My beta results are finally in! The doctor called me personally to congratulate me. Its 937!!! She said that those were amazing numbers. I go back in on Wednesday for a 2nd beta. If that goes well, then I go in for an ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'm 17dpo and 14 days past my 3 day transfer.
Blues - What great numbers!! Congratz!!

Sis - Glad all is going well! FX for that little girl... I want one too...

Fezzle - Did I congratulate you yet :)

Terri - You are so positive and fun. You sound like you have an amazing life...

Katie - A bike is a great gift. I am old-fashioned, too, and ran after DS1 but fortunately he got the hang of it super quickly and now is faster than I am on a bike! Ok, I am out of practice... My baby's almost crawling, too. Ok, nothing almost about it, he just does not cover great distances yet.
Great numbers Blues U only transferred one right or could u have two??!!? :)

I read back and saw u did transfer two FXFX!! ;)
I transferred 2. DH is positive that both stuck. I'm thinking its only one.
With numbers like that I'm thinking :baby: :baby:

I looked up beta base it's kinda hard since it was a 3dT do we count those either way it can go both ways so I guess we will be patiently waiting!!! :coffee:
:happydance: Congratulations Blues!!! That is so fantastic!

Sis-How is the morning sickness?
Feeling a Lil bit better today since I took meds last nite but I'm so dizzy I can barely drive think I'm gonna lay back down and hope it passes

Really hating myself for sending my scan in for gender prediction they say BOY!!!
Congrats Blues!! I'm still so happy to hear about your pregnancy, and that is an awesome beta. Woop woop.

Well girls, I'm back from Seattle and I'm so sad to be back at work. It was amazing, and I already want to go back. If you ever get the chance to do a food tour, totally do it! That may have been my favorite part of the trip. Well, that and walking through Stanley Park in Vancouver, and catching up with my old middle/high school friends, and hanging with my sister, and winning fantasy football (week two for me being 'Manager of the Week'!, and going on the harbor cruise, and waking up early and drinking coffee (SO GOOD Yeah!) while I watch all the early morning runners pass by, and having more fun than kids at the pop culture museum (EMP), and seeing Dale Chuhily's glass structures and gardens and making a music video and watching the replay, going to the top of the space needle etc...etc...HA!!HA!!

Tonight...my bestie and I are going to see Kinky Boots at the theater. It's true, we can't get enough of each other. This just happened to be the date of my show ticket. hee hee.

Wish-I'm not sure if you're still checking in, but I hope things are getting easier for you. We <3 ya.

Katie-Hope you enjoyed my silly FB pictures.

Sis-I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this, and just because the gender predictor says boy, it doesn't mean it's true.

:hugs: to everyone else!
I keep looking at my scan and I'm coming to terms that they r most likely right I will LOVE this baby w All my heart I just have to let go of that Lil Girl I want so badly!!

I really need to think about BOY names cuz I have None picked out but I will most likely do a Cajun name this time!! ;)
So much happening!!!!

Blues--Golly I'm so stinking happy for you!! That is such a reassuring beta!! I think mine was in the 500s by that dpo but whether twins or not, something good is going on there!!!

Sis--What in the world gender predictor can gauge anything at this point?? What does Chinese Gender Chart say? Because that is ultimate truth. Lol! Happened to be true for both my kiddos but a 50/50 chance makes that easy.

TERRI--I so enjoyed your pics and it was great to see you smiling! I can imagine being back at work you were not smiling so much, but you gotta pay for these fabulous trips somehow. :). You guys did so MUCH during your trip it really is envy-inducing. I will say this...if you decide you have no more interest in pursuing TTC, adoption, etc, you have one heck of a life as it is. Full of love and fun (and Fun) and adventure! And if u ever drop off of BNB, I have you alwaysssss on FB. You can't escape me!
Joy-- you know, that is a really good idea about putting the training wheels up higher… I never thought about that. But I will still probably be running behind the bike. Take that back… Hubby will be running behind the bike! I'm so sorry the cycle is just continually dragging on for you. Do you know what you have to do to get your hormones in balance?

Driving--Crawling already! Wait how old is he now??

Kfs1--Very sorry to hear that you were battling some depression. So very common unfortunately. :(. I hear breast feeding is incredibly tough... Even though most women that you talk to who have done it will make it sound like it should be a piece of cake. My sister breast-fed seven children, was a member of the Leche league, the whole works... And even she said that it is terrible in the beginning no matter how many times you've done it. That everybody's a bunch of liars who say that if you were doing it right it shouldn't hurt. After she had her first child, she told me that she was having to smear some sort of cream on her cracked and bleeding nipples, so I decided that wasn't for me! I'm a bottle feeder and I ain't ashamed. You gave it your best go, and that in itself is a humongous accomplishment! Seriously I give major props to women who do it for however long. And post a picture LADY!!!!
These experts do the Ramzi theory which is 83-92% Accurate it's science not some Hocus Pocus like Chinese gender I think it was wrong for both of mine I can't remember!! ;)

I was blessed w what I was meant to have and if it's another Boy then so be it!! It's just a Lil hard to let go of that Lil girl I've been holding in my <3 for so Long that's all oh and the thought of redoing my room is Giving me anxiety :haha:
Congrats, Blues! I can't wait to see how your scan goes. 2 babies would be amazing (coming from someone that wouldn't have to worry about taking care of them! :haha:)

Joy, sorry your cycle is still crazy! Hopefully the vitamins you went back on will help!

Terri, your trip sounds amazing! You should post a few pics here!

Sis, If you love the paint in your room, then go with it! Maybe add some dark gray if you are having a boy! You can find tons of ideas on line, and you are crafty! Trust me- when you get your test results back that tell you your take home baby is healthy, you aren't going to care about the gender. You may feel sad at first- I did when I found out I was having a boy. I bawled like a ridiculous baby! But this little guy is my whole heart and I can't imagine not having him. He is the best and worst of me (amazing, smart hot head!) and I know I was picked to be his mama for a reason!

Driving....we are still waiting in pics! :coffee:

Katie, I love seeing pics of your beautiful family on Facebook! Cody is adorable and managing those stairs like a pro! Keegan is all over ours, but we do have a baby gate up. Mostly to keep our dogs downstairs, but works on baby too. I've never baby proofed in my life, but Keegan has forced me put in outlet covers for the first time! It's like he has a built in honing device and can spot outlets and door stoppers as soon as he enters a room!

AFM- Keegan just moved up to the "big boy" room at daycare. No more bottles and no more lunch time nursing from mama. I've spent every lunch hour with him over the past 11 months, so this mama is having withdraws!! His first birthday is in a few weeks, so I've been crazy busy. He is having a farm theme, and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to make hobby horses (stick ponies) for all the guests....:wacko: We are also having a petting zoo and pony rides in our front yard...I'm not sure what our HOA is going to think about that! Haha!

My 18 y/o left for the Army in July. He is still at BCT in Oklahoma. The run is giving him trouble, as he has been sick for two months and I think mentally he is just letting it get the best of him. I'm hoping he can push thru and make it to AIT ( tech school). The hard part is that we can't talk to him much to keep him motivated. Luckily, he is easily motivated by money and he has seen his bank account grow substantially while there! FX'd the next call we get is one to celebrate!

Hope everyone is having a great week!
Sis-I'm with everyone else on this. They can always be wrong so don't give up. Nobody knows until the stem is actually on the apple! LOL Have you tried ginger for the sickness. Chimes Ginger chews aren't bad and they are supposed to help. Just thought of it as an alternative to try since you think the meds are making you dizzy.

Terri- So glad you are back and that you had such an awesome time. Especially hanging with good friends and your sister. A rejuvenating and healing time for sure. Have a good time at Kinky Boots!

VJean- Thanks! I'm working on bringing an end to this madness! LOL Hope your son can find his internal motivation to keep going. Plus going into the Army, I pray for his safety should he be called to duty. Love the farm theme and yes, we all go a little nuts sometimes when planning party favors. For my DD I did t-shirts that I put sequins on by hand so they could paint their shirts as a take home gift. It was to keep them occupied as everyone usually arrives to a party at different times. LOL Never did that again! :nope:

Katie-I have no idea what to do so I'm just trying out the vitamins again and drinking a detox lemon drink to try and support liver function. The whole lemon drink is supposed to really support my hormone functions and I'm keeping my FX on that one. Hope you and the family are all doing well. :flower:
Blues - holy moly nice Beta!!! I am so happy for you no matter one or two!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Hoping for super great numbers today - its second beta right?

Sis - :hugs: on the boy prediction... who knows you might be that 3% and we all know that no matter what you are gonna love this little superstar!!! someday you will have daughter-n-laws to love - and it much more fun to be friends (and not deal with their teen years!!) :rofl:

joy - wow your cycle is like a never ending bad dream!!! jeez... I hope something you are taking can kick start AF to show up... :hugs:

Terri - your trip sounds so wonderful - I love doing stuff like that on my trips - eat local and see everything there is to see!!! sorry you have to come back to work... :hugs2: a necessary evil I guess
(as I sit at work typing on BnB)

Twinnie - Hey lady!!! I am sorry to hear about your depression but know that breastfeeding isn't for everyone and the fact that your little princess is growing and thriving is the best indicator that all is well!!! :hugs: and yes we sure would like a picture :coffee:

Hi Katie and Vjean loving being your friends on facebook and seeing your cute kiddos!!! :flower:

:hi: to everyone else I know I am missing some...
I am trying to stay off of BnB more and more... This part of my life is over now - but I love you ladies so I keep logging in the check on you. My husband is showing no remorse or anything about our situation - nor has he even apologize for his unspeakable words and behavior... and now I am getting evidence of him being with someone else... or at least he is hiding something...so I am moving on - I have separated our finances and will meet with a lawyer at some point in October... :( yeah not what I imagined at all but girls please know I am ok. I have a few good tears here and there... mostly cause I feel like a fool... There are many good things in my life - and a possibly deployment in 2017... God is good - he hasn't changed even though my circumstances have - keep smiling ladies!!!

(and I sure do wish real life had these animated smilies!!) :rofl:
Terri-Your trip sounded amazing! How was kinky boots? I have never seen it but I heard great things about it.
Sis- What is the Ramzi theory? I have never heard of that. Your current boys are wonderful, and if this baby is a boy then he will be wonderful too!
Vjean-OMG I'm so jealous that you have daycare available at work! That's amazing that you could see him during the day. Wow he is growing so big so fast!
Wish-I'm am so sorry for what you are going through. You are an amazing woman and deserve way more than the way he is treating. I can't believe his lack of remorse or his possible cheating. WHAT A JERK!! We are all here for you if you ever want to vent though I understand that you will be pulling back. Won't stop me from missing you though!

AFM- I went for my beta at 8:30 and finally received my call at 3:30. It was 2,844!!!!!! The nurse that it indicates multiples but that we won't know for sure until the ultrasound, which is not until October 14. It feels so far away! I'm in shock right now. They were 4 cell 3 day embryos. I really did not think it would work because they were not 8 cell. Never mind both sticking!
Blues-Awesome second beta! I hope you get whatever you want, twins, singleton, healthy happy baby. See...everything happens in due time, and the timing is perfect!

Sis-Can't wait for tomorrow's scan. You are getting one, right?

Joy-ugh...I have no more words for your cycle. No.words.

kfs1-Sorry you had some depression. My friend in Seattle was telling me that her doctor told her that three days after delivery her hormones would plummet. Her baby was born on the 22nd, so guess what she was doing Christmas morning? Just crying her eyes out nonstop. luckily, she knew it was her hormones, so she felt ok with it, but still..I think everyone goes through some sort of depression. And good for you for not being a breastfeeding nazi. If it doesn't work, pick up that formula and keep it moving. :hugs: And yes, a picture would be great.

VJean-Aww...I'm sad that you're having withdrawals from feeding Keegan. I love your birthday theme. I guess people in TX go all out for 1 year old parties. Sounds like a lot of fun for all guests and hopefully him too. Glad you checked in.

Wish-What!? Possible cheating? That is really a shock to me as you are so kind and pretty and accommodating. But..whatever. He is his own person, and if leaving you makes him feel more like a 'man' he can go right ahead. I hate when you pull back from BnB, but I hear ya. All of our lives are so integrated it's hard to stay away. :hugs: Love ya!

Kinky Boots was great. The lead actor/actress 'Lola' had such a beautiful voice, and I love me some drag queens, so this show was right up my alley. If you get the chance to see it in your nearest city or NY, do it! You will not be disappointed. They changed the theater structure so that the shows are only in town for one week instead of two, so the theater was packed! But, it makes the show that much better when there are more people laughing/clapping. I like hustle and bustle. hee hee.
Well I should have listened and Enjoyed my Non pukey morning yesterday I woke up took my meds and tried to eat but it was a NO GO :sick: so now apparently I have MS too... At this point I think nothing is sacred and I'm afraid I will be a skinny Mini w a bump but that's fine !!! :)

Yes I have a scan tomorrow Terri I will update in the afternoon promise ;)
Blues--Okay now I'm thinking it's twins, too. Usually, I don't jump on the twin train, but that beta seems very high! Ooh I'm exited to find out, but if it's one baby he/she is a strong little buggy!

Sis--So weird I've never heard about that gender predictor test before. Then again, I'd never heard of the nub theory before you either! If baby ends up not being a girl, grieve it out and feel no guilt about it. It has nothing to do with this little baby, because you already know that you will be obsessed with them, just as you are with your DSs. It would be about grieving the loss of a relationship you'd envisioned in your life and that's nothing to feel bad about. Got nothing to do with this particular little miracle! And to be honest, I say never say never, because if this little one is a boy, you never know if there still isn't a future for a little girl in your family. I'm sorry you are stressed though. Hugs!

Wish---Grrrr. Grrrrr. Did I say, Grrrr?! Don't feel like a fool! Nothing to feel foolish about. He was placed in your life for the time you were supposed to be together. And I'm glad that your life will be unburdened by his leaving. I love keeping up with you on FB so you can't escape me either! You also have a full life filled with love and those beautiful girls. God is good and you will be on the upswing soon (well, you already know that)! Hugs to you as you travel through this rocky (and temporary) road.

TERRI--I've heard great things about Kinky Boots and am a bit jelly! Although they aren't related at all, I always wanted to see that show years ago with the guys who would shape their willies into different things....can't think of the name of it. Did u ever see that one? So many things I've missed!! Lol

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