Hi all,

Katie - Woohoo - glad to be cycle buddies! I actually had a peak on my OPK a bit early, too, so I should O tomorrow or Wednesday. Hoping that red moon helps!!

Oldermom - I'm with Katie. I'm sorry - I can't remember what your surgery is for. Fx and :hugs: to you!

Fezzle - your chart looks promising to me. Fx!

Moni - good luck with all of your testing.

Terri - sounds like you had a great weekend!

Sis - hope the tag sale went OK.

Wish - Good luck to you and your husband with his next round of tests. Ugh - I've been rejected myself before and it definitely doesn't feel good. But, like everyone else said, I'm sure he was just overwhelmed at the moment. :hugs:

:wave: to everyone else!

I had a great (but BUSY) weekend. My friend was up Friday and we had dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends. Ended up having 2 separate barbecues (one on Saturday and another on Sunday) because friends ended up visiting on different days. I had lots of babies and kids running around my tiny house but we really had a blast. The weather was absolutely beautiful. I wasn't able to temp all weekend (off sleep schedule) but I did get a peak on my OPK a bit early yesterday morning and we were able to sneak in a BD session quickly, even with all of the chaos. The prescription for my husbands SA came in the mail and the clinic is about a half hour from where we live. How long can you travel with sperm before it's no longer "testable"?
Morning Ladies :hi: got my BIG to school now getting the LO ready !!!

Just wanted to say GL OM on the surgery and the hotel room thing made me LOL!! :haha:
Hope it helps u get that BFP!!

Wish how are u feeling about the SA today GL and FX those numbers are better!!

KFS1 sounds like a great weekend hopefully we will have on Elise that this weekend and maybe I'll have a surprise bFP to share doubtful but I can Hope!! :)

Katie u never know keep your head up and stay positive I Would say U are Oing early so get in lots of BD!!!!
For Boy on O :dog: style!!! ;)

AFM I have to go pick up the test my Dr wants some saliva test for hormones so that should be fun :nope:
And get my nails done B4 Easter I totally forgot its this weekend!!

Happy Monday ladies GL!!
Moni-I kind of agree with Katie. Do the IUI one more time, go on vacation and after that do the IVF (if need be). No sense rushing to get it done now, especially if you're not going to have $$ for vacation. You're going to be so preoccupied with IVF that you may not be able to think straight. I'd go on vacation first, have fun and chill with your DH.

Oldermom-Good luck this week in NY and with your procedure. I'm sure all will go great! That's gross/funny about the hotel room. I'm sure those maids have seen worse, no matter how bad it gets.

Wish-Hope your hubs' SA goes well this morning. We're all cheering him on.

Fezzle-Don't you hate random, crazy cycles? It's tough thinking these charts are really telling us something. Every chart I have is different and none of them have any magical powers, unfortunately.

Katie-Red moon? I would have bought into it except my stupid chart says I already O'd. Otherwise, I would've been on board for a wonderful fertile week.

And that leads me into my fertile week being over already. Hubs could've totally gone to his appt. on the 17th, because Ffoe has me at 3DPO today (O'd on CD8). UGH!! We only BD'd on CD4 and CD8. How would I have known, though? I feel like my 12 follicles failed me by being too ready to go. waaahhh!! I'm going to call the FS and try to make our follow up appointment for the 24th or 25th because it says AF will be here (or not) by the 27th or 28th and if I have to start taking medicine or something, I want to be ready/prepared. I guess in the end, I'm completely neutral about this TWW.:coffee:

Oh yeah...I refrained from nipple stimulation, fasted and got my bloodwork done at work this morning. I was hesitant because my paperwork had Shady Grove Fertility across the top of it. The nurse said 'So, you are trying to have a child?' I just said 'yes.' I am a big mouth on here, but I hate when people that I see frequently, but don't really know are all in my business unless I share it with them. So then she starts telling me about how she was 35 when she had her first kid, and she wished she had done it sooner (not sure if she knew how old I was until after I filled out the paperwork and left). I just smiled and said 'Oh..' Then I said thanks, got up and left. I probably won't be going back. HA!!HA!!
Thanks ladies. I have another week to figure it out...or hopefully not have to!
Your temps didn't jump that much Terri I would get some Cheapie OPks and see how dark your line is!!!
FX u didn't O yet but I know that feeling all too well as I'm a early Oer w out meds!! :hugs:
Well good morning lovelies!! :flower:

Terri - I hear you on the :wacko: cycles... Based on my OPK (which I usually ALWAYS o the next day - I should be 5 DPO) but since my temp did not go up till Saturday - FF says I O'd on Friday... so 3DPO... oh how I wish we could've :sex: on Thursday!! :shrug:
I am not convinced you O'd but only time will tell... :hugs: we will both be :shrug: through this TWW...

kfs- one thing I forgot is to keep the sample warm - I carry it between the girls :winkwink:

Moni - I would agree about waiting till after vacation - but I know its hard because it seems every month is another month getting older... :hugs::flower: you will make the best decision for yoU!!

Katie - sounds very promising for you this time around!! FX for you! :hugs:

Oldermom - it sounds like your test won't be as bad as the prep for it!!! Good luck and I hope more answers are found and as soon as you and DH get back on the same soil - BFP!!!

Sis - I didn't know that about :dog: style... hmmmmm :winkwink:

:hi: to everyone else out there

AFM: Donation complete!! :thumbup: I noticed there wasn't as much liquid this time - I am not going to worry about that too much... I didn't say anything to him... When he dropped me off at work I said to him "thank you for your donation to the cause this morning!" :rofl: He laughed and drove off to Hardees to get something really bad to eat!!! :haha:
We have laughed more together the last 24 hours than we have in months... it made me realize something - no matter what happens - we really do have fun together and its going to be ok. so I am feeling sappy happy this morning... maybe its just the progesterone from O'ing on Friday... :haha: either way... I am going to enjoy feeling happy!

Hope you ladies have a lovely Monday!!
Wish - between the girls, huh? Good to know - I'll plan on doing that. The things we do to get our BFPs! :) I'm glad you're feeling better today and I'm so happy the SA "donation" is done! One step at a time. :happydance:
Terri - Boo to Oing early, but I agree with Sis, maybe you haven't yet and can take advantage of the red moon! (Thanks for that, Katie.)

Wish - I'm so glad that DH got his "donation" taken care of, but more importantly, that you guys are having a good time together. That really is the most important thing, bc he's gonna be there no matter what. :flower:

Kfs- Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!

Fezzle - Sorry for the wacky chart. Hope things get clearer.

Oldermom - I hope your surgery goes well. It sounds pretty intense. Good luck to your mom and MIL as well!

Sis - Glad the weekend went well. What is measured with the saliva test?

Moni - Good luck with whatever you decide, but I'm with the others re: IUI, vacation, then move to IVF, if needed. Hopefully not!

Katie - Hmm, red moon, good cycle? Let's hope!

AFM - AF came yesterday. Yay! Haven't said that in awhile. Hopefully this means we're back on track. :happydance::happydance::happydance: Back to temping today. All aboard the TTC train! Woo woo! My brother and SIL announced they're having a baby in October. I'm really happy for them. I know they struggled with their first and I'm just guessing they've been trying for awhile for this one too. The due date is a week after my LO. So hopefully they'll get to share a birth month, although my niece was born 4 weeks early so we'll see. Happy Monday to all!
Wish-Yeah! Glad the donation went well. We'll know the results on Friday, right? I am Puh-raying his results are much improved from last time. Glad you guys had fun together too. That makes a world of difference.

Radkat-Woohoo on AF. Does this make a 29 or 30 day cycle? I know it was 28 a few days ago. That's not bad...back to TTC. Welcome back. :flower:

kfs1-Sounds like your weekend was great. Two barbecues in two days sounds awesome! I will be taking advantage of the red moon with you and Katie as well, just because I feel like it. Of course, I have to mail our taxes first, and then we'll be taking advantage.

I made the follow up appointment for the 24th at 9:30. All of our results should be in and the doctor can make his recommendation. I think I already know what he's going to say (IUI or IVF), but I am in no rush to talk to him. First in line is the SA, and even that is not until next week so then I'll have a more exciting update.
Terri - as someone said before, are you 100% that you O'd? Are you going to test on an OPK again? I think you should BD tonight just in case. :)
Wish so Glad U R Happy and are having Fun w DH that's all that matters today so Enjoy it!!

Katie yes the Red Moon is like the Harvest Moon very powerful so FX it brings u guys Luck and BFPs!!

Well the Dr was a bust my Dr wasn't in just the nurse and when she told me the price of the test I was like :nope:
$170 for the Saliva Test
$390 for the nutrient test
My dr was suppose to run as much as she can through my insurance to cut cost so I will just wait I guess

KFS1 they use Saliva to test Hormones it's more accurate than blood cuz your hormones fluctuate through out the Day!!
Hi ladies...a lot to catch up on as I was reading. Seems a lot of ground is being covered with SA's, testing and procedures. C'mon BFP's!

Looks like I'll have some time to stay on top of all the posts being as though I have to take it easy until my Dr's appt on the 21st. Last Tuesday I went to the bathroom at work and when I wiped I saw some blood. I didn't panic because I know sometimes it is coming from my rectum ( thanks to hemrroid brought on by the pregnancy...TMI I know) but something kept telling me to make sure it was just blood from there and not the vagina. So there I was in the stall at work (thankfully I went into the handicapped stall and got more room) sticking tissue in my butt and at the same time wiping the vaginal area to verify there was no blood from there. It was a mess! Finally I was able to see a tinge of blood was coming from my vaginal area as well. Called the Dr, went right in and they listened to the heartbeat and checked my cervix so everything was fine and I went on my way. Fast forward to Saturday afternoon. At the hair salon with my daughter and I started to have pains about noonish. Didn't think too much about it and I chalked it up to the baby moving around was causing the pain. It kept happening so when I finally got home a 5 or so I relaxed a bit but the pains kept coming- closer and more intense. I went went to bed about 10 and woke up at 4 am Sunday in tears. Had been tossing and turning all night because of the pains. By 4 am along with the pains in my abdomen I started to have pains across my back and in my pelvic area and I realized they were contractions. By the time I realized what they were they were coming every 5-10 minutes and by the time I got to the hospital they were 2 minutes apart. Spent a few hours in the PET unit hooked up to an IV and monitors and watched the print out on the monitor spike everytime I had a contraction. Blood and urine was taken and finally saw the dr who checked my cervix and she said it was still closed-thank God. She said I had a yeast infection and sometimes a yeast infection, UTI or bladder infection could cause contractions-who knew?!?! Got my prescription, filled it and went home to rest. Still having some today but they are less frequent and less intense. Last Tuesday I was told not to exercise, lift anything or have sex until my level II ultrasound on the 25th just to be on the safe side, then the whole contraction episode happened and now I'm just home in bed loading up on fluids and getting up only when I really need to. Being a person who is always on the go is making this hard for me but I know it's best for the baby. Luckily I have a job where I can work from home and a boss who is very understanding so it does make it easier. Well...sorry for the book but figured I would update everyone.

I wish everyone well with upcoming tests and procedures for themselves and the other halfs. :hugs:
kfs1-No, I'm not sure at all...I was definitely surprised when the crosshairs showed up on my chart this morning. I feel a little weird today too, so I think I haven't actually O'd. Hubs knows it's my very special week, so I think he'll be a willing participant. :)

Sis-Yikes those tests are expensive. Why are you getting them done again?
Wow smiles so Glad U and Baby are Well after All that!!!

Make sure to take it easy I know I'm the same way they tell me to rest and I'm cleaning or painting cuz I'm bored!! :haha:

Terri they Are through my Holistic Thyriod Dr she wanted to run more test to see if she could find out issues w the MCs but w DH freakin a week ago I will see what we can get tested through Insurance then go from there!!
Man, Smiles, you about gave me a heart attack reading that! I'm glad you and LO are OK. :flower: Good reminder for all of us for when we get preggers.

Sis - Hopefully insurance can cover at least some of that cost. I would find out for sure so you know what you're dealing with.

Terri - Yep, it was a 30 day cycle. I'm super happy with that!
Smiles-You sure scared me too!! Stay resting until the 25th. Hopefully it won't be so bad..You can catch up on some reading, Judge Judy and Maury in the meantime. SO glad you and the baby are ok. Hopefully the meds are all you need and you can go back to your regularly scheduled life in a week.

Radkat-Yay for 30 days. I know you are happy.

I took an OPK when I got home today and it was an open circle-no surge. I will continue taking them for the next few days and see what happens. I guess it really was my reader, because the new one worked fine with my old sticks. If I missed my surge, it sure is irritating, but nothing I can do about it now but go on with my life. And this stupid paper is still haunting me. :sick: hee hee.
Wow Smiles- so glad everything checked out ok. Bed rest stinks, but I’d kill to be on bed rest right now, just for a few days. I can sleep all day and still be exhausted! Please keep us updated! How far along are you now?

Sis, Can’t believe how expensive those tests were…. Sorry your appointment didn’t go better!

Radkat – Yay for the witch! Welcome back! On to a new cycle and hopefully a :bfp:!

Wish – So, so happy you were able to get the SA done! Fingers crossed for good results. When will you hear back from them?

Katie – you always have such nice posts. :flower:

Terri – so impressive that you ride a motorcycle. I am terrified of them (well, of other drivers actually)! Happy anniversary!

Moni – I sure hope your IUI worked this month and you won’t even need to worry about IUI or IVF. So jealous about your upcoming vacation. Mine isn’t until August and it feels like a year from now! Although now that I think about it, yours is only a month ahead of mine…. TTC makes the months/years go by way to fast!

Oldermom, I hope your surgery goes well! However, the citrate of magnesia and eating nothing all day sounds miserable!

Kfs1 – sounds like a great weekend!

AFM: Appointment with new OB went well. She seemed very concerend about my DD being over 10lbs, and has promised to not let that happen again. :happydance: I had to call the old OB office this morning to cancel upcoming appointments with them. They were nice as can be until I told them I was changing practices. Oh well.

This weekend we took our DD to the Texas Wildseed Farm in Frederickburg to take pics in the wildflowers (if you are from Texas you get the whole "bluebonnet" picture thing :haha:), and now my allergies hate me. But it was a beautiful day, so I can't complain!
VJean I saw a bunch of Pics online the flowers really are nice this yr we might try to go Friday !!
I got Hot pinkish shirts for the boys :haha:

Glad U R happy w your new Dr that's important!!
Hi Ladies! :flower:

Terri - :sex: time!!!! :happydance:

Sis - why so pricey for the tests? Does your insurance cover it? :shrug:

Smiles - GL!!!! Take care of yourself and baby!

Moni - remember to :sex: during vacation - lots of people conceive that way! :winkwink: I've been hinting to OH for us to take a weekend trip.

VJean - I'm glad you have a new/better doctor now. :thumbup:

AFM, I'm still waiting for the green light on TTC. My HCG was at 146 on Friday, so hopefully one more week until normal. The ultrasound showed that there is still some "pregnancy product" left. My doctor is sending me for another one tomorrow. And OH won't :sex: (even just for fun) until it's all gone. :nope:

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