Congratulations Moni!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Oliver is beautiful and I'm glad everything is going well for you now. How fun that our boys are almost exactly the same age, although Daniel is HUGE now (13 pounds) - we had friends over today who asked how many months he was now, thinking it was around 4 months, not 6 weeks! A three hour drive - good for you! We've done a couple of road trips to Grandma (about 2 hours) and Nana (closer to 3) - isn't it amazing how much STUFF you have to bring even for just one night! :dohh: I hear you on the sleep deprivation. :sleep: But it is amazing how you can get used to that too. Anyways, thanks for checking in and enjoy!!! Looking forward to hearing more soon. :hugs:
Yay Moni!! hee hee.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'm about to take Fun for a walk and then give him a bath and wait for one of my flaky friends to call. I don't think she will, but I told her I'd be around, so I guess I'll just hang around. I made turkey enchiladas for dinner last night and they were great! It was my first time making them, and I'm definitely going to make them again. My dad is still here. :wacko: I guess this might be his last week, but whatever. I really don't mind him being here. He just finds a corner and talks on the phone when he is here. It's 7:30a, and he's been on the phone for at least 45 minutes already.

Enjoy your holiday everyone. Back to the grind in the morning. Booooo...
Moni - Congratulations again. Oliver is absolutely adorable.

Terri - Hope you were able to do something fun with your friend yesterday. The weather in NY was absolutely gorgeous.

Future - I hear you about the no BDing. That's been my story for pretty much my entire pregnancy. (Boooo) But great news about being able to start trying again soon. :)

Blues - What's the word? How's testing been going??

Hi everyone else! How was everyone's weekends?

FL was fun - some parts better than others. The wedding was for a good friend of ours and they had it at a beach house so they had to do a lot of prep work before hand (which I totally get as I had a similar wedding). So, we ended up helping them out a bit on Friday and then during the day on Saturday before the wedding. And I was happy to do it but we just didn't have as much vacation time as I thought. The thing that made me mad, though, was his Uncle. He was sort of in charge of everything, like a wedding planner almost. So, we're on our way to the wedding and he calls as asks us if we can pick up more pineapple and cranberry juice. Now mind you, the house is 20 minutes away from our hotel and the stores are even further away. But he says they don't think they have enough and that they'd hold the ceremony until we got there. So, we hustle to the store and I have to shell out $100 (which is whatever but the flights/hotel/rental car for this trip were SOO expensive). We get there and the ceremony is ending. So, basically, we flew all the way down there and missed the ceremony. I was SOOO pissed but it wasn't my friend's fault so what can you do?? Anyway, the reception was great and we were able to get some beach time on Sunday so I was happy with that.
kfs1-I can't believe they didn't hold the ceremony for you? That's a bummer, but at least you got to talk to everyon during the reception. And..the good news is you got out of town for a bit, so that's always great.

My college friend said she was leaving around 1, but brunch was at 10. By 1:30, I was at the store with my dad and then I planned to watch the baseball game. she finally texted me at 3 saying that they had to hit the road. She's always running late, and since I know she's flaky I wasn't really that surprised. I just chilled for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Going to the ball game tonight!

Blues-Any symptom spotting updates? C'mon!!

Sis-How was graduation? Are you getting any of the rain, or are you too far south for that?

Joy-What's up chica?

Wish-:hugs: miss you.

Hi to everyone else!
Moni-Oliver is beautiful!
Kfs-wow that fil is a real piece of work.

Afm- I believe that I am out. My temps are diving. AF is due on Thursday and from my temps looks like she will be arriving right on time.

I want to move to ivf but dh doesn't. He wants to try iui 2 more times but i don't want to waste anymore time
Blues-Does your insurance say you have to try IUI three times before you can move forward? I would try to explain to your husband that you're not getting any younger and why waste these few months on IUI when it will take a while before IVF happens and you guys can try naturally until IVF in the meantime. Is it the expense? What's the issue? hee hee. Let him know that you're the one that has to do the shots and stuff. He just has to sit there and provide a sample a month from now, similar to an IUI. :haha:

I really hope that :witch: turns right back around and gets out of here, so you don't even have to have the discussion. :hugs:

AFM-:juggle: *sigh*
:hi: everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. Trying to figure out if my grandson is allergic to something or if it is a case of eczema. He's getting ready to go on vacation with his mom and I just want his skin to heal up before they go :plane:

Moni your baby looks perfect! Congratulations

kfs you've got restraint because I would have been over the top pissed! At least one beach day but dang, all that trip to miss the actual ceremony :nope:

Terri- Your dad gettin' the mack on at 7am?! OMG that is so funny! How was the ball game? Glad you didn't count on your friend making it there to visit. We all have that one flaky friend lol Turkey enchiladas sound good. I'm not much on corn tortillas but I keep trying to see if I can overcome that. Made some baked ziti with sauteed spinach and tomatoes with feta. My hubby said he doesn't like feta but he ate it and said it was good. Good thing it makes a big pan because that's one less day of cooking this week!

Hey Sis- Still waiting to hear an update on what's going on in your neck of the woods. Concerned with all of the flooding going on in Texas. I hope you and the family are safe.:hugs:

AFM- Nothing to report over here. Still raining with just a peek of sun here and there. Looks like yesterday we finally broke the record for the most rain in May. We're just hangin' in there :shipw: Looks like stopping the Black cohosh has put my ovulation further back which I think is a good thing. Having it on CD8 was kind of crazy. Still just trying to supplement myself into lower FSH or better quality eggs. It's only the 2nd month of taking DHEA and CoQ10 so after 3 months I'm hoping I'll have a better chance. Hubby is on vacation for the summer so at least we can get the BDing in on a more regular basis.

Hope everyone is having a good week. :thumbup:
Joy-I hope you can figure out your grandson's allergy/eczema situation. I had this weird skin thing called pitoriasis rosea one spring. It was a weird rash-type thing. Of course, there is no cure for it but sunlight :wacko: so maybe that's all it is. There is also no cause. It just happens. Are they still called enchiladas if you use flour tortillas? That's what I used. I'm not a fan of corn tortillas either. Maybe the key is using enchilada sauce and it becomes an enchilada.

The Os lost last night, but the weather was warm and I actually got free parking versus paying the meter $2 like I normally do. Free parking is on my top ten list of things that make me happy. My coworker met me at the game, and he was super happy to be at the stadium.

Glad your ovulation is delayed a bit, but hopefully not too much. :hugs:
If you say flour tortillas=enchiladas then I'm all for it! LOL Glad you got to go to the game and got free parking! Here I think it was either $10 or $15 to park for the game. Just ridiculous. I'm hoping some sun can help him out too. If only we could get some consistent sun. I've been giving him oatmeal baths and trying to keep him moisturized but don't want to over do it either.

Now just waiting for O day...
I'm so so sorry I haven't updated it's been Cray Cray around here between meetings flooding and taking Clomid(it makes me batty unlike Femara) :haha:
I swore I updated after the meeting maybe it didn't post :shrug:

We r OK :boat: Mrs Luna Belle is not to happy she can't chase squirrels on a daily so she is mopey :dog: right now!! :(

Well looks like my son will Graduate but they will not let him walk the $%€£*+ Principal is a Dbag he won't even let my son go up there and put the $2200 engine he got for graduation back in his truck!! So we have made other plans but it Sux he doesn't get to do it with all his friends in Auto shop!! They pretty much robbed him of everything u look forward to Senior Year!! :nope:

AFM got a Peak today waiting on my trigger the Holiday and rain pushed it back and now I Need it ASAP!! :shrug:

Moni my BIG was early about the same maybe a week earlier and stayed longer in NICU so u have a strong Lil man there. Hope the sleep patterns adjust a bit and u can get some rest and a Lil time for Mommy!! ;)

We r staying a Float for everyone watching the news I'm on the Northwest side of town look up Cypress that is my Suburb we have lots of creeks so we do have lots of water but they r holding for now!! :)
With everything going on I feel like :dog: :juggle: and now the Sub is doing a Garage Sale Saturday!! Dang my luck but maybe I will make some money for this party or to pay Lawyer fees :rofl:

I also get a new Couch Tomorrow its so pretty I will have to post a pic! Making sure I have lots of places for people to sleep for the party!
Painting rooms and decorating ... I will have to post pics of the Graduation decor on the porch for u guys when I get a Min :)

Hope everyone is Well :hi:
Congrats, Moni!

Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm on 2dpo of a natural cycle. I'm hoping the CP last cycle some how boosted my hormones anyway.
Thanks for the update Sis! Glad to hear you all are doing ok so far. I'm really sorry to hear about what they did to Big. Just over the top ridiculous! Hope the party goes off without a hitch and you make some great memories. You are one crazy busy woman trying to get so much done. I know you are probably just looking for perfection. lol Maybe the garage sale is a bonus way to help clear out any clutter you may have and be ready for guests. Sounds like so much work though. As long as you aren't floating down any creeks there:fish: it's all good. Can't wait to see how the decorations come out and your brand new couch! Don't over do it (even though you probably will):winkwink:
Blues-Does your insurance say you have to try IUI three times before you can move forward? I would try to explain to your husband that you're not getting any younger and why waste these few months on IUI when it will take a while before IVF happens and you guys can try naturally until IVF in the meantime. Is it the expense? What's the issue? hee hee. Let him know that you're the one that has to do the shots and stuff. He just has to sit there and provide a sample a month from now, similar to an IUI. :haha:

I really hope that :witch: turns right back around and gets out of here, so you don't even have to have the discussion. :hugs:

AFM-:juggle: *sigh*

Im a self pay patient because my insurance only pays for diagnosing infertility but not any fertility treatments. Dh is hesitate to spend the money (however its my own separate savings that we would be using). He rather try cheaper options but i see it as just wasting money that I could be using towards ivf.
Fezzle-Ok..here we go again. I am feeling good things coming for you now that you're a Mrs. hee hee.

nessaw-How are things going with you? Did you get your 12w scan yet?

Sis-Oh, I"m so happy you are ok even though you have a lot of creeks nearby. My dad is about 20 minutes from San Marcos, which apparently flooded, but he is on a hill, so his house is fine. Everyone hears TX and gets worried about him and he is acting like such a snob and doesn't understand why people are concerned. Um..people have died because of these floods. Yes, he's still here. hee hee. Oh, and that bites about your son's principal/engine/etc..The party will be more fun than sitting and watching everyone walking across the stage. I don't remember much about my actual graduation party, but I do like the pictures that I took with friends afterwards.

Blues-Oh I hear you about the expense. Sometimes you just have to pull out the big guns. Maybe do one more IUI and then move on. That would be a good compromise, I think.

Joy-I think I see you O date around the corner. hee hee. Let's hope so. C'mon already.
Sis, the front page looks great! Thank you for keeping that up to date! I'm sorry about your son, but hopefully the party will lift his spirits! Can't wait to see your pictures! What is he going to do after graduation? My Big graduates next weekend and has joined the Army. I'm sad but excited for him at the same time!

Terri, I'm so glad your dad (and his house) is ok! I'm in between San Marcos and San Antonio and the devastation from the flooding is so sad.

Moni, Oliver is beautiful! He looks fantastic!

Future Mom, 13 lbs! Woah! I love chunky babies! Keegan is 7 months and weighs 14 lbs. :haha:

Blues, I'm hoping DH can understand your desire and let you move forward with IVF! If you don't have to do the IUI, I'd chose to go straight to IVF as well.

Fezzle, FX'd for you!

KFS1, wow! I can't believe they let that happen. Did they even apologize? I'm glad you had Sunday on the beach, at least! I can't believe how soon your baby will be here! Are you ready?

Joy, hope you get your grandsons skin figured out! My DD (2) has eczema and it is no fun! She can't use anything on her skin! We have found pure coconut oil helps soothe it, and swimming really clears it up, but it has the opposite effect for some people. Good luck finding his triggers!

Sorry I don't post often enough- life is just crazy. I do read weekly and love seeing some of you on Facebook!

We leave this afternoon for a quick trip to Disney World. Haddie is going to be amazed, I am sure! I can't wait to see the park thru her eyes. :cloud9:

My 20 y/o DD moved back in with us a while back while she saves some money. She is on her last semester at a jr college and will transfer to Texas A&M. As mentioned above, my 18 y/o DS graduates next weekend. :nope: He leaves for Ft Silk OK in July. I'm so proud of him and think the Army will do him good. We probably should work in getting him a drivers license before he goes, but he just isn't interested. :shrug: My 15 y/o is just busy with soccer and girls...yikes! Luckily the threat of losing electronics he needs to communicate with said girls keeps him forced on his grades just enough! Haddie is finally potty trained (she's almost 2 1/2), but is still having poop accidents. :grr: I've decided to just ignore them and hope she gets tired of ruining her princess panties... I'm sure disney world will set her back a little bc we are putting her in pull ups in the park. Keegan is growing way to fast! 7 months old, 6 teeth, sitting, crawling, pulling up on everything....I just want him to slow down! He's at the base day care center now, so he's just down the street from my office. I'm able to go rock him and nurse him for an hour every day and I love it. He's probably tired of me interrupting his play time, but I'll do it as long as I can! Blink and this time is gone....

That's about it for me! Hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend!
Thanks for all the support and Lovely Updates ladies!! It's been a mad house around here but I'm Ginna Get ER Done!!! ;)

AFM my trigger didn't show cuz of flooding in the area but I got another Peak this am not sure what to do :shrug:

Here's a pic of my BIG

Sis - very nice grad photo :thumbup:

VJean - Not sure if I should confess this..our lil pterodactyl is 7 weeks old today...and 15 pounds!!! :haha: I guess it's safe to say that the BF is going well :rofl: I'll try to post a current photo soon.

Hi everyone else!!! :hugs:
Hi all. So sorry have been rubbish at keeping up. We had our 12wk scan last week and all ok-nuchal measurement ok-waiting on bloods. We've started to tell a frw people but not feeling out of the woods yet. Rmc scan at 16wks is the next hurdle. Love to all.xx
Eta edd is now 1st Dec-measuring a few days ahead. :)
Good to hear from u Neesaw will update Ur EDD!! :)

Well I got my trigger and just took it of course it was no longer cold and idk if it was too Late or not but I'm thinking not... I've been having serious O pains so FXFX!! :thumbup:

Has anyone heard from Momof3girls?? Thinking w twins she might have Delivered by now!! :shrug:
Blues - FX that hubby can see things from your perspective and come closer to agreement on IVF. I would want to waste time or money either.

Vjean- Thanks. We took him to a doc and they gave him the typical steroid cream to help. I didn't want to put him on steroids but with the trip today I just wanted him to be comfortable. It started clearing up quickly and just waiting to see how he will be when he wakes up. I wondered about swimming because I've read about bleach baths and thought they might have a similar effect. Thanks for sharing that tip. My goodness your baby is growing so fast! I'd get in all the snuggle time I could too if I were you. Have an amazing time at Disney :happydance: and try not to worry about set backs with potty training. It takes longer for the poop portion of the program. Grandson was pee trained at 18 months but the poop took an extra month to get done. Good luck!:flower:

Sis- That is a great graduation photo. Don't forget to enjoy the party yourself. With all the work you put in, you need to have fun too. Glad the trigger finally got there. FX FX for you!

Terri-Day 16 and still searching for O day :ninja:...Maybe I'm impatient but now I'm starting to think maybe I should take a little Black Cohosh to move up O date. ugh my cycle is so :wacko: it's trying to make me crazy!

Nessaw- That is so :yipee:that the baby is measuring ahead. I know you are being cautious but I can't wait until you clear week 16 so you can worry less and enjoy it more. Big :hug: to you!

AFM- Getting ready to enjoy an empty house just me and DH this weekend. With O day somewhere near I am looking to take full advantage! Other than that nothing too exciting this way. Rain is starting to let up and hubby and I have gotten to take a few walks together in the woods. Love it! Now I've got a date in the kitchen with some pies that need baking. Probably throw in some bread and rolls for good measure.

A big :hi: to anyone I missed. Hope you all have a great day!

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