Well my scan showed a 19mm follie on my right and a small 12mm on my right also!! I'm starting to worry that the last loss and that cyst on the left ovary is causing issues the Dr didn't want to hear my concerns but in all my months of back to back scan I have never had my right produce twice in a row!! :shrug:

I'm having a ton of throbbing on both sides so maybe he's Blind idk :jo:

Still waiting on Labs so I know when to trigger but most likely tonite Dr said:thumbup:

Took trigger suppose to BD next 3days!! :)
Yeah!! You have good sized follies too. Perfect for your little girl, right? Aren't girls on the right side? Hee hee.

Mine are only at 14.6 or less, but they are in track for a weekend retrieval so I'm fine with it. My estradiol is over 1000 now and P is at 0.5 so I just hope I can hang on until the weekend. Same dosage of meds.

Hi to everyone else.
Wow UR E is high mine is 439 and P.61 or it was b4 trigger :haha:

No the right is Boy side but I've seen it go both ways so FXFX I get a girl from the right ovary ;)
Well I started violently throwing up about a hr or two after trigger and couldn't keep anything down until late last nite so we missed yesteday bd :grr:

Has anyone had that happen w the trigger I haven't so it's wired to me but my tummy has been messed up for a few days so maybe it didn't help IDK :shrug:

My temp did jump a tiny bit but my temps have been a Lil high the last few days probably due to the tummy bug :sick:
Guess we shall see
I haven't thrown up in eons. hee hee. Trigger or not, so I can't help you there. Sounds like you are just a little sick. Hopefully you guys can BD tonight before that temp jumps up even more!

I think my E is so high because of all the drugs and all the follicles. I had 10 today at my checkup. 5 smaller ones on left, and 5 medium to large sized follies on my right. I'm feeling good. Retrieval will probably be on Friday or Saturday.
At least we got LOTS of Bd in sat And Sun!! :thumbup:

Good count Terri!!! FXFX
My E2 had jumped to 1604 and my P is 0.56. I'm on my same dosage for another day. The follicle sizes are in my journal, but the range from 8-18.7. Wide range but I'm happy to still have 10 that are visible on the ultrasound. I just hope I don't lose the largest in order to give the smaller ones time.
Congrats Kfs1!! What super news to come back to!!! I'm so stinking happy for you and let's be honest, it's especially cool that Adeline is Adeline because she and her cousin will be besties. Know you are busy right now, but when you get settled and adjusted, I can't wait to hear your birth story! 💜

TERRI--Lookin good, Lookin good on those follies. Pulling harder than ever for you and excited to hear what retrieval brings!

Sis-- I was originally with TERRI about doing a girls weekend in NYC, but man, I'm glad you didn't go after all! Sorry to hear about your stomach bug but that's great that you guys got two good days in of BD! Also, I had never heard about that right or left ovary swaying pink or blue. That's a new one to me!

Joy--Going to Salem for Halloween...what a cool experience! That just might have to be on my bucket list. Where are you located now?

I read quick, so I'm sorry for missing anyone. I've been so preoccupied with getting baby girl ready for kindergarten, I haven't even been able to stalk properly. Anyway, just been busy with that. Cody is starting to crawl now and just cut his first two bottom teeth at 7 months old. He's doing everything so much earlier than my daughter did. I kind of thought it was supposed to be the other way around or maybe I just made that up in my head. 😁.

Also, I've so enjoyed being FB friends with Wish, if anyone else would like to be FB friends pls msg me. Not because I don't want to post my full name on here with you girls, but because I know other people stalk threads and I don't really want my information out there for random folks to search me out is all. (Because me, being the Nosey Nellie that I am, I do that all the time! Guilty! 😂)
OMG my right Ovary and back have been killing me I could hardly walk last nite and it's still hurting today so IDK if I've Od cuz usually I get some relief after!! :shrug:

Wonder if that follie on the left is catching up like it did w my January 2014 BFP :thumbup:

Great scan Terri FXFX !!!
Finally able to log in today. It wasn't working and was being a pain in the patookis all morning.

Sis-Hope its not the trigger and that you get to feeling better soon. That really makes it hard to BD for sure!

Terri-Sounds like your follies are on track for the weekend yay! Hope they have a good amount and that your big ones hang in there until its time.

Katie- I'm in Colorado now. I love it here and was born here but miss a lot of things about the east coast. Salem was just one of them but yes I would say if you get a chance, definitely check it out. They have a re-enactment of the Salem witch trials and lots of cool stuff to see. Candlelight tours of graveyards, lots of costume balls and witches/fortune tellers. They give out free hot chocolate and I'm gonna stop there but it is a seriously fun time. My daughters favorite holiday so of course she had the time of her life.

AFM-No O this month with funky temps so I'm just waiting for this one to come to an end and looking forward to next month. Been feeling out of sorts lately as well so maybe it's best it didn't happen this month. Don't know what it is but feeling off. I start the day fine but by 2pm I'm super tired, stomach feels a little yucky, and my head feels like a migraine may be coming. Very weird and hoping it settles down because I can't do this everyday. Ugh!

Anyway enough complaining...Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Hump Day!
Hello :hi: ladies!!! I am back from vacation and in Chicago teaching for work!!!

Joy - I had trouble logging in today too! :shrug: the website kept telling me I had messed up my log in 5 times and to wait 15 minutes??? hello.... anyways... your symptoms sound promising - maybe you o'd but the temps didn't show it - believe it or not I have read that very thing on BnB - girls thought the didn't O and BAM they were preg... hey crazier things have happened!!! :flower:

Terri - ooooo in the home stretch lady!!! come on eggies - get mature in there for my friend terri!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: and your food adventures sound so WONDERFUL!!! You know I wish I did the Blue Apron thing - but I don't think there portions would work out for the number in my house... but there recipes sound divine!!! good luck tomorrow at the eviction hearing - I have rental property and that is the part I super dislike... I am one of those messed up people that believe everyone is a good person... and $10,000 in repairs later :growlmad: well not everyone is!!!!

Katie - I watched your video on facebook and your little one is so stinking cute (and determined!!!) Plus your daughter is a doll - she left you in the dust - didn't even look back!! hehe... ah I remember those days!! Enjoy them lady - I know you will!!! :hugs:

Sis - you must be having a super ovulation in there!!! Here's hoping you can get some BD in (which I totally believe you will!!!) what is your Big doing now that everyone else is going back to school? is he doin college or working?

kfs - TWINNIE!!!! you had a girl - we really are twins!!! hehehehe I hope you are both recovering and adjusting to your new life of 3... I cannot wait to see a picture and I LOVE the name...<3<3<3<3:cloud9:

:hi: Driving - I spent a week in Cali and it was so awesome... glad to hear you made it home and went on hols!!! lovely to hear how you are doing!!! :hugs2:

Congrats to Erose - I know she doesn't visit any more - but she had a beautiful baby boy (stalking her other thread) so happy for her!!!! <3 <3 <3

:howdy: to everyone else - how are all our preg ladies?? any scans coming up?

back from vacation - it was wonderful... I will share some pics... surgery friday at 0730 (moved up from 230 thank the Lord) we will leave at 330 and drive 2 hours to the hospital... I just hope I can handle the drive home... I really don't want to be miserable... just want it done so I can move on!!! anyway... how about some pics!!!


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Joy-I noticed your funky chart. Maybe Wish is right. I've seen people with weird charts hat ended up pregnant. Did you test? That would be awesome if you had a surprise bfp. Lay off the double whiskey a just in case! Hee hee.

Wish-oh, your pics look so great and you both look so happy. I hope you had an amazing trip!

Sis-how are you feeling today? Still sick?

Afm-back at the doctors this morning and I think I'm going to go one more day to get the other follies to mature just a little bit more. My doctor did the u/s and he said 'we just want to get as many as we can for the best chances. Don't think we're ignoring you. I'm just relieved that I still have meds for another day. In the past I was always frwakin get out because I didn't want to keep ordering meds and spending more money, etc. but I'm in a good place. So, long story short, I'll probably have retrieval on Sunday. That works out well because my husband is having friends fly in on Saturday. This all may change after I get my bloodwork done, but that's it for now.
I feel way way better today and check out that temp jump I think most of the pain was my GIANT follie pushing on stuff now that it has popped I feel a lot better :thumbup:

We did BD Sat Sun Tue and Wed!!! So FXFX that was enough my boobs are pretty sore so hopefully my P is good!! ;)

Terri yay for Sunday!!!! :yipee:

Wish love the pics looks like u guys had a blast .... My BIG got moved to full time so he is taking a year to work and save money B4 college! :)
Wish-Love the pics! Thanks for sharing. Love how you got the Hollywood sign in the background. I know that had to be one fun and memorable trip. How are things in Chicago? What are you teaching?

Terri-Glad the doc is giving you the time to have them grow more for the best chance. No rushing it and you have enough meds to get through Woo hoo!

Sis-That was quite a jump in temp! Love it and FX FX FX this is your month.

AFM-Crazy chart is right but I'm not holding out much hope for a surprise BFP. My hubby keeps saying the same thing but I just don't think we got it done. He says maybe its a slow cooker like a crock pot so that's why my temps are still low LOL A Crockpot?! At least he makes me laugh but I was really upset about it last night. Ah well, all we can do is wait.
Yea Ur chart is confusing I would get those cheap OPKs I told u about and get a new BBT thermometer and try VJ temping if Ur willing !!! ;)

AFM feeling really positive today and not stressing about the TWW .... Strange for me ask me again in a week :rofl:

I'm also trying to make some extra $$$ while the kids r in school

Ask me How!!!!
We have something for Everyone wraps and Stretch mark cream for those recent Moms
Thermo fit Pro Fit and Greens r good for weight loss

I stated the greens I feel a ton better just driniking it daily!!!


Don't want to post to much don't want to be blocked or anything
I was thinking the same thing Sis. Maybe my thermometer is on the fritz? Going out today to do some shopping so I'll stop by target and check on the OPK's. Thanks again.

So last night I'm taking the grandbaby downstairs and what happens...we fall down not just one but BOTH flights of stairs! Seriously?? I was so busy trying to protect him that by back took a good hit. Woke up this morning with a tender ankle and knee plus missing skin on both elbows and the other knee. Sheesh! You think I could have stopped at the first landing :rofl: My husband came running and asked me how did I manage to fall down both flights? It takes skill man, awesome skills. Here's hoping your Friday is better than this! :drunk:
Joy-Ouch! I think it would be hard to fall down two flights of stairs too, but you did it. Awesome skills are right. hee hee. Glad you're reasonably ok, and your back doesn't start hurting. Take it easy and lay off the gin & tonics. hee hee.

Sis-I'll have to check out your links, but I'm not a shopper, so I'll just wish you the best with your new career. :)

I have a good update today. My largest follicle is now 25. They are all getting really big. I asked the doc if there is a size that's too big and she said 'no.' I don't know why they lie to my face. From what I've read, follie size is like the mountain climber on Price is Right. It grows and grows, but you don't want to take that last step and send it over the cliff. Plus, I haven't even triggered yet, and that boosts them a little too. I will trust them, regardless, but she could say 'yes, 30mm is too big.' hee hee. So...trigger tonight (finally!), and then retrieval sometime on Sunday.

I also talked to a nurse from another office (whom is new to me) that said I could start my injections for the frozen transfer as soon as AF arrives instead of going on BCP for a few weeks. I'll email my nurse and see if that's the case. I'd rather get this party started sooner rather than later, as long as it doesn't interfere with my Seattle trip. The PGS/PGD testing takes 10-12 days for results and that's around the time AF should be here. fxfx. I'm starting to get really nervous about the PGS results. I guess just because it's something new.
Terri FX u get to trigger soon ad those PGS results r Great!!! :)

Joy I'm starting to wonder about my Thermometer too I've never had such high temps EVER!! :shrug:

AFM my BFF made me have a few beverages w her last nite since her BIG is going away to college so I'm still a Lil dizzy and have to shower and Go Meet my LOs teacher :nope:

Think I will be coming home and taking a Nap TGIF!!! ;)

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