Sis, the front page looks great! Thank you for keeping that up to date! I'm sorry about your son, but hopefully the party will lift his spirits! Can't wait to see your pictures! What is he going to do after graduation? My Big graduates next weekend and has joined the Army. I'm sad but excited for him at the same time!
Terri, I'm so glad your dad (and his house) is ok! I'm in between San Marcos and San Antonio and the devastation from the flooding is so sad.
Moni, Oliver is beautiful! He looks fantastic!
Future Mom, 13 lbs! Woah! I love chunky babies! Keegan is 7 months and weighs 14 lbs.
Blues, I'm hoping DH can understand your desire and let you move forward with IVF! If you don't have to do the IUI, I'd chose to go straight to IVF as well.
Fezzle, FX'd for you!
KFS1, wow! I can't believe they let that happen. Did they even apologize? I'm glad you had Sunday on the beach, at least! I can't believe how soon your baby will be here! Are you ready?
Joy, hope you get your grandsons skin figured out! My DD (2) has eczema and it is no fun! She can't use anything on her skin! We have found pure coconut oil helps soothe it, and swimming really clears it up, but it has the opposite effect for some people. Good luck finding his triggers!
Sorry I don't post often enough- life is just crazy. I do read weekly and love seeing some of you on Facebook!
We leave this afternoon for a quick trip to Disney World. Haddie is going to be amazed, I am sure! I can't wait to see the park thru her eyes.
My 20 y/o DD moved back in with us a while back while she saves some money. She is on her last semester at a jr college and will transfer to Texas A&M. As mentioned above, my 18 y/o DS graduates next weekend.

He leaves for Ft Silk OK in July. I'm so proud of him and think the Army will do him good. We probably should work in getting him a drivers license before he goes, but he just isn't interested.

My 15 y/o is just busy with soccer and girls...yikes! Luckily the threat of losing electronics he needs to communicate with said girls keeps him forced on his grades just enough! Haddie is finally potty trained (she's almost 2 1/2), but is still having poop accidents.

I've decided to just ignore them and hope she gets tired of ruining her princess panties... I'm sure disney world will set her back a little bc we are putting her in pull ups in the park. Keegan is growing way to fast! 7 months old, 6 teeth, sitting, crawling, pulling up on everything....I just want him to slow down! He's at the base day care center now, so he's just down the street from my office. I'm able to go rock him and nurse him for an hour every day and I love it. He's probably tired of me interrupting his play time, but I'll do it as long as I can! Blink and this time is gone....
That's about it for me! Hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend!