Joy-Sitting around and drinking coffee sounds like the perfect day of work! Too bad they all can't be like that.
Fezzle-OMG Congratulations on V-day!!!!! I've been counting down to it as well so that makes me feel less crazy that you did too!
Terri-You have never had pecan pie? OMG you have been missing out. The sweetest is offset by the pecans. It really is delicious! Is the book actually full price on the Kindle? I have a kindle and I love how much cheaper they are than real books.

AFM-My appointment went well. I can do low impact exercise only. No running. She said I can walk, ellipitcal, swimming, or yoga. The nurse couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler and I wanted to tell her that she was searching the wrong spot but I didn't want her to tell me to stop using the doppler so I said nothing. LOL. In the end I am glad I didn't say anything because the dr. used a handheld ultrasound to check the heartbeat instead. DH and I saw her kicking her little feet! It was amazing! I keep replaying those feet kicking all day in my head! Oh so happy, so far I am not considered high-risk!!! Both of my sisters were high-risk and were bombarded with appointments.

Regarding Insanity, it reallllllllllllly kicked my ass the first month I did it but I have stuck with it for over a year. The first week your calves will be on fire and it will hurt to sit up and down to go to the bathroom. If you want to build up your stamina it really is a great workout.
Fezzle - I'm so excited for you! I agree...a count down is sooo much better than a count up. Yay for VDay! Given the chance I would love to go the midwife route too. Gotta get the baby first but I would love to give home birth a try. Ahh if that isn't putting the cart before the horse LOL

Terri - I try not to eat nuts much but pecan pie is definitely a weakness. It is so good! OMG you have my mouth salivating. With some french vanilla ice cream on the side. woo wee time to unbutton the pants. ha ha

Blues - That is great that you can still do some exercising. And Little Miss Happy Feet kicking away?! Even better!! :happydance::happydance: That is so amazing. That is one of those moments you will always remember. I'm so happy for you and DH! And the fact that you are not high risk is even better.

AFM- Today was definitely not a sit around and drink coffee day. They were short handed at work so it got hectic real quick. Still feeling like something isn't quite right with my cycle but all I can do is wait and see. I don't think the opks are really working out for me either. I'm getting a faint line for a couple of days around day 7-8 and then stark white the rest of the time. I just don't get it at all. Well, here's to a better week of BD and hoping an egg drops. ha ha ha

:hi: to everyone else. Hope you ladies are doing well.
Terri--Your weekend of doing nothing sounds delicious! Good luck at attempting the pecan pie. I'd never really Heard of them until we moved here to Tennessee and our first Thanksgiving here, our neighbors across the street brought one over. I didn't have any because I don't like pecans, but it was a sweet gesture. I mean, I still remember it to this day. What's the book you're holding out for? Is your dad still there? Are you cooking Thanksgiving dinner at your house?

Blues--Shut yo mouth about Insanity workout!! Nobody needs none of that! Lol. J/k! I'm just really wimpy when it comes to my workouts so the thought of running marathons, running (in general), cross fit, PX90, or any of that intense business makes me itchy.😒Take this time to enjoy the lighter workouts and u can hit the hard stuff post birth to get back in shape.👍 Ohhh those little feet kicking...just wonderful!! It is amazing that they are so developed and active so early on, isn't it?

Fezzle-- I saw a People magazine article a few years ago with a bunch of kids who were teenagers at the time who were born very early. And the earliest one from that time long ago was either 24 or 25 weeks. And trust...I looked that up, too. First you look up the chance of miscarriage by week, then, like you said, it becomes the countdown, and you're looking for viability rates. You are good, girl!!

Joy--Long cycle, short cycle, I hope this next one is your perfect cycle, especially since DH will be available for some fun around the right time. Fx! Remind me, when is your doctors appointment?

Sis--Still thinking of you on the daily. Hoping you are having time to work through your feelings and process. I so wish that I had the right words for you. And I am hoping that you are finding support on these threads or IRL with other ladies who can understand where you are at and speak to your heart in the way that you need right now. Just know that we all care about you and when you are ready, we are here to share in the rest of your journey.

AFM-- I feel the holiday stress impending. I think I mentioned last year, how many people we had to buy for. It's a lot. The last time I counted we were at 17 or 18 kids alone. We do a good job of sacking away money throughout the year to be able to pay for it, but it is just a lot to do. Dont get me wrong, it's a great problem to have. Stressful, for a Type A, nonetheless.
Katie-Yes, my dad is still here. He thinks that he will be finished working on the house at the end of the week, but considering my brother can't seem to help, I'm not sure if that is true. I had headaches all last week, and I don't know if it was because of my dad, or just feeling completely overwhelmed by his visit or what, but after my weekend of nothing, I feel so much better. Plus, a short week at work always helps too. I've been feeling refreshed the last few days. We are going to my best friend's house for Thanksgiving and I can't wait. I'll have to take it easy on the Prosecco consumption. hee hee. The book I'm waiting for is called Pretty Girls. It's a mystery/suspense. I'm not sure of the kindle cost because I'm not trying to pay for it. HA!!HA!! If I look, the book will start popping up in my browser to sway me, so I'll continue to wait. #cheaperthancheap

Blues-Aww...little kicks are so cute. I'm so happy our missy is doing well. Do you have names picked out? We'd love to hear them. And so glad you're not high risk. yeah! And i'm glad you get to do some low impact exercise. Thankfully you got into a routine prior to pregnancy so it won't be hard to keep it up throughout and afterwards. What a great update.

Joy-I'm not really a fan of pecans, and I have tasted the filling before and it's just too sweet. We'll see how mine turns out. The online recipe looks less sweet than my grandfather's recipe, so we'll see. I'll keep you guys posted. I'm taking two pies, and I'm making one with dark corn syrup (molasses based) and one will be with light (vanilla based), so we'll see how the color and taste are different.

Katie - Thanks so much for your advice about daycare. You are absolutely right. I really am appreciating my time with her so much more! We made it through a full week and she seemed OK. Yesterday she didn't sleep at all at daycare and my daycare lady is convinced she is already teething even though she's only 16 weeks. We shall see I guess. And once again, it is INSANE how many kids you have to buy for. I, too, am feeling a bit stressed about the holidays coming. We usually have Christmas Eve at my cousin's house but her husband passed away earlier this year (young - in his 50s) and she's not doing well at all. It's just so sad. Also, we usually do Christmas Day at my husband's Aunt's house but she's refusing to host because she's annoyed at her husband and kids because they've been drinking too much and it's been getting out of control. I just want to hide at home with my DH and Adeline. :)

Blues - That's great that you're able to work out again. Can you come over and give me some motivation because I'm such a lazy ass. :) Awww - and that's great about seeing those little legs kick. So amazing, right?

Fezzle - Congrats on hitting V-day. :) I'm sure you'll pass that glucose test no problem. Let us know how your appointment goes.

Terri - Can't wait to hear about your pecan pie. It's not my favorite either because of how sweet it is but I'm sure yours is going to be delicious. I'm making a caramel apple cheesecake pie this year. I'll let you know how it comes out.

Joy - It looks like you may have O'd now, right? I used to use the OPKs with the smiley faces so I'm not sure about the ones with the lines. I think they're all evil though.
Kfs1- Yes I think I can agree that opks are definitely evil. Just made me feel worse about no ovulation and each day hoping the line gets darker to indicate an egg. ugh! It is saying I potentially o'd on the 9th day but I'm not convinced. All I can do is keep temping and wait. Oh and please let me know how your cheesecake come out. It sounds delicious. I could be a taste tester if you'd like? LOL And I'm sorry about your cousins husband. This time of the year makes it even more difficult to handle. I think snuggling down at home with your hubby and Adeline sounds like a great idea. Just give everything else a rest and enjoy your little family.

Katie- I went for my appointment and she wanted to do bloods but of course I messed up with fasting so it's on hold right now. Thank you for asking. I'll have to say a little prayer for your sanity this holiday season. I feel for your budget with all those children to buy for! Holy smokes!! At least you plan for it which is more than most do. Hope you get to actually enjoy yourself though.

Terri- Making two different versions of a pie you don't like? Talk about over achiever ha ha ha Hope you enjoy Thanksgiving at your besties! How far down on the list are you for the book club book? I get impatient sometimes and give in to a purchase too. Stay strong my friend. LOL

AFM-Waiting to see if O really did occur or if fertility friend is going to end up adjusting it again after a few more days of temping. If it happened I'm not going to be happy with the fact that it occurred sooner than expected so there was only 1 day of BDing in there. This is the crap that happens with such irregular cycles. The silver lining would be that at least it occurred. :winkwink:

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with family and/or friends. :flower:
Success!! I was able to pick up my book from the library near my work. It said 'being shelved' on the website, so yesterday I left work a smidge early to go get it. I can spend that $10 (I looked at the kindle price) on my fingernails. HA! Which are still growing like wildflowers, btw. I love it. I've also finished the first chapter and I'm already hooked. I can't wait to get home and continue reading.

Yes, I'll make two different pies just to see what the difference is. hee hee. Why not? It's the only thing I have to do for the next two days, so I'm game.

kfs1-Your family of three Thanksgiving sounds nice. And the cheesecake sounds good too. I'm sure it'll be perfect.

Joy-Yes, count the small blessings, and according to FFoe, you ovulated, so I'll take it. It's nice finally seeing those crosshairs on your chart.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! Enjoy your day off work and try to enjoy your time with family. Stressful or not, we do what we have to do. <3
Yay Terri! Now you have something good to read for the next couple days. Love it!
Well...looks like FF is changing it's mind about my O day. Apparently still waiting but we did get some good time together so O or not, it was a nice week with the hubby.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving spending it the way you desired. Enjoy the weekend!
I saw that your crosshairs were gone Joy and I was disappointed. But, you're not out yet. Glad you had a great weekend and Thanksgiving. My pie was a hit. I'm so happy. I'll put the recipe on my journal. :haha:
You know I'm going to your journal to get that recipe Terri. Thanks for sharing it :-) I'm so glad it went over well at the dinner. Now I'm going to have to hit the store to get the ingredients.

AFM-Well I had to get up an hour earlier than normal for work so I adjusted those 3 temps on FF. Under the regular detector it still says I'm waiting on O but when I change it to the advanced detector, it says O happened on the 12th day. That would at least give us a decent chance this month but I'm not holding my breath. My temps are still on the lowish side so I would want to see them get higher. Just gonna keep hanging out patiently waiting. (Not much else I can do LOL)
Well He Is ALL BOY!! Had to show his PP the whole dang time and we have lots and lots of Pics of it!! :haha:
Can't wait to see pics, Sis! I may have missed it, but have you discussed names yet?
No names really just a few that I like all the suggestions from DH and the boys r Crazy!! :haha:

Sis-Glad baby is doing great.


Joy-Ugh those temps..JUMP ALREADY!!

AFM-Nothing to report really. I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping and I'm reading a really scary, disturbing mystery book. I have about 10 pages left so I'll finish that either later today or tomorrow. My dad left on Sunday, so hubs, Fun and I have the house to ourselves now so that's pretty nice. Just looking forward to all the Christmas parties coming up. Yay!!
So glad everyone had a great thanksgiving!

I had Thanksgiving with DH's family. They normally go out to eat for Thanksgiving but I cooked Thanksgiving for everyone. For some reason I have been absolutely exhausted since then. Really having trouble staying awake at work. We announced to DH's family during Thanksgiving dinner we were expecting. We were both surprised that his parents did not really seem excited for us. His niece and brother were very excited for us. I also announced the pregnancy to my brother, father and grandmother who didn't know it. My grandmother is flipping excited. She thought I would never have a baby.

I must say I was concerned about DH's parents' reaction. They are Jewish and I'm Hispanic. In the beginning of the relationship we had some issues because they are super racist about Hispanics. Like I lost my shit on them one day about it because I hated that I was a "good Hispanic" so I don't count. (I also think that I pass as white to them). Their granddaughter (DH's neice) is half mexican and it pissed me off how she had to listen to this racist shit. However, they are much better about keeping their mouth shut but their reaction made me think that they are pissed about having another Hispanic grandchild (specifically, I'm Dominican). DH talked to them later and apparently they are excited. So we will see I guess.
terri- what's the book? I just started reading the Black Eyed-Susan one- I think that was you who read that for book club?

Blues- yay for announcing! Glad everyone was excited!
Sis - Thanks for the pic. He looks all laid back and comfortable LOL

Terri - I can't believe you are almost done with your shopping! Now to sit back and enjoy all the parties. :wine: :munch: Is your dad coming back for Christmas or is he spending it elsewhere? Yay I love family visits but definitely like having my house back once they go. Enjoy your little family.

Blues - That is a bunch of crap! I'm sorry they didn't seem too excited but way to stand your ground with the in-laws. Some people are too timid or afraid to rock the boat but you're part of the family now so better to get it out of the way so life can go on (hopefully better) now that you confronted it. Your niece will need you to stand up for her too so don't forget that. Oh I know your grandmother is over the moon excited!!! Love it :yipee::yipee: Get ready for her to spoil you both so much!

AFM- Yep I finally got a temp jump today which caused a reassessment of my O date AGAIN!!! This means instead of the great chance I had with a day 12 O, it's been moved to day 17 which is a low chance since we hadn't BD too much due to going back to work. Ugh! For the love of all that is holy and good!!! I'm so frustrated that it's ridiculous. Excuse me while I go cry in my little hole now....
Fezzle-now we're reading Pretty Girls. We liked the mystery genre. This book is a psychological thriller and you may not want to read it with all your hormones going. My friend's mom told her not to watch ID channel when she was pregnant and she loves scary movies and such. If you do read it and get upset, don't blame me. Hee hee.

Blues-yay for announcing but sorry DHs parents are being pricks about it. They deserve all the Hispanic grandkids in the world so their views will change. Everything happens for a reason. I am sure they will love your baby just like they hopefully love your niece. And woohoo about your family getting so excited.

Joy-I saw your crosshairs changed again. Hee hee. You still have a chance so don't cry. I always think it's nice to be in the tww because what's done is done. :hugs: we are going to NM this year for Christmas. My sister and her kids are there. My older sister flies in and Daddy will be there too. It's great fun. My hubs and I alternate families. Last year was a doozy and I doubt I will go back to my MILs house but we'll see. I'm getting a hotel if we do go so I can have some time alone. She is always wanting to talk to me and it's annoying. I have a book, I'm in my room. That means leave me alone for 1/2 hour. Hee hee.

And yes, I do like Christmas parties when I don't have to take shots, not drink, etc. they start this weekend!
Yes the lady I saw said he is way back and up high he is almost in my spine so the sharp tinges I'm getting in my back r most likely HIM!! :nope:

My placenta is blocking most other feeling I have in the front and it's also causing it hard for me to hear his HB he's already being a Lil Stubborn Butt!!

I've been trying to find names for him and I'm having lots of trouble I had my girl name all lined up but NO boy names so I'm struggling

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