
ladies!!! I am back from vacation and in Chicago teaching for work!!!
Joy - I had trouble logging in today too!

the website kept telling me I had messed up my log in 5 times and to wait 15 minutes??? hello.... anyways... your symptoms sound promising - maybe you o'd but the temps didn't show it - believe it or not I have read that very thing on BnB - girls thought the didn't O and BAM they were preg... hey crazier things have happened!!!
Terri - ooooo in the home stretch lady!!! come on eggies - get mature in there for my friend terri!!!!

and your food adventures sound so WONDERFUL!!! You know I wish I did the Blue Apron thing - but I don't think there portions would work out for the number in my house... but there recipes sound divine!!! good luck tomorrow at the eviction hearing - I have rental property and that is the part I super dislike... I am one of those messed up people that believe everyone is a good person... and $10,000 in repairs later

well not everyone is!!!!
Katie - I watched your video on facebook and your little one is so stinking cute (and determined!!!) Plus your daughter is a doll - she left you in the dust - didn't even look back!! hehe... ah I remember those days!! Enjoy them lady - I know you will!!!
Sis - you must be having a super ovulation in there!!! Here's hoping you can get some BD in (which I totally believe you will!!!) what is your Big doing now that everyone else is going back to school? is he doin college or working?
kfs - TWINNIE!!!! you had a girl - we really are twins!!! hehehehe I hope you are both recovering and adjusting to your new life of 3... I cannot wait to see a picture and I LOVE the name...

Driving - I spent a week in Cali and it was so awesome... glad to hear you made it home and went on hols!!! lovely to hear how you are doing!!!
Congrats to Erose - I know she doesn't visit any more - but she had a beautiful baby boy (stalking her other thread) so happy for her!!!!

to everyone else - how are all our preg ladies?? any scans coming up?
back from vacation - it was wonderful... I will share some pics... surgery friday at 0730 (moved up from 230 thank the Lord) we will leave at 330 and drive 2 hours to the hospital... I just hope I can handle the drive home... I really don't want to be miserable... just want it done so I can move on!!! anyway... how about some pics!!!