Radkat, here's to hoping you have a nice normal cycle! :flower:

Sis, I hope you did O on Wed then. Sounds to me like you could have a chance, so we are not counting you out!

Terri, I know, these are some high temps. Not that it means a thing to me anymore, but they seem higher than normal. I'm not reading into it though. I do not have a whole lot of hope since we BD the day AFTER ovulation, LOL. I'm looking forward to next cycle though, when my treatment starts with the RE. Just have to decide if I'm going to do just the femara and trigger shot and then try with DH with BDing... Or if we're going to go ahead and throw an IUI in there.
Wish - I've been there re: rejection. I had a former bf who said he "respected" me too much to have sex with me. (Umm, what? Interesting that you seem to respect me more at the end of our relationship.) So I'm a bit sensitive to rejection and DH is usually up for sex anytime. One time that he wasn't into it, I pouted and he said, "I'm sorry, but I actually don't want to have sex all the time. You know how you don't want to some times? Well I'm just not feeling it tonight." Hmm, well ok, when you put it like that. Guys' egos are super sensitive especially when it comes to sex. I'm guessing your DH is worried about his SA and all the news and just can't express it well. Guys just aren't as good as we are with words, emotions, etc. Anyway, good luck not running over him with your bike! :haha: Love that one!
HA!!HA!! Radkat-I had to laugh at the bike comment. Spring has sprung, so it's very likely she could run him over with her bike. BWaaahaa!! Good one.

Wish-As I was driving home (and avoiding a :dog: RUNNING on the beltway, poor guy (I think he made it to the nearest on ramp)), I was thinking that maybe once your DH gets his results he'll be a little bit excited if the urologist tells him that his results are better than last time. ERose just said it first! hee hee. You never know what the future will hold...I guess you just have to wait and see what happens. It sucks though, I know...

And, I totally give you kudos for trying your best to BD last night. That had to be tough after having such a terrible discussion about all this stuff, but you tried, and that's all you can do. I also agree with ERose, you are beautiful, and he knows and believes your beautiful. He was probably just feeling miserable and up to his eyeballs with this "pressure" from you and his job. So...even if you had tried, it might not have even worked. Sometimes, not starting is better than starting and not getting anywhere. Know what I mean? That's happened to me too, and that REALLY makes a girl cry in her pillow. Remember when we had to do the post coital test? Ugh....talk about pressure. I didn't know if I was going to make it to the doc's in time.

Anyway, we love you and we know that whatever happens will be for the best. Maybe he doesn't really want kids of his own, and he is perfectly happy with you and your girls, and he will focus on the life you guys have now. I know that probably doesn't make you feel better, but it's something. I'm glad you told us what happened because I know it's hard to bare your soul to virtual friends as well. That's why we're here. :hugs: It's the weekend and warm, so you can be happy about that! I know I am!

And finally-why do I always have to write a book?
Well, terri, you wrote a book that time because you care, and that's a great reason. I can envision all of us sitting around in a circle in person (like some sort of support group for infertile and over-aged women, LOL), and you would be our ring leader, lifting us up when we're feeling down, and sometimes just telling us to suck it up because it simply isn't that serious. LOL! Love to love ya.
Wish I know the feeling ALL to well DH works so much he's asleep by 8 sometimes so he can get up and go to the gym by 4:45am!!! :nope:
Or in another City all together like now :(

I'm thinking he will have an Improvement w the vitamins and the shorter hold maybe he will feel bad about last nite and want to party tonite :shrug: we can hope right ;)
That will be a tiny spec of lite at the end of the tunnel so I hoping really hard for u guys!!
Hi ladies!

Just a general thing for all of us to be grateful for. (I have to jot it down now or I will forget it!). We have wonderful DH's! I know we get frustrated with them, and sometimes, we aren't always on the same page with them, but it sounds like everyone here has great DH /SO's. Again, I read so many threads where I ask myself, "Why are you trying to procreate with that poop bag??!! Move on girl! MOVE ON! Feet don't fail you now!"

It stinks to be in our age group struggling with the the poop that we have to contend with. But at least that poop isn't our other halves! I'm sure every lady here has had at least one poop in their past that you are grateful now to be rid of. We may be later in the TTC game than others right now, but thankfully we have wonderful SOs. :)

As much as I FEAR talking to my DH about doing a SA...and by the way, thank you ladies for your support and words of advice!!...I know deep down, he'd do it if I insisted. And cried. Crying is imperative.

I'd have to tell him the SA was a first step they must do before all MY testing...AND have him do it at home and I'd run it over to the clinic. Really, though. Think about how intimidating it must be to go into an office to do that. Can you imagine if we were asked to do our "thing" in a sterile doctor's room?! Oh, and by the wayyyy....put your "stuff" in this cup so we can see what's wrong with you. So, I feel for them.

I got the FS referral and SA order in November and decided to just let the holidays come and enjoy them. And then what do you know, in January, I got a BFP. Which of course ended immediately. I literally almost tore the referral papers into shreds when I had a a firm suspicion that I might be pg. But I'm going to get it all started if I'm not PG this year, as I'll be 37.

It's a weird thing. I've been so focused on giving my daughter a sibling. Someone to grow up with and have in her life after we are gone. And it's made me cry on many occasions. But after our visits to friends and family last month, I realized...if she is meant to be an only child, she has plenty of love and support around her (within her own generation) to carry her through life. And instead of it being my obligation to provide her with another sibling, maybe it's my obligation to keep these current relationships going to provide her with that support and love thats already here. I don't know, there is a small shift happening within me. Although i still want her to have a sibling, I am still a true believer that whatever happens in this life, is meant to be.

And I can say this even after getting a postcard in the mail from our old neighbors, who we shared the experience of having our first babies with (they are only a month apart), and it was announcing the birth of their 3rd child. It broke my heart like you couldn't imagine just because we started out the same, going through everything together with our first babies. And now they had their third. But it's made me realize, even through the heartache for my own selfishness, everything is still meant to be. I'm kind of coming to grips with that. And it's a new emotion for me.

Sorry. Had to release it all.
Btw, after posting that I had a sadsies face on and my DH asked what was wrong and I asked him if he'd be open to fertility testing if I can't get pregnant this year and he said yes. I didn't specify what that entailed but at least he knows its on the table. It's a little step anyways. :). Thanks for listening to my vent.
Katie u always have a great outlook on everything and I too agree what will be will be !!!
U are trying this month right isn't this the month Suzanne told u BFP?? Hope she's right for us both :)

Well I gotta get to bed we r having a Community Garage Sale in the Am so I gotta get up at the crack of dawn to put stuff out And get change!! :thumbup:
Hoping my neighbors have Some furniture pieces I need if not the 2 Subs close are having sales too!!! :happydance:
Yeah Katie!! You did it!!!! And how easy was that??? Crying wasn't even imperative. I'm sure he knows what fertility testing means, but at least your clinic is close and you can drive the sample over there quickly. Woohoo!! Great job.

You are right about everything else you said. Our DHs are awesome and they all want the best for us. We just always have more on our minds than they do.

It's going to be 70+ degrees today and I have a 2 yr. old birthday party to go to and my 6 month anniversary dinner tonight. We made it! Hee hee. I also want to get my motorcycle out today too. I can't wait. Have a great day all.
Thank you ladies for your heartfelt responses :hug:
Had a huge temp jump this morning - makes the rejection sting a little more as I ovulated yesterday apparently... And the possibility that :spermy: lasted 3 days is remote :cry:
But Terri is right it's going to beautiful today!!! And Monday I start my diet and exercise to lose 10 lbs - won't be "trying" until May as I am out of town my next fertile week... So trying to be positive and make the most of the next month
Love you gals - have a great weekend!!!!
Whew it's been a cray cray morning around here I got rid of some stuff but Momma needs a Nap REAL Bad!!!! :haha:

Hope everyone's enjoying the weather and there Sat!!! :)
The party was fun...just 6 adults and two kids (age 2 and 8). hee hee. They also had pizza, so I was really excited about that. And...my motorcycle started right up, so before the party, I drove around the block and did some of my muscle memory exercises (quick stops, figure 8s, swerving), just to make sure I'm up to speed before I get out in traffic.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be even warmer, so if I can get working on my school paper, I can go out and ride after church tomorrow. It's also my fertile week, so I'm super excited about that. Last chance workout before hitting the FS hard. hee hee.

Hubs gave me a Pandora charm with dangly interlocking hearts. He is too cute. He is a really good shopper and LOVES shopping.

Sis-Glad you sold some stuff at the yard sale today, and I hope you enjoyed your nap. I'm kind of sleepy too. I think it's the sun! hee hee.
I bought the package of 20 Clearblue OPKs a while back with the digital reader. Well, today when I went to use my first one, the reader died. hee hee. I guess I better get to Target this afternoon and get a fresh reader. *sigh* You know I'm always thinking this will be the last time I use these sticks. I was hoping the reader would last for one more cycle as I had 5 sticks remaining. I guess the 20 pack is too much, and obviously I don't test enough. :haha:

Oops. I think it was user error again. I'll take a test again tomorrow and hope for the best with my same reader. I'm not sure if I'm going to get to the store today.

Have a great day, ladies! Our anniversary dinner was wonderful.
So glad your dinner was lovely and u got a great present!!!

I've never had a reader Die I held onto some of my old ones and bought stick refills cuz it was cheaper and they worked But that was a long time ago!! :shrug:
But I just use Cheapies now as I wasn't getting the right readings w the digitals!! GL
My reader died as well and I haven't bothered to replace it- I've never had a positive OPK on any method, so I've just given up on them! Now that the Metformin seems to be helping, I might give them another try at some point.
Hi Fezzle! I edited my earlier comment. I put the old test stick back in the reader, and the test ready picture showed up so it's not completely dead. Maybe I just didn't have enough pee on the end or something. I'm going to try it again tomorrow. I'm only on Day 10, so tomorrow should be okay as I usually O between day 12-15. I know for a fact that I will be leaving my house tomorrow.

OOh and nice jump in temp today.
Hey all - I had a lot to catch up on... (again). I need to try to get on here more than every few days. It is tough in the 2ww though, because I am trying not to think about it.

Turns out, if this doesn't work, we have to decide now if we want to move onto IVF next cycle, if not, we wait until August due to scheduling difficulties with the clinic and a vacation we have planned for July. I thought I would get one more IUI try in, but now I'm not too sure. I am going back and forth on this decision. Part of me feels that if this one doesn't work, the IUI will never work and I should just move on, and part of me wants to stay hopeful that the IUIs will eventually work so we don't have to kill our savings to do the IVF. Hopefully I wont have to make this decision...

I have tested out the trigger - so anything on those wondfos now will be good news. Trying to decide if I want to wait until Easter or try every morning until then.

I am getting my pre IVF testing done tomorrow, and hubby will go in for his next week - he'll have to do another SA and they have to test both of us for all sorts of stuff. They also want to do a pap smear on me (since my last one was Jan 2013) and I feel like I want to ask them to wait until I know if I am pregnant or not. I know it doesn't effect anything, but part of me feels that it might....

Sorry so much about me. VJ glad you are going to a new doc. Erin - the femera is to create extra follies and the trigger makes you O 36 hours later - so it is a timing thing - you will know EXACTLY when you are supposed to BD or try the IUI. Sis - sorry about the mouth. Everyone else, FXed for all!!!
Ugh, just wrote a nice response to a bunch of posts, and my computer ate it.
Bleh. Sorry ladies!
In short:

Wish- You are beautiful! Guys are dumb- he probably has no idea how bad that made you feel. :hugs:
FM- I am sorry for your (confirmed) loss. :hugs:
Atty- Whatever you and hubs decide, we will support you. But stick around! That goes for you, too Felicity!!
Erin- Your chart looks amazing!
Terri- I want some cake!!
Sis- :flower:
Moni- :hugs: A hard decision. So it is either one IVF or a few IUI's and then a break until August? Or is it one IVF or one IUI until August? :hugs: We are here for you, lady.
VJean- Glad you dumped that donker of a doc! It is imperative to have a good match when you are pg!
KP- I love your outlook, girl!

I was busy preparing for the procedure this week, and cleaning house because my MIL is staying the week with my mother so they can take care of DD together (I am in NY for five days for the surgery)! Saying that their week will be interesting will be an understatement, for sure!!
Anyway, I meet with the doc doing the surgery tomorrow (it seems a lot of things are happening to us ladies or our SO's tomorrow), and have my pre-op appointment at the hospital. Tuesday, I have to drink two 8-oz bottles of citrate of magnesia and eat nothing all day.
I feel bad for the person cleaning my hotel room that day.
Then Wednesday is the surgery.
My SIL announced her pregnancy yesterday, and for the first time in seven years or so, I didn't get horribly upset about a family member announcing a pregnancy. I am genuinely happy for her. :shrug: Feelings are funny, weird things!
Hi everyone!

Terri, glad to hear you had such a nice Anniversary! Sounds perfecto, especially the charm bracelet!

Sis, How did you do at the yard sale? Did you make some moolah? How are your toofers feeling? And unless I read your message wrong, it sounds like you got a good amount of BD in before your O? And yes, April was my magic month from Suzanne, but I don't put tons of faith into it cuz she said I'd have 2 more girls. Not happening!

Moni--Lots to think about but you will come to the right decision. At least you are starting the ball rolling for IVF, for whenever you decide to do it. August won't be too far off if you decide to try IUI one last time. Plus, you have a vacation planned for July and it might be just what you need to relax and enjoy some time before the IVF. It sounds like from your post, you're feeling a little rushed with the IVF for next cycle And if you wait until August, you may have some more time to wrap your head around the process and mentally prepare for it. But I sure hope you don't have to even go the IVF route, it is exciting to see what your tests will hold very soon! Fx!!

Kfs1, we will be cycle buddies this time around as I'm due to O next week, too. And you know what's funny? There's supposed to be some red moon happening next week on April 15, which is supposed to enhance fertility. I know, it's all kooky stuff, but I'll buy into anything that lifts my spirits about TTC. :)

Wish--Sorry to hear about your recent struggles, but like Erin said, at least your DH is willing to still do the SA. I think men tend to see things more black/white and we allow more gray in our thought processes. He very well may be feeling a bit frustrated about this process and is shutting down a bit to process everything in his own way. And although that can be really irritating when you dont know where his mind is at, when your mind is running in circles over it, don't run him over with your bicycle yet! Fx for improved SA results!!

Omom--I missed something or am totally forgetting...what's the surgery for? But sending good vibes and prayers anyway for your surgery! And sending the same for your mother and MIL, who may also need it. :) Lol about the person having to clean your room! And isn't it nice when you can be genuinely happy to hear a pregnancy announcement? Good stuff!

Hi to everyone else and I apologize to those I've missed!

AFM, it's only CD 11 (maybe 12) and I'm already getting a decent line on my opk. Interested to see what tomorrow will bring. Definitely a bit early for me to already see that strong of a line.

BD tonight and WAY too much info, but found this interesting.... I don't know much about cervical position, but I have read that your cervix is typically high during your fertile phase and lower around AF. So, this is where the TMI comes in. Sometimes, when you're BD, it feels like there's pressure on your cervix, which would make sense if it was around the time in your cycle when its supposed to be low. But I read more recently that during your fertile time (when your cervix is supposed to be high), that this kind of pressure during BD is actually your uterus being pushed up and putting pressure on your ovaries, which are engorged and ready to pop...or something to that effect. But it creates a feeling similar to pressure on your cervix. When I got PG in Jan, we BD the day I got a positive opk and I had that intense pressure, which I assumed was on my cervix and I was upset because I thought I'd already ovulated and my cervix was already lowering and we'd missed the boat. That's when I'd researched this kind of uncomfortable pressure during BD and found out about the ovary pressure thing. Anyhoo, I felt some of that kind of pressure tonight so I wonder if I will O early. So anyway, just thought I'd share they info. I thought it was interesting!
oldermom- good luck with your appointment and procedure!

katie- that's interesting about the cervix. I don't think I've felt that pressure before. My cervix has been weird this cycle- it's been high and soft for most of it, and yesterday it disappeared like it does around ovulation time!

AFM- I think I'm in a TWW and will test on Thursday if AF hasn't shown up, but I've had charts where based on temps I think I ovulated and then had a long cycle, or just a day of spotting, so I'm not sure. The two times I've had Day 21 tests were clearly anovulatory. This one- who knows, but it's my first one on Metformin. So I don't know how long my LP is normally because I've never had a normal cycle.

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