Hey Girls,

I'm so sorry for all the rotten news lately. What a rough year it has been! :( Terri, my heart aches for you. Sis, I'm so disappointed in your outcome as well. I wish they could tell you what's going on. :(

My husband and I have decided not to continue with our plans for IVF. It's not just the expense and the risk, it just doesn't feel right for us. We've been filling out an application to foster to adopt, which so far feels like the right direction to go. Still full of risks, uncertainty, and heartache...

I hope 2015 is a year full of hope, happiness, and good news for our little group!
Sis and Terri, I'm so, so sorry. Certainly not the news any of us wanted for you. It sucks royally and that's all there is to it. Hope you can put this year behind you and look forward to a much brighter 2015. Hugs to you both. <3

Will catch up with all you other lovely ladies later.
Mischief, *hugs* You are still young and may be able to have a baby without IVF, but adoption is a wonderful thing. Two of my close friends were adopted, and so happy and well adjusted, and love their parents.

Terri, you are probably not in the mood to post much right now, but you are in my thoughts.

Katie, you are almost there!!! So excited for you.

All's well here. Feeling better than last month, in fact.
Sis - I'm so sorry. What an awful end to a strange pregnancy. Hopefully you can see the one dr now?

Terri - I'm just so upset for you. Really sorry this one didn't work out. Hope you can do whatever you need to take care of yourself. We're here when you need us. :flower:

Wish - I'm sorry for no ovulation this month. 3 more months of Clomid sounds great. As does you and DH being connected about this.

Fezzle - Continue to think about you. Excited for your wedding planning.

Moni - Glad you got your scan and your pics of the little guy.

FutureMom - Yep, registering is crazy. I second Driving's list.

Smiles - Ugh to going back to work. It's always hard.

Momof3 - Sooo... genders? :)

Nessaw - Congrats on your wedding. Everything looked beautiful.

Driving - Ooh C section. Are you thinking you'll try to labor and see what happens or just schedule a C section? Good luck whatever you choose. It's right around the corner.

Katie - Speaking of right around the corner... I'm looking forward to your update and baby story!

Garfie - I'm sorry temps aren't looking good for you.

Mischief - I think it's great that you're feeling good about the foster/adopt route. I worked with foster kids for several years and a lot of them are great kids who came out of bad situations and do really well in good homes. Good luck continuing with TTC.

VJean - Hi to you and your cuties.

Back from the Midwestern family Christmas vacation. Always nice to see everyone, but I'm worn out by the trip. Hoping for a great 2015 for all of us. :thumbup:
Thanks, Radkat! Currently the plan is to probably schedule a C-section if the baby measures more than 9 lbs 2 oz a week before due date. I am not into birth heroics and would prefer to have a functional bladder in the future (and thinking of my sister, who was about 9.5 lbs, got stuck and they had to break her collarbone to get her out vaginally.... shudder, my poor mom too). If he's less, I'll labor.
Just wanted to wish U All a Happy New years!!! Not going to lie I'm glad this year is over and hopefully I can start fresh in 2015!!!

Mischief glad to hear from u and we have also considered Adoption but the cost seems the same as IVF please let me know if u found a good agency in the Area!! :)
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for Terri

Happy New Year to everyone!!! :drunk::headspin::friends::fool::wine::wohoo:
and I hope everyone gets their :yellow: next year, whether it be adoption or IVF or good ole fashioned :sex: xoxoxo
Happy new year ladies - not gonna lie had a few glasses of vino tonight - can't and won't put life on hold anymore - good thing hubby finally finally agreed to sa :thumbup:

Hope we all have a good year ladies :happydance:


Happy New Year to everyone! Here's to a great 2015 for us all.
Happy New Years :drunk: hope 2015 makes ALL Our Dreams Come True!!!

I too had some moscato last night and :sex: for no reason at all but to please my :drunk: DH !!! ;)

My test this AM is super light which is a surprise since yesterday's was still Farley dark :shrug: I had some sharp pains after midnight so iDK!!
I've gained another 10lbs w this Rollercoaster pregnancy so I'm working on that ASAP along w the other 30lb from the other MC!! Yes I gain 10lbs w every loss lucky me for having so many last year!!!
Hopefully this year I won't have any just a take home baby... Hopefully all of us still TTC will!! :)

Last night was hard as I was checking my Notification on facebook after midnight and got about 3 pregnancy announcements in my family Yay for them not for me:nope:

Once again I hope u ALL catch Your DREAMS!!! :hugs:
Happy New year to all! 2015 isgoing tobe a great promising yearfor all!
Hi Ladies,

Time to catch up! I agree with Mischief that we’ve had some rotten news lately and right around the holidays, which sucks. On a brighter note, I was just looking at the cover page for this thread and it’s pretty remarkable how many “Oldies” have gotten BFPs, even if we’ve had our share of angels come out of them, unfortunately. I mean, all that action in the course of one year. That’s really something! And we’ve all stuck together through that time. I know we’ve lost a few of the original ladies, but I’m so grateful to have this online group of support from all of you. Truly.

Terri—I know you are taking a little BnB step-back, which is totally understandable 100%, but just know I’ve been thinking about you and hope you are doing okay. :hugs:

Sis—In a way, I’m glad to hear your tests are lightening up and beta is dropping so you can get a fresh start for the New Year. I’m glad you had some fun with DH just for the sake of a good time and not TTC. I love when it’s not about TTC and just about a good roll in the hay! Sucks about the weight gain but tis the season where everyone starts working out and dieting so it’s a good time of the year to shed those annoying pounds and feel better, in general!

Fezzle—Hope you are still keeping that positive spirit following the m/c and still pumped up to try again. I know a m/c is not without pain and disappointment, but the silver lining is knowing sperm met egg and it implanted. And that’s a huge part of the battle. You’ll get there!

Mischief—So glad to hear from you again and also glad that you have found a potential option to parenthood that feels right for you. No sense in spending the money (a lot of money) on the IVF course if it just didn’t sit right with you guys. There is a girl who runs one of the regular TWW threads every month, “Dannixo,” and she and her DH just started fostering 2 children with the hope to adopt. Just throwing that out there as she may be someone to ask questions to about her experience and the process. Please do keep us updated!

Smiles—What a blessing that your mom is watching Mia while you work. That is a perfect scenario for your child care!

Momof3—Where are you??????

Garfie—What unexpected news that DH has agreed to SA! That’s a huge step for him and you must be so pleased that he is getting involved in the process!

Radkat—You aren’t far behind from delivering yourself! Good gracious I feel like other’s pregnancies are flying by even faster than my own. When are you moving back to the Midwest again? After mat leave?

Again, I know I’m missing a bunch of people but I’m tired and I have to get this posted before I face plant into my keyboard. Nothing labor-related going on here….only dilated to 1 cm as of Monday, cervix still thick, baby boy has not dropped down enough to count for much. I’m thrilled to have made it into January and his birthdate will be further away from Christmas, but I’m ready for him to be out in the world. Nesting projects are complete and we’re ready for him. And I really don’t want to have to go out and buy a new package of heartburn pills, which I’m almost out of, which I need desperately now, but which I won’t need the moment my stomach is no longer pushed up into my throat! Have my 39 week appt. on Monday and may have more answers about a possible induction.

Anyway, I have such a good feeling about 2015 for this group. I don’t know what it is, but I think there will be a lot more happy news coming out of the thread this year. Wishing you all the very best and excited to see where everyone’s journeys take them over the next 12 months. Thank you for your friendship! :flower:
Hi all,

I agree with Katie. 2014 was such a tough year for so many in the group but 2015 WILL bring more BFPs. I just know it. And we'll get through the ups and downs together, right?!!?!

Terri - miss you.

Wish/Twinnie - miss you, too.

Sis - I'm glad that you had a good new year and I hope that you're able to move on soon so that you can heal both emotionally and physically.

Katie - I'm so happy that Cody held out through the holdays for you. A close friend of mine just had her baby on Christmas morning and she was due in January. wow. I can't believe how close you are now. I hope that little guy gets moving soon!

Mischief - Congratulations on your decision to adopt. It sounds like you and your DH have weighed all of your options and I think it's absolutely great. I can't wait to hear more about your journey.

Garfie - woohoo for moving forward with the SA. That's great news.

Hi to everyone else!

I've been so busy since I've been off these past few weeks. It has been so great having some time away from work. Babywise, my first OB appt was on Christmas Eve and things looked great. Strong heartbeat and things measuring on point. Also, my DH was finally able to come (he can't miss work ever because he's a teacher) so he was finally able to see and hear the heartbeat. :) I stopped progesterone a week ago so I'm only on prenatals now. Next appt is 2 weeks from Monday. I'll be nervous until then I'm sure.
KFS1 have u taken the Materniti21 Test??? We gotta know gender?? :)

Katie so exciting to see your Lil guy :yipee:

New year new DR we will be seeing the FS Mischief suggested and are also looking back into Adoption!!! :)

Terri hope u are doing well!! :hugs:
Hooray kfs1 for a healthy bean! You must feel so relieved. It sounds like this pregnancy has been treating you well. What a blessing!

Sis--I'm happy to hear u are seeing the new fertility specialist. With your perseverance and obvious ability to get pregnant, I really think 2015 will be your take-home baby year. &#128512;
Happy New Year, Ladies!

Katie, I love your positive outlook on things! It is heartbreaking to come on here week after week and see so much sadness. It isn't fair and I hate it. I love that you put it into perspective for us! We have seen so many BFP's and the babies are rolling in! (or out, really! :haha:) I'm looking forward to seeing what the new year brings us, and I see rainbows happening! Stalking for baby news!!!

Mischief, I love that you are looking into foster to adopt! I've heard nothing but great things about the program in Texas! Prayers for your family!

Sis, glad your number is dropping! 2015 will be your year!

Thanks Radkat! I think they are pretty cute, if I do say so myself!:blush:

Terri, I think Mexico by yourself sounds amazing! I'd be too chicken to do it personally, so I'm just going to enjoy it thru you!!

So today is my first day back to work. :nope: It felt good to put on real work clothes, even if they were a bit tight! Ha! But I miss my baby. Luckily, he gets to stay home with dad! I'm excited to see their relationship grow, as Keegan is a bit of a mama's boy already!

I hope everyone else is doing great!
Happy new year ladies!!! I thought I posted something a few days ago but I guess it didn't take. :nope:

Katie....I just realized your due date is the 7th! I thought it was the 17th. My Lord I was off. Any sign of Cody yet? Can't wait to " meet" him

Sis...new year, new doctor equals your bundle of joy. :hugs:

Terri...:hugs::hugs: and more :hugs: I know you're laying low for a bit but know you are in my thoughts.

Kfs...love the new pic so glad everything is going along smoothly.

VJean...it sucks going back doesn't it? But at least Keegan is with his dad. How long will your husband be home with him?

Hi to everyone else...I hope the new year brings you all good things
ooh, kfs1-I didn't even notice your new picture..I love it!!

Katie-Just waiting to hear about Cody. One more day (maybe!). I'm being as patient as I can be.

Smiles/VJean-I'm doing ok. Considering just going back on the pill because I don't want any surprises if I decide motherhood is not for me (it's apparently not EASILY apparent for me, as we can see, so maybe it's not meant to be). I'm just trying to rein my life back in a bit and everything is just jumbled around in my mind. Not sure what to do.

Vjean-Hope your work day wasn't too bad. I'm sure everyone is excited to see you and talk about Keegan so you can ease your way back to the grind. :hugs:

It snowed for the first time this year, so that's been exciting. Traffic was slow but that's the usual, and since I come in early to work I don't have to deal with a ton of cars. Now it's just flurrying so the ride home should be ok.

Hope everyone else is doing a-ok.

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