Congrats, Blues! I can't wait to see how your scan goes. 2 babies would be amazing (coming from someone that wouldn't have to worry about taking care of them!

Joy, sorry your cycle is still crazy! Hopefully the vitamins you went back on will help!
Terri, your trip sounds amazing! You should post a few pics here!
Sis, If you love the paint in your room, then go with it! Maybe add some dark gray if you are having a boy! You can find tons of ideas on line, and you are crafty! Trust me- when you get your test results back that tell you your take home baby is healthy, you aren't going to care about the gender. You may feel sad at first- I did when I found out I was having a boy. I bawled like a ridiculous baby! But this little guy is my whole heart and I can't imagine not having him. He is the best and worst of me (amazing, smart hot head!) and I know I was picked to be his mama for a reason!
Driving....we are still waiting in pics!
Katie, I love seeing pics of your beautiful family on Facebook! Cody is adorable and managing those stairs like a pro! Keegan is all over ours, but we do have a baby gate up. Mostly to keep our dogs downstairs, but works on baby too. I've never baby proofed in my life, but Keegan has forced me put in outlet covers for the first time! It's like he has a built in honing device and can spot outlets and door stoppers as soon as he enters a room!
AFM- Keegan just moved up to the "big boy" room at daycare. No more bottles and no more lunch time nursing from mama. I've spent every lunch hour with him over the past 11 months, so this mama is having withdraws!! His first birthday is in a few weeks, so I've been crazy busy. He is having a farm theme, and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to make hobby horses (stick ponies) for all the guests....

We are also having a petting zoo and pony rides in our front yard...I'm not sure what our HOA is going to think about that! Haha!
My 18 y/o left for the Army in July. He is still at BCT in Oklahoma. The run is giving him trouble, as he has been sick for two months and I think mentally he is just letting it get the best of him. I'm hoping he can push thru and make it to AIT ( tech school). The hard part is that we can't talk to him much to keep him motivated. Luckily, he is easily motivated by money and he has seen his bank account grow substantially while there! FX'd the next call we get is one to celebrate!
Hope everyone is having a great week!