. :kiss: glad you're doing well. I hope Cody gets here on January 4. hee hee. That way you can enjoy the holidays-both and then prepare for baby. Yay!! I'm also happy that things are boring. Boring can be good.

Not too much going on here. Just chillin' out mostly and trying to avoid my MILs phone calls. She always wants to ask me questions about the stuff on my Christmas list and then I know what I'm getting. I like the surprise of it all. I wrote down stockings/hosiery with designs-gave her my height and weight, a gift card to anywhere (I hate gift cards but it's easy for her to get), and smelly lotion. Well, the day after Thanksgiving hubs said 'do you want a Macy's gift card?' I said 'I want it from anywhere. Please do not tell me.' Then MiL called yesterday and I wasn't near my phone so when hubs came downstairs I said 'I saw your mom called. Did she call you?' He said 'yeah, she wanted more info on the lotion.' I yelled 'CAN YOU PLEASE NOT TELL ME ABOUT MY PRESENTS???' I think they don't understand English. *sigh*

Then I went upstairs to do my shots and immediately after the second one, I got so lightheaded and hot. I had to sit down on the toilet and then laid my head on the sink, called my husband for a glass of water and my warm compress to put on my backside. Then I walked to the bedroom and just laid down for a few minutes. This was the first time I've had that reaction and it was pretty frightening. Of course my hubs said afterwards 'Uh. Where is the nearest hospital?' :dohh: I could just smack him for being such a space cadet. His mother seriously did not teach him the important things in life like 'know your surroundings.'

I was fine a few minutes later but now I'm scared for tonight's shot. I hope that was a rare occasion and it won't happen again. Have a great Sunday all.
Fezzle-still thinking about you, sunshine. :kiss:
Katie- wow you have less than 4 weeks to go!!! holy smoly!!! time just flies... I too am glad its boring at your house!!! :haha:
I hope that Cody stays snuggled in till 2015... he can be our new years baby!!! maybe if you have him at 12:01 you can get all those cool - 1st baby of the year presents!!! :happydance:
and no I do not dress out any deer - my husband does that - and he is actually good at it - if it was left up to me - I would be taking it to the local meat processor - but my husband does it all - saves us some money I guess... so far we have given away all the deer - so we just field dress it and deliver... just like Dominoe's :rofl: ok maybe not...

Terri - I feel the same way about presents... dont tell me - I want some kind of surprise... my hubby is terrible (he wants a list - which I fought for years because I said "if you really knew me you could buy me something") but now I just say here you go with the list and hope he tries to buy one thing not on the list (key "as seen on TV" gift here) :haha:
I hope that reaction was just a one time thing - but yes sounds a little scary!! stupid butt shots!!

Nessaw - I don't think I ovulated twice... I have no real symptoms of ovulation (temps suck, no creamy cm, etc) the only ovulation symptom I have had is that for the two days the girls are so sore... ?? If I throw out the two temps I took while hunting... I can get dotted cross hairs (and i would be 7DPO)... but I figured eh why do it... I go to the doctor tomorrow for my P check... I guess those numbers will tell the truth of it...

Fezzle - my heart is hurting for you - after reading your journal i believe you are going to get PG again soon- your attitude is so good and you and the DH are closer than ever... :hugs:

kfs - any peanut butter cookies??? those are my fav!! Happy baking twinnie!!! :hugs:

Fezzle-Oh I'm so heartbroken to hear the news but I truly believe you will get pregnant again very quickly.
Sis-I can't believe unsupportive the medical staff is being. Sometimes Doctors and Nurses can be so heartless. I understand they see this stuff everyday but we don't and it truly is heartbreaking.
Katie-OMG Cody is almost here. I can't believe how quickly that went!
Terri-Oh I hope your second shot goes better. Did the medication list that as one of the side
Wish-I have to think that your temp when you were camping is throwing this all off. You seem to ovulate pretty regularly without Clomid so I believe more that you may have ovulated more than once.

AFM-This has been an emotional week for me. What sucks about having a younger DH is all his friends get pregnant immediately. Another of his friends is pregnant (never mind that all they do is lie to each other so why bring a child into it is beyond me) I literally burst into tears when it appeared my sister was pregnant again. I feel like such a failure which is preventing me from making the appointment with the specialist. DH has been so sweet and supportive. I am truly so lucky to have him.
Fezzle - oh no...so sorry!!

Sis - wish you could get some answers!

Terri - maybe your hubby can give you the shot tonight so you aren't all bent funny.

Katie - FXed for the new year!
Blues-Wait..didn't your sister just have a baby? Is this the same sister or another one?

Regardless, you shouldn't feel like a failure. I think you've tried long enough on your own where it doesn't hurt to call someone. You or your DH could have some really, super easy to fix issue that a professional can solve. Maybe not, but it doesn't hurt to go get checked out. I feel so sad for you that you feel so down on yourself and have to keep hearing announcements from your DH's friends. That's the worst.

Wish-Do you really like those 'as seen on tv' gifts? That cracks me up if it's true. HA!!HA!! Hopefully your DH will get you a good gift this year and not have to ask you about every detail. I learned a long time ago that the 'you should know me well enough to know what I want' game never works. Otherwise you're getting a vacuum, toaster oven or some other cooking/cleaning instrument.

Moni-I'll just make sure he's inside the house while I take my shot. I've given up on him helping me. :nope:
Blues-Wait..didn't your sister just have a baby? Is this the same sister or another one? :

Yep the same one that just had a baby. I felt such a horrible sister when it turned out she wasn't because I was so happy that she wasn't
Katie - So happy to hear from. I'm glad that you're doing well. Were you able to buy gifts for all 16 kids in time? I hope you have everything done so you can relax and enjoy the holidays. And I hope that Cody stays put until after the holidays! :) Well, I am of course ecstatic that I am pregnant and having good reports but there's still that tiny piece of me who will be a little nervous until the 12-week mark. As far as symptoms, the only thing I have noticed is that I'm more tired and that is IT. No morning sickness, no sore boobs, nuthin. So, that makes the whole process a bit surreal, too. :)

Terri - I hate when people ask you questions about your presents, too! I mean, it's fine to give people ideas but at least TRY to keep the final idea a secret, right? It's no fun otherwise.

Wish - Good luck at the doctor today. How are you feeling over there? And yes, I made peanut butter and jelly sandwich cookies along with a TON of other kinds. :)

Sis - How are you doing over there? Any word from the nurse? What are your next steps?

Blues - I'm sorry that you're feeling down. Believe me, we have all been there. What's stopping you from calling the specialist? I PROMISE you it's not as scary as you're thinking and you'll feel so much better after having that initial appointment.

So, ladies, I have officially graduated from my RE. Things were looking good this morning so she packed me up and sent me on my way. My official due date is July 30th.

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