Sis--I know it's impossible to not worry about the sch and the chills but you just saw baby and all is well! Baby is growing like a champ and has a great heartbeat. As long as the sch isn't right near the baby where it could affect them (and your doctor would tell u if that were the case), they are annoyingly harmless. I agree with TERRI that being put at high risk is not a bad thing since u will get extra care!
Yes ladies! That's it...Puppetry of the Penis! Yeah, they turned their junk into different shapes, although they did use props on them, too. What a shame to have missed that show. Lol
Fezzle--Okay now my phone is turning your name into "Frazzle"! So happy that your Harmony test came back just fineeeee. Whew! And I love when other people stay team yellow since I am like Sis and cannot wait. Although with Cody, I waited until the ultrasound to find out instead of having the ditzy 20-something girl from the lab tell me. There's just something special about yelling, "That's a penis!! I see a penis!! That's a penis, right??" in an ultrasound room. But team yellow is so exciting!!
Driving--That's insane and so awesome that you had an easy time BF!! You must have magical boobs! Lol. So are u actively TTC now?
Blues--We are all anxiously awaiting your scan, too! And just remember in these early weeks, your symptoms may come and go so don't freak out if one day you wake up and your boobs don't hurt and you are full of energy. It has something to do with fluctuating hormones. Still so excited for you! And remember kfs1 had very few, if any, pregnancy symptoms and we know how that pregnancy turned out!