Vjean--First, you will be unhappy to know that my phone keeps autocorrecting your name to "Cheap". Lol!
I've so enjoyed watching your family on FB too and I particularly loved that one with your DH and Keegan on the golf course. :). Isn't it distressing when they move up to the 1 year classroom and they have all of these new big kid rules? And that's fantastic about nursing for his whole first year! Like I said before, just because I had no interest in battling sore nips, I give props to the ladies who do it! Looking fwd to seeing those 1st Birthday pics!
Blues- that is so exciting! When do you have your first scan to find out if there are one or two?

Sis- how much longer until you can find out the sex? Good luck with your scan! Sorry you're feeling so sick.

Wish- I'm glad you're still popping in! Your husband sounds like a real idiot! I'm glad you have some exciting possibilities otherwise!

Joy- good luck with your cycle. I had a 78 day one when I first started TTC and was trying everything to get things regulated including vitex, taking a lot of Vit C and drinking parsley tea to get AF going, reflexology. Not that any of it helped though!

Katie- do you mean Puppetry of the Penis? :haha: I haven't seen that, but saw something on tv about it once!

We're all happy here- the Harmony test has given us a low risk for all the chromosome disorders, which was such a relief after getting 'high risk' with a 1 in 76 chance from the combined screening test. We chose not to find out the sex with the Harmony test though so still Team Yellow!
Yay for everything coming back Good on the Harmony test and I give u ladies Props for being able to stay team yellow I'm such a control freak I can't do it!!! :haha:

Scan in 3hrs exactly not really nervous this time I guess all the puking has gave assurance!! :shrug:
I'm sure I will be figgity at the Drs!!!
Updating from my phone everything looked good but I seem to have formed a SCH!! It's about 10mm and looks like it will most likely be dark blood but any spotting is gonna freak me out I just know it!!

Also I am now considered High Risk I may have to go back later today to see the dr cuz he was in surgery or I may go Monday!!

Baby measured 8+3 HB 163 BPM!!
Katie - When I was in vegas when I saw the puppetry of the penis billboards. I thought they put props on their penis. But wtf they bend their penis into shapes!!!!! Is that even safe!!!???!!
Fezzle-so happy at your harmony results. I can't believe how you can hold out in knowing the sex! I need to know!!
Sis- oh how scary. I remember when Katie had it. But yay baby is doing well!

Afm- waiting impatiently for my scan thats still 2 weeks away. I still don't really feel pregnant. My boobs are slightly tender and I get tired easier but that's it.
Sis-sorry to hear about the sch, but as nervous as you are I think high risk is a good category for you. More doctors visits and most likely covered by insurance, so it's a win-win. Glad the scan went well.

Blues-I'm sure things are all fine. Tired is good and tender boobs are good too! Yeah!

Fezzle-glad all came back well. I visit your journal so I also said yay over there.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi all!! So much happening here, and much good news! I'm so excited for everyone that is pregnant!

Hi Vjean! Haven't seen you for a while!

As to breastfeeding, I bf both of mine, and for me it is literally the easiest thing. Like: baby and boob. Place baby at boob. Feeding ensues. I bf my first one for 2 years (for the second year only before he went to sleep at night) and it was a nice bonding thing. This one is getting more formula because I *hate* pumping at work. I don't think I would have toughed it out if it had not been so easy for me. As long as you are happy and the baby's fed, who cares... My SIL had the worst problems and was crying and writhing on the floor one day because she could not make it work and it was painful... I could not have kept going like that and for me it is not worth it. I was breastfed and my DH was not and we both got graduate degrees and turned out mostly Ok...

DS2 is 8 months and crawling :) A full month later than DS1, but he's a fast one in everything (he's reading in Kindergarten).
What a smart Lil cookie I could never get milk w both mine mostly cuz DS1 was in NICU for 2wks and I could only pump I think but w ds2 he was w me but I just never really got milk!!

I'm gonna try w this one tho if we make that far I'm gonna try it all I will start my VITEX again in 3rd TRi I've heard it help w the milk!! :shrug:

AFM had a horrible nite last nite and I'm still not feeling well today I was FEEZING last nite :cold:
I was shivering and convulsing :nope: my LO was trying to snuggle me to keep me warm now he's afraid something is wrong w Mommy :(
Im Afraid something is wrong w baby cuz I've got like this b4 w a loss!!
Sis--I know it's impossible to not worry about the sch and the chills but you just saw baby and all is well! Baby is growing like a champ and has a great heartbeat. As long as the sch isn't right near the baby where it could affect them (and your doctor would tell u if that were the case), they are annoyingly harmless. I agree with TERRI that being put at high risk is not a bad thing since u will get extra care!

Yes ladies! That's it...Puppetry of the Penis! Yeah, they turned their junk into different shapes, although they did use props on them, too. What a shame to have missed that show. Lol

Fezzle--Okay now my phone is turning your name into "Frazzle"! So happy that your Harmony test came back just fineeeee. Whew! And I love when other people stay team yellow since I am like Sis and cannot wait. Although with Cody, I waited until the ultrasound to find out instead of having the ditzy 20-something girl from the lab tell me. There's just something special about yelling, "That's a penis!! I see a penis!! That's a penis, right??" in an ultrasound room. But team yellow is so exciting!!

Driving--That's insane and so awesome that you had an easy time BF!! You must have magical boobs! Lol. So are u actively TTC now?

Blues--We are all anxiously awaiting your scan, too! And just remember in these early weeks, your symptoms may come and go so don't freak out if one day you wake up and your boobs don't hurt and you are full of energy. It has something to do with fluctuating hormones. Still so excited for you! And remember kfs1 had very few, if any, pregnancy symptoms and we know how that pregnancy turned out!
I go for a scan tomorrow at 2Pm so I'm anxiously waiting for it since my Nausea seems to be less these days :nope:


Here a pic of the spot it's kinda close but she was happy it was close to the cervix so it's trying to get outta the way she said :shrug:
Today's scan is to take a closer look at the sch? I hope by this afternoon it's moving out of the way. :hugs: Keep us posted!

Blues-Ugh..two weeks?! That seems like forever. hee hee. Hopefully time will fly by.
I'm assuming Terri the spot is already outta the way but I guess they want to make sure it's not causing any issues so I go back today and probably Thur if it's still there :shrug:

I haven't had any spotting like she said I would so I'm not sure what to expect !! Will update after scan!!
My cousin will be here tonite but I will still update everyone!!
Everything is going to be ok Sis. Big :hug: to you and your little snuggle bean.

Fezzle- Go team Yellow! Maybe 78 days is a charm cause I want this over. I was looking at parsley tea too so I guess I won't even bother. ho hum back to waiting I go... LOL

Hope everyone is doing well. :hi:
Scan was great even tho the Dr is so short and barely shows me anything the baby is looking like Baby and they were kicking there tiny legs which made me cry of course!!!

The spot isn't as dark so it looks to be healing in the middle but it's still really close to the cervix so I may have spotting he said baby was 8+6 HB 166bpm!! :)
Sis, great news! You are close to being out of 1st tri already! When is your harmony test scheduled?
I go to the OB on 10/13 I will ask her when I go??

Here's my Jelly Bean

:happydance: great news, Sis!! I'm so excited that things are looking good and the sch is healing. That's probably why there has been no spotting or bleeding. What a relief.

Joy-Are you starting to feel some cramps or have some idea that AF is on her way? Why is 78 days the charm? hee hee.

AFM-Nothing going on here....we had a cold snap, so I tried to stay hunkered down as much as I could. The hurricane doesn't look to be headed our way anymore, so that's a relief. We did have rain most of the weekend though. Hope everyone is doing well! <3
Fezzle- Go team Yellow! Maybe 78 days is a charm cause I want this over. I was looking at parsley tea too so I guess I won't even bother. ho hum back to waiting I go... LOL

I actually started bleeding not long after the parsley tea. There was another long cycle where dong quai seemed to start things off too, but it might have been a coincidence! I don't think I ovulated at all for the first 8 months at least of TTC so I was constantly just waiting for AF to move on to the next cycle. It was only when I started taking Metformin that I started getting normal AFs, even though I still wasn't having positive OPKs and my cycles were about 40 days long.

I'm not sure if we're going to stay Team Yellow now. DH is coming around to the idea of us having them write down the sex at our 20 week scan, and then we'll look at it a few days later on a nice walk in the woods.

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