Blues-Isn't your appointment coming up? We're patiently waiting here for your update too.

I had to pick up some thank you cards yesterday, and I wrote one out to the phlebotomists at Shady Grove. I stopped by this morning and my favorite tech was there. She started crying when she saw me because I guess she thought she'd never see me again. So then of course, I started crying, even though I thought was going to be fine visiting. She was like 'Try again, try again. You're such a good person!' I told her that we won't be trying again, but I wanted to thank all of the ladies for being so nice to me and making my experience a good one, except that it didn't work. She was like 'Come visit any time.' I gave her my email address so if she feels like writing to me or becoming my FB friend, she can. That's my good deed for the day, but I really am appreciative of those kind, kind women.
I still keep in touch w my Fav nurse too thought about updating her w a pic but I haven't yet!!

U r a great person Terri and give it time maybe u will feel like trying again I wouldn't say never cuz u never know :hugs:
Fezzle- I'm rooting that you learn the sex of the baby!! I would never be able to hold out!
Terri-Wow the nurses there sound amazing. Are you still thinking about adoption? My aunt did foster to adoption.
Sis-You have another scan this week correct? I wish I had mine this week! I still have seven more days until mine! October 14th can't come fast enough. I am terrified that they will see nothing and that the progesterone is preventing me from miscarrying. Yep I am driving myself crazy.
Blues-Nah..I'm over adoption. I kind of think it's a scam, unfortunately, and I'm not willing to spend another arm and a leg (I already spent one arm and leg on IVF) on something that may or may not happen. In our state, they will do anything to keep the family together, so if it comes down to adoption day and the mom (or dad) says they want that baby that you've fostered for 6 months-5 years because the parents were on drugs/abusive, that baby is going back to his mom. I can foster dogs, but with a real person, it would be too much, emotionally.

Ok on the 14th. I'll remember to check in. Think positively. Have you had any symptoms other than sore breasts? Crazy dreams, hungry/thirsty/peeing a lot?

Sis-You're right. You never know, but as of this moment, I won't be back.

Joy-what's up, buttercup?

Hello to everyone else!!
:hi: everyone!!

Fezzle-It's a no go...Day 80 The Hunt for AF is still on. sigh maybe I will try that parsley tea after all. If DH is coming around to the idea of knowing, how do you feel about it? Just wondering if you're team yellow regardless LOL

Sis-I'm so glad the sch is seeming to resovle itself without giving you the heart attack of bleeding. You're almost through the first trimester so things are looking very good for you. I just knew it would be your time! :happydance:

Terri-Hey Lady!! Just hanging out here waiting for this cycle to pass me by... :sleep::sleep: yep, still waiting. :nope: Its a tough place you are at right now Terri. We had to do some writing/thinking exercises in this challenge I am participating in right now. One of the questions was about a rocking chair test. In case you're interested, here it is... "If I have a decision I need to make and I am not 100% sure about it (either way--for whatever reason) I ask myself:

When I am 90 years old on my rocking chair and I look back on this moment/situation/ circumstance/ choice or decision in my life... How would doing this make me feel? (Or change how I feel)? How would NOT doing this make me feel? (Or change how I feel?)

Would I wish I had? Would I regret not doing it? Or going for it?

My question to you is this - about your fertility journey what are some things that you would do differently, pursue or reconsider if you applied a rocking chair test to it?" Sorry that is so long but it really helped me to think about things as I'm trying to decide for myself what I want to do. Whatever you do, I'm here for you. :hugs:

AFM-Still waiting on this never ending cycle. Ugh! Day 80 and on the hunt for Red October :rofl: Started exercising and focusing more on my diet. I believe I have decided not to give up just yet on making my baby dream come true. I think I'm going to give it one more year and then reassess at that time. I hope you all are doing fabulous and enjoying what's going on in your lives. We only go around once so make it the best damn ride ever! Muah!:kiss:
Fezzle - I am 50/50 on the finding out - I did with my first and stayed team yellow with my second... I kinda liked not knowing - but I know many people that could never do that!!! the walk in the woods sounds awesome - I cannot believe you are almost 20 weeks!!! :thumbup:

joy - boy this cycle is so crazy :nope::nope: I hope it ends soon... try to the tea... it can't hurt!! :hugs:

sis - congrats on the good scan and I am kinda glad you are high risk - more scans that way!!! and I know you will love this little one no matter boy or girl...but yes I am always hoping for the girl!!!

terri - I always wanted to be a foster mom when I retired from the Army - my DH veto'd that - but now that he has been voted off the island I may just revisit that!! haha...but you know what your heart can handle... and I will keep praying you will find peace with whatever decision you decide!! :hugs2:

blues - yes :coffee: waiting for your scan - it is hard when you are so early...but I think your little bean will be there waving hello!!! :hugs:

:hi: to you other lovelies!!!

afm: I am on day 29 of this cycle - the longest natural cycle I have ever had... too bad Im growing cob webs in my vajajay... :rofl: no chance of babies here... it is one more thing that jabs at my heart... of course NOW I would have a "normal" cycle... ugh :growlmad::growlmad:
my DH is still taking no responsibility for his horrible behavior and is telling me my reactions are "radical" - :shrug: yes I guess it is radical to want to be safe from emotional and physical abuse...
he is having a house warming party this saturday at the new house... I am sure he will have some explanantion as to why I am not there and my stuff is not there (or my daughters) - something is just not right with him...
otherwise ladies I am doing good!! I keep checking in - hoping to see all of your dreams coming true!!! :hugs:
terri- that is so nice about your nurse! It sounds like they were a really good bunch there. I hope you stay in touch!

Blues- fx for your scan! Sounds like things are still going well though!

Joy- sorry AF hasn't shown up! I completely remember how frustrating that is! Sometimes I wish I had gone to have a private fertility consultant right away, or at least after 6 months of irregular cycles. Instead, I waited to try to get a referral from the NHS at 1 year, which was rejected, so it was 15 months of TTC before I finally went private and started Clomid. Though sometimes I think the timing is better now- we've been in the (owned) house for a year so more settled, and I know once I meet this baby, I wouldn't want it any other way. Hindsight makes it so easy to feel like things could have been easier though!

Wish- your DH sounds like he's really making it easy for you to know that you're better off without him!

I've been more on the wanting to find out the sex side from the beginning. Occasionally, I have moments where I think it would be good to wait. The main thing is when I hear people talking about their foetuses, using the names they're going to use, and describing them as if they know their personalities already- I feel like that's too much expectation before birth! But I also just like to know as much as possible and want to know more about this future baby inside me. I also think it's a nice little surprise when halfway through to keep us going. I'm not planning on being super gender specific with clothes, decorations or accessories, but there are few things where the sex would make it easier to prepare.
Hi all- I've missed you! I've looked through the last few pages and really want to respond to everyone but I'm sure I'll miss someone. Please excuse me in advance.

Sis and Blues - Big, huge congrats! I'm so happy for you both.

Terri - I can't be more sorry that things didn't work out for you. But I know that you have a full life even without having kids.

Wish - I'm very sorry to hear that your husband blew it with you. I hope you're OK, but honestly I'm quite sure you're better off without him. I hope it feels that way, or will soon.

KFS - I don't believe I've checked in since your LO was born. Yup, depression is normal unfortunately. Lean on DH and anyone else who offers and reach out to those who don't.

To all others, I'm sorry to not respond personally and I hope all is well.

Things are good here. Penguin is 7 months old and my daughter's 3rd birthday is tomorrow. It's great to be around family and we're adjusting pretty well. My job/career situation kinda sucks, but I'm hoping things will improve in the next 6 months to a year.

I think about you all all the time. This is a great bunch of ladies!
It's Friday Sis! Do you have an update for us??

I'm out of town this weekend and not too excited about it. My husbands friend turns 40 so he's having a big weekend of activities. The weather is warm here in NC, so that great but I'm just not prepared for a weekend of drinking. I'll try my best to be sociable.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be checking back for an update from you, Sis.
No I go Monday the Dr had Retrivals today and he wants to check my SCH!! I tried to go today but they told me I had to wait until Monday!! :shrug:
Radkat-HI!!! Wow I can't believe how hold she is already! Man time flies when you are TTC lol!
Joy-This is just crazy! Did the doctor have any recommendations to jumpstart your period?
Wish-Your husband sounds so selfish! He does not seem like he deserves you at all! He is getting the new house with the pond? That sucks that is a beautiful property. I hope that he will not be a selfish jerk throughout the divorce proceedings and you can end things relatively quickly, so that you can move on.
Terri-I understand about foregoing adoption. It is a such an emotional rollercoaster never knowing if the parents will want the baby back.
Sis-Ugh I'm sorry that you have to wait to Monday.

AFM-Still not really feeling pregnant because I just have sore boobs and tiredness and nothing else. Though I scared myself last night. I was doing a low impact strength training designed for pregnant women, when I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I stopped immediately and sat down. It went away after a few minutes. I think everything is still ok though because I haven't felt anything else since then.
Hope it was just growing pains Blues I get jabs occasionly too ... Scary for sure!!

I keep trying to find my Gummybears HB but no such luck I'm almost 10wks figured I would be able to hear it by now :shrug:
Tring TI go to bed early for my early scan in the Am :nope:

I had a Tinnie Tiny spot last nite so I'm scared and worried Fx it was just from the SCH I've also had a Migraine All day so that worries me too!! Gonna be a long nite and even longer Morning :(
It's morning!! I wouldn't worry about that tiny spot especially considering you have that SCH nearby, and I know it's hard not to worry, but I think this is your take home baby and all will be well. Can't wait for today's update. :hugs:

Wish-Oh yeah...what a jerk your husband is being. I can't believe how people can be the sweetest one day and then just turn into monsters the next. I'm glad you still have your house, but that house on the river sure was nice, especially after all your plantings and beautification. I'd go pull up each and every one of those trees...or poison them...or something drastic. I'm no tree lover when I'm angry! hee hee. <3
Sis- I'm sure everything is going to be just fine. Try to relax and we'll be waiting to hear how everything went with the little gummy bear. :flower:

Wish-I second, third, fourth what everyone else said. He's a big fat jerk and you deserve better! Go after the things you wanted to do that he was holding you back from doing. Love those foster children with your whole heart and do what makes you and your girls happy. <3

Terri- How was your weekend away with the Hubby?

AFM-Yep Day 84...grrr! I can't get in to see the new Dr. (GP) until next month so nothing I can do but wait. Ugh! For the love of all that is holy and good, my hormones are all messed up. I also have an appointment next month for a natural fertility consultation as well so the fertility specialist team is going to do an evaluation of my situation and see can be done to help me. I'm just hoping next year we can get my system running right and hopefully get this baby show on the road!
Well I feel a Lil. Enter got to see my Lil Gummy Bear and it was Blucing around until she turned the screen for me to see and they froze :nope: being a stubborn Lil Bear for Mommy!! :haha:

Measuring 9+6 HB 170-166Bpm! I will post a pic in a Lil bit just wanted to update U All!! :)

Wish I think a landscaping party is in order for sure:rofl:
Photo as promised

Glad everything was good at the scan and the SCH is going away!

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