ahhh twinnie - you graduated from the RE \\:D/\\:D/:xmas12:
due date of 30 July... how awesome!! I am so happy for you!! I just know that you, Terri and EROSE!! (spoiler - go check out EROSE's assisted conception thread ladies) are going to be bump buddies!!! :happydance:

Erose - I know you don't come here much but I have to do this..... YAY!!!! for a Christmas :bfp:

Terri - no I do not like "as seen on TV" gifts but it seems my husband does - so I seem to end up with one every year... a hand held chopper one year... although he does do the kitchen appliance/cleaners too - but the best was a front door... yes front door...like that goes on your house...and that was all he got me that year.... :saywhat:
bless his heart...
and you are next with the BFP!!!

blues - don't feel bad that you were happy she wasn't PG... I have those moments too - we are all human... its just so hard when it doesn't happen for us too :hugs:

Sis - any updates?? still HOH for you... :hugs:

:hi: to all you other ladies out there!!

AFM: went to dr and again its like he never met me before... which in some regards is good - but in others not so much... he didn't have much to say about my side affects this time (bad headache for 5 days and marathon OPK's)
again wanted to refer me to RE - :nope: look guy we have had this conversation... you just don't remember
he is only willing to do 3 more cycles of Clomid... which I understand...

spent 5 1/2 hours in the ER with my youngest last night... she is fine now...so running on less than 3 hours of sleep... still no signs of progesterone in my body except sore boobs... no CM... no significant temp rise.... waiting for the blood test to tell me if I even ovulated...should be interesting...Im ready to know so I can move on emotionally and just wait for the :witch: to show
I will say had a good convo with the nurse - found out she tried for 2 years and then just gave up... shared our frustrations with people getting PG so easy - it must be really hard for her working in an OB office... :(

This is going to be a depressing post, so... you may not want to read further.

I am fine, happily. My son's pre-K teacher from last year (and helper teacher in the afternoons this year) has been a bit of a bump buddy for me - she was due about a week before me and we always chatted. Lovely woman ten years younger than me... Well, she went into premature labor and her daughter died last week, the same day as she was born. Apparently, her lungs were not developed well enough. I thought at this point in the pregnancy, they could do so much for the preemies, but goes to show that nothing is certain...

It will be a hard conversation to have with my son, especially with my due date being so close. :(

I am going to make a donation in her daughter's honor and memory, I am thinking March of Dimes. If anyone has ideas, would be welcome...
Fezzle - I'm so sorry for your loss. Big hugs. :hugs:

Terri - Glad the transfer went well. Sorry about the dizziness. Congrats on your niece. She'll be more fun at 6 months anyway. Right now they're just kinda lumps. Lovely, cuddly lumps, but lumps, nonetheless. :haha:

Wish - I'm sorry this cycle was a little wonky. I hope your clueless dr, or really the lab tests, can give you some more answers.

Kfs - I'm so excited that you graduated from your RE! That's great!

FutureMom - Any more news on the protein? A UTI is much easier to deal with than pre-eclampsia. And, as others, have said, your placenta can migrate during the pregnancy to a better location.

Moni - You're going to be in LA during my due date for your shower!

Driving - I'm so sorry to hear about your son's teacher's baby. How devastating. And even harder if she was a bump buddy. :hugs:

Nessaw - I'm so sorry for your awful experience at the dr's. It does sound like a case of them trying to CYA. Focus on your wedding. Is it this Saturday?! How exciting! Please post some pictures. And have FUN! Hope your bum is better. Did you bruise your tailbone? I've done that twice and it's awful.

Blues - I'm sorry you're having a tough time. No worries about feeling better when your sister wasn't pregnant. We're human, dammit.

Katie - I'm hoping Cody stays put until 2015. You can get the tax benefit next year. :haha: How nice to have your mom there to help.

AFM - I emailed my dr my GD # and she emailed back - Looks good. No GD for now. Hooray! Of course, DH says "we" (you mean me, right?) need to be careful and probably test from time to time anyway. Yes, honey, I'm not going to go on a soda and cookie binge. I'm just not going to buy any Peppermint Joe Joe's this year. :haha: Leaving on Saturday to see family for 10 days. I'll be stalking here and there though.:xmas9::xmas6:
Radkat - Are you near LA I'll come visit you in the hospital!! :winkwink:

Driving - wow, that is crazy. I told hubby I didn't want to decide on a name yet - because I am still paranoid that something would happen - I figured I would feel better at about 25 weeks...but there is always something to worry about...
Yes Erin messaged me and didn't say a word so I stalked her and OMGGGGGGG!! :yipee:

I still haven't heard crap from anyone I guess they r waiting for me to be rushed to the ER IDK :nope:

Driving so sorry about the teacher wow maybe geta star in her name or something!! :hugs:
Driving-Oh no! I am sorry to hear about your friend. That is so sad, and you're right..sometimes the doctors can do so much and others, they can't. I'm sad now, even though I chose to read your post. :hugs:

Blues-Oh, you THOUGHT your sister was pregnant again and then you were a little happy when she's wasn't. I don't blame you. Like Radkat said, we are all human, and it does suck seeing everyone get prego (minus the oldies but goodies and a few select others) and we're still hanging around. But..we have to keep trying.

Radkat-Don't leave yet. What in the world is a peppermint joe-joe? hee hee. that name makes me laugh, but yeah, don't binge on cookies and soda just yet.

Sis-Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. What is really going on??? Like, for real? It's like an out of body experience or something.

Wish-HA!!HA!! @ the seen on tv presents. I couldn't really tell if you were serious or not. Interesting that that is what you get every year. A door? That is too much. :rofl: ooh, and sorry about your daughter. I'm glad she is ok. Wait..so you get another 3 months of Clomid?! Yeah!

kfs1-Woohoo for graduating to the OB. Is this your regular girl doctor? Do you like her/him? I sure hope so. I can't take more depressing nonsense from your part of town. I'm still really super happy for you.

AFM-No lightheadedness last night when I did my PIO shot, thank goodness. I have two shots again tomorrow, so that will be the true test. I am too nervous to test so early, so I'm not even thinking about it. I just wanted to share so no one asks. HA!!HA!!
Well I Emailed my nurse and got a response my dr won't send over my RX cuz he thinks it's Ectopic !!! WTF
I go Wednesday for an ultrasound but I'd almost rather go somewhere else cuz it seems no matter what he refuses to believe in Miracles!! :nope:
Well I Emailed my nurse and got a response my dr won't send over my RX cuz he thinks it's Ectopic !!! WTF
I go Wednesday for an ultrasound but I'd almost rather go somewhere else cuz it seems no matter what he refuses to believe in Miracles!! :nope:

Sis you know I've been stalking you. What the hell. Miracles can happen. I hope you get answers though on that U/S one way or the other. But to me it makes sense to keep you on your prescription until AFTER they have a diagnosis just in case kind of thing. I am so so sorry things keep going this way *hugs*
Hello Ladies!!! :wave:

I'm so curious about what's up with ERose now - maybe I'll have to stalk this other thread. I REALLY hope it's what I think it is...:dust:

:hugs: for Fezzle. You should know that after a miscarriage you really are super fertile. My miscarriage was Mar. 25, 2014 and now my duedate is Apr. 3, 2015...so THAT did not take long. :haha: In fact, (sorry if this is tmi) it took me a while to get my first period after the miscarriage, but once I did, I got pregnant the second cycle after that. And this pregnancy was so much healthier right from the start. So get back on the horse once you are ready, girlie! :sex:

Driving - so sorry to hear that news :hugs:

Radkat - holy cow you have a pineapple inside you now!!! I have a pineapple in the kitchen right now - those spikey things look painful :haha: JK I am glad that you are doing so well. Thanks for asking about the tests - I will not hear any more about the placenta until January cuz that is when my ultrasound will be for that. The urine test was on last Wed. and they said it would be 3-5 business days, so if I do not hear back I will try to call them on Wed. Keeping fingers crossed.

Moni - I hear you about being nervous still. I am only 2 weeks away from 3rd trimester (holy crap!) and I am still really nervous. I guess having a miscarriage does that to you. I will not relax until he is safely born. Actually I probably will never again relax - always be thinking about him and hoping he is okay - that is all part of being a mother! But we really do need to go and buy some baby furniture :crib: at some point...still have nothing...:haha:

Terri - GL with the shots. Is tomorrow the last day for shots, I wonder. And then....:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::test::bfp::xmas6: (I know what Santa is bringing you :winkwink:)
Sis - I'm sorry about your cranky dr. Maybe you can just make him a believer.

Moni - Yep I'm in LA. But my parents don't get to come to the hospital (they'll be in town, hopefully, unless I go early or late), sooo... But I appreciate the thought. :haha:

FutureMom - Yeah the pineapple kinda made me go :xmas1:Whoa! too. (Cantaloupe freaked me out too, BTW). But the fruits/veggie sizes get a little wonky at the end. I think coconut is mid to late 30's week, which I think is smaller than a pineapple.

Terri and everyone else who lives in driving distance of a Trader Joe's - Please go and get a box of Peppermint Joe Joe's. Better than Thin Mints (yup, I said it). They are basically an oreo type cookie with crushed up candy canes in the cream part. But they are so much better than that. Always my holiday splurge. But not this year. :xmas11: Unless I can get someone else to promise to eat the rest of the box.
Thanks for checking on me Butterfly I'm really nervous about going Wednesday might have to get my Niece to tag along!!
I've been having some cramping tonite but also an upset tummy as is DH so I hope that's it and nothing more :shrug:

I so want to have a miracle and tell my Dr I told u so but I know that's not likely at this point but I can hope until I know for sure right??!? ;)
Twinnie - Your husband got you a door???? What was his rationale for that gift? Oh man. :) I'm sorry that you Dr. didn't seem to remember you! wtf? But I am happy that you're able to stay on clomid for another 3 months. And you never know this month - maybe different means better, right? What happened to your daughter? Hope all is OK.

Driving - I am so sorry about your friend. That is so completely awful. I'm sure there is not much that you can really do for her so I think making a donation in her daughter's name sounds perfect.

Rad - Congrats on no GD. :) Have a great visit with your family.

Terri - In all honesty, I have only seen my OB once because I switched OBs right before I started seeing my RE. My previous OB was TERRIBLE and from what I could tell from our one visit, my new one is SOO much better and very positive. :) I'm happy that you didn't have any more lightheadedness. That's such an awful feeling. I'm hoping that was just because your little bean was burrowing in. :)

Sis - I hope you get some positive answers tomorrow!

Hi Future and everyone else!
Thanks for checking on me Butterfly I'm really nervous about going Wednesday might have to get my Niece to tag along!!
I've been having some cramping tonite but also an upset tummy as is DH so I hope that's it and nothing more :shrug:

I so want to have a miracle and tell my Dr I told u so but I know that's not likely at this point but I can hope until I know for sure right??!? ;)

I would see if your niece could tag along. Someone to give you some moral support. I just hope you finally find answers one way or the other. Of course you know me, been rooting for the best possible outcome for you.

I wonder if it's something you ate. I hope you're not cramping anymore this morning.

And I think we all want a miracle for you. Hope is one of the things that helps makes the world go round. Without it, the world would be a bit darker place. Hang on to hope for as long as you want!
Yes the cramps are gone today I thought for sure I was going to start bleeding felt exactly like Pre AF Cramps!! :shrug:

Not to mention the horrible gas I've been having its worse than cramps I think :nope:
got my P back ladies - it was a whopping 2.0 - so I was correct no ovulation this month...
on one hand I am sad :cry: - but on the other it is nice to know that I know my body well enough to know that I didn't throw an egg!! :haha:

and the doc says 100 mg of clomid next cycle!!! EEK!!!
Wish-Don't be sad because now you know you're bringing out the big guns. Let your DH know that you're not messing around this coming cycle. hee hee.

Sis-I sure hope tomorrow's scan shows something good. fxfx. Did you invite your niece to tag along?

Not much going on here....I'm going to finish my book, The Husband's Secret tonight and then it's back to Cutting for Stone. I had to take a temporary break because my friend's daughter invited me to be in her book club. I didn't think I'd read the book as fast as I did, but I had a fairly free weekend and it's a good book. hee hee. My teacher said that he posted our grades today but I didn't see it. Once I see my grade, I'll finally be able to relax. I'm such a nerd. :book: :wacko:
Sis - hope you can have someone at the appointment with you - either way it will be nice to have support. FXed for your miracle!!

My vent for the day...today was SUPPOSED to be my anatomy scan - I made the appointment 5 WEEKS ago. Got a confirmation text on Friday - responded confirm. Got a confirmation call on Sunday AND yesterday. Took the afternoon off of work, hubby took the day off, show up and "I" had cancelled the appointment via text. WHAT?!?!!? I showed them my phone where I confirmed it and the confirming texts and voicemails that followed. They had filled my slot YESTERDAY and couldn't fit me in today. I was so upset, I wanted to see my little guy! They might be able to fit me in Friday morning if I don't have a work conflict, otherwise next Tuesday. They apologized profusely and blamed office error - but still shouldn't I have had priority over someone who just got the appointment yesterday - or make the staff stay an extra 45 minutes since it was their mistake. Ugh. So no new pics today. Luckily I already know the sex, because I would have been REALLY upset if I was delayed finding out! Might be time to find a new OB...

After we left the doctors, we went to target to try to register for baby stuff - I so don't know what I am doing - I think we scanned 4 items. Ugh. Frustrating day.
Moni- that is really shit! Sorry you couldn't get the scan.

Sis- good luck today!

terri- good luck with the grade! I have my book club Christmas dinner tomorrow night- would you recommend that book?

Wish- sorry about no ovulation- I hope the 100mg does the job!

Today should have been our scan day, so feeling a bit down, but the bleeding has slowed down a bit now, so I'm hoping things will move on quickly. OH and I are both really eager to start trying again.
Fezzle-yes, I recommend it. It's an easy read and very interesting. It takes place in Australia too, and I don't ever recall reading a book based there so that was neat.

Wait one second. Secret wedding journal? Have I been missing something? When is your secret wedding??? Hee hee. Glad you're feeling better about things. :hugs:
The secret wedding depends on a few things- me getting my certificates from the US, OH being able to take off work and getting everything booked- but if it all works out, we could be eloping in less than 4 months!

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