Garfie - huge

I have no advice - I do see the lines on both the tests you put here...

You have been through so much - I do wish a sticky bean for you!!
Terri - Hope you are doing ok... I read your journal and your plans sound wonderful!

food always makes me feel better (and traveling!!) always thinking of you and wishing you the very best
Sis - I believe this is your sticky bean- I am sooooo happy for you and I am HOPING its your little sweet pink bundle!!!

to all you other ladies!!!
AFM: I have recovered from my surgery and had my first AF and all is well... I am cheering some, my heartbreaks for some but I appreciate all of you for sure!! My TTC days seem to be over as my husband and I are now separated. he said he wanted a divorce the day I had my follow up for the LAP! I will spare you all the details. I wish I could spare myself!

Truly I am blessed - I have a place to live and my two girls (and a momma that is taking care of me right now!)

I wish I had these animated smileys in real life...
I forgot to say one thing - I am planning on going to Haiti next year to love on some babies there at an orphanage in the mountains by Port a Prince... there's always someone that needs love and kindness right?
Have a great day girls!!