Good Monday morning Ladies
Sis - I am logging in every morning looking at your chart and just HOPING this is your cycle!!! I am so glad graduation is done and you had the party! Good luck getting your house back in order!! That's always the fun part
Terri - I love reading stories about your dad - for some reason I wasn't tracking he had a condo by you... I just thought he was randomly visiting - which by the way is EXACTLY how I want to be in retirement... showing up randomly at my kids house and staying for who knows how long!!!

I am glad to you to spend time with him - he sounds like a hoot!

I also looked up your blue apron service - its looks so cool - and I might have to try it once my teenager goes off to college!! I am also happy to hear that you are trying IVF again... COME ON

why is she always off screwing around with her broom and not coming when she is supposed to!!
Joy - I am sorry about your non ovulating cycle

that just sucks... I use wondfo ovulation sticks - you can order online and cheap and seem easy enough to read... but its pretty basic - there is alot more out there to help determine that LH surge - but I am just cheap!!
Katie - I wanna go to Michigan for the summer!!!!!!

I am sure I can convince the Army to let me telework...

You didn't miss as much as you think... my OB/GYN washed his hands of me when I came in with 4 cysts - so the only way I can get off birth control pills and get my body back is go to St Louis... so I am not sure you would call it fertility treatment - my husband is still anti IUI and IVF... I just want my cycle back (no BCP please) and no CYSTS!!! apparently the later is a lot to ask!!

You get any good photos while in michigan please share!!
Blues - how did it go today??
yooo hooo KFS twinnie???? how did that MRI go? is everything ok???

to everyone I missed!!
AFM: thought I would share some pics from the new house... one is of me when I was fishing with the hubby last Sunday

... I am not a great fisherman - the fish must hook themselves - hince catfish... but the fishing is great at our part of the river... and the other is part of our yard (we have about 3 acres around the house - the other 17 acres is woods) - we are reseeding part of the yard (to draw in those deer) and we finally finished planting our 20 fruit trees, 4 blueberry bushes and the garden... now the constant need to mow!!!
my daughter decided to get a tattoo while in Charleston - nothing against you ladies with tattoos but it was traumatic for this momma...
overall life is good ladies... so much to be thankful for...

to each of you!!